1. #82881
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    I would love to see the thought process on seeing her low single digit polling, and thinking that was a good place to start running for president. I've sort of wondered, given none of them can point out how they're different to Trump, they're not just spreading what Trump will run on before he finally announces officially to drum up more support after their numbers have kinda fizzled (CPAC even has a low audience count from what I saw today). Then you have the low number candidates drop out, and have everyone gather behind Trump because he's the one that runs on the same message. Because I reckon he'll need what he can get this time around.

    I don't think even a serious COVID case would deter these people. The culture war bullshit they peddle takes priority over everything.
    She's making a strong case for Republicans just writ-large really having a major kink for public humiliation.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Big treble is on the way. A group of inmates imprisoned for their alleged roles in the Jan. 6 insurrection have teamed up with none other than Donald Trump to record a song that was released at midnight, Forbes reported on Thursday. Naturally, the track is reportedly titled “Justice for All.”
    They'd better thank their lucky stars they didn't chose, "...And Justice for All" because then they'd have Metallica on their asses.

    Either way, rofl, losers.

  2. #82882
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Do these folks have anything real that they can actually campaign on as a tangible benefit to the American people? Or is this literally all they've got? How bleak.

    COVID has killed more than a million Americans
    . I'd love to see the numbers on how many have died due to "wokeness."
    Say what you want about Tucker, but he has top score for dead Nazi's since WW2 ended.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  3. #82883
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    COVID has killed more than a million Americans. I'd love to see the numbers on how many have died due to "wokeness."
    You say that, but do Republicans even acknowledge that death toll? Like...we started a 20 year crusade in the Middle East over 3,000 dead on 9/11. And there was a time during covid when we were experiencing those numbers of deaths every day (or couple of days), and yet they were still screaming about nothing but their right to not wear a mask.

  4. #82884

    Tina Peters, still facing felony election fraud charges, is likely heading to jail. Not on those charges, but on misdemeanor obstruction charges for her refusal to cooperate with investigators.

    On Friday, Peters was found guilty of obstructing government operations, a charge that stemmed from her February 2022 refusal to hand over an iPad that prosecutors say she had used to videotape a court hearing. Officers had a warrant to seize the iPad. Peters was acquitted of another charge of obstructing a peace officer. Body cam footage of Peters’ arrest at a Grand Junction, Colorado, bagel shop shows Peters repeatedly yelling, “Let go of me!” as officers attempt to handcuff her.

    The misdemeanor obstruction charge carries a minimum sentence of six months in jail. Peters’ sentencing is set for April 10.

    A call to Peters’ cell phone from Mother Jones went directly to voicemail, which said, “Everyone needs to be involved. Do something. Our republic is in jeopardy right now. Good Americans need to stand up and get involved. I love you, God bless you, and thank you.”
    Hope she enjoys prison, and that her stay is extended for quite a bit.

  5. #82885
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    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    You say that, but do Republicans even acknowledge that death toll? Like...we started a 20 year crusade in the Middle East over 3,000 dead on 9/11. And there was a time during covid when we were experiencing those numbers of deaths every day (or couple of days), and yet they were still screaming about nothing but their right to not wear a mask.
    You see, all the aborted fetuses the Demoncraps use for their rituals under pizza parlors would have a brazillion or even a gorillion children. Each.
    All ended due to Woke culture.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  6. #82886
    Ah, of course I forgot. They were focused on the real issues.

  7. #82887
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Still wondering who the fuck she thinks she's appealing to, if she's just hard-up for money and needs a boost
    Nikki Haley thinks she can carry Trump supporters because she worked with Trump and can say crazy things like this, and still get classic conservative votes because she has real experience in real adminstrative roles. She thinks she can out DeSantis DeSantis.

    She's wrong. Oh, and she's a woman running for Republican against two men. So...yeah.

  8. #82888
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    I would love to see the thought process on seeing her low single digit polling, and thinking that was a good place to start running for president. I've sort of wondered, given none of them can point out how they're different to Trump, they're not just spreading what Trump will run on before he finally announces officially to drum up more support after their numbers have kinda fizzled (CPAC even has a low audience count from what I saw today). Then you have the low number candidates drop out, and have everyone gather behind Trump because he's the one that runs on the same message. Because I reckon he'll need what he can get this time around.

