1. #82741
    Trying to spread my Trump love around on East Palestine, Ohio

    “Unfortunately, as you know, in too many cases your goodness and perseverance were met with indifference and betrayal in some cases,” Trump said. “And Biden and FEMA said they would not send aid to East Palestine under any circumstance.”

    There is video out there, not time to find clip but this is his lie on it.

    Donald Trump attempts to take credit for FEMA providing aid to East Palestine, OH.

    Vid in this link

    Trump also says Norfolk Southern must fulfill its promises.

    I'm telling you people. The Don showing up lying and spinning that he is helping the people of East Palestine. Politics baby!

    Dumb and shit ass Dems just standing by and not being pro-active. I always say Dems just passively stay the punching bags and only strategy is hope the Republicans mess up here. Republicans here say "fuck our deregulations" let's attack Dems.

    "Buh dah DEMS"

  2. #82742
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    The Don showing up lying and spinning that he is helping the people of East Palestine.
    Trump admin pulling millions from FEMA disaster relief to send to southern border

    The Trump administration is pulling $271 million in funding from the Department of Homeland Security, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Disaster Relief Fund, to pay for immigration detention space and temporary hearing locations for asylum-seekers who have been forced to wait in Mexico, according to department officials and a letter sent to the agency by a California congresswoman.

    To fund temporary locations for court hearings for asylum-seekers along the southern border, ICE would gain $155 million, all from FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund, according to the letter from Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, D-Calif., which was seen by NBC News.

    The allocations were sent to Congress as a notification rather than a request, because the administration believes it has the authority to repurpose these funds after Congress did not pass more funding for ICE detention beds as part of an emergency funding bill for the southwest border in June.

    Trump swiped $44 billion from FEMA as he undermined unemployment negotiations before Hurricane Laura

    Trump issued a memorandum allowing states to use $44 billion from FEMA's Disaster Relief Fund to pay $300 per week in enhanced federal unemployment benefits earlier this month. The move came after Trump and Senate Republicans refused to budge on their demands to slash boosted unemployment benefits, repeating a widely-debunked claim that the extra pandemic aid was a disincentive for workers to return to their jobs. House Democrats, meanwhile, approved a full extension of the $600-per-week benefit back in May.

    US miscalculated benefit of better train brakes

    Trump’s administration miscalculated the potential benefits of putting better brakes on trains that haul explosive fuels when it scrapped an Obama-era rule over cost concerns, The Associated Press has found.

    A government analysis used to justify the cancellation omitted up to $117 million in estimated future damages from train derailments that could be avoided by using electronic brakes. Revelation of the error stoked renewed criticism Thursday from the rule’s supporters, who called the analysis biased.

    Department of Transportation officials acknowledged the mistake after it was discovered by the AP during a review of federal documents. They said a correction will be published to the federal register.

    But transportation spokesman Bobby Fraser said the decision not to require the brakes would stand under a Congressional act that said the costs couldn’t exceed the rule’s benefits.

    “This was an unintentional error,” Fraser. “With the correction, in all scenarios costs still outweigh benefits.”

    The Trump administration pulled an Obama-era rule requiring better brakes on trains, claiming it wasn't cost effective, and then also cut FEMA's budget. While this specific train accident would not have been prevented by these brakes -- yes we do know that -- it doesn't change the fact that Trump willfully lowered train safety, willfully lowered FEMA's ability to handle a chemical spill, and is now claiming he did the opposite. He did not respect his own role as authority over both while he was in the WH, and therefore, there's no reason to believe he respects it now.

    Trump lied. I believe this especially blatant lie should be shoved in the faces of Trump supporters the next time they emerge from their bunker to post something.

  3. #82743
    Okay I think we are missing each other here.

    Just to be clear my post was talking about Trump right now during Biden on February 22, 2023 taking credit for FEMA and any aid incoming or has arrived at this moment. This is typical Trump the conman taking credit for another person's work.

    I think you are showing his previous acts of stealing money to feed his politics. Something oh btw since he did this shit precedent I wish Dems would steal this from the playbook.

    Anyways, Trump is a con no matter what lie it was.


