1. #83241
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    No guesses? Not sure if y'all said "I know the answer" "this is too crazy to guess" or "it's the middle of a workday".

    In any event, the answer is "Giuliani said Soros personally tried to stop him from flying out of Ukraine in 2019".

    Giuliani spoke with Trump 2024 campaign attorney Christina Bobb in a recent conversation streamed on Gettr.

    The former New York City mayor, whose law license was suspended over his promotion of Trump’s election lies, told Bobb “I almost got arrested, almost got killed” when Soros personally chased after him when he visited Ukraine in 2019:

    Soros tried to figure out how we were leaving, to cut off — we got a private plane, he was gonna cut it off. We were originally on a plane the next morning, we knew they were gonna cause trouble at the airport. They were gonna cause trouble with our visa, cause trouble with this, cause trouble with that. So we rented a private plane that night, but we didn’t realize he controls the private airport, and he found out we rented the plane, but he couldn’t get there in time.
    "Oh, when you said 'personally' I thought you meant Giuliani said Soros himself got in front of the plane on the tarmac."



    This led to Giuliani’s claim that Soros, himself, was in a car that literally drove onto the tarmac and tried to chase down the plane before it took off.

    “They tried to stop us,” Giuliani said. “They tried to come out on the jetway.”

    Giuliani did not explain why Soros, a billionaire businessman, personally tried to stop him from leaving Ukraine.
    "Is this a smart thing for Giuliani to say?"

    ...what has been?

    "No no, I mean, didn't his 2019 trip tie into Trump's second impeachment? Isn't admitting he was there on Trump's behalf kind of risky?"

    In a sane world, yes.

    "What was Soros doing in Ukraine?"

    I don't think he was. I think Giuliani is lying.

    "How old is Soros?"

    He would have been 88 at the time. Not exactly the age range one associates with car chases, or playing chicken with an airplane on the runway.

    The video is here, but that is a Gettr link, it's your call if you want that in your cookies/history. I know I did not go there, so full admission, I have not seen the entire video, but considering even WaPo is carrying the story I think it's safe to assume it's legit.

    This is a YouTube link from some guy's channel that hopefully contains the same info.

  2. #83242
    And here I thought it was going to be his recitation of "I'm a Little Teapot".

    Holy shit though, Republicans are just making up their own action movies and pretending it's reality. I've seen this movie at least a few times. No wonder they get so upset with Hollywood, they don't understand that it's all fuckin fake.

  3. #83243
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    rofl, Christie thinks he still has some sort of political future. Honestly how deluded are these stupid fucks that they think that literally anyone gives a shit about them? Nobody in his home fuckin state likes his ass.

    And running against Trump after spending years gently fondling his balls and defending him publicly sure is a way to go about it. Holy shit why is the GOP full of cucks.
    Oh Oh I know this one.

    Its $$
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  4. #83244
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Oh Oh I know this one.

    Its $$
    But fuckin whose? Where? Who has millions burning a hole in their pocket and they can't figure out anything better to do with it than prop up candidates like fuckin Christie or Halley? You'd get more actual utility out of burning the cash for warmth than spending it on their campaigns.

  5. #83245
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    But fuckin whose? Where? Who has millions burning a hole in their pocket and they can't figure out anything better to do with it than prop up candidates like fuckin Christie or Halley? You'd get more actual utility out of burning the cash for warmth than spending it on their campaigns.
    Republican donors and voters apparently. Because this keeps happening.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  6. #83246
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Republican donors and voters apparently. Because this keeps happening.
    BUT WHO! That's what I want to know! Where the fuck is this money coming from and who is so happy to literally just light it on fire like this? Is the point just to enjoy a few politicians humiliating themselves in public or something? Is this part of the weird public humiliation fetish that seems to exist in conservative circles?

    - - - Updated - - -


    A federal judge has ordered former Vice President Mike Pence to comply with a grand jury subpoena about former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, according to a source familiar with the ruling.

  7. #83247
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    BUT WHO! That's what I want to know! Where the fuck is this money coming from and who is so happy to literally just light it on fire like this? Is the point just to enjoy a few politicians humiliating themselves in public or something? Is this part of the weird public humiliation fetish that seems to exist in conservative circles?
    Here you go.

    It’s from 2019 but Haley has likely been planning to run for POTUS in 2024 for awhile now.

    She also has other friends who just like her and don’t mind setting a bag of money on fire for her.

    More details here:
    Last edited by Ivanstone; 2023-03-28 at 05:57 PM.

  8. #83248
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivanstone View Post
    Here you go.

