1. #84921
    Quote Originally Posted by Templar 331 View Post
    I'm picturing Trump running around Mar-a-Lago screaming "NO ONE PUTS BABY IN THE CORNER!!!" as he waddles out the front door. Anything short of his ass being in a federal prison is a disgrace of the justice system.
    While I do agree with you on this, a person like Trump THRIVES on attention. This is why he LOVES negative attention as much as positive. It is about him. He would get that in some way in actual prison. So the best prison for him is to remove any ability for him to get said attention. Make him stay in his home and make it to where he cannot leave his house for ANY reason outside of the building on fire or some other actual emergency and remove ALL forms of outside contact. This means no visitors, no phones of any kind, no computers, not even his family can visit him unless allowed to by a judge. And the door to the room he is in is locked from the outside and cannot be opened by anyone except for a warden of some sort. Not even the Secret Service would be allowed to open it.

    However, as you said, he deserves to be in prison. In a cell, locked away for 23 hours a day for the rest of his short life.

  2. #84922
    Banned Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Hasanabi, while not an unbiased source, watched RFK talk to that dipshit Joe Rogan, tell lies about WiFi causing cancer, and ear cancer from cellphones.

    So, yeah, RFK Jr is just as much of a kook.
    Yeah even if he is pandering WTF as I said Ill vote for Bidens dead corpse over Trump and wouldn't mind taking back the house but DAMN!

  3. #84923
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Because it can be a lot more restrictive then just not being allowed to leave your house, including no visitors (outside of certain visitor hours) and potentially (hopefully) no phones.
    In theory, but the fat fuck lives in a hotel.

  4. #84924
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    While this is from the Lincoln Project, this video shows how worried he actually is. He knows how much, or at least in part, how much trouble he is in.
    What I'd like to know is how the hell he came upon the idea to put his golf shirts, clothing, pants and shoes into boxes with top secret papers. Were these boxes half empty and he chucked shit inside or did he have to take out half the papers to make room.

  5. #84925
    Trump is so damn stupid but at the same time effortlessly use post-truth rhetorics and take other people's voices for his own in a manner that's extremely skillful. I dunno how much is pathological and how much is due to his personality, but he's one of the few who could get away with things no one else could. I bet putin is even a bit jealous.

    What are the odds of him actually being sentenced before the election?

  6. #84926
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voidism View Post
    Trump is so damn stupid but at the same time effortlessly use post-truth rhetorics and take other people's voices for his own in a manner that's extremely skillful. I dunno how much is pathological and how much is due to his personality, but he's one of the few who could get away with things no one else could. I bet putin is even a bit jealous.

    What are the odds of him actually being sentenced before the election?
    They're pushing hard for a speedy trial, IIRC the intent is to be done within 70 days.

    They're making some minor concessions to prevent the process from being dragged out.

  7. #84927
    Quote Originally Posted by Voidism View Post
    he's one of the few who could get away with things no one else could
    Please. Trump isn't special in exploiting a system designed to coddle people like him. The only difference is that more people know about his crimes because of his desperate need for attention.

  8. #84928
    Elemental Lord Darththeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    They're pushing hard for a speedy trial, IIRC the intent is to be done within 70 days.

    They're making some minor concessions to prevent the process from being dragged out.
    I believe so because the New York charges are on hold pending the Federal outcome. (Federal charges take precedent).

    Also, there are the other investigations into Trump for Georgia and Jan 6 that could come down.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    Please. Trump isn't special in exploiting a system designed to coddle people like him. The only difference is that more people know about his crimes because of his desperate need for attention.
    He is too stupid to keep his mouth shut. And people claiming he is getting unfair treatment when there is a young man charged under the same act sitting in jail for his trial is insane to me. Trump is allowed to walk free and campaign pending trial. I wouldn't get that if I was charged with the crimes he is, even if I had one document and not 31!
    Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
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    –The Sith Code

  9. #84929

    A former FBI intelligence analyst from Dodge City, Kansas, who kept hundreds of classified documents at her home, including in her bathroom, was sentenced to nearly four years in prison by a federal judge in Kansas City on Wednesday for violating the same part of the Espionage Act that former President Donald Trump is accused of breaking.