    I don't think even a serious COVID case would deter these people. The culture war bullshit they peddle takes priority over everything.
    I mostly imagine its just pure grift. Trying to draw some more money of the MAGA crowd before the entire thing inevitably collapses in on itself.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  9. #82889

    “I don’t care if it takes every second of our time and every ounce of our energy, we either get this government back on our side or we defund, get rid of, abolish the FBI CDC, ATF,” Gaetz said to applause.
    The party of law and order, baby.

    Feds really shit the bed by not even bothering to pursue charges against him.

  10. #82890
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    Abolish the police says man who bangs underaged girls.
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

    I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

  11. #82891
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    The party of law and order, baby.

    Feds really shit the bed by not even bothering to pursue charges against him.
    Party over country. There are no depths these people won't sink to so they can achieve and maintain power.

  12. #82892
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    The party of law and order, baby.
    "And after we abolish the FBI, we're going to investigate Hunter Biden! And AOC! And...shit, without the FBI I don't know how we're going to do that."

  13. #82893
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    "And after we abolish the FBI, we're going to investigate Hunter Biden! And AOC! And...shit, without the FBI I don't know how we're going to do that."
    Don't worry, I'm sure they'll create some sort of police... a secret one, perhaps, to look into and deal with political opponents.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  14. #82894
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    Lol the same party that loses their minds when people talk about defunding the police are now trying to defund federal law enforcement.

    Minutes later, Gaetz, now serving on the select committee investigating the so-called weaponization of the federal government, suggested eliminating federal investigative agencies.

    “I don’t care if it takes every second of our time and every ounce of our energy, we either get this government back on our side or we defund, get rid of, abolish the FBI CDC, ATF,” Gaetz said to applause.

  15. #82895
    I should have broke that cunts nose in college when I had the chance.

  16. #82896
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    So how's it going in Trump's world?

    Just kidding, he's falling apart. But here are a few specifics.

    1) So DWAC is down for the week/month/6mo/I do plan to finish eventually, as there's no sign of improvment. But that's if you can find the stock price. NASDAQ delisted them.

    "Oh, they're so worthless that NASDAQ didn't bother?"

    No, you have to pay to be listed and DWAC didn't pay.

    They are appealing the finding on the grounds of "we don't want to be delisted".

    The company has elected to file an appeal of this matter, pay the corresponding fee, and plans to pay any fees the Hearing Department determines are due
    What is it about Trump's companies refusing to pay people? Yet another entry in a very long theme.

    CyberTrump 2077 has lost the boost of membership it got when the FBI raided, is under 200k visitors a month (Twitter gets 400 million a month) and still cannot complete the merger because (a) they're under investigation and (b) Trump is out of his noncompetition clause in June, which will instantly make his own company actually worthless and not just basically worthless.

    2) Hey, remember that bit I snuck into a post that Murdoch gave Kushner info about Biden's ads? Didn't seem like that big of a deal at the time, huh?

    It was.

    Multiple groups are demanding the FEC look into this blatant violation of election advertising.

    Yeah, Murdoch personally handed the Trump campaign something of value and forgot to declare it. Not that I'm expecting it, but you can get five years in prison for that. Or, get a nasty fine which Murdoch would have to personally pay, of 200% the contribution. Which, because it was based on Biden's advertising budget, I'm guessing would be tens of millions of dollars.

    3) I'm going to tag @cubby because he could probably use a good laugh.

    We all know Trump is being sued for $250 million by the NY AG for, you know, all the fraud he pulled for decades. Trump decided to announce, in public, that he's going to lose that lawsuit.

    Cohen says he found a subpoena on his desk.

    "Surely you mean 'he was correctly and legally served'."


    After advisement by counsel, I have decided to challenge the subpoena and intend on making a motion to quash.

    The subpoena was improperly served, I am not a party to this action and the subpoena lacks any specificity as to why I am being called as a non-party witness.