    It’s from 2019 but Haley has likely been planning to run for POTUS in 2024 for awhile now.

    She also has other friends who just like her and don’t mind setting a bag of money on fire for her.

    More details here:
    Like...how the fuck can people say all these rich people are so smart when they're making such transparently terrible investments like this? This is an investment, and it's a hilariously bad one that shows no understanding of the "marketplace" they're investing in.

    Might as well have thrown big bux behind Vermin Supreme or Tiger King instead of Haley, it'd have the same result.

  9. #83249
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Like...how the fuck can people say all these rich people are so smart when they're making such transparently terrible investments like this? This is an investment, and it's a hilariously bad one that shows no understanding of the "marketplace" they're investing in.

    Might as well have thrown big bux behind Vermin Supreme or Tiger King instead of Haley, it'd have the same result.
    Her two biggest contributors are Vivek and Lakshmi Garipelli. They’re personal friends of Haley. I don’t view money in the same way as a wealthy person so setting a million on fire seems baffling to me. They probably enjoy the gamble but taken as a whole all of the donations help keep the entire conservative griftosphere afloat and they’re willing to do their part. Fuck for all I know that million dollar expenditure is probably a sound investment that they already made money on.

    I tried digging up a few things on Christie. I imagine he has some donors on his back pocket although I couldn’t find anything current.

  10. #83250
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivanstone View Post
    I tried digging up a few things on Christie.
    Did you find the old woman he killed?

  11. #83251
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Conservatives get their constituents killed all the time. He probably has a lower body count than DeSantis, Haley or Abbott.

  12. #83252
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivanstone View Post
    Conservatives get their constituents killed all the time. He probably has a lower body count than DeSantis, Haley or Abbott.
    Body count?

    This guy has killed the most Nazi's this side of WW2.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  13. #83253
    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    Body count?

    This guy has killed the most Nazi's this side of WW2.
    He’s complicit but most of the current crop of candidates have been at it longer than Tucker’s had his own show. Between Abbott’s inability to deliver electricity, Haley’s shitty resident life expectancy and DeSantis being extremely FloridaMan, I’m sure Christy is the lightweight in the murder room.

  14. #83254
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    So we have more from Trump's interview with Hannity. Yes, Trump was back on FOX News.

    1) That post he sent of himself threatening Bragg with a bat? The picture he sent wasn't the picture he sent.

    On his Truth Social platform Friday, Trump shared the article with the controversial juxtaposition of the images. After some backlash, he deleted the post.

    On Monday, the former president sat down with Sean Hannity for his first interview on Fox News since September.

    “You talked about death and destruction,” Hannity said, referring to another post in which Trump warned what an indictment could bring. “The baseball bat picture next to Alvin Bragg, and you did take that down. And my only question, why open yourself to criticism?”

    Trump replied that when he shared the post, he did not see the image accompanying the story:

    You have to understand--
    Yes, Trump actually started his defense with the trope/joke line I keep using.

    You have to understand that when the story was put up, I put up a story, we didn’t see pictures. We put up a story that was very exculpatory, very good story from the standpoint of what we’re talking about. And they put up a picture of me. And you know where I was holding the baseball bat? It was at the White House. ‘Make America, buy America’ because I did a lot of ‘Buy America’ things, and this was a company that makes baseball bats. Then they put next to that picture a picture of Alvin Bragg. I didn’t do it, they did it.

    He says he was innocent, and he believed himself.

    "Who is 'they'?"

    Well, the picture was on his own social media platform, so...himself. He didn't do it, because he did it.

    "Does Trump's social media platform go searching for random images when you post about yourself?

    Well, I'm not on CyberTrump 2077, but as it's a Chinese Twitter knockoff, I'm going to say "no". I think those pictures were chosen by the posters. I think Trump's lying.

    "Trump said he didn't pick the juxtaposition. Does he not know how his own site works?"

    Trump has repeatedly proven he doesn't know how a lot of things work. This would be on-brand.

    "Trump looked pretty angry swinging that bat. He said he was doing that for a commercial?"

    Pretty much, yes.

    2) Trump also said he didn't call for "death and destruction", only saying that it would happen if he was indicted.

    Very mob boss. "I'm not saying I'm going to hurt you if you don't pay my protection. I'm just saying, if you don't pay my protection, you're going to get hurt."

    Once again, as Trump supporters have not called this out, I will: the death and destruction Trump talks about, would be from his supporters. Even if I believed that he was not calling for violence, it is the case it is his followers who would commit the violence, Trump just admitted it, and all Trump supporters by proxy admit it as well.

