1. #82121
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Oh boy, I do wonder if them finding other classified documents stolen by Trump would be enough cause to get a warrant to search like, every Trump property? You know, just in case?
    Well it would. If tRump was an average citizen and the U.S. wasn't a clown country.
    Garland might come out of hiding and say "no one is above the law" and then do nothing.

  2. #82122

    The documents allegedly made their way into the storage unit as part of a 3,000-pound transport of miscellaneous items shipped from Virginia to Florida. It was full of “suits and swords and wrestling belts and all sorts of things,” a source told the Post, who asserted Trump had likely never even been to the unit.
    Rofl, this shit is dumber and dumber.

  3. #82123
    Quote Originally Posted by zorkuus View Post
    Well it would. If tRump was an average citizen and the U.S. wasn't a clown country.
    Garland might come out of hiding and say "no one is above the law" and then do nothing.
    If Trump was an average citizen every location remotely connected to him would have been raided as soon as they found out any classified documents were missing
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  4. #82124
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    If Trump was an average citizen every location remotely connected to him would have been raided as soon as they found out any classified documents were missing
    Well that too. And orange face would've been taken into custody on day one of the theft being discovered.

  5. #82125
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Rofl, this shit is dumber and dumber.
    So...Trump declassified something with telepathy, never told anyone, threw them in an unsecured building, and forgot about them?

    That should take the jury, what, seven seconds to convict?

  6. #82126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    So...Trump declassified something with telepathy, never told anyone, threw them in an unsecured building, and forgot about them?

    That should take the jury, what, seven seconds to convict?
    Ah but it has to be "a jury of his peers" so they'd (his lawyers) probably try and find only Presidents or something, but there aren't enough to make a full jury, so they'll move to dismiss the case.

  7. #82127
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    Ah but it has to be "a jury of his peers" so they'd (his lawyers) probably try and find only Presidents or something, but there aren't enough to make a full jury, so they'll move to dismiss the case.
    I know you're being sarcastic, but the 11th stomped on that, too.

  8. #82128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I know you're being sarcastic, but the 11th stomped on that, too.
    Gasp! How dare they?! And what did they offer instead, hmmm? A jury of filthy, unwashed peasants? The "normal" people? The MIDDLE CLASS? I'm feeling faint just thinking about it! /s

  9. #82129
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Rofl, this shit is dumber and dumber.
    20-30 years from now, some fucking storage hunter is going to get really fucking lucky lmao. One day, Trump will die and when it comes times to pay the storage bill, it will be classified as junk and whichever Trump is now refusing to pay the bills is going to lose a storage unit at auction.

  10. #82130
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    Quote Originally Posted by fwc577 View Post
    One day, Trump will die
    I mean, I hope this isn't soon -- he hasn't been arrested yet. But I'm quite convinced that his family, knowing how dangerous Trump is, is already planning to do the "broke mafia guy pretending to be rich" version of scouring his browser of porn history.

  11. #82131
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Yeah, Team Trump is going to try to play the victim card when those properties get tossed. "But we looked! We offered the FBI the chance to watch us look! Why won't the FBI take our word for it that we looked? I mean, besides the fact that we said we looked at Mar-a-Lago and then they still found enough pages to fuel Tom Clancy for another three years?"

    I'm not joking, this reads like Trump knows he's going to get raided. I'm...honestly not sure why they'd go to the FBI and admit they were looking in other places, because that will defeat the defense of "there weren't any in other places" or else why look? I'm honestly mystified why they wouldn't just search in secret, and take whatever Trump stole and either anonymously return it, hide it in a non-Trump property, or burn it.

    And this isn't even a public statement, this was a source who hates Trump so much they're confidenting to CNN. So I don't even have faith in my "victim card" excuse.

    @Templar 331 is correct, this isn't in good faith, but it's still a dumb move. Why even admit there's a chance Trump still has more stolen items? Unless, of course, you know they're going to be found anyhow, in which case, why let the FBI look?

    - - - Updated - - -

    See, I don't believe that. Not only does the FBI generally speaking not take criminals at their word, they know Trump specifically told them they looked and found everything. Even if the FBI humored him by observing the search, they'd only be taking notes of which rooms to comb through later with 46 armed agents and cheeto-seeking dogs.
    Oh, I am sure the FBI will get warrants if they wanted them. Just pointing out the fact that the moment you consent to a search, you cannot complain about them, well, searching.

  12. #82132

    House Rep. Paul Gosar, a cowards and a lover of dicktators, has deleted his tweet explicitly endorsing Trump's call to eliminate the Constitution.

  13. #82133
    Thompson says Jan. 6 committee report will be released Dec. 21

    . Bennie Thompson, chair of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, said Wednesday that the panel's long-awaited report will be released on Wednesday, Dec. 21.

