"Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.
Hey, just reading off what their own site's branch locator says. Me, I'm still upset there's no Steak and Shake in New York.
(checks news)
Or, more increasingly, no Steak and Shake in general.
Speaking of locations, we have Hannity taking marching orders from Trump on yet more text messages.
"You made that last part up, didn't you?"On the afternoon of Election Day, Hannity texted Meadows at 1:36 p.m. to ask about turnout in North Carolina. Two hours later, Meadows responded: “Stress every vote matters. Get out and vote. On radio.”
“Yes sir,” Hannity replied. “On it. Any place in particular we need a push.”
“Pennsylvania. NC AZ,” Meadows wrote, adding: “Nevada.”
“Got it. Everywhere,” Hannity said.
The texts also show the two men debating Trump’s strategy to challenge the election, complaining about Fox, and plotting about what to do after Trump left office – including possibly working together.
“You also need to spend at least half your time doing business with us,” Hannity texted Meadows on December 12. “And I’m serious. Did u ever talk to Fox. I’ve been at war with them.”
“I agree. We can make a powerful team,” Meadows responded. “I did not talk with (Fox News CEO) Suzanne (Scott) because I got tied up with pardons but I will make sure I connect. You are a true patriot and I am so very proud of you! Your friendship means a great deal to me.”
“Feeling is mutual,” Hannity wrote back.
"Oh, your dick tastes soooooo goo--
Sorry, I was distracted by that last Cawthorn video. No, the real issue, of course, is the blatant conspiracy theories based on (checks news) feelings.
I would like to applaud the use of "mathematically impossible" as opposed to "physically impossible". But, of course, there's the bit where he fails my class. If I told my students "You are told XXX has an average of 46% and can only change by 5% or less. It ends up 53%. What happened?" I would expect them to say "You were lied to". Trump's projected winnings were based on wishful thinking and PEOPLE SCREAMING HOW MUCH THEY LOVE TRUMP. They weren't based on actual likely voters. Which we saw in action.Initially after the November 2020 election, Hannity appeared to be all in with Trump’s false election claims. On November 29, he texted Meadows saying he had his team trying to prove election fraud: “I’ve had my team digging into the numbers. There is no way Biden got these numbers. Just mathematically impossible. It’s so sad for this country they can pull this off in 2020. We need a major breakthrough, a video, something.”
Meadows responded, “You’re exactly right. Working on breakthrough.”
“Ok. Would be phenomenal,” Hannity texted back.
Man, for all the complaints and lack of evidence of CNN acting as the "propaganda arm of the Democratic party", it sure seems that Fox Hosts were more than happy to do so for the Trump administration -
And apparently even fighting some battles within Fox -On the afternoon of Election Day, Hannity texted Meadows at 1:36 p.m. to ask about turnout in North Carolina. Two hours later, Meadows responded: "Stress every vote matters. Get out and vote. On radio."
"Yes sir," Hannity replied. "On it. Any place in particular we need a push."
"Pennsylvania. NC AZ," Meadows wrote, adding: "Nevada."
"Got it. Everywhere," Hannity said.
On the election -"You also need to spend at least half your time doing business with us," Hannity texted Meadows on December 12. "And I'm serious. Did u ever talk to Fox. I've been at war with them."
"I agree. We can make a powerful team," Meadows responded. "I did not talk with (Fox News CEO) Suzanne (Scott) because I got tied up with pardons but I will make sure I connect. You are a true patriot and I am so very proud of you! Your friendship means a great deal to me."
"Feeling is mutual," Hannity wrote back.
On the fallout over the attempts to overturn the election -"I've had my team digging into the numbers. There is no way Biden got these numbers. Just mathematically impossible. It's so sad for this country they can pull this off in 2020. We need a major breakthrough, a video, something."
Meadows responded, "You're exactly right. Working on breakthrough."
"Ok. Would be phenomenal," Hannity texted back.
Meadows chatting with Maria Bartiramo, getting interview questions early!"We can't lose the entire WH counsels office. I do NOT see January 6 happening the way he is being told," Hannity said. "After the 6 th. He should announce will lead the nationwide effort to reform voting integrity. Go to Fl and watch Joe mess up daily. Stay engaged. When he speaks people will listen."
Hannity to Meadows on their post-presidency jobs -"Hi the public wants to know he will fight this. They want to hear a path to victory. & he's in control," Bartiromo texted at 9:21 a.m. "1Q You've said MANY TIMES THIS ELECTION IS RIGGED... And the facts are on your side. Let's start there. What are the facts? Characterize what took place here. Then I will drill down on the fraud including the statistical impossibilities of Biden magic (federalist). Pls make sure he doesn't go off on tangents. We want to know he is strong he is a fighter & he will win. This is no longer about him. This is about ????. I will ask him about big tech & media influencing ejection as well Toward end I'll get to GA runoffs & then vaccines."
There's more, but man, this is just a treasure trove of these two-faced shitlords being two-faced shitlords."I've been at war with them all week. We will talk wen I see u," Hannity wrote. "Also if this doesn't end the way we want, you me and Jay are doing 3 things together. 1- Directing legal strategies vs Biden 2- NC Real estate 3- Other business I talked to Rudy. Thx for helping him."
Labor shortage is a problem. The oil industry is down 100k workers from pre-pandemic. The numbers from BLS show that workers were still leaving the sector last quarter.