    Trump supporters are admitting they are violent people who will break the law. They're free to counter Trump's claim anytime. They chose not to. Their silence is not just acceptance, it's admission. They are admitting they intentionally collaborate with violent criminals, or worse, they are admitting they are violent criminals themselves.

    3) Hannity tried to throw Trump a softball, I think? Trump rejected it and went another way.

    The Fox News host Sean Hannity said Monday he could not imagine Donald Trump taking sensitive documents with him upon leaving the White House. But in a telling interview, Trump quickly corrected him and said that he had the right to "take stuff" as he saw fit.

    "I can't imagine you ever saying, um, 'Bring me some of the boxes that we brought back from the White House, I'd like to look at them,'" Hannity told Trump during the interview that aired Monday night. "Did you ever do that?"

    "I would have the right to do that, there's nothing wrong with it," Trump claimed.

    "I know you," Hannity cut in. "I don't think you would do it."

    Trump replied that he doesn't "have a lot of time," but "I would have the right to do that."

    "I would do that," the Trump added.

    According to the Justice Department, Trump did exactly that, and refused to return the records for months after leaving the White House.
    Technically, Trump didn't say he did/didn't take anything. But, considering the FBI walked out with 15 boxes of whatever, I think that ship has been sent to the evidence locker. I will point out "it would have been a good idea if I took it and I was allowed to, but I didn't do it" isn't the defense Trump thinks it is in the public eye. Hannity's viewers would believe anything Trump says, nobody else is buying that.

    4) The n--

    "Let me move on," Hannity said. But Trump had a few other points he wanted to make.

    He falsely claimed that the Presidential Records Act gives him "the right to take stuff" and "the right to look at stuff."

    "But they have the right to talk, and we have the right to talk," Trump added. "This would have all been worked out. All of a sudden, they raided Mar-a-Lago — viciously raided Mar-a-Lago."

    Trump went on to claim that he has some "tapes" in his possession that the feds don't want him to show the public, including one of the FBI executing its warrant.

    "I'll take that tape, and I'll air that tape," Hannity said.

    "I know you would," Trump replied. "Everybody would take that tape."
    Oh, I guess Trump wasn't done admitting he was basically a criminal, and Hannity was done trying to save him.

    4) Trump said he would end the Ukraine war in 24 hours.

    "Did he say how?"


    "Is it 'give Ukraine to Putin'?"


    5) Trump then went on to say that all those investigations into all those crimes he did is election fraud.

    No, really.

    It's a new way of cheating in elections. It's called election interference.
    "Did he mention the laptop from 2016 was the same thing?"


    "Did he mention Hunter Biden's laptop was the same thing?"


    "Did he--"

    He's cornered and scared and knows he's caught. He's saying literally anything.


    Speaking of being caught:

    6) Trump's defense in the rape case he's in took a hit.

    So if you'll remember, Carroll had a dress with what she says had Trump's DNA and therefore proof Trump raped her. Trump was asked to provide a DNA sample, and refused.

    The judge in the case said, "Because Trump provided a sample, Team Trump may not attack the dress in court. If they really thought the evidence was false, they should have provided a sample. They didn't, and they had years."

    If this sounds familiar, it should. Alex Jones did the same thing -- missing deadlines and therefore handing the opposition a massive win. Trump's legal team probably didn't want to provide a sample because Trump is objectively guilty, but surely there was an option other than "admit guilt of client" and "prove guilt of client".

    7) FOX News, other than Hannity, is...less agreed that Trump is perfect and perfect and perfect at everything.

    FOX and Friends in particular rolled out a poll, directly to contrast the "I didn't do anything wrong" from above, that says America disagrees.

    On Tuesday morning’s edition of Fox & Friends, the hosts played a clip of that interview that ended with Trump insisting, “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

    But after a few seconds of Brian Kilmeade decrying how “insane” it is that Trump’s lawyer has been compelled to testify against him, Doocy dropped the results of a new Marist poll that shows what similar polls have shown —most Americans don’t agree with Trump on that point:

    Fifty-Six Percent of Americans, 56%, a majority, say that the investigations into the former president regarding those: 100% fair. Now, also, 75% of Americans think the former president did something illegal or something unethical. And only 23% say that the former president did nothing wrong.
    Seconds later. As in, they had that up and ready to go, and played it, on purpose.

    But it's more than that.

