MMOC's second favorite lawyer.
MMOC's second favorite lawyer.
“Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
Diary of Anne Frank
January 13, 1943
So FOX News reported on the Twitter Files' third iteration in which--
"Wait, those are still going on?"
"How come nobody's mentioned them?"
Because...there's nothing there? In this third part, for example, FOX News just kind of lists the items with no commentary because there's nothing really to comment on to further a pro-Trump anti-Biden message. If anything, it shows Twitter being professional and showing restraint.
The person releasing these Twitter Files, Taibbi, is doing their best to paint a negative picture, but not even FOX News is buying it. For example, Taibbi claims that Twitter showed eroding the time between Oct 2020 and Jan 6th. During which Twitter started cracking down on objectively false statements and baseless claims of fraud. There are also released internal messages basically asking why Trump was allowed to break the rules for as long as he did without any action taken. One message Dec 10 Trump posted, and yes he was in full "election was stolen" mode, wasn't even hit with the same force as any tinfoil hat wearer would have gotten.
Then, and this is my favorite part, Taibbi talks about Twitter meeting with the FBI. And, yes, the topic of Hunter Biden's laptop did come up.
"So the FBI was working with Twitter to silence Trump!"
I think that's what Taibbi is trying to imply, yes, but let's not forget, this was Trump's FBI. And they still didn't do anything. It might have something to do with the First Amendment, actually, Twitter is a private company and they weren't breaking any laws. In any event, they knew, and they did nothing. On Trump's watch.
The Twitter Files are a flop. Attempts to scare people with terms like "secret blacklist" just flat-out aren't working. My crazy redneck cultist Alabama relatives haven't even mentioned the second or third yet.
Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.
I half disagree. They will push the narrative and shout louder and louder when they find nothing. It will find nothing, but they won't be quiet about it.
Speaking of not being quiet, this source is super biased but I couldn't pass up the headline Trump Rages In 4-Hour Long Truth Social Tirade
Yes, that's Trump declaring that the two most sinister acts in history, were both against his campaigns.Trump is not having a good week, not a tall a tall. Jack Smith is the reason why. Smith’s latest victory is the ruling of the 11th Circuit to end Trump’s Special Master and allow all the items seized from Trump to return to the investigatory powers of the Department of Justice. Trumpty Dumpty doesn’t like that. He says everything belongs to him and he’s screaming, literally all caps screaming, that he wants it back and right now.
In history. Both against him.
"Which lives were destroyed?"
He didn't name names. The best example I could guess is Paul Whelan, whom Trump called out by name as the prisoner that should have been exchanged instead of a sarcastic fake censorship who hates America. And even that didn't work.
Oh, that's right, Trump could have acted on this personally but didn't. It's as disingenuous as running the country into the ground during a lethal pandemic then blaming Biden for the spending he did. During which, as a reminder, Trump's anti-vaxx "just huff bleach and iverpectin" were likely responsible for hundreds of thousands of redneck unvaccinated deaths.The brother of Paul Whelan, a former US Marine who has been jailed in Russia since 2018, criticized former President Donald Trump for only addressing his brother's imprisonment to attack President Joe Biden.
David Whelan said on Twitter that Trump has mentioned his brother's "wrongful detention more in the last 24 hours than he did in the 2 years of his presidency," which he said was "zero."
So I will just go ahead and call "lived destroyed" a lie. This is where I normally cite Trump supporters, but tehdang isn't one anymore, and everyone else has long since fled, sticking him with the check, as it were. So I don't have anyone to "at" and call them out. I wonder, if they've been gone for months and months, can I still call them a bunch of chickenshit pussies with Jell-O backbones that would rather side with a proven traitor than admit they made a mistake? Not you tehdang you actually answered a direct question...eventually, but you answered it. I'm talking about your colleagues. Well, former colleagues.
That said, this CyberTrump 2077 post looks a lot like those Twits he used to is it fair to ask, say, tehdang about behavior which is consistent with the behavior he was siding with before? I mean, tehdang was a proven, solid Trump supporter for years while this kind of unhinged ALL CAPS ragefest was common. You know what, no, even tehdang is now saying Trump is unhinged, implying (he can correct me if I'm wrong) that he intentionally voted for an unhinged individual, twice, because of his recently reaffirmed pro-life status. You know what, that's enough. That admission is enough for me.
Speaking of learning from their mistakes, Trump attacks Jewish leaders for 'lack of loyalty' amid fallout from controversial dinner with 'deranged antisemite' Kanye West and white supremacist Nick Fuente
" is that learning from any mistakes?"
It isn't. Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?
" it Trump?"
It's Trump.
