1. #82581
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Templar 331 View Post
    I hear this shit to often.
    The thing I see/hear too often, is the Trump cultists (look, they murder-suicided, "cult" isn't a joke at this point) like this family shut themselves off. It's not the obsession taking all their time and energy so much, as being unwilling or mentally unable to exist around a different viewpoint -- especially in this case, when one side brings facts, evidence and compassion for one's fellow man, and the other is hell-bent on denying people who need help the ability to get that help.

    It's reassuring, at least, that these three people -- who lived thorugh eight years of Obama -- seem to be the outlier. Their deaths are tragic, but hopefully, it will serve as a wake-up call for others in/near their position. It's not as bad as it seems, and there are people and places you can go to for help.

  2. #82582
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    so a family of trump fans murder suicided oooof https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news...-say-rcna69060
    That story worries me some.

    I knew a boy growing up with that last name who moved up to that state.

    His name wasn’t in it and he would be in his late 30s now but those could very well be his parents or at the least his family members.

    No way to get in touch with him though. Just glad his name wasn’t in the list. Boy had it rough growing up and hope this wasn’t added to the pile for him.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  3. #82583
    Trump is trying to be the "peace president" with his current strategy of lying to people.

    Donald Trump is settling on a simple foreign policy pitch in his second bid for the White House: Want World War 3? Vote for the other guy.

    Over the past week, Trump has assailed President Joe Biden’s handling of Afghanistan. He has said he could end the almost year-long conflict in Ukraine within “24 hours,” but without any indication how, and suggested sending tanks to the country could spark nuclear war. He has railed against China and called Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis a “globalist.”


    Those close to Trump’s campaign operation say he plans to try and paint himself as an anti-war dove amongst the hawks. They believe doing so will resonate with GOP voters who are divided on, but growing wary of, continued support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

    “Trump is the peace president and he’s the first president in two generations to not start a war, whereas if you look at DeSantis’ congressional record, he’s voted for more engagement and more military engagement overseas,” said a person close to the Trump campaign, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal discussions.

    “Trump is the only person who has said no more funding for the Ukraine war. I haven’t heard Nikki Haley say anything like that... Pompeo or Pence? Where do they stand on Ukraine?”
    There's more, but of course Trump would want to cut funding to the Ukraine war, it's what his puppet master wants- I mean it's definitely about peace. Yep. Peace.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  4. #82584
    What war did obama start?

  5. #82585
    The Lightbringer bladeXcrasher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myradin View Post
    What war did obama start?
    War against regular mustard, lol.

  6. #82586
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    An article in TheAtlantic is titled Trumpism without Trump, and I thought "Bah, there can't be any evidence of Trump being pushed aside."

    So naturally, I'll quote the whole thing.

    Who’s afraid of--
    Actually I just saw this other article, DeSantis leads Trump in yet another poll.

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) holds a 9-point lead over former President Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up in the 2024 Republican primary, according to a new poll.

    In a crowded seven-person primary poll, Trump led DeSantis by 37 percent to 33 percent. Former Vice President Mike Pence finished a distant third with just 7 percent of the vote. The poll has a margin of error of 1.8 percent.

    The polling previews a potential showdown between the two GOP figures, as Trump has already kicked off his 2024 campaign. DeSantis has not yet announced but is widely expected to throw his hat into the ring.
    This does match earlier posts, in which the classic conservative vote is split, but the Party of Trump is not. Basically, if this trend continues through the primaries, everyone ejected will give their votes to DeSantis who will eventually have the majority.

    Whoops, looks like I got distracted. Back to TheAtlantic.

    Actually wait, apologies, but Politico just made me aware that SHS herself will have a key role in the typical "party who fairly and legally lost the election rebuttal". In fact, I think she's the keynote speaker in that regard. Trump is not even invited. Now, SHS is clearly a member of Team Trump, and near as I can tell one who hasn't really apologized for it, resigned in protest, or even been hurt all that badly by the association. But while she is a Trumper, she is still not Trump.

    Goodness, I don't know what's wrong with me. Back to TheAtlantic.

    Oh this is so embarrassing, but one more interruption. The NYTimes just informed me that the conservative group Club for Growth, a group that stinks so much of the Tea Party that I'm looking for lemon and honey, invited every major Republican 2024 Presidential candidate to their retreat...except Trump.

    In a meeting with reporters on Monday, David McIntosh, president of the group, said that Republican chances of winning back the White House next year would be diminished if Mr. Trump were once again at the top of the ticket and that he hoped to introduce Republican donors to other possibilities.

    “The party should be open to another candidate,” Mr. McIntosh said, suggesting that Republicans had already lost too many elections with Mr. Trump as the face of the party.

