Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
So...remember all the times a bunch of us said Trump's lawyers should be in trouble for all the bullshit they tried in court?
Judge sanctions Trump lawyers over handling of ‘frivolous’ lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, DNC
Lawyers who intentionally work for Trump and follow Trump's orders should beware. This is hardly the worst thing that's happened to them.A federal judge on Thursday ordered sanctions against Trump’s attorneys over their handling of a since-dismissed lawsuit brought on Trump’s behalf against his 2016 Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and dozens more defendants.
The sanctioned parties — four attorneys and their two law firms — were ordered to pay a $50,000 court penalty and more than $16,000 in attorney’s fees to one of the named defendants in Trump’s suit.
“[L]egal filings like those at issue here should be sanctioned … both to penalize this conduct and deter similar conduct by these lawyers and others,” Florida-based U.S. District Judge Donald Middlebrooks, an appointee of former President Clinton, wrote in a blistering 19-page order.
Among the 29 defendants Trump sued was Charles Dolan, whom Trump’s lawyers falsely depicted in their suit as a former top Democratic official, a close Clinton ally and a New York resident. The attorneys repeated some of these inaccuracies, despite warnings from Dolan’s lawyers, Middlebrooks said.
According to the judge’s sanctions order, Trump’s suit contained factual assertions that were “either knowingly false or made in reckless disregard for the truth.”
Dolan, a onetime campaign volunteer for Clinton who initiated the sanctions motion against Trump’s attorneys, was awarded $16,274 in legal fees.
Also, remember how Trump had a deadline to respond to that subpoena and it was today? Big surprise, Trump refused to comply and sued instead. Why yes, he is claiming Executive Privilege. Why yes, running for re-election doesn't count. Communications with, say, the Oath Keepers doesn't count.
I don't think the timing has anything to do with the low Republican results in the midterms. I think he waited until the last minute, then stalled again. I wonder what Bannon would say about that? Perhaps Trump could ask during visiting hours.
Yeah, we have been here before. Trump can't create new privilege, he's claiming the old privilege still applies. He's begging the court to say "Biden can't remove Trump's privilege" or the like, in other words, he's asking his packed courts to make new rules that only apply to him.
The forum's (second) favorite lawyer weighs in again.
“Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
Diary of Anne Frank
January 13, 1943
So MSNBC lined up a bunch of FOX News (and similar media) dumping on Trump.
Pointing out that Trump is only now getting the same treatment that any other political loser would have gotten immediately. The MSNBC host names McCain and Romney specifically, but he may as well have mentioned Clinton and Gore. Trump didn't get that treatment...until now.
Now what I'd love to see, but would take a ton of work to do would be: is the current outpouring of desupport of Trump for losing in 2022, more or less than the desupport of Trump on Jan 7th? Is the Republican Party now admitting, in public, that they were willing to support a traitor and a terrorist, as long as he got results?
Eyo that's the dude that can't fuckin stop quoting rappers in all his segments and shit.
Either way it's kinda funny, I wonder if we'll see an endless circuit of speeches to decreasingly small crowds of people who want to listen to grandpa and his best bud talk about that time they threw the touchdown at the homecoming pass in their hometown of 23 people and it was the greatest accomplishment in human history.
He's gonna continue to have a rabid audience, I just hope he causes some chaos for Republicans with it. They signed a fuckin deal with the devil, which is oh so fitting for them as a party given their positions, lol.
Sorry but while those damages might be significant to the defendant getting payed, I highly doubt a lawyer is going to be worried about a small monetary fine.
Call me when they start getting disbarred. Until then the risk of Trump not paying them is going to be a bigger deterrent then possible sanctions.
It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death
The fine isn't a big deal. But the judgment itself is a legal red flag warning.
So, Trump went on his usual late night complain-a-thon about stuff. However, this time, he was pretty charged up about something. Complaining that someone stole an electron in Arizona. Blake Masters must be upset he is one electron short now.
‘They Stole The Electron!’ Trump Goes on Late Night Rage Binge Over Arizona Races Called After Maricopa Update
Ex-president Donald Trump has been livid over the midterm elections, in which his candidates fared poorly and Gov. Ron DeSantis did very well.
Trump threw several tantrum non-tweets up on his Truth Social account on Friday as results came in and races were called or projections were made. His first trigger was when CNN, the AP, and other media including Decision Desk projected Democrat incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly has defeated Trump-endorsed and promoted Republican Blake Masters.
In his first post-Masters post, Trump decreed “Do Election over again!”
The reason? They stole his candidate’s, um, electron.
“This is a scam and voter fraud, no different than stuffing the ballot boxes,” said Trump of wait times and problems with some voting machines. Which errors he posits were at a quantum level, saying “They stole the Electron from Blake Masters.”
That’s a serious (cough) charge.
Trump then went ballistic on Sens. Mitch McConnell and Lisa MurkowsKi.
And then on to short outbursts as the hour got later.
Trump then went on to twee — err, post on Truth Social about his daughter’s Saturday wedding at Mar-a-Lago.
Arizona results are still coming in, but several races had projected winners on Friday, including Democrats Mark Kelly, Adrian Fontes, and Greg Stanton.