    The sentencing for willful retention of national defense information was the first since a federal grand jury indicted Trump earlier this month, accusing him of hoarding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, keeping boxes of documents not only in a storage room but in a ballroom and bathroom as well.

    The sentence, handed down by U.S. District Court Judge Stephen R. Bough, offered the first courtroom clue since Trump’s indictment about what the former president can expect if he is found guilty.
    Welp, we've got some amusingly topical precedent on the federal charges. And in a bathroom too, smdh what is it about bathrooms? Are they extra secure or something because they lock from the inside?

  10. #84930
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Welp, we've got some amusingly topical precedent on the federal charges. And in a bathroom too, smdh what is it about bathrooms? Are they extra secure or something because they lock from the inside?
    Gotta have something to read when you're on the can and you can't get a wifi signal.
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

    I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

  11. #84931
    Elemental Lord Darththeo's Avatar
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    I have mixed feelings on how Republicans are behaving. Part of me loves seeing them spin their stories on how evil everyone is against Trump regardless of how right leaning the people that are involved are. I honestly wish reality was like they see it, then it would be interesting. The reality is that Trump is a rich person who is clueless on how the world actually operates and got himself into trouble time and time again; but they have to hold onto him and make him the victim.

    Oh and if I see one more Trump voter tell me that Trump "lost money" while President, I am going to scream.
    Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power.
    Through power I gain victory. Through victory my chains are broken. The Force shall set me free.
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  12. #84932
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darththeo View Post
    I have mixed feelings on how Republicans are behaving. Part of me loves seeing them spin their stories on how evil everyone is against Trump regardless of how right leaning the people that are involved are. I honestly wish reality was like they see it, then it would be interesting. The reality is that Trump is a rich person who is clueless on how the world actually operates and got himself into trouble time and time again; but they have to hold onto him and make him the victim.

    Oh and if I see one more Trump voter tell me that Trump "lost money" while President, I am going to scream.
    I would be more heartened by them tearing at each other if it meant something come election time. If Trump is the nominee they'll still by and large support him. Their kind of slime always finds the spineless gumption to coagulate at the end, just like they did around Trump in 2016 and again in 2020.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  13. #84933
    Quote Originally Posted by Darththeo View Post
    Oh and if I see one more Trump voter tell me that Trump "lost money" while President, I am going to scream.
    To be fair he also lost money when he wasn't president, so I guess technically they might be correct? He's a big, fat failure.

  14. #84934
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    They're pushing hard for a speedy trial, IIRC the intent is to be done within 70 days.

    They're making some minor concessions to prevent the process from being dragged out.
    I suspect Trump will end up being his own worst enemy on that front - he's going to follow his usual MO and demand whoever he's lying to about paying them to represent him to delay and delay.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Honestly, it's possible Cannon expects Trump to pull some bullshit and made the date so early to compensate.
    Watching Cannon run this trial is going to be interesting. One the one hand, she's was a complete disgrace to the bench with Trump's whining over the search. On the other, she's been meticulously by the book with Smith's charges so far.

    She's in a bit of a tough spot. If Trump does manage to skate (likely with her help) and then somehow ends up in the White House again and is feeling generous he could appoint her to the Supreme Court (or some lesser step up the Judicial ladder), but if he's feeling vindictive (because she made him face trial, and because nothing is ever his fault) he could probably whip the GOP into impeaching her or otherwise make her life a living hell. On the other hand, if she's seen as trying to steer the trial to benefit him, and he doesn't end up back in the White House, there are going to be a lot of angry people from all walks of American society, including what will be her peers and co-workers for the rest of her career, who are going to see her as a corrupt hack.
    "For the present this country is headed in directions which can only carry ruin to it and will create a situation here dangerous to world peace. With few exceptions, the men who are running this Government are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere. Others are exalted and in a frame of mind that knows no reason."
    - U.S. Ambassador to Germany, George Messersmith, June 1933

  15. #84935
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Once again, it was not a good day to be Donald Trump.