    Mr. McIntosh insisted that there was no personal animosity guiding the group’s interest in seeking another option for the 2024 nomination. Instead, he said that Mr. Trump had proved to be toxic among general election voters, adding that Republicans had lost elections in 2018, 2020 and 2022 on the former president’s watch.
    When asked to respond, Trump called DeSantis a globalist. No, really.

    How embarrassing, here I am trying to post an article about how the Party of Trump doesn't need Trump, and I keep getting interrupted by articles about the Party of Trump without Trump doing just fine. But here we go:

    Who’s afraid of Donald Trump? Not Nikki Haley, who is reportedly on the verge of announcing a run for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. Not Ron DeSantis, whose own run seems certain, and who has been agitating the former president to no end. Not Mike Pompeo, who has published the sort of memoir that usually foretells a candidacy, and which criticizes Trump.

    Trump is furious about these challenges, especially DeSantis’s. He railed last week against the Florida governor, calling a prospective campaign “very disloyal” and alleging that DeSantis had tearfully “begged” Trump for his endorsement in his first run for governor, in 2018. “It’s not about loyalty,” Trump said. “To me it is; it’s always about loyalty. But for a lot of people, it’s not about that.” The sudden abundance of challengers is richly ironic. Trump, who doesn’t care at all about his party, has improbably remade the GOP in his own image—yet also seems to be losing his personal appeal to its voters.
    Oh, yeah, Haley and Pompeo too. Damn, this is a dog pile.

    The 2024 GOP has a Trump problem, that's for sure. In addition to possible criminal charges from attacking the election in Georgia and threatening election officials directly, in addition to the federal charges he's facing for stealing boxes and boxes of documents and then lying about it until the FBI raided, in addition to Koch promising to use FOX News to fight against Trump in 2024 *ding* +1 CNN point for me, in addition to the lawsuit against Clinton backfiring and costing him a million dollars, in addition to the the $130,000 whore payment that has started back up...Trump is no longer needed or wanted by his own party.

    How sad. How pathetic. How deplorable. No wonder his cultists are shrilling in these forums about drag shows and weather balloons. They have nothing left.

    Oh, and to further emphasize how bad things are for Trump, go ahead and check those links I posted. Every single article is under 24 hours old at time of writing.

  7. #82587

    Rofl, look at how Trump is continuing to predictably turn against Republicans that don't still fully back him now that he's proven himself a loser.

    Is there no honor amongst conservatives who will ally themselves with literally anyone if it means they think it increases their chances of gaining power? IS THERE NO HONOR?!

  8. #82588
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Trump shared a post of, allegedly, DeSantis back when he was a high school teacher, surrounded by high school students. And beer.

    There is no evidence he's groping or fucking them or anything, but underage drinking should lead to a firing. Also, maybe the pictures are fake or that's not DeSantis or whatever, they're old and blurry and I'm not going to vouch for them.

    What Trump said was "That’s not Ron, is it? He would never do such a thing!"

    Sadly, all Trump did was "tweet" basic text, no emojis, and therefore he can hide behind "I wasn't being sarcastic". That would, of course, negate his attempt to use that as an attack, of course.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    the conservative group Club for Growth, a group that stinks so much of the Tea Party that I'm looking for lemon and honey, invited every major Republican 2024 Presidential candidate to their retreat...except Trump.
    UPDATE: Trump found out and is yuge bigly ALL CAPS covfefe about it.

    The Club For NO Growth, an assemblage of political misfits, globalists, and losers, fought me incessantly and rather viciously during my presidential run in 2016. They said I couldn’t win, I did, and won even bigger in 2020, with millions of more votes than ‘16, but the Election was Rigged & Stollen.

    They asked to get together on Endorsements of candidates, we did, and had MANY WINS & NO losses. Relationship broke up over my Endorsement of certain great people in Alabama & Ohio. I won them all!
    Normally I would ask our Trump supporters for any evidence to any of Trump's claims, but those that aren't crying in their bunkers are simply lying and trolling and refuse to engage with anything that isn't their talking points.

    So I will answer for them.

    1) No, the Club for Growth did not ask Trump for help. Trump is lying.
    2) Trump's claim that he had all wins and no losses is devoid of reality.
    2a) Trump's claim that he won all his endorsements in Ohio is also a lie. Three of the Reps he backed lost.
    2b) Alabama...I mean, it's pretty difficult for a Republican to lose in Alabama, so Trump's endorsement made as much difference as +1.0 dps in a +25 Mythic. So while his endorsed candidates didn't lose, it's hard to say that was his doing with a straight face.
    3) The election was not rigged or stolen. Trump is still using his mainstream Republican belief that is still objectively false.
    3a) The election was also not "Stollen". Learn to spell, you racist fat orange fuck.
    4) Trump did not win 2020 just because he got more votes than in 2016.