Because he won't be banned from there.Trump made the comment on Truth Social
Trump seems to have no interest in going quietly. The only good news he's had in months is the judge not holding him in contempt...this time. And even that was overshadowed by some sealed court hearing the same day that had all the lawyers leaving the courtroom by the back door and not answering questions.while linking to an article in The Gateway Pundit by Wayne Allyn Root, a Jewish conservative commentator, who defended Trump over the Mar-a-Lago dinner.
"How quickly Jewish Leaders forgot that I was the best, by far, President for Israel," Trump wrote. "They should be ashamed of themselves. This lack of loyalty to their greatest friends and allies is why large numbers in Congress, and so many others, have stopped giving support to Israel."
Trump is toxic to his party and dangerous to the country. The GOP is refusing to take an emetic to flush him out of their system, but it is nice to know a few of them are drinking coffee and eating hot wings, hoping that, eventually, the problem sorts itself out in the end.Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem said in a statement that the hearing concerned “an ongoing and sealed grand jury matter” that remains under seal.
It was not immediately clear what the outcome of the proceedings were. The Washington Post, relying on anonymous sources, reported on Thursday that the Justice Department had earlier asked Howell to hold Trump's office in contempt for failure to fully comply with a May subpoena that sought the return of classified documents in his possession. The department also wants the Trump team to appoint a custodian of records who could attest that all classified documents have been returned, according to the Post.
exactly, they successfully suck Hillary's run for President with a dozen investigations so people thought "surely there must be something wrong there" even when they never found a thing.
They are just repeating what worked in the past. Throw so much shit their opponent will smell regardless of what actually happened.
It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death
That's a good point. I didn't think of Roosevelt, because his comeback didn't end in a victory, but that doesn't mean it wasn't successful; I wasn't aware he'd done that well - it seems that he certainly qualifies are more that "just" a spoiler.
If Republicans were capable of self-awareness, they wouldn't be Republicans - rejection of self-awareness and empathy is pretty much a prerequisite. (They're self-selecting, like Nigerian Prince email scam victims.)
Last edited by ringpriest; 2022-12-11 at 10:35 PM.
"For the present this country is headed in directions which can only carry ruin to it and will create a situation here dangerous to world peace. With few exceptions, the men who are running this Government are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere. Others are exalted and in a frame of mind that knows no reason."
- U.S. Ambassador to Germany, George Messersmith, June 1933
The problem is that they aren't actually attacking Joe Biden here, and the "narrative" isn't a clear, easy-to-define knee-jerk that can turn people against him.
In the case of Twitter, they're attacking... Twitter. In the case of the Laptop, they're attacking Biden's son. The "twitter clusterfuck" news space is dominated by the latest nonsense Musk is doing, while the narrative around Hunter Biden's laptop is extremely murky... did he have illegal content on the laptop? Is it nudes of him? Is it secret, nefarious ties to Ukraine?
The Benghazi outrage narrative was a simple "Hillary Clinton caused Americans to die, don't vote for Hillary Clinton or she'll get Americans killed." So easy to understand and overreact to that the simplest redneck bumpkin could understand it, be outraged by it, and hop in their dilapidated pickup to go vote for Trump.
But "Biden's son left a laptop somewhere that maybe has like illegal porn on it or maybe pictures of him nude or like I think there might have been something about Ukraine and therefore Biden can't be trusted because if he is reelected then... other laptops will... also have... illegal Ukraine ties..." is not something people can latch on to. They haven't been able to so far.
The GOP haven't driven a single, clear narrative with this whole laptop thing every time they've tried bringing it up, so they've confused the whole thing beyond the simplicity that outrage bait requires.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
What was so "incriminating" about buttery males was the unknown. She could've had ANYTHING in those emails! Proof of illegal criminal activity? Yep, it was there. Proof she was involved in killing JFK? You know it. Evidence she puts milk in the bowl BEFORE she adds cereal? Absolutely. Anything the mind can conjure up she was guilty of. The same will be applied to the laptop.
But the laptop didn't bear fruit in 2020, and it didn't bear fruit in 2022, and boy howdy did they try it. And again, they're not even attacking Joe Biden directly with this stuff.
Every time they retread it out, it becomes more tired and more confused. I have no doubt they'll continue trying it. But it's the nothingburger that continues to prove it's a nothingburger.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
It didn't bear fruit because the "corrupt do-nothing Democrats controlled the house and protected him." Once Republicans control it you can expect investigations up the wazoo. Once those prove pointless it will be determined that he was actually guilty but was protected by his father. After all, innocent people aren't investigated (unless you're Trump. They forget that part). So then not only will Hunter be guilty, but his father too, and they'll have even more reason to be upset because the "Biden crime family" got away with it. Much like the Emails, the laptop is a good scapegoat because boomers don't understand and fear technology. The whole thing is terrible and predictable, but the average American is the kind of moron that doesn't read beyond article headlines... so naturally it will work.