The oil industry is now competing with Amazon and Target. Wages for warehouse workers have gone up substantially. Oil jobs still pay more than warehouse or retail work, but those sectors are catching up and oil-worker wage gains lag behind overall inflation. Not having to worry about boom/bust cycle is also a perk.
Then there is the nature of the work. We have heard a lot of complaints about Amazon warehouse working conditions. Those are nothing compared to working on a drill rig in West Texas in the summer.
I love it when they say "Mathematically impossible"... despite the fact that, even after you add both Biden and Trump's totals together...you're still only looking at ~66% of eligible voters.
Also, the math would be totally fine with them if Trump and Biden's totals were swapped. Maybe someone needs to tell them that Math doesn't concern itself with political affiliation.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
- H. L. Mencken
Okay I'm reeeeeeeeeeally sorry but...yes, but because they had Trump ahead and Biden behind. Based on those flawed premises, yes, it would have been totally fine. To them.
You're right that the low turnout was a big deal, a real game-changer in this respect. Shame you found in 10 minutes what the GOP didn't realize in 10 months. Wait, not "shame" what's the word...oh, right. Hilarious.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
- H. L. Mencken
you can just tell by the releases of statements from CEO's of these oil companies that they don't care about the workers. all they said was returning capital to shareholders and increasing buybacks and dividends.
Not one of them even brought up workers pay, benefits or conditions.
Even in the earnings statements this quarter it was all about how those 3 things were negatives on the company instead of talking about supporting workers and rewarding them when the companies are doing spectacular.
No wonder they are all leaving
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!
Remember, he just got divorced. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs...wthorn-divorce
She was also Russian, and had a weird meeting for him to get married to her. https://www.salon.com/2021/12/30/mad...heory_partner/
Also there is venmo payments to that scheduler for his "time with him". Just like Matt Gaetz did with that 17 year old.
In which a Republican Senator has to hide himself in public out of fears that his own parties voters will harass him and his family.According to a forthcoming book, Sen. Mitt Romney wears a hat in public to keep from being recognized by supporters of former President Donald Trump.
New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns write in their forthcoming book “This Will Not Pass” that Romney uses the disguise when dining out with his wife Ann in Palm Beach to avoid harassment by supporters of the former president.
Romney’s wife, Ann, told the authors Trump’s grip on the party and the hatred toward Mitt from his supporters gave her severe doubts about whether any of their five sons could ever run for elected office as Republicans.
Romney has received hostile treatment from Republicans who are still loyal to the former president. He was accosted at the Salt Lake City airport by a Trump supporter as he traveled to Washington the day before the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Passengers on the plane mocked him with chants of “traitor,” and Utah Republicans booed him mercilessly when he spoke at last year’s state convention.
Shame there may not be a Romney political dynasty though, guess it ends with Ronna Romney-McDaniel, or Ronna McDaniel as she's shed her family name because it doesn't help her political future.
Republican voters seem like nice people.
Ok, even weirder ... thehill.com is claiming that this guy grabbing Madison's junk is his distant cousin.
Puts all those suggestive Venmo payments they sent to each other in a very strange light.Cawthorn’s scheduler, Stephen Smith, is his distant cousin. Cawthorn described Smith as “the grandson of my grandmother’s sister” in a 2017 deposition related to a lawsuit seeking insurance damages from his car crash – the crash that put him in a wheelchair.
The filed ethics complaint claims THIS is a pic of the two cousins poolside. I can't tell if that's real or not, because you can't really see Madison's face, but JEEZ, that does not look like cousin behavior.
Last edited by solinari6; 2022-04-30 at 12:57 AM.
1> They divorced in less than a year, over "irreconcilable differences". I imagine one of those differences was that Madison sucked more cock than his then-wife.
2> That "staffer" cousin of his? He went on the Cawthorn's honeymoon with them. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...nd-crotch.html
I've got, like, a lot of cousins. Like, 11, if we're just talking first cousins. A lot more if we go to second cousins or "once removed" or whatnot.
That's not normal cousin behaviour. Most of my physical interactions with cousins was either normal hugs of greeting/congratulation, or friendly combat, or sports. Lovingly caressing in the pool? NOOOOPE.
To emphasize; nobody jumping on this stuff about Cawthorn think the actions in question are, themselves, "bad". Well, if he got married to stay closeted and engaged in infidelity without his wife's permission, I guess, that'd be "wrong", but it's wrong because of the betrayal, not who he betrayed her for.
He's getting jumped on because he's such a goddamned self-loathing hypocrite and he's used his anger and hatred at himself as an excuse to lash out and harm innocent people.
If he wants to wear lingerie and suck men's cocks, that's lovely and I wish him the best with that. It's the bigoted abuse we kinda think he should fuck off about.
This is why nobody can trust someone like this. He has two choices for a political party that he can affiliate himself with; one of them is actively against people like himself. He chooses to take active steps to cover up who he is, in order to work in a political party that effectively demands that he does so.
If you're going to do that, how can you possibly be trustworthy in ANYTHING that you do? It speaks to a lack of good thinking, a lack of trustworthyness. It reeks of opportunism. I can see why the Republicans love it, always handy to have leverage over your politicians. But this kind of behaviour should rule people out of political life completely, if for no other reason than the potential for foreign agents blackmailing them.
When challenging a Kzin, a simple scream of rage is sufficient. You scream and you leap.
Originally Posted by George Carlin
Originally Posted by Douglas Adams