Looks like this one got by me:
Trump threatens to sue Pulitzer board for defamation.
"What? The Pulitzer board published something about Trump?"
See, that's the thing. No, they didn't. So Trump is just throwing another tantrum. The case would be dismissed in seconds.
Also, FOX News
wants this case to be dismissed. They're being sued by Dominion, and their defense is "we were just reporting what Trump said". (That's also a lie, but it's what they're going with) If the Pulitzer board is liable, then so is FOX News.
"Why is he threatening to sue at all?"
He claims that they awarded the prize to the totally debunked Russia Hoax, and therefore, they defamed him.
"But it wasn't debunked."
No charges were filed, but there was plenty of evidence and even some arrests. Trump, to prove defamation, would have to prove the statement was both false and
knowingly false, and this he cannot do.