    US miscalculated benefit of better train brakes


    The Trump administration pulled an Obama-era rule requiring better brakes on trains, claiming it wasn't cost effective, and then also cut FEMA's budget. While this specific train accident would not have been prevented by these brakes -- yes we do know that -- it doesn't change the fact that Trump willfully lowered train safety, willfully lowered FEMA's ability to handle a chemical spill, and is now claiming he did the opposite. He did not respect his own role as authority over both while he was in the WH, and therefore, there's no reason to believe he respects it now.

    Trump lied. I believe this especially blatant lie should be shoved in the faces of Trump supporters the next time they emerge from their bunker to post something.
    Yes. The good ole where regulation pay for themselves. The Republican or conservative brain of let's don't spend $100 million, but later costs us $200 million or more in the future. Somehow we can't convince people of this.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  4. #82744
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    There's a video floating around of governor DeWine saying that Biden called and asked if federal assistance was needed, and DeWine declined saying they were just fine. Biden sent some federal assistance anyway, but didn't pull out the stops on it.

    For all the pearl clutching about Biden not showing up, every time a POTUS shows up somewhere it causes a bit of extra chaos just because of all the extra security and other provisions needed for the POTUS, thus Biden traveling to E Palestine probably would have just gotten in the way, but don't tell Republicans that.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
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  5. #82745
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Okay I think we are missing each other here.
    No, we weren't. Our posts stack multiplicatively.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    For all the pearl clutching about Biden not showing up
    Wasn't Biden in Ukraine, preventing genocide and WWIII?

  6. #82746
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    There's a video floating around of governor DeWine saying that Biden called and asked if federal assistance was needed, and DeWine declined saying they were just fine. Biden sent some federal assistance anyway, but didn't pull out the stops on it.

    For all the pearl clutching about Biden not showing up, every time a POTUS shows up somewhere it causes a bit of extra chaos just because of all the extra security and other provisions needed for the POTUS, thus Biden traveling to E Palestine probably would have just gotten in the way, but don't tell Republicans that.
    So yes, read this about DeWine also. Don't have time to fact check, but wouldn't doubt it. Whole spite thing.

    Yes Biden showing up is damned if you do, damned if you don't. This has been almost 3 weeks so I think he wouldn't be mucking up cleanup.

    For me just be proactive in giving the rail company hell and maybe convincing people that government can help. Even though 70% of county went to Trump. Good luck.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  7. #82747
    Titan Captain N's Avatar
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    I'm honestly surprised that NS hasn't come right out and blamed the train crew for this accident. This is what they normally do whenever there's even a mild derailment. Managers will order crews to take trains with FRA defects, a good crew will ask on the radio if said manager is requesting a train to depart despite the noted defects (as radio conversations are all recorded), when the manager says to take the train that recording will mysteriously disappear. If the crew refuses to move the train they'll be pulled out of service and face an investigation for insubordination.
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

    I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

  8. #82748

    Jack Smith subpoenas Ivanka and Jared Kushner over January 6th since they knew exactly what was going on with Don the Con.

  9. #82749
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    Eh, it's raid time. One last sip of coffee and one last refresh bef--

    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Jack Smith subpoenas Ivanka and Jared Kushner over January 6th since they knew exactly what was going on with Don the Con.

    Damn! Smith came out swinging!

  10. #82750
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    I hate Trump more than anybody and support Biden.

    But Trump came through for East Palestine. 13 Pallets of bottled water while Biden is taking photo ops in Ukraine. The President needs to do better.

  11. #82751
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    I hate Trump more than anybody and support Biden.

    But Trump came through for East Palestine. 13 Pallets of bottled water while Biden is taking photo ops in Ukraine. The President needs to do better.
    not being funny but you are rube if you think that trump is doing anything more than a photo op with his own branded water and actually gives a fuck. Came through lol cmon man.

    I dont like Biden but hes going full soft/hard power mode vs Russia which is vitally important.

  12. #82752
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    I hate Trump more than anybody and support Biden.

    But Trump came through for East Palestine. 13 Pallets of bottled water while Biden is taking photo ops in Ukraine. The President needs to do better.
    No the fuck he didn't. He literally brought TRUMP WATER. Do you know when the last time he had a fucking bottling plant for Trump water? 2013. TWO THOUSAND AND FUCKING THIRTEEN.

    Also, Biden LITERALLY can't do anything to help with federal money til Bill Dewine declares a FUCKING EMERGENCY. Read the fucking Stafford Act.


    It states that the government cannot intervene and help until an emergency is declared, and also Dewine DECLINED assistance. We have that on fucking VIDEO.

