1. #85101
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Apparently Trump said something to the effect of not knowing what a Blizzard was while at a Dairy Queen on the campaign trail. This is worth of national press coverage on NBC news and I'm not linking to it because this is some dumb TMZ shit.

    Though hey, I'll dunk on Trump for being an out of touch elite who knows McDonald's better than anyone.
    "How many scoops are in it? 2? I want a third."
    Sir, there are no scoops in a Blizzard, it's made with-
    "How can there be no scoops. It's ice cream. You scoop ice cream."
    Sir, as I was trying to say, it's-
    "You're telling me that I can't have a third scoop of ice cream?"

    Fox News: Dairy Queen employee can't count to three.
    OAN: Dairy Queen doesn't use REAL ICE CREAM!
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  2. #85102
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Apparently Trump said something to the effect of not knowing what a Blizzard was
    Trump's poll numbers are a lot like a Blizzard. Even if you turn them upside down and shake them, nothing seems to fall out1.

    On topic, the NYTMZ reports, fuck, the NYTimes reports that Kelly has, under oath, admitted yet another Trump government weaponization.

    John F. Kelly, who served as Trump’s second White House chief of staff, said in a sworn statement that Mr. Trump had discussed having the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies investigate two F.B.I. officials involved in the investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia.

    Mr. Kelly said that his recollection of Mr. Trump’s comments to him was based on notes that he had taken at the time in 2018. Mr. Kelly provided copies of his notes to lawyers for one of the F.B.I. officials, who made the sworn statement public in a court filing.

    “Trump questioned whether investigations by the Internal Revenue Service or other federal agencies should be undertaken into Mr. Strzok and/or Ms. Page,” Mr. Kelly said in the statement. “I do not know of Trump ordering such an investigation. It appeared, however, that he wanted to see Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page investigated.”

    Mr. Kelly’s assertions were disclosed on Thursday in a statement that was filed in connection with lawsuits brought by Peter Strzok, who was the lead agent in the F.B.I.’s Russia investigation, and Lisa Page, a former lawyer in the bureau, against the Justice Department for violating their privacy rights when the Trump administration made public text messages between them.
    "Wait, so Trump never ordered the hit? That makes him innocent!"

    Well, the lawsuit is ongoing. Kelly didn't know of such an order. We haven't proven a negative, sit down.

    Still, he said, under oath, and had notes to back it up, that Trump wanted to weaponize the IRS against his rivals. That means that any Republicans decrying government weaponization must also decry Trump's motives, even if they weren't fulfilled.

    So y'all know the rules. If any Trump supporter, even those who claim not to be, say something negative about the investigations into Trump, simply point out this exact lawsuit and this exact quote under oath, as well as the famous 2016 threat to Clinton that got thundering applause of coursse, and say "you must also say something negative about Trump, who wanted to do it".

    "But Trump never did it. That's a key difference."

    If you're willing to say that about his other broken campaign promises, fine. How do you feel about The Wall? How do you feel about his work on opioids? How do you feel about his marriage vows?

    I've said it before, people should not get applauded for declaring they want to do something deplorable, then not doing it. They've demonstrated they're deplorable. They're just lazy or incompetent. If weaponization is bad because you don't like Trump being investigated, then it was bad when Trump said he wanted to do it -- and you can't pick one or the other.

    1 Also neither seem to feel the Call of Duty.

  3. #85103
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    "How many scoops are in it? 2? I want a third."
    Sir, there are no scoops in a Blizzard, it's made with-
    "How can there be no scoops. It's ice cream. You scoop ice cream."
    Sir, as I was trying to say, it's-
    "You're telling me that I can't have a third scoop of ice cream?"

    Fox News: Dairy Queen employee can't count to three.
    OAN: Dairy Queen doesn't use REAL ICE CREAM!
    Sir, this is a Wendy's.

  4. #85104

    If Trump gets reelected he's going to deny all access to communists and markers to our cunny.

    His words. Remember, he describes himself as having the best words.

  5. #85105
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    If Trump gets reelected he's going to deny all access to communists and markers to our cunny.

    His words. Remember, he describes himself as having the best words.
    I debated posting this this morning but thought we all already have enough evidence that Trump is both a fucking moron and suffering from dementia and figured I'd just be piling on.

    Then I said "fuck it" and started to post it anyway until my internet shit the bed and by the time it came back I had forgotten about it. Whoopsie.

  6. #85106
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    If Trump gets reelected he's going to deny all access to communists and markers to our cunny.
    Truly he has the Sharpeest intellect.