    It's just bad lawyering by team Trump.
    -- Cohen

    It should surprise nobody that Trump sent this latest batch out at the legal deadline last minute. Therefore, it should also surprise nobody that any subpoena not correctly delivered in that time frame could be instantly dismissed by the judge. And yes, it should surprise nobody that Trump is now asking for yet another extension.

    "On what grounds?"

    I strongly suspect the grounds are "nobody responded to my subpoenas, that missed the deadline and were delivered improperly".

    "So, because his team is incompetent?"

    Yes. And it's not just me saying it.

    "The current schedule imposes significant hardship," according to a recent letter filed by lawyer Clifford S. Robert on behalf the lawsuit's 16 Trump defendants.

    "The Defendants' claimed hardship is self-inflicted," James counters, in papers filed by Colleen K. Faherty, a lawyer for the attorney general's office.

    James' lawyers accuse Trump's side of "ongoing dilatory conduct" for waiting until they were right up against the timely-notice deadline to serve any deposition subpoenas.
    "Didn't they try that last year?"


    "Did it work?"


    "What if, in our next battle, we took a stealthy approach?"


    Team Trump is complaining that the evidence against them is too massive to comb through. No, really, that's their play. The NY AG, as required by law, showed them the state had five million pages of evidence from Trump Org, Trump's banks, Trump's insurers, witnesses who work/worked for Trump, Trump's Tweets, bankruptcy filings, etc. Team Trump says one month (Feb 21 -> the March 20th deadline) isn't enough.

    "Wait, isn't the vast majority of this stuff Trump already had?"

    Yes. And the NY AG was kind enough to point that out in court, probably while laughing hysterically.

    Approximately 85 percent of all documents held by OAG in this action were already available to the Trump Organization from the time they were created
    Trump is trying to challenge some of those depositions by the aforementioned subpoenas...and Cohen, for some reason...which apparently is also common, a tactic to create doubt when the witnesses say two different things, even if it's by accident or misleading/confusing questions. The subpoenas failing to meet the schedule is therefore a critical error. There are no current depositions scheduled by Team Trump, probably because of the last-minute filing, and they expected to do so later.

    We've heard from the judge multiple times, usually in frustrated terms.

    So Cohen showing up -- something he has no interest in doing and, quite possibly, no legal reason to force him, is likely sititng this out. Now, I suspect, the idea is Team Trump asks Cohen "did Trump ask you to commit fraud?" and Cohen was supposed to say "no" without adding "he asked everyone else". Or something else to distract the jury. But it looks like that's not going to happen, and Cohen will be sitting this out.

    "What about this headline, Former Trump "fixer" Michael Cohen preps for grand jury appearance?"

    Oh, that's about the $130,000 whore payment Cohen personally did. Like, it was his own money. Cohen is the Venn Diagram overlap of
    A) Witness most personally damaged by Trump
    B) Witness most personally motivated to damage Trump
    C) Witness best qualified and prepared to discuss this case

    Trump has tried to deflect Cohen's testimony on the grounds of "he's just trying to get out of a prison sentence" to which the obvious response is "from committing crimes on your orders". It hasn't worked yet.

  17. #82897

    They are looking to pay people to go to CPAC LOL. And who the fuck would pay $29k for a ticket they can't fill?

  18. #82898
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post

    They are looking to pay people to go to CPAC LOL. And who the fuck would pay $29k for a ticket they can't fill?
    Less than minimum wage shows they are looking for every retiree and the grandchildren they drag along to fill in seats. I wonder if anyone tried to sell their ticket for 29k.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  19. #82899
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    They are looking to pay people to go to CPAC LOL.
    That looks like a tempting offer, but it would conflict with my paycheck from Soros.

    Also, "ticket worth up to $29k" lol, not if nobody buys it it's not!

  20. #82900
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Don't worry, I'm sure they'll create some sort of police... a secret one, perhaps, to look into and deal with political opponents.
    They'll surely have enough cash after defunding all those 3 letter orgs to have Hugo Boss design their uniforms.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

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