1. #80161
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    "Riots on the street" was already tried with a poor attempt at insurrection.
    That was clearly a false flag by the feds and their Antifa shocktroops, so it doesn't count.

  2. #80162
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    This Axios article is a pretty good summary piece on the woes of CyberTrump 2077. Most of it is stuff we know: they owe RightForge $1.6 million, DWAC asked their shareholders to put off the purchase for a year, nobody knows who works for them, etc etc.

    A few things they add which I didn't know and therefore I project onto you that you didn't know either:

    1) Trump has 4 million followers. On Twitter, he was pushing 90 million. Axios didn't say how many of either were bots.

    2) He got a million of them since the raid. Worth noting: Musk said Twitter was worth $44 billion. Trump says his media platform is worth $1 billion. Dividing the 88 million followers he had by 44 would be about the pre-raid number. Of course, Trump on his platform very likely has that Tom from MySpace thing going that he was automatically added.

    3) CyberTrump 2077 still isn't available for Android. Axios says that's 44% of US smartphones.

    4) DWAC has almost $300 million in cash. This actually lines up fairly well. The stock surged to over $100 when Trump said he had a billion in funding. It's now about $30, and DWAC has about 30% of a billion. This cash, by law, is in a special trust that can only be used for the DWAC merger, or returned to its clients. I don't think CyberTrump 2077 is worth a billion, and I don't think DWAC thinks it's worth a billion, either.

    If Trump is forced to wait a year before the merger, that means he's not getting the cash yet, because that's how not paying people works. He should be familiar with that. He'll have to use his own money to keep it afloat for a year -- and that's even assuming DWAC doesn't just nope the fuck out of this whole thing.

    And it's been my personal experience that, while media outlets are quoting Trump from his social media platform, they're not generally linking it. Which means they don't think it's viable, either.

    Hey Siri, tell me a joke.

    "Truth Social."

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well, that second judge who suggested she'd be in favor of a "special master", despite Trump's fourth-grade-level legal filing, hasn't ruled yet -- just given her opinion before the DoJ even made their case at all. Hmm. Sounds a little awkward.

    But whatever. We all know how this works: the FBI took everything that might have been a problem, rather than scrutinize literally every scrap of paper on-site, and will return what isn't covered by the warrant. Which is standard practice.

    Of course, it could be weeks bef--

    DOJ: "We're done."

    Wait, what?

    DOJ: "Yeah, remember how the warrant was two weeks ago? We've been doing our jobs this whole time. This isn't DeSantis' voter fraud team made out of tinfoil hatters and police academy dropouts. This is the FBMFI, son, while we're on the clock we get this shit done."

    So...what did you find?

    DOJ: "We did find a limited number of items that could, potentially, be lawyer-client. Naturally we put those aside for further review without reading them, because unlike some people we don't break the rules."

    What about WH Executive Privilege?

    DOJ: "Those were already ours. That's the stuff we were looking for in the first place. We put those in a secure location because it's top fucking secret and classified fucking intelligence and you're not supposed to leave it lying around some random-ass three-star hotel."

    Um...so what now?

    DOJ: "Well we have a filter team for exactly this kind of stuff. Let us know when this 'special master' appears out of thin air and shows up to proofread our work. We'll be over here, catching domestic terrorists and shit. Peace the fuck out."

  3. #80163
    This immunity thing is great.

    *Sarcasm Incoming* This is satire.

    If Trump is correct then Biden has some incredible powers to possibly (sarcasm) take out people who go after Hunter. Now I'm not calling for taking of any life or harm.

    Hunter? This guy might have free range by proxy. I think Hunter can really do some damage and let's just find a nice immunity cloak for Hunter.

    Fascism and worship of some authoritarian is scary. While polling sadly shows not even 60% believe in prosecuting a President who does a crime and our great two party system where one is blocking for Trump, really does give a person a possible God King status if elected President.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  4. #80164

    Trump is demanding an election redo because he didn't listen to the Zuckerberg interview on Joe Rogan, or Zuckerbergs earlier testimony in front of Congress where he said the exact same thing.