I’m sure he’ll have evidence of that election fraud aaaaaany minute now.
Fascinating how keyed into the electoral process of Arizona trump must be to have access to the relevant polling information, knowledge of a grand election conspiracy, considerable evidence of its extent, all but three days after Election Day and before the votes are even finished being tallied and despite trump holding no political position anywhere in the country, let alone in Arizona.
Oh, wait, no, he’s just lying.
Oh, let’s see here… @tehdang @D3thray @Linkedblade what are your thoughts on Trump’s completely made up outrage over this completely made up situation?
Do you feel that this blind outrage and flagrant lying is befitting of a politician? Do you feel that these lies are potentially harmful to a functioning democracy? Do you feel it’s worth your time and effort supporting and defending a party led by a moron like this?
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
11/11/22 has been a day for the history books.
Twitter fake accounts caused the market to lose tons of money. Musk and Twitter are imploding.
Trump and the GOP are having a HARD breakup. Republicans perhaps finally doing a bit of introspection? Doubtful. They didnt abandon him with the violent insurrection. They abandonned him because his image is a liability to their power. No soul searching at all. Just more naked power coveting.
“Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
Diary of Anne Frank
January 13, 1943
What I'd love to see, if Trump piss off enough Republicans, that the next time the Jan 6th Committee comes out to do something, you see House Republican Leader Jebadiah Forsutohavakid stop, think for a moment about things, then go "Right, carry on." and get the fuck out of the way.
speaking of Trump's lawyers needing lawyers
has there been any news on what punishment Sidney Powell is gonna face for skipping on that grand jury subpoena back in Sept?
"Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.
It has not been a great week for them. Sidney Powell wanted her Wisconsin sanctions tossed. She failed.
Giuliani's not doing so hot either.A U.S. appeals court on Wednesday said Wisconsin can pursue attorney misconduct sanctions against Donald Trump ally Sidney Powell despite her objection that a panel of judges had no authority to hear the state's case.
The Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in a brief order rejected Powell's bid to quickly dismiss Wisconsin's appeal of a lower court order denying sanctions. The state sought to punish attorney Powell over a lawsuit she filed on behalf of a Wisconsin voter alleging Democrat Joe Biden won a fraudulent presidential election in 2020.
OANN isn't doing any better.In March, a Manhattan judge advanced Smartmatic’s lawsuit against the Fox Corporation, Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dobbs, and Giuliani, who succeeded in dismissing only some of the counts against him. Jeanine Pirro and Sidney Powell were able to scuttle the lawsuit against them entirely.
On Wednesday, the judge agreed to revive one of the counts that Giuliani had successfully dismissed. That count alleged that Giuliani defamed the company by claiming that their “election technology was designed and used to fix, rig and steal elections.”
“Since such a defamatory statement impugns the basic integrity of SUSA’s business, ‘an action for defamation lies and injury is conclusively presumed,'” Manhattan Supreme Court Justice David Cohen wrote in a seven-page ruling.
Smartmatic filed its $2.7 billion lawsuit in February 2021, accusing Fox of engaging in a “disinformation campaign, which has damaged democracy worldwide and irreparably harmed Smartmatic and other stakeholders who contribute to modern elections.”
It's been a busy week. "Minor" headlines like these got swept away by the red wave.Voting company Dominion Voting Systems’ defamation lawsuit against One America News Network (OANN) can move forward, a judge ruled Monday, as Dominion and rival company Smartmatic pursue a dozen defamation lawsuits over baseless election fraud claims about their voting machines.
Dominion’s lawsuits against Powell, Lindell and Giuliani aren’t likely to go to trial until late 2023 or early 2024, based on a schedule the judge set, and the exact trial date won’t be known until at least July. Dominion’s lawsuit against Fox News will go to trial in April 2023, and Nichols set a scheduling order in Smartmatic’s OANN lawsuit suggesting it won’t go to trial until at least fall 2024. It’s still unclear when the other defamation cases will move forward to a trial.
These two statements are in direct opposition. Trump, leader of a major political party, claimed without evidence that there was election fraud. By refusing to condemn such a claim, you are, in fact, taking Trump's side, much like someone witnessing a robbery or rape and not calling for help. Silence is complicity, and you were asked directly. You refused to answer.
Also can't help but notice Kale didn't say you were a Republican, only asked your opinion, which clearly differs from his. So your claims about political party can only be viewed as deflection. Which, in turn, sounds like defending Trump. So, yes, it sure sounds like you are a Republican to me, because it sounds like you're a Trump defender by virtue of refusing to condemn his behavior.
Now, would you care to give it a second try? Because this here, that may not have been the answer you wanted to say, but it is the answer you did say.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
Last edited by Kaleredar; 2022-11-13 at 05:33 AM.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
It wasn't Trump that lost them the midterms. It was their stance on abortion which is not shared by much of their own voters let alone conservative-leaning independents. It was also the party allow for extremist clown candidates, candidates that have been common among the GOP before well before Trump. The Democrats should absolutely turn this narrative that is rapidly forming and is scapegoating Trump for what is a failure of a major part of the Republican policy and their platform. Obviously let the GOP keep blaming each other but their message should be firm that it's all their fault, not just his.