  9. #82589
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Trump shared a post of, allegedly, DeSantis back when he was a high school teacher, surrounded by high school students. And beer.

    There is no evidence he's groping or fucking them or anything, but underage drinking should lead to a firing. Also, maybe the pictures are fake or that's not DeSantis or whatever, they're old and blurry and I'm not going to vouch for them.
    There's also no reason to believe that wasn't like...a picture when he was in college of him at a college party with other similarly-aged women. But since demonstrable reality doesn't matter to either side in this argument, I just say "let them fight."

  10. #82590
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    "let them fight."
    Indeed. Best of my knowledge, DeSantis hasn't responded yet. Maybe because there's like six people on Trump's feed and it'll take a while for him to hear it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    SHS herself will have a key role in the typical "party who fairly and legally lost the election rebuttal". In fact, I think she's the keynote speaker in that regard.
    UPDATE: Trump taped a response...before the SOTU, oddly...and played it. Biden lasted two hours, Trump lasted two minutes.

    In that two minutes, Trump blamed Biden for the inflation he caused, called Biden the most corrupt President in American history, said Biden wasted trillions of dollars, said Democrats were going to indoctrinate and mutilate our children, and of course, said Biden would start WWIII.

    As Trump is still the leader of the Republican Party, these are now all mainstream Republican beliefs. All objections are handwaved.

  11. #82591
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    The Club For NO Growth
    Says the man who had major losses in quite a few of his businesses and bankrupted a casino that literally laundered money.

    I would say that Trump is the one with no growth. I mean, just look at his tiny hands and ask Ms. Daniels about the lack of Trump and growth.

  12. #82592
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Says the man who had major losses in quite a few of his businesses and bankrupted a casino that literally laundered money.

    I would say that Trump is the one with no growth. I mean, just look at his tiny hands and ask Ms. Daniels about the lack of Trump and growth.
    Do you know what is growing though? That junk in that trunk.


    But real, he really seems to have lost a lot of his panache for nicknames. I'll still credit it to that time he fumbled with "Nancy, or as I like to call her...Nancy." as where it all began, and he just never quite recovered.

  13. #82593
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Do you know what is growing though? That junk in that trunk.


    But real, he really seems to have lost a lot of his panache for nicknames. I'll still credit it to that time he fumbled with "Nancy, or as I like to call her...Nancy." as where it all began, and he just never quite recovered.
    Well, he is so full of shit all the time it has to come out somewhere.

  14. #82594
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    3a) The election was also not "Stollen". Learn to spell, you racist fat orange fuck.
    Trump is suggesting that the 2020 election is German Christmas bread? I think his dementia is more advanced than anyone realised.
    When challenging a Kzin, a simple scream of rage is sufficient. You scream and you leap.
    Quote Originally Posted by George Carlin
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Douglas Adams
    It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.

  15. #82595
    Trump accusing anyone else of being a predator is an unfathomable lack of self-awareness.

  16. #82596
    Quote Originally Posted by Rethul Ur No View Post
    Trump accusing anyone else of being a predator is an unfathomable lack of self-awareness.
    And he may not be wrong, not in a "There's always a small chance," but in a "He hangs out with a lot of sexual predators and pedophiles," kind of way.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  17. #82597
    Dunno if this could get much of a thread. But James O'Keefe of Project Veritas is on paid leave.


    They are meeting Friday to see if they remove him permanently.

    Wonder if they are finally tired of him posting these bullshit videos and them getting sued.

  18. #82598
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Dunno if this could get much of a thread. But James O'Keefe of Project Veritas is on paid leave.


    They are meeting Friday to see if they remove him permanently.

    Wonder if they are finally tired of him posting these bullshit videos and them getting sued.
    He probably broke one of their rules or something.
    He told the truth or got vaccinated and didn't get autism, you know, Just Heretic Things.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  19. #82599
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    He probably broke one of their rules or something.
    He told the truth or got vaccinated and didn't get autism, you know, Just Heretic Things.
    I think it is more along the lines that he is getting sued, this is from last August: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/08/n...-lawsuits.html

    He also has several lawsuits against PV with them losing quite a few lately, too bad for not much money.

  20. #82600
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Dunno if this could get much of a thread. But James O'Keefe of Project Veritas is on paid leave.


    They are meeting Friday to see if they remove him permanently.

    Wonder if they are finally tired of him posting these bullshit videos and them getting sued.
    Gonna be funny if after his latest HUGE SCOOP he gets booted.

    Real though, read this article earlier and if he gets kicked out I don't think Project Veritas has a future. Which is just fucking wonderful.

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