  13. #82753
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    I hate Trump more than anybody and support Biden.

    But Trump came through for East Palestine. 13 Pallets of bottled water while Biden is taking photo ops in Ukraine. The President needs to do better.
    rofl, you're falling for the act

    like, there's giant neon letters saying "please clap" and here you are clapping

    didn't he bring pallets of beans? are the people starving or something?

  14. #82754
    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    I hate Trump more than anybody and support Biden.

    But Trump came through for East Palestine. 13 Pallets of bottled water while Biden is taking photo ops in Ukraine. The President needs to do better.
    God damn you really don't have a bad take you won't spew.

  15. #82755
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    Biden is taking photo ops in Ukraine.
    Yeah, I disagree pretty strongly with this take. This isn't Trump going to North Korea's latest burger joint we're talking about, this is telling Putin to fuck off on his doorstep during a genocide.

    The situation in East Palestine sucks. The situation in Ukraine is worse. Sorry.

  16. #82756
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    No the fuck he didn't. He literally brought TRUMP WATER. Do you know when the last time he had a fucking bottling plant for Trump water? 2013. TWO THOUSAND AND FUCKING THIRTEEN.

    Also, Biden LITERALLY can't do anything to help with federal money til Bill Dewine declares a FUCKING EMERGENCY. Read the fucking Stafford Act.


    It states that the government cannot intervene and help until an emergency is declared, and also Dewine DECLINED assistance. We have that on fucking VIDEO.
    And don't forget (and more democrats need to actually point this out), as long as a state of emergency isn't declared, federal tax payer money won't be used to help clean it up and actually allow for them to force NS to pay for it.

  17. #82757
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    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    And don't forget (and more democrats need to actually point this out), as long as a state of emergency isn't declared, federal tax payer money won't be used to help clean it up and actually allow for them to force NS to pay for it.
    Now to be fair, NS doesn't want to pay and will drag it out. The victims need help now.

    But bottles of water isn't the help they need. How many billions does Trump say he's worth?

  18. #82758
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    not being funny but you are rube if you think that trump is doing anything more than a photo op with his own branded water and actually gives a fuck. Came through lol cmon man.

    I dont like Biden but hes going full soft/hard power mode vs Russia which is vitally important.
    You're right, but my point is that right now next to Trump "The Optics" make it seem as though Biden is doing nothing. I am not suggesting Biden should play Optics, but essentially that is what it looks like he is already doing in Ukraine.

    The people hurting and may feel abandoned right now aren't going to like what they see. And seeing as how this is a RED state that needs to be taken into consideration.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    rofl, you're falling for the act

    like, there's giant neon letters saying "please clap" and here you are clapping

    didn't he bring pallets of beans? are the people starving or something?
    Well right now people are complaining about getting nothing. I understand what you're saying, but bad tasting water with Trumps name on it, might be far better of an option than their own tap drinking water.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Yeah, I disagree pretty strongly with this take. This isn't Trump going to North Korea's latest burger joint we're talking about, this is telling Putin to fuck off on his doorstep during a genocide.

    The situation in East Palestine sucks. The situation in Ukraine is worse. Sorry.
    Not arguing which is worse, but Biden is OUR President. I don't KNOW what exactly requires OUR president to show up and give a speech. Especially when we have people in our own country hurting and not sure what the hell is going on.

    Where Alt-Right are spinning every bullshit narrative they can sell.

  19. #82759
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    You're right, but my point is that right now next to Trump "The Optics" make it seem as though Biden is doing nothing.
    Trump says Biden is doing nothing...and you believe him?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Amadeus View Post
    I don't KNOW what exactly requires OUR president to show up and give a speech. Especially when we have people in our own country hurting and not sure what the hell is going on.
    Hmm, that sounds a lot like Nationalism. Actually, wasn't "fuck the world and the blue majority of the USA, I'm helping my voters only" Trump's big thing?

  20. #82760
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Trump says Biden is doing nothing...and you believe him?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hmm, that sounds a lot like Nationalism. Actually, wasn't "fuck the world and the blue majority of the USA, I'm helping my voters only" Trump's big thing?

    Ohio voters believe Trump.

    And nothing is accomplished by Biden going to Ukraine we can send our support without our president going to Ukraine over our country. That’s what people are seeing and people in Ohio is feeling.

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