    1) In the now infamous FOX News interview, Trump claimed he fired Ivanka.

    I said, that’s enough for the family. You know why? It’s too painful for the family
    Incidentally, Ivanka said she was stepping back Nov 2022, about the same time Trump lost his third consecutive election.

    1a) Related: Trump went on to talk about Eric for some reason.

    Eric, my son, who’s a fine boy. You know him very well. He’s a fine young man, good student, good everything, comes in. We’re doing beautifully. Then I decide to run for president. I mean, I don’t think anybody in the world in history has ever had more subpoenas sent to him.
    "What did Eric Trump get subpoena'd for?"

    The Jan 6th panel wanted a word with him, and may also have gotten his phone records.

    "...that's the most in world history? Hasn't Trump personally gotten more than that? He's been in court a lot since the eighties."

    Look, don't ask for Trump to start telling the truth now. Wait till after his fat ass hits the stand. Then ask. Anything he says in public, but not under oath, can safely be assumed to be a lie until verified by a non-Trump source.

    2) Same intervew, Trump Claims Patients From 'Insane Asylums' Emptied Into U.S.

    "Because he worked so hard to cut health care?"

    Oddly enough, no, that would have been more honest. He was just flat-out lying.

    I'd close up the border because we can't have prisoners and people from mental institutions coming into our country.

    They're emptying out from all over the world, not just from the three or four countries we talk about, the neighboring countries, all over the world, they're coming into our country at levels we've never seen before, Bret, and we have to stop it.

    And they are emptying out their prisons, and they're emptying out their mental institutions and insane asylums into the U.S., and we're not a dumping ground.
    There is no evidence to support this. Trump is lying.

    3) America's second least-liked failed politician and election denier Kari Lake has damn near moved into Mar-a-Lago in the ongoing effort to be Trump's VP pick and/or have sex with the married man.

    Lake — a former news anchor who lost her bid for Arizona governor and, like Trump, claimed that the election was rigged against her — spent a significant portion of her time at Mar-a-Lago during its open season, the source tells PEOPLE. (In the summer months, the property generally clears out and even Trump heads to his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.)

    "Kari Lake is there every night ... She’s there all the time," the source tells PEOPLE. "There’s a suite there that she practically lives in."

    Lake's frequent appearances at Mar-a-Lago come months after Trump officially announced his 2024 campaign for president in November, and after sources told PEOPLE that Lake has been vying for the role of his running mate.

    "She is working the deal. She wants something bigger, fast, to compensate for her loss in Arizona," one source previously said.
    Why would she want something to compensate for her loss? According to her, she didn't lose.

    4) Trump is probably going to take more shots at Chris Christie. He just got a full-on OP ED with the headline "Chris Christie Is Doing Something Very, Very Important"

    "What something is that?"

    He’s telling the unvarnished truth about Trump, and he’s the only candidate doing that. A former prosecutor, he’s artfully, aggressively and comprehensively making the case against Trump, knocking down all the rationalizations Trump has mustered and all the diversions he has contrived since his 37-count federal indictment.

    It’s as if they were looking at this wild and repugnant hyena, with democracy in its jaws, and they know they should call it what it is and acknowledge what it’s poised to devour but they’ve decided that merely hinting at that is candor and courage enough: “I think it might be nice if we Republicans gave an herbivore a crack at the presidency,” “Let’s think about what a post-scavenger era for the Republican Party would look like.”

    Then there’s Christie: “That’s one nasty, second-rate carnivore with no place on our savanna.” Never has a statement of the bestially obvious been so revolutionary.
    I love that metaphor.

    5) Trump's lawyer friend Eastman is also not having a great day. A judge threw out his lead expert on the grounds of "he's not an expert".