    Part of me wants to be like...yeah, go for it. Lose a second time in two years, loser. But alas for him, there's no Constitutional mechanism for this so he'll just have to cry into his small, orange hands.

  5. #80165
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Trump is demanding an election redo because he didn't listen to the Zuckerberg interview on Joe Rogan, or Zuckerbergs earlier testimony in front of Congress where he said the exact same thing.

    Part of me wants to be like...yeah, go for it. Lose a second time in two years, loser. But alas for him, there's no Constitutional mechanism for this so he'll just have to cry into his small, orange hands.
    I know that's not a useful or constructive comment, but from an EU perspective, "how the fuck is this possible" is what comes to mind. And we include Hungary and Poland.

  6. #80166
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demolitia View Post
    I know that's not a useful or constructive comment, but from an EU perspective, "how the fuck is this possible" is what comes to mind.
    He's insane. As the article quotes:

    Trump took to his personal social media platform to complain that the FBI “BURIED THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY BEFORE THE ELECTION knowing that, if they didn’t, ‘Trump would have easily won the 2020 Presidential Election.’” He then wrote that he should be declared the winner of the election — which was decided two years ago — or “and this would be the minimal solution, declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!”
    That's right: just declare him the winner. That's what he wants. To be declared the winner.

  7. #80167
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    He's insane. As the article quotes:

    That's right: just declare him the winner. That's what he wants. To be declared the winner.
    What's puzzling is how such bullshit can be drawn out in courts for so long.

  8. #80168
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demolitia View Post
    I know that's not a useful or constructive comment, but from an EU perspective, "how the fuck is this possible" is what comes to mind. And we include Hungary and Poland.
    If it’s any consolation, trump’s protesting won’t amount to anything. He’s just a sore crybaby. He has no way to affect a re-election or recount or anything of the sort.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  9. #80169
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demolitia View Post
    What's puzzling is how such bullshit can be drawn out in courts for so long.
    We're America, not Cuba or Russia. Even the guilty get every posisble chance.

  10. #80170
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    We're America, not Cuba or Russia. Even the guilty get every posisble chance.
    Still, the amout of possible ludicrous legal alleys he's able to exploit is mind boggling.

  11. #80171
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demolitia View Post
    Still, the amout of possible ludicrous legal alleys he's able to exploit is mind boggling.
    Oh, agreed. Remember that, next time the alt-right suggests hanging someone (a vice president, perhaps) without a trial.

  12. #80172
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Oh, agreed. Remember that, next time the alt-right suggests hanging someone (a vice president, perhaps) without a trial.
    I'll try. I'm not the mob. I often forget stuff.

  13. #80173
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demolitia View Post
    I'll try. I'm not the mob. I often forget stuff.
    We'll find out who's in the mob when Trump is arrested and Graham's riots happen

  14. #80174
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    He's insane. As the article quotes:

    That's right: just declare him the winner. That's what he wants. To be declared the winner.
    They can declare him the winner.....the winner of a big orange thing that looks like a onesie after this is all and done.

  15. #80175
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    They can declare him the winner.....the winner of a big orange thing that looks like a onesie after this is all and done.
    Please, please, make him "honorary president" of Orange County.

  16. #80176
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    If it’s any consolation, trump’s protesting won’t amount to anything. He’s just a sore crybaby. He has no way to affect a re-election or recount or anything of the sort.
    Here soon if he doesn't pay his provider, they will have to cut off his social media network and then he'll have to go back to his, um, I don't know what he would go back to.

  17. #80177
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demolitia View Post
    Please, please, make him "honorary president" of Orange County.
    Please not Orange County, California....

  18. #80178
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Please not Orange County, California....
    Play it right and you might ironically generate disaster tourism off it.

  19. #80179
    "There is no possible way this ends for them other than political persecution": Ben Collins examines responses from far-right Trump supporters to release of redacted copy of Mar-a-Lago search affidavit.

    Vid in link.

    Most of us get this cause we are knee deep in politics. It's about grievance, revenge and punishing the Left, Dems, whoever they don't like. Collins uses the analogy of if they found a dead body in vid (remember Trump saying I can shoot someone). It's not about rule of law or governance. They want fascism.