    Thompson said the report's release would be coupled with some form of public presentation, the details of which are still being sorted out by committee members.

    The report and accompanying materials will be posted online, Thompson said.

    He also said that any decisions regarding potential criminal referrals will come the same day, and will be voted on publicly.

    Thompson indicated on Tuesday that criminal referrals related to the Capitol attack were under discussion, but that final decisions -- including on specific crimes and specific suspects -- had not been made pending a vote by committee members.

  14. #82134
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    Jared Kushner under investigation by two committees for "improperly influencing U.S. tax, trade and national security policies”.

    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  15. #82135
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    Jared Kushner under investigation by two committees for "improperly influencing U.S. tax, trade and national security policies”. https://www.washingtonpost.com/polit...probe-bailout/
    Might explain the frigid cold Ivanka has been giving her hubby. Or so it appears.

  16. #82136

    In which Rep. Paul Gosar's spokesperson says that both Gosar and Trump actually really love the Constitution and the two of them weren't at all calling for its elimination and if you thought they were because you read the words they wrote/said, which explicitly supported eliminating the Constitution, you're a low IQ person.

    This has big, "I'm in the 80th percentile!" vibes to it.

  17. #82137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    This has big, "I'm in the 80th percentile!" vibes to it.
    Gosar stands by his tweet so much, he deleted it.

  18. #82138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    House Rep. Paul Gosar, a cowards and a lover of dicktators, has deleted his tweet explicitly endorsing Trump's call to eliminate the Constitution.
    Should be impeached, given that it's a blatant violation of the oath of office these dipshits pledge on day one of the job.

  19. #82139
    The only favorable reading I can make of the 'termination' sentance is that he means letting the 'fraudulent election' stand means that all this is tossed out (as in, the democrats doing it). That said, it doesn't flow with the context of the rest of the tweet.

    Also is there some new republican BS about there being fraud (that wasn't actually trump-favoring), or is trump just running out of ideas and going back to the same ideas aain?

  20. #82140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myradin View Post
    Also is there some new republican BS about there being fraud (that wasn't actually trump-favoring), or is trump just running out of ideas and going back to the same ideas aain?
    I have seen no new allegations of new fraud other than Kari Lake. And in this context, I think yes, Trump is still butthurt about 2020.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So many people are saying that Trump is doing nothing but stalling.

    The DOJ agrees. They are now asking the court in the Mar-a-Lago case to fine Team Trump for refusing to comply with mandatory timelines.

    From the looks of things, Team Trump has failed to set up an official guardian of records who will say "We looked, that's everything". Now that lawyer Bobb said "We looked, that's everything that I know of" in May, and nothing has happened since, and the DOJ is now responding six months later with "that's not good enough and we all know it".

    You'd think this would be tied to the recent Trump property searches we just heard about, but if they searched and found nothing, you'd think they'd have someone say that. (Again, I don't think it'll work, but at least they wouldn't also be in contempt).

    Now, here's where three things run into each other at full speed.

    One: Trump is already on backups of his backup lawyers. They don't want to be fined for failing to have a custodian of records, especially when it's Trump's fault they don't have one. It just means their weak case is a weaker case, but also, they're being paid negative money for it.

    Two: Trump refuses to put forth a custodian of records, and nobody wants that job. Simply put, nobody is going to say "Your Honor, I swear under oath on the record that the FBI and DOJ have everything now." Nobody believes Trump is telling the truth, and they found shit in an unguarded storage crate over the last week.

    So, they don't want to be fined for refusing to comply, but Trump isn't giving them the ability to comply. Which brings me to:

    Three: Charges filed.

    I think there's a good chance the lawyers still working for Trump might say "fuck this, I'm out", but I also think there's a chance they'll throw one of their own to the wolves. "Maybe they won't find anything else, Bob," they'll tell Bob, "so just be a team player, say that's everything, and I'm sure it'll all be fine. If nothing else, we'll stop being charged fines for contempt."

    I meant what I said earlier about the FBI not taking Trump at his word. I think there's more stuff missing and I think the FBI is going to go hunting for it.

    If they find it, Bob goes to jail. Perjury. Done. Slamming door, clank sound, harmonica.

    But, and this is a last resort but look where we'd be at that point, the DoJ could finally say "Trump has now stalled for over a year and lied to us by proxy over and over. A systematic, far-reaching, conspiratory attempt to avoid turning over those stolen items, even faced by subpoenas. That's obstruction. We are now filing obstruction of justice charges against Trump himself."

    Even FOX News is cautiously looking in this direction. There's more to the story, but the filing is sealed, and we only have this because someone talked to WaPo.

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