    On Tuesday, Eastman called a man named Joseph Fried to the stand, referring to him as an "expert witness." The Daily Beast reported that Fried is a public accountant and author of an eBook that detailed his skepticism about President Joe Biden's 2020 election win.

    California State Bar Court Judge Yvette Roland was less than impressed with Eastman's attempt to pass off Fried as an expert.

    "I don't see how Mr. Fried is qualified to be an expert. He has no experience in voting or election matters," the judge said.
    The bar's "prosecutor" was also not amused.

    "We don't believe the opinion of a CPA ... is relevant," reiterated state bar attorney Duncan Carling, adding that Fried "never identified any instances of fraud" in the 2020 presidential election.

    Carling, however, said Eastman's purported behavior was a "last-ditch effort" in a series "of increasingly desperate attempts to overturn the election."

    "He was fully aware in real time that his plan was damaging the nation," Carling said. "Dr. Eastman sought at every turn to avoid every public test of his theory, and he privately confessed … that his theory had no chance of persuading the court."
    6) And of course, Jack Smith.

    CNN and likely others report that, as required by law, Agent Smith has started turning over discovery. Included is the list of grand jury witnesses and NON classified documents, as well as the records of Trump made during on-the-record under-oath interviews, and a shitload of other things.

    Not included: classified information. Not only does Team Trump not yet have all their clearances, but also, Smith doesn't trust Trump with classified documents anymore. Neither should anyone else.

    This matches the quickly upcoming court date. Smith is not fucking around.

  16. #84936
    Question to Americans. Is Trump's indictments etc plastered all over the news 24/7 or is it on the low side?

  17. #84937
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voidism View Post
    Question to Americans. Is Trump's indictments etc plastered all over the news 24/7 or is it on the low side?
    If you stay away from algorithm-fed feeds like Flipboard or Twitter, or specialized sources like CNN or these forums, I would say closer to the low side. The front page headlines of ABC, CBS, and NBC are all the Titanic submarine, for example, and not the historic indictments(es) of Donald Trump. Reuter's American feed is about Ukraine.

    If you grab a TV channel at random, it's going to be a baseball game, another NCIS marathon, daytime soaps or a 30-minute commercial for bad jewelry, as per usual. This isn't Katrina, this isn't 9/11, life is moving on more or less as normal and "Special Report!" isn't filling the screen every hour.

    But I say "closer to the low side" because I can't say "low". This is a big story, and Trump is a fat fucking attention whore who seemingly thinks he can win this case by going to the airwaves. Some sources cover those ALL-CAPS or into-the-camera videos because what Trump says is, of course, newsworthy. Some because they want his rabid fanbase to click on their site. Some because what Trump says is often so poorly thought-out or just fucking stupid and they want the clicks of reasonable people. In other words, part of the reason it's now lower is Trump made himself such a divisive, partisan, polarizing topic, and he did it on purpose.

    Which is why you get OP EDs like these two.

    There is little in The Trump Divide that Should Have Republicans Terrified which we haven't already discussed. Trump has strengthened his grip of the rabid fanbase by getting arrested for multiple felonies. One bit stands out, partly because it's a viewpoint that hasn't been raised recently, partly because it was written by Tom Jones:

    It’s not unusual that, in the course of winning a nomination, politicians create electoral vulnerabilities for themselves by moving too far right or left. Hence, the conventional trajectory of a nominee trying to readjust by coming back to the center in a general.

    This is different. What adjustments can Trump make? He can’t get un-indicted for the general election, or jettison his claims about the 2020 election, or reverse all the water that passed under the bridge since 2015. He’s not going to become more polite or give up ALL CAPS TRUTH SOCIAL POSTS.
    Trump's baggage cannot be jettisoned. The GOP is fully prepared to take on not just known fat lying loser failed businessman failed thief adulterer racist Trump like they did in 2016, but all of that plus "failed violent terrorist leader" and "felon". Even if there was another solid candidate, which honestly there are they just probably don't want to stick their dick into this level of crazy, Trump's voters will not leave him and will not back anyone else. Even as heavy-hitting GOP members like Barr, Rove, Bolton, Christie, Pence, McConnell by his silence, etc. try to create some distance, desperately trying to push their fatally wounded party back towards the center, it's not working.