They're never gonna actually convict over anything. The idea that the Bidens are being protected by the Democrats despite their "crimes" is so much more useful to the Republicans as an ongoing bit of chum to feed to their base than any kangaroo court prosecution and conviction could ever be. They'll fearmonger and enrage about the lie, and the moment it comes to actually doing anything, they'll find an excuse not to and blame the Dems for it.
FOX News is the only one covering the "Twitter Files". Everyone else, except Trump, has lost interest.
Once again, with good reason. The latest release? Twitter enforced the rules because people asked them to. That's it. I mean, the author of this "bombshell" (eyeroll) call out, as evidence, Michelle Obama's public tweet.
This is your big conspiracy evidence? I saw that tweet when it happened, because Chrissy Teigen saw it and I follow her. (I made my Twitter account to follow Teigen when Trump blocked her)
The only other issue worth noting, is apparently one employee wasn't a fan of the Trump ban, saying it was a "slippery slope". Which I point out now that Musk is banning people who say mean things about him. Enforcing the listed rules is not a slippery slope. As we saw, Trump tweeted plenty before that which would have gotten anyone else banned. One employee's concerns only show the decision wasn't monolithic, not that it was wrong.
"If this is such a nothingburger, why are you posting about it?"
Because it's Hunter Biden's laptop, version 2. Besides the fact that Trump will likely spout another ALL CAPS ragefest that even people claiming not to be Trump supporters but really are have said are insane...this is the best Team Trump has. And it's nothing.
The grand "conspiracies" that the Democrats, the Bidens, the Clintons and the left have been committing? Nothing.
It's sad. It's pathetic. It's deplorable.
The big conspiracy Joe Biden has been committing has been the conspiracy that someone can be a caring person and not do it for personal gratification. To Trump, his family and company, they literally are unable to process that other than it has to be bad.
Don't get me wrong here, Biden has done some really terrible things in the past with legislation when he was in the House and a Senator but as far as the laptop goes and Twitter, it is literally him just wanting to help his son and care for him.
Once again, it's time for Guess the Speaker!
"Wait, did he say he organized the whole thing and literally follow it saying IF he organized the whole thing?"Then Jan. 6 happened. And next thing you know, I organized the whole thing, along with Steve Bannon here. And I will tell you something, if Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, it would’ve been armed.
See that’s the whole joke, isn’t it. They say that whole thing was planned and I’m like, are you kidding me? A bunch of conservatives, second amendment supporters, went in the Capitol without guns, and they think that we organized that?
"Ah, then it's MTG."
Correct. Trump is still head of the Republican Party by their own choosing, but MTG is still their cheerleader, and saying that the insurrection attempt which has already gotten hundreds arrested, some for sedition, should have been armed.
EDIT: We have an update. Greene is now claiming she was being sarcastic.
Considering there's video of the whole thing, which was behind closed doors at a GOP gathering, I'm just going to say she's lying.
I guess announcing that kind of twisted hypothetical isn't a crime, kind of like how me claiming to bang Graham's wife isn't really adultery, but boy is that virtue signalling that she's one of the worst people to serve as an elected official.
- - - Updated - - -
So the J--
So, it...he's done, right? Okay. It seems like only two people read the Twitter files, FOX News and Trump. I would like to point out that the only Trump supporter we have left -- tehdang pretended he wasn't, but that lasted about 24 hours -- calls messages like this insane. Especially the only two words that weren't in ALL CAPS."This was ELECTION INTERFERENCE. THE DISINFORMATION WAS COMING FROM THE FBI AND FACEBOOK. IT WAS COMING FROM ADAM SCHIFF AND DEMOCRATIS OPERATIVE. THIS WAS A VERY DAMAGING STORY TO BIDEN BEFORE THE ELECTION, AND THEY WERE GOING TO KILL IT." BOTTOM LINE: THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED AND STOLEN! MIRANDA DEVINE AS INTERVIEWED BY MARK LEVIN. AMAZING!!!
"Who is Miranda DeVine?"
Not a name I know either. Turns out, she's yeah, never once voted for Trump I'm assuming...and pushes articles like same-sex marriage is "political tool to undermine the last bastion of bourgeois morality - the traditional nuclear family" and faulted Australia for not raking their forests, no really. Evidently she wrote a "love letter" to Trump in 2020 which he retweeted, including her email address and...yeah, you can guess what happened next.