    This is full 3 minutes of interview.

    "Buh dah DEMS"

  20. #80180
    The Lightbringer tehdang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    You've demonstrated you really don't understand what occurred with Clinton. Multiple posters have pointed out such, and I've yet to see you actually refute them.

    You should stop conflating this with something you clearly don't understand. And yes, it was YOU that brought up Clinton.
    I've described the context and record well enough in depth for any unbiased reader. I'll leave it at that.

    I'm not going to reframe it until you "understand" the rather simple premise I created from the outset.

    So I'll extrapolate it thusly: Trump's actions don't bother you because you feel what democrats are doing is more harmful to America, and that he and any malfeasance he may commit is worth keeping them out.

    Is that an accurate statement?
    I think any claims that Trump's actions aren't important for the reason of Democrats on social issues is wish-casting on the part of Democrats is utterly absurd. The FBI raid on Trump is justified or unjustified on its own terms.

    So yes, you're accusing the FBI of a grand overarching conspiracy, all on the word of Trump.

    And you can't exactly claim that he "didn't have the documents." He very clearly did. It boils down to whether you care that he took the documents. Which you are then giving yourself a pass on caring that Trump had unsecured top secret and otherwise classified documents by claiming "Clinton did something like that."
    Instead, I pointed to documented evidence. I'm glad to hear the previously classified Nunes memo is just another "word of Trump" to you. Which other FBI controversy involving several Republicans, FBI agents or higher-ups, are also another "word of Trump?" Are FISA applications "word of Trump." I want to see how far this extends. To remind you, you're already at FISA applications and memorandum summarizing them being just the word of Trump. But maybe by "word" you meant "public documents" and by "Trump" you meant "multiple FBI agents, a congressman, and a judge."

    Again, you haven't demonstrated you understand the difference between Clinton and Trump's situation. On multiple fronts. By multiple posters. Letting alone the FBI literally saying that their decision with Clinton should not be taken to be universally applicable to someone else who might do something similar.
    I've spoken at their similarities, and dismissing them won't get you out of them.

    Because they asked nicely for the documents that Trump had no right to retain and were denied.

    Because they then issued a subpoena for the documents that Trump had no right to retain and it was ignored.

    So then they raided his home for the documents. Because all other means of obtaining them had failed, and because Trump, former president or not, had no right to have them.

    And nothing Hillary did or Obama did or anyone else did, or your flagrant misunderstanding of what they did, gave him that right.

    So either you're asserting that Trump didn't have the documents in question, or, by merit of being a former president (yes, former, as he's not the "rightful president" regardless of his claims, which I'm sure is a whole other can of worms from Trump you're ignoring,) should have been able to retain them for however long he wanted in any way he saw fit, and he should have expected no recourse for having done so.

    Those are your only two options here.
    This is a narrative that needs confirming in antagonistic court hearings. You're still harping on the logic of "The FBI acted appropriately, which is confirmed because the FBI said it acted appropriately."

    Let me say, that is a very poor defense to "We don't know enough whether or not the use of a raid was justified."

    I don't think you'll care what Trump did no matter what happens.
    Thanks for your opinion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    No, it's not a "decision" it's just plain reality that showed she obviously did less than Trump in this instance, one because she actually did what she was supposed to do and second because once an investigation was done it cleared her. The very fact you keep claiming what she did was worse is solely based on the fact that you're a fan of Republicans and their brand of illegal doings.
    "Did what she was supposed to do" is a really weird way of saying "deleted emails that were the subject of an active subpoena"

    Even if what she did was found to be illegal it still doesn't come close to stealing nuclear secrets and other information that likely got people killed, and that's not even mentioning the casual treason that comes with it.

    For someone that seems to hate analogies you sure have no problem with whataboutism and "but Hillary" for the last week.
    "Even if you're right about everything you just wrote, I'm going to assume that Trump is selling nuclear secrets to foreign adversaries to make this much worse in my fever dream hypothetical."
    "I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

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