    Which is where this second OP ED comes in. Trump has no plan to win in 2024 by the Washington Examiner.

    We've talked about this before as well: Republicans seem to have no party identity other than the Party of No and trying to get elected purely on the idea of revenge. What are Greene's policies about making the USA a better place, other than having people jailed, fired, or removed from the maxsec prison they put themselves in for being violent terrorists? What is Boebert's plan for improving the lives of her voters or Americans in general? What did Kari Lake run on? Anyone remember?

    Trump is at the forefront of this. It's why he made a late-night ALL-CAPS titled video about why punching down is good, yes he used that phrase and yes he defended it.

    Many say, ‘Don’t punch down when talking about people like Chris Sununu or Sloppy Chris Christie or “Ada” Hutchinson’ — I call him ‘Ada,’ not ‘Asa,’ because, for certain reasons.

    But sometimes it’s necessary to talk badly about those that, for no reason, other than politics, speak badly about you. Otherwise the people that love you don’t know whether or not they’re for real. Are they saying the truth? They’re not.
    I see he's still gaslighting so hard he's fracking in his pants.

    Anyhow, the Washington Examiner, like Barr, Bolton, probably Meadows at this point, etc etc is fully aware that Trump is eating all the GOP news and is killing GOP 2024 chances. They say what other big GOP names have said, including:

    [b]Trump failed to provide even a semi-credible answer about why voters should trust his claim that he only hires “the best people.”]/b] Perhaps the most brutal part of the interview occurred when Baier provided a montage of all the astonishingly nasty things Trump has said about so many of the same people he once assured us were the smartest appointments any president has ever made.

    Many of the people Trump attacked, such as former Attorney General William Barr, could have been strong allies in defeating the deep state and draining the swamp. Now, though, nobody of their quality will consider working for Trump in a second term, which likely would be filled with the sort of third-raters who populated the final, incompetent days of his previous administration.

    Trump is incapable of being a team player. There is a lot a president can do on his own, but presidents can do more when their parties control Congress. Instead of helping build a governing coalition, Trump has spent more money attacking fellow Republicans than he has in helping them defeat Democrats. One can’t build a winning coalition by permanently estranging large swaths of people on one’s own side.

    Finally, much has been made of how Trump essentially acknowledged that he chose to ignore a Justice Department subpoena, that he mixed top-secret documents involving nuclear weapons and hypothetical war plans in boxes with “personal things … [such as] golf shirts, clothing, pants, shoes,” and that he possessed absolutely no power to declassify papers once he left the White House (undercutting an already spurious line of defense he had used).
    We all saw the civil war as a valid risk. Some people did nothing, thinking Trump would just go away. Some people did nothing, because as Trump supporters they just assume they'll win. And some people watch (possibly with popcorn) as the two sides tear each other to pieces -- as a party realizes it has no identity other than its continued reliance on Donald Trump, proven liar, proven loser, and soon, proven felon.

  18. #84938
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Smith is not fucking around.
    Not really tied to this case, but I'll only believe Smith isn't fucking around if he pushes to remove Aileen Cannon from the Trump documents case. This case is far too important to even give that corrupt judge a chance to help her "friend" who gave her that job.

  19. #84939
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    Not really tied to this case, but I'll only believe Smith isn't fucking around if he pushes to remove Aileen Cannon from the Trump documents case. This case is far too important to even give that corrupt judge a chance to help her "friend" who gave her that job.
    Corrupt is an understatement.
    I do wonder what a good inspection of her finances would show.

    Edit-Info on her work history I found to be incorrect and retracted.
    Last edited by Lanrefni; 2023-06-22 at 02:06 PM.