"Pelosi and the troops?"
Already covered ad trumpian. Pelosi didn't have that authority. Trump did, and he refused.
"Schiff called Twitter?" I admit I kinda skimmed the most recent FOX News article on the Twitter files, but Schiff's name wasn't there. Maybe it was in a DeVine article but you can guess how I feel about her as a source.
I'll also point out the continued irony of Trump claiming the FBI arranged election fraud by telling Twitter to clamp down on things. First, I haven't yet seen proof they did, only messages saying they stopped by. Two, it was Barr/Trump's FBI, so the calls are coming from inside the White House. But third and most importantly, I have yet to see a single meaningful difference between what Trump is claiming happened (if it did or not), and what we know happened with Trump, Russia, and the 2016 election. We know Trump asked Russia for help and Russia pumped the US full of misinformation.
"I can think of one."
You again!
"How many voices are in your head, anyhow?"
"The difference is that, even if everything Trump says is underselling it, government officials would make that a First Amendment violation, not election fraud. By contrast, Trump willingly sided with a hostile foreign power: Putin. Even in 2016, siding with Putin was so, well, deplorable that even Trump hid the Trump Tower meeting and lied about it when it was revealed. But Trump could have sided with anyone from Margaret Thatcher to Fidel Castro and it would still be a foreign power. Say what you want about Pelosi, Schiff, Trump's FBI and the Obamas, but they are all 100% American. Trump is, as per usual, pushing a hypocritical argument in which what we know he did is worse than what he accuses others of doing."
"Trump's most ardent defenders, on or off these forums, are being asked by Trump to say Pelosi is worse than Putin. In 2022, deep into the Ukraine war."
Well, okay then.
There's more to the story, of course. Fourth, Trump seems to think the Jan 6th panel should be looking at election fraud, which was never their role in any way, other than Jan 6th was caused by Trump pushing lies about election fraud. It's not their job. Fifth, Trump himself investigated election fraud and lost every court case except one technicality. If there was evidence, not even people who wanted to find it found it. Sixth, the Hunter Biden laptop story apparently wasn't that damaging, considering everyone knew about it and Trump still lost the election fairly and legally. Hell, we were talking about it. Here's a quote from @DocSavageFan from Oct 19, 2020:
DSF was quoting Ratcliffe and, yeah, it did not go well for him. I can't quote it directly because MMO-C doesn't let you quote from closed threads but this link will take you there. I can also point out that DocSavageFan and Ratcliffe are heavily outnumbered by actual experts, and we knew that at the time as well as now.FYI, the Director of National Intelligence thinks otherwise:
“It’s funny that some of the people who complain the most about intelligence being politicized are the ones politicizing the intelligence. Unfortunately, it is Adam Schiff who said the intelligence community believes the Hunter Biden laptop and emails on it are part of a Russian disinformation campaign.”
“Let me be clear: the intelligence community doesn’t believe that because there is no intelligence that supports that. And we have shared no intelligence with Adam Schiff, or any member of Congress.”
Has...has anyone seen him? Other than one post May 2021 about (not lying) Maricopa saying "Believe what you want to believe...disregard the rest", okay, he vanished Nov 11, 2020 responding to "Biden is your President" with "Perhaps, we'll see.". Then, silence. Huh. I hope he's okay.
So yes, Hunter Biden's laptop was well-known at the time. Trump still lost, fairly and legally.
But maybe Trump's having a tantrum because he's got a lot on his plate. Dude's 300 pound easy. But he's also busy. And who better to know about Trump's life than his biographer?
And just to drive that point home, breaking news, the "special master" issue is now resolved.Speaking with host Ali Velshi, Tim O'Brien, author of TrumpNation: The Art of Being the Donald, was asked about the onslaught of legal woes the former president is facing.
"I think Donald Trump completely recognizes he has existential threats in front of him, Ali," O'Brien replied. "I think there is this myth that has developed around Trump that he escapes everything, that he can't be touched and he not only has nine lives, but he has 18."
"The reality is he has never had these intense purposeful investigations on his doorstep in multiple jurisdictions with very serious consequences attended to all of them," he continued. "The Manhattan district attorney's case, that may have other dimensions to it, but even if all we get out of that is this recent fraud conviction against the company and a fine that the company can easily digest, there still are these other titanic prosecutions staring at him."
"The New York state attorney general could put the Trumps out of business permanently in the state of New York," he added. "The Justice Department, should they indict Donald Trump on criminal charges, he could end up in jail. Do I think it will go there? I don't know. But he is very aware of it."
