1. #83261
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Can you imagine the consequences of America going up to the world stage and saying "Putin wins, he gets Ukraine"? What country on Earth would ever trust us again?
    Honestly, knowing how absolutely stupid Trump is, he probably thinks the US can just drop some bombs on Kiev and that would be the end of it. Because Christ knows the man doesn't understand that there would be massive repercussions for a direct US intervention in the invasion either way.

  2. #83262
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    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    Honestly, knowing how absolutely stupid Trump is, he probably thinks the US can just drop some bombs on Kiev and that would be the end of it.
    Maybe, but Trump was suggesting WWIII was bad so I'm giving him every inch of credit he doesn't deserve. If Trump thinks he can nuke Russia EDIT: or anyone else into compliance within 24 hours and the USA will be better off, that's a separate matter and far, far worse.
    Last edited by Breccia; 2023-03-29 at 06:19 PM.

  3. #83263
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Maybe, but Trump was suggesting WWIII was bad so I'm giving him every inch of credit he doesn't deserve. If Trump thinks he can nuke Russia into compliance within 24 hours and the USA will be better off, that's a separate matter and far, far worse.
    s_bushido said "Kiev", not "Moscow".

    He's talking about Trump siding with and helping Putin win Ukraine, not opposing Putin at all.

  4. #83264
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    s_bushido said "Kiev", not "Moscow".
    Um...I mean, I knew that! Tooooooootally knew that. Yeah.

    Either way, still giving Trump credit for not starting WWIII which in this case means not nuking anyone.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Manhattan Trump whore money grand jury unlikely to meet again on the issue until later in April.

    The New York grand jury hearing evidence in a hush money probe involving Trump is not scheduled to meet about the case until late April, according to a source familiar with the matter.

    The jurors are set to consider another case next Monday and Wednesday ahead of a previously scheduled two-week hiatus, but Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg could always change the schedule, according to the source.
    Okay, the case has been going on for a while, there's a scheduled break, I completely understand that.

    The grand jury pausing the Trump case, to hear another case, then go back to the Trump case?

    I'm going to need @cubby on this one. Hey cubby, that other case they're going to hear? Can we assume from context that it's a related case? Like, now someone else is being added to the list of targets, or another crime related to the whore payment is being discussed? Or could this be a random, unrelated case and Bragg just needed people?

  5. #83265
    Luke-warm take since its been stated. But Donald is running left and hijacking the Dems.

    I mean brilliant. All the of Trump cult when asked support these 2 programs mentioned yet their party is openly trying to destroy it. Even mentioning it out loud by Rick Scott of Florida and others. Do Trumpist cult members know this. Naw, they will now repeat this and think Trump is the only one fighting for SS and Medicare.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  6. #83266
    Is "Pauline Ryan" Paul Ryan?

    What the fuck happened to Trump, man. He used to have such good nicknames for people.

    I really did all start going downhill when he froze up in terror and blurted out, "Nancy Pelosi, or as I call her, 'Nancy'." and I don't think he's ever recovered. Anyways, good on him for giving Paul Ryan and Jeb Bush a national shoutout, I wonder what those guys are even up to nowadays since it's clearly not trying to bring sensibility and order back to their party.

    Anyways, I'm continuing to enjoy watching him attack every other Republican who may enter the race. Just a shame that despite Republicans continually telling us that the party and electorate has moved on from Trump, that most data is pointing to the electorate still being pretty firmly behind Trump.

  7. #83267
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    All the of Trump cult when asked--
    Okay seriously, did Trump refuse to pay his electric bill? Why are all these pics/videos so dark? Is it because he realized how bad he looks on camera and is dimming the lights so we don't notice?

    I looked around, didn't find what I was looking for.

    Donald Trump's CPAC speech was 'dark' says Mulvaney, yes, the same Mulvaney, about Trump's CPAC speech.

    Trump offers dark vision, frames himself as outsider at CPAC says MSNBC...yeah, "outsider" that's Trump, the head of the second-biggest party in the US is an "outsider" because he says so.

    The New Yorker agrees, but they said the same thing in 2016 so there's no real credibility there.

    Trump rally falls on dark Waco anniversary that's MSNBC again

    Trump Claims America Is 'Doomed' In Weird Shouty Video thanks UPROXX that's a headline worth quoting.

    Oh, wait, they said something:

    Trump Released A Bizarre, Poorly Lit, Shouty Video Declaring That America Is ‘Doomed’ Unless He Takes Back The White House
    Trump mocked for new video claiming US heading ‘into oblivion’ unless he becomes president again says The Independent UK, which linked one of the aforementioned actually literally dark videos.

    Mr Trump was quickly mocked on Twitter for the pessimistic claims he made in the dimly lit video.
    So they did at least notice.

    Maybe it's because I restricted my search to the last month? But that's when the videos came out.

    Does literally anyone have any idea why Trump is intentionally shooting his own videos of himself in such low light? I mean, he was out in broad daylight in Waco. And I doubt he has a hangover.

  8. #83268
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Anyways, good on him for giving Paul Ryan and Jeb Bush a national shoutout, I wonder what those guys are even up to nowadays since it's clearly not trying to bring sensibility and order back to their party.
    Hell, Jeb Bush isn't even in Congress, or even involved in politics at all right now that I've seen. Did Trump onlly bring him up because Jeb ran against him almost eight years ago?

  9. #83269
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    Did Trump onlly bring him up because Jeb ran against him almost eight years ago?
    Trump is very likely the most petty person you've ever heard about.

    Yes, that's why. Jeb Bush is actually helping Trump right now. Trump bringing him up as an enemy for no reason stinks of a tab target pull.

  10. #83270
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Is "Pauline Ryan" Paul Ryan?