  20. #84940
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    If you stay away from algorithm-fed feeds like Flipboard or Twitter, or specialized sources like CNN or these forums, I would say closer to the low side. The front page headlines of ABC, CBS, and NBC are all the Titanic submarine, for example, and not the historic indictments(es) of Donald Trump. Reuter's American feed is about Ukraine.

    If you grab a TV channel at random, it's going to be a baseball game, another NCIS marathon, daytime soaps or a 30-minute commercial for bad jewelry, as per usual. This isn't Katrina, this isn't 9/11, life is moving on more or less as normal and "Special Report!" isn't filling the screen every hour.

    But I say "closer to the low side" because I can't say "low". This is a big story, and Trump is a fat fucking attention whore who seemingly thinks he can win this case by going to the airwaves. Some sources cover those ALL-CAPS or into-the-camera videos because what Trump says is, of course, newsworthy. Some because they want his rabid fanbase to click on their site. Some because what Trump says is often so poorly thought-out or just fucking stupid and they want the clicks of reasonable people. In other words, part of the reason it's now lower is Trump made himself such a divisive, partisan, polarizing topic, and he did it on purpose.

    Which is why you get OP EDs like these two.

    There is little in The Trump Divide that Should Have Republicans Terrified which we haven't already discussed. Trump has strengthened his grip of the rabid fanbase by getting arrested for multiple felonies. One bit stands out, partly because it's a viewpoint that hasn't been raised recently, partly because it was written by Tom Jones:

    Trump's baggage cannot be jettisoned. The GOP is fully prepared to take on not just known fat lying loser failed businessman failed thief adulterer racist Trump like they did in 2016, but all of that plus "failed violent terrorist leader" and "felon". Even if there was another solid candidate, which honestly there are they just probably don't want to stick their dick into this level of crazy, Trump's voters will not leave him and will not back anyone else. Even as heavy-hitting GOP members like Barr, Rove, Bolton, Christie, Pence, McConnell by his silence, etc. try to create some distance, desperately trying to push their fatally wounded party back towards the center, it's not working.

    Which is where this second OP ED comes in. Trump has no plan to win in 2024 by the Washington Examiner.

    We've talked about this before as well: Republicans seem to have no party identity other than the Party of No and trying to get elected purely on the idea of revenge. What are Greene's policies about making the USA a better place, other than having people jailed, fired, or removed from the maxsec prison they put themselves in for being violent terrorists? What is Boebert's plan for improving the lives of her voters or Americans in general? What did Kari Lake run on? Anyone remember?

    Trump is at the forefront of this. It's why he made a late-night ALL-CAPS titled video about why punching down is good, yes he used that phrase and yes he defended it.

    I see he's still gaslighting so hard he's fracking in his pants.

    Anyhow, the Washington Examiner, like Barr, Bolton, probably Meadows at this point, etc etc is fully aware that Trump is eating all the GOP news and is killing GOP 2024 chances. They say what other big GOP names have said, including:

    We all saw the civil war as a valid risk. Some people did nothing, thinking Trump would just go away. Some people did nothing, because as Trump supporters they just assume they'll win. And some people watch (possibly with popcorn) as the two sides tear each other to pieces -- as a party realizes it has no identity other than its continued reliance on Donald Trump, proven liar, proven loser, and soon, proven felon.
    Thank you mate.

    Yeah, he's like poison in the GOP. Best case scenario is that he gets nominated for their candidate.

    MAGA folk, even if they aren't a majority can affect his nomination due to being large enough. Since they tend to be on the passionate side (to use a kind word), any kind of poking on Trump will make them organize and push for him as candidate. Indictments aren't sentences, but to them it might as well be.

    Republicans really ate their own shoes by giving him any kind of platform from the start. Now they have poison in the veins. Hopefully Trump gets nominated and continue to destroy them from within. I do hope everything will be peaceful though but that's probably too naive to think when it comes to these loud mouths.

    It's still baffling to me how the American divide can create a treasonous creature like him, just to spite the "other side."

    "I'm eating this poop with cyanide in it, to spite you!"

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