I might owe Team Trump an apology. Kinda. I've been mocking them for forgetting that their text messages (various forms) can be picked up, even if deleted, and used as evidence in a Congressional panel, or courtroom.
Well, yeah, that's still foolish of them, but not as uncommon as I'd thought.
Turns out the Secret Service did the same.
We already knew Team Trump was using back-channels since Day One, but for the SS to do this and think it would work?
"Surely operational texts and such are big time security and supposed to be deleted."
I don't get that vibe.
First of all, I was under the impression that, generally speaking, deleting govt records was frowned upon.
Second of all, the fact that the IG is involved suggests this wasn't supposed to happen.
But thirdly of all, these are texts from Jan 5 and 6. You know, kind of a big deal on the calendar if your job is protecting the motherfucking government. These days and by extension the messages sent on those days were a big deal, and should not have been casually wiped, like with a cloth.
Perhaps this is nothing, just a few SS agents deleting what they thought were inappropriate/unprofessional messages. But of course the SS were on the scene, and we've already heard they were at least a little involved steering Trump away from the riot.
Hopefully this can be cleared up. Also, this is the information age. Whatever you do or say, it
will be found.