    What the fuck happened to Trump, man. He used to have such good nicknames for people.
    I don't know all the context here, but I am saving this one. What, why? Well, Ryan was pitching heavy copium just a year ago that Republicans have moved on from Trump. He was declaring it was over.

    Trump is a petty little bitch. Sometimes I like when he is a petty and his best long term memory he has going for him is remembering what people said about him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Okay seriously, did Trump refuse to pay his electric bill? Why are all these pics/videos so dark? Is it because he realized how bad he looks on camera and is dimming the lights so we don't notice?
    Maybe to turn down the orange into more of a bronze.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  11. #83271
    I'm 100% convinced those pictures are so dark because of how terrible he looks in actual light.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  12. #83272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    I'm 100% convinced those pictures are so dark because of how terrible he looks in actual light.
    It might be more and more difficult for him to apply his "looks almost human" prosthetics. He was out in public in Waco, people saw him, he didn't look this "tangerine left in the sun for two weeks" deflated.

    It could be that he does look that bad, without four hours in the makeup chair and a full-on raid team applying appearance buffs.

  13. #83273
    Has anyone wondered if the low lighting is due to them using deepfake technology and a "Fake Trump"? Lower light making it easier to hide some of the issues around the tech and all?

    I mean, it's a pretty ludicrous idea but at the same time...is it any more ludicrous than all the Republicans who are convinced Biden has stunt doubles (including Jim Carry, apparently!) or that Fetterman isn't Fetterman anymore?

    No, but those are pretty ludicrous. Don't believe this, this is purely a joke.

  14. #83274
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Has anyone wondered if the low lighting is due to them using deepfake technology and a "Fake Trump"? Lower light making it easier to hide some of the issues around the tech and all?

    I mean, it's a pretty ludicrous idea but at the same time...is it any more ludicrous than all the Republicans who are convinced Biden has stunt doubles (including Jim Carry, apparently!) or that Fetterman isn't Fetterman anymore?

    No, but those are pretty ludicrous. Don't believe this, this is purely a joke.
    If they were going to do a deep fake wouldn't it make sense to make the fake look better then patchy smear on suntan look?
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  15. #83275
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I really did all start going downhill when he froze up in terror and blurted out, "Nancy Pelosi, or as I call her, 'Nancy'." and I don't think he's ever recovered.
    To be quite honest I actually think that was genius. If you are known to give people unflattering nicknames how better to express your contempt than calling her just... Nancy.

  16. #83276
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    It might be more and more difficult for him to apply his "looks almost human" prosthetics. He was out in public in Waco, people saw him, he didn't look this "tangerine left in the sun for two weeks" deflated.

    It could be that he does look that bad, without four hours in the makeup chair and a full-on raid team applying appearance buffs.
    I still say Chuck Tingle was right, he's really 3 void crabs in an orange fat suit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  17. #83277
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    So...Trump is mad at the IRS and said some things he shouldn't have?

    Trump criticized the purported visit by an IRS agent to Substack writer Matt Taibbi's home the day he voluntarily testified before Congress on the alleged "weaponization" of the federal government, saying the move was "just plain dangerous and stupid."

    "But even more dangerous & stupid is the way they have handled me, leaking information (which is illegal!) &, making a deal & then breaking it for strictly political reasons," Trump posted in all capital letters. "I had a 'done deal' before running for president -- they broke it! Treated worse than Tea Party & evangelicals."

    "I could have easily made a very good deal with the IRS during my 4 years as President, but thought it inappropriate to do so," Trump posted. "Besides, I already had a deal from before my Presidency -- A deal which they choose not to honor. So now I am demanding the original deal, without late changes in the rules & regulations so that deal would be harder to make. Most people would say that after watching the Biden family take advantage of government, I should have made deal during my term. To me, CONFLICT."
    What, um, what deal is Trump talking about? Other than the fact that Trump refused to release his taxes because he said he was being audited from 2001 and on, there doesn't seem to be anything public about Trump making a 2016 (or earlier) deal that, somehow, he feels is broken.

    Can Trump publicly demand the IRS give him back the original deal which itself doesn't appear to be public? And with what authority?

    Does anyone know what Trump is talking about? Because if Trump is talking about a deal to keep his taxes out of the hands of Congress and law enforcement, that's a deal that should not be honored.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Trump appeals order directing Meadows, other aides to testify in Jan. 6 probe

    I...don't really have anything to add to that. I don't think the appeal will work, but Trump has been appealling every single loss in a desperate attempt to stall, so "chance of success" has nothing to do with this move.

  18. #83278
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    What, um, what deal is Trump talking about? Other than the fact that Trump refused to release his taxes because he said he was being audited from 2001 and on, there doesn't seem to be anything public about Trump making a 2016 (or earlier) deal that, somehow, he feels is broken.
    Anytime Trump talks about deals, taxes, or the IRS you can be assured he's talking completely out of his ass and fabricating a situation that never existed. Especially if he's being super vague to dodge accountability. I suppose I could've just ended that first part with "anytime Trump talks"

  19. #83279
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nastard View Post
    Anytime Trump talks about deals, taxes, or the IRS you can be assured he's talking completely out of his ass and fabricating a situation that never existed.
    Okay, that seems realistic.

    I don't get why you'd make up a story with no details, but I also don't get being a narcisistic sociopath.

  20. #83280
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I don't get why you'd make up a story with no details, but I also don't get being a narcisistic sociopath.
    I guess if someone wanted to cry about being a victim (again) but has no proof about being a victim (again) they'd include few details so no one can fact check them, but include juuust enough info that people can form their own conclusions. It's kinda like that time you did that horrible thing at the local Cici's Pizza last summer. It was dangerous and stupid and everyone is talking about it. No one should EVER do that to the sneeze guard. THAT'S NOT WHAT IT'S FOR!

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