Which means Trump's odds of ending up in prison...okay they didn't change, the "special master" wasn't going to do anything anyhow. But they sure didn't improve.On Monday morning, U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon followed orders handed down from a federal appellate court and dismissed the lawsuit in its entirety.
The case, which only lasted a little over three months, was remarkable in the way it showed how this South Florida federal judge entertained the former president’s novel legal theories—all in the service of attempting to slow down a potential criminal indictment that threatens his return to power.
From her private chambers in Fort Pierce, Florida, Cannon dismissed the case by acknowledging she lacked jurisdiction to ever entertain it.
The one page order and its extremely brief explanation, “dismissed for lack of jurisdiction,” completely unraveled the 24-page screed she issued in September—one that shocked the legal profession because of the unprecedented way she justified inserting herself into an ongoing Department of Justice investigation.
Last edited by Breccia; 2022-12-12 at 07:07 PM.
@Breccia @Edge-
This is the introduction, but apparently they are going to post all the texts between Mark Meadows, the Oathkeepers, senators, congressman, and everyone else that tried to get to Trump from the election til after the Jan 6th insurrection.
Hmm. Won't that be interesting. I don't know if Meadows will say "I have Trump's permission to arrange a murderous insurrection" but Meadows being dragged to court will still be a massive result.
- - - Updated - - -
Special counsel subpoena's Raffensperger. And some other close 2020 states. So far, it sounds like he's only asking for some documents, seemingly communications with Team Trump, not testimony.
"What? The special counsel is asking to break lawyer-client confidentiality? For shame!"According to a subpoena obtained by NBC News through a Freedom of Information Act request, officials in Clark County were asked to provide such communications from June 1, 2020, through Jan. 20, 2021. The subpoena, dated Nov. 22, demanded records related to 19 Trump allies, including attorneys Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and John Eastman.
Other subpoenas were issued to top elections officials in Wayne County, Michigan; Milwaukee and Dane counties, Wisconsin; Maricopa County, Arizona; and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Those counties are home to Detroit, Milwaukee, Madison, Phoenix and Pittsburgh, respectively.
Bruce Marks, one of the Trump lawyers referenced in the subpoenas, told NBC News last week he thought the records request was “a gross overreach” of what he characterized as “clearly privileged communications between me and other attorneys who were involved with the Trump campaign.”
No, that's not what he's doing at all. As the story I cited clearly states, he's asking state governments to provide their records of communications with Team Trump lawyers. Since these state governments did not hire these Trump lawyers, no privilege applies.
"But that Trump lawyer, he said this was an overreach and the communications were privileged!"
I mean, yes, he did physically cause those words to come out of his mouth. I don't believe they have any meaning. Doctor-patient confidentiality ends when you bring your prostitute to FUCK lawyer-client confidentiality ends when you bring a third party into the mix. I can't see any realistic way that a lawyer, working for Trump, talking to a state government, would be considered confidential. And even if they thought it was, the fact that the state governments have those records kind of shits on that argument.
Or, I guess I could be misreading something. Hey @cubby can you explain what Bruce Marks is on about? Is there actually a legal point here?
Nope, it is so much worse than I thought. 34 members of congress, most of them suggesting Martial Law and seizing voting machines.
This is just texts with the members of congress that should be removed based on the 14th Amendment.
Here is some bullshit that people like Gosar posted:
No wonder these morons focus on China so much, even though Trump is heavily in bed with the Chinese government.When is the 45 days up? What date starts the clock ?? Nov 3rd? If it is, then that is December 18!!! China bought Dominion in October for $400 million. If that’s not interference, then should have a report with details and specifics that would validate that either way. And if they didn’t…… Call me I have some fireworks coming out of AZ early tomorrow. Call me anytime, I’m up.
More kinda-bad news for Trump.
A new poll says that Trump is now tanking in popularity, 56% prefer DeSantis and 33% prefer Trump. That's pretty bad. Problem is, they still want Trumpian values, such as the mainstream opinion that any election in which your candidate loses is rigged. 61% of Republicans want someone to run on Trump's platform, but only 31% want Trump to run himself.
This worries the Party of Trump, also known as "the Republican Party" as Trump is still the leader -- just ask the 2020 RNC statement. But if Trump refuses to step aside -- and don't forget, he's insane, even Trump supporters like tehdang say so -- then the GOP either gets split in two and we get President Harris, or the Party of Trump puts Trump first and foremost and still loses because independents don't back treason.
We're already seeing that, with challenges to McCarthy and McDaniel. Both are on record saying they want all Republicans to come together, but that's not how cults work. The GOP is the Party of Trump, but only Trump is Trump. If he runs, the Republican Party is broken in 2024, and they know it.