    In a heated debate on the Monday edition of Varney & Co, Campos-Duffy joined the round table to discuss the latest moves from Trump — who is still facing potential indictment. Varney asked her about the photo posted and then deleted by Trump, which showed him holding a baseball bat next to a picture of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

    “Trump also posted… an image on social media. This is the one with the baseball bat. Okay. I’m not gonna show it because it’s been deleted,” Varney explained. “Does the country support Trump wielding a baseball bat threatening mayhem and calling Alvin Bragg an animal? Is that what we want to see in a presidential candidate?
    (points upwards)

    No. But Trump supporters are admittedly either violent, or willing if not eager to side with violent, people. Criminals, even terrorists, at times.

    8) If people are wondering why the Trump grand jury hasn't decided yet, it's because they were still hearing evidence. David Pecker was the National Enquirer publisher at the time, and he testified Monday.

    I will remind everyone that someone testifying in a grand jury is almost certainly presenting damning evidence. The grand jury does not give the defense many chances to do anything -- that happens at the regular trial. We're lucky to hear this, he was barely spotted sneaking out of the courtroom.

    9) Jimmy Kimmel took a shot at Trump's crowd size, much the same way I have.

    The venue in Waco holds 50,000 people, you can see from this aerial view that the crowd was about, I don’t know, 47,000 short of capacity. More people show up to the annual sausage show down in Waco than showed up to this event.
    Naturally, as only a stand-up comic and not someone leading America's second-largest political party, Kimmel brought evidence.

    "Obviously a fake picture taken at some random site at some random time."

    No...that's a Daily Mail reporter who was on Trump's plane.

    Remember how I said that Trump showed up about 6PM and spoke right there on the runway? The crowd below are the people waiting for that to happen, and likely waving to the plane.

    [url=https://www.newsweek.com/trump-waco-rally-crowd-size-smaller-1790873]Trump said the crowd was

    Last night, I had a rally with tens of thousands of people. The press admitted there were at least 25 or 30,000 people. That means you can double it at least.
    "Which 'the press' is Trump talking about?"

    None. He made that up. But if you missed the math in my post earlier, the estimate by non-Trump security on site was 15,000 or so. Trump had already doubled that, before doubling it again.

    If Ronald Reagan came back from the dead, which would be very nice, actually, or a popular politician, you would have 300 to 400 people. Ron DeSanctimonious had 179. So far, that's been his biggest crowd in Iowa–he had 179 people.
    -- Trump

    So, about what you brought to Texas?
    -- Breccia

    Trump is caught in every lie he speaks anymore. Not even FOX News, other than Hannity-Job, is defending him anymore. He's all but convicted as a criminal, and his defenders are supporting violence amongst each other and themselves.

  15. #83255
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    Poor Trump. An endless issue with size seems to have been plaguing him for a long time now.
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

    I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

  16. #83256
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    In the ongoing, increasingly hilarious "Not even FOX News likes FOX News" storyline, we see yet another FOX News contributor calling out Hannity and Trump.

    This probably happened earlier and I just didn't see it considering it was FOX and Friends...again.

    Fox News contributor and former Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) blasted Trump on Tuesday, saying that he was “absolutely horrific” during his interview with Fox’s Sean Hannity.

    “I watched that and I thought, ‘Where is Donald Trump?'” Chaffetz said on “Fox and Friends,” adding, “I voted for Donald Trump twice. I have defended him countless times. I thought he was horrific. I think that was the worst interview I’ve seen Trump do.”

    Chaffetz further criticized Trump for “whining,” “playing the victim card” and complaining that someone he endorsed, like DeSantis, may be running against him in the GOP primary in 2024.

    “I thought he was absolutely horrific,” he said. “He’s a former president of the United States. Act like it. He didn’t in that interview.”
    Now, Trump may be an objectively proven loser...

  17. #83257
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    No guesses? Not sure if y'all said "I know the answer" "this is too crazy to guess" or "it's the middle of a workday".

    In any event, the answer is "Giuliani said Soros personally tried to stop him from flying out of Ukraine in 2019".

    "Oh, when you said 'personally' I thought you meant Giuliani said Soros himself got in front of the plane on the tarmac."



    "Is this a smart thing for Giuliani to say?"

    ...what has been?

    "No no, I mean, didn't his 2019 trip tie into Trump's second impeachment? Isn't admitting he was there on Trump's behalf kind of risky?"

    In a sane world, yes.

    "What was Soros doing in Ukraine?"

    I don't think he was. I think Giuliani is lying.

    "How old is Soros?"

    He would have been 88 at the time. Not exactly the age range one associates with car chases, or playing chicken with an airplane on the runway.

    The video is here, but that is a Gettr link, it's your call if you want that in your cookies/history. I know I did not go there, so full admission, I have not seen the entire video, but considering even WaPo is carrying the story I think it's safe to assume it's legit.

    This is a YouTube link from some guy's channel that hopefully contains the same info.
    This is awesome. Let's make Rudy Giuliani watch more fast and furious movies.

  18. #83258
    So, what is Trump's plan to end the war in Ukraine? Much like a Dragonball Z storyline that drags things out for far too long, you'll have to stay tuned to find out. He'll only say if he gets re-elected. Which means he has no plan at all.


    Trump Doubles Down On Ending Russia-Ukraine War In 24 Hours, Says He Won't Reveal Plan To Prevent World War III Unless He Wins 2024 Election

    Former President Donald Trump is one of the leading candidates in the still-forming 2024 presidential race.

    If Trump is elected in 2024, it could be good news for the ending of the war between Russia and Ukraine — according to the former president.

    Trump's Says Russia-Ukraine Agreement 'Easy': Trump has stood behind the belief that Russia would have never invaded Ukraine if he was president of the United States at the time. In January, Trump said that he could end the war in 24 hours.

    “If I were president, the Russia/Ukraine war would never have happened, but even now, if president, I would be able to negotiate an end to this horrible, and rapidly escalating war within 24 hours,” Trump wrote on Truth Social in January.

    On Monday, Trump doubled down on the statement that he could end the war between Russia and Ukraine in 24 hours' time.

    This might sound like good news as the war has passed the one-year anniversary mark, but comes with the caveat that Trump said he will not tell anyone how to end the war unless he is president.

    Speaking in an interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity, Trump said that he should be in charge of leading peace negotiations between the two countries if the war is still ongoing when he is elected president in the 2024 election, as reported by the New York Post.

    Not only would he end the war, Trump said that it would be “easy” to reach an agreement between himself, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

    “If it’s not solved, I will have it solved in 24 hours with Zelensky and with Putin, and there’s a very easy negotiation to take place, but I don’t want to tell you what it is because then I can’t use that negotiation,” Trump told Hannity.

    While the war between Russia and Ukraine could be over by the time the 2024 presidential election is held in the United States, Trump also argued that it’s “a long time” and the war could get worse.

    “If this thing isn’t solved by the time we have the election – which it’s possible it won’t be and its also possible we’ll be in World War III with these idiots that are doing what they’re doing – you could end up in a nuclear world war which will make World War I and World War II look like patty cakes.”

    Trump told Hannity that he “got along very well with Putin.”

    In February, Trump was criticized on social media for his plan to end the war, including getting Putin and Zelensky in a room together to “knock heads.”

    Why It’s Important: Despite a potential indictment and arrest ahead of him in New York City, Trump has been showing favorable numbers in polls for the Republican primary in a potential battle with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has not yet announced his official 2024 campaign.

    DeSantis previously brushed off comments from a reporter when asked what he would have done differently in the Ukraine war after criticizing Biden’s response.

    A recent poll from Fox News showed that 46% of U.S. residents believe support for Ukraine should be time-based. Among Democrats polled, 66% said the support should remain until Ukraine is victorious against Russia. Of Republicans polled, 61% prefer a time limit.

    The poll was fairly split on whether people approve of Biden’s response to Ukraine with 48% approving and 49% disapproving.

  19. #83259
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    "Among Democrats polled, 66% said the support should remain until Ukraine is victorious against Russia. Of Republicans polled, 61% prefer a time limit."
    First, good to know where Republicans stand on fighting genocide.

    Second, either Trump is lying (the logical choice) or his plan to end the war in 24 hours, without entering WWIII (we can nuke Russia into glass in 24 hours, I don't think we'd like the consequences much), is to hand Ukraine to Putin directly.

    Can you imagine the consequences of America going up to the world stage and saying "Putin wins, he gets Ukraine"? What country on Earth would ever trust us again?

    "Maybe the deal would be 'Putin gets half of Ukraine' or some other deal?"

    Equally deplorable. The solution to genocide is not "let the genociders win". We already know what happens when Putin gets part of Ukraine -- he keeps going for the rest.

  20. #83260
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    So, what is Trump's plan to end the war in Ukraine? Much like a Dragonball Z storyline that drags things out for far too long, you'll have to stay tuned to find out. He'll only say if he gets re-elected. Which means he has no plan at all.

    Trump: “I have a plan to easily prevent World War III, which would be one of the worst catastrophes in human history, saving countless lives with an act that would be an objective positive for every person on the planet. I’m going to hold that plan hostage unless my every personal need is met.”

    Trump supporters: “This man is clearly chosen by God to be president. All those dirty libs are just in it for their own personal gain.”

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