    Look, we all know he meant "Marxist" and surely that was the word on the telepromptor. Why he didn't read it as such is....I'm sure @Benggaul has a theory.

    But, of course, since Trump labels everyone who isn't one of his cultists as a communist and/or Marxist, we all know he can't do this. For those of you who don't remember, and based purely on the thickness of the manure pile that was his tenure, I don't blame you, the ACLU has a timeline of his Muslim Ban. Spoiler alert: it took three tries before he got one court victory, namely his packed SCOTUS, in a narrow version of the original ban. In any event, Trump can apparently block by country if he tries, but not by religion or (one assumes) political party or falsely labeled political party.

  7. #85107
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    If Trump gets reelected he's going to deny all access to communists and markers to our cunny.

    His words. Remember, he describes himself as having the best words.
    Says he's going to deny entry to fascists...while being a fascist >_>

  8. #85108
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    So, Trump was in Iowa and spent the day lying to a sizeable chunk of his 2016 base: farmers.

    Under Joe Biden, it has been a nonstop war on American agriculture. You know that better than anybody
    "Yeah! Biden did all that...um...what's he talking about? Which regulations?"

    Well, there's one. Biden lowered the amount of ethanol the EPA would require in 2024 and 2025 fuels...

    "That's an outrage! How dare he attack our farmers!"

    ...but the reduced levels are still higher than anything Trump successfully approved. Trump's suggestion that Biden was cutting things is, of course, a lie. He's just not increasing them as much as his employees said they wanted to. And his suggestion that this was bad, again, is pure hypocrisy.

    "I...seem to remember something about Trump increasing ethanol? Did that actually happen?"

    Kind of. Let me quote the NYTimes from 2019.

    The Trump administration said Friday that it has lifted a summertime ban on the use of E15, a gasoline blend made of 15 percent ethanol.
    "Yeah! MAGA!"

    The move is designed to help corn and soybean farmers harmed by Trump’s decision to impose tariffs.

    Who was waging the nonstop war on American agriculture, again?

    "...fuck! Well, at least he raised some ethanol levels. That's still good, right?"

    For a short time. Turns out what Trump did was unConstitutional. The ban was an actual law, and Trump can't just ignore it. His move was reversed in 2021.

    Would you like to read this 2020 Reuters article? It's about how farmers were upset that Trump's moves were damaging and/or inconsistent.


    Okay, fine. Here's a 2020 Forbes article about Trump's claims versus reality.

    This week at a campaign rally in Jacksonville, Florida, Trump made a puzzling claim. Near the end of a story about Kamala Harris, Trump said “The great state of Iowa — where I made ethanol possible for them...”

    But Trump was talking about Iowa, which is the country’s leading ethanol producer. Did he perhaps do something in Iowa to “make ethanol happen?” No, Iowa’s ethanol production statistics mirror those of the rest of the country. Under Trump, Iowa’s ethanol production has risen from 4.1 billion gallons during President Obama’s last year in office to 4.23 billion gallons in 2019. That represents an increase of 3%.

    So, what is Trump really claiming here? I have no idea. He definitely didn’t “make ethanol happen” for the U.S. or for Iowa. President Bush could legitimately make that claim, but not Trump.

    But it’s not the first time Trump has made an exaggerated claim about U.S. energy production. Last July, Trump made the following statements in West Texas during a speech:

    Under the Trump Administration the United States has increased oil production by 3.1 million barrels per day. That’s some number, never been anything like that number. For the first time in nearly 70 years, we have become a net energy exporter, and the United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas on the face of the earth.
    It is true that oil and gas production have continued an ongoing surge during President Trump’s administration. But the crude oil surge started in 2008 under Barack Obama. During Obama’s tenure, U.S. oil production rose at the fastest rate in history.

    The natural gas surge started in 2005 under George Bush, and also led to an unprecedented increase in natural gas production. The reason for the production surges was the fracking boom.

    Thus, the claim lacks context. Further, the U.S. had become the number one producer of both oil and natural gas during President Obama’s administration.

    In any case, neither claim is completely true, but the ethanol claim would appear to be completely false.
    Trump's claims about making the US into an energy exporter are something we've discussed before. It's as genuine as claiming he brought unemployment down further than Obama. Incidentally, both claims only have a hint of truth when you add "...until 2020 of course" which broke them both.

    Donald Trump does not tell the truth. He tells objective lies in public about everything. Even the Washington Examiner isn't having it with their headline "Trump tries to sell himself as the farm-subsidy champion".

    "You're going to quote that too, aren't you."

    Trump also went on at length about ethanol, a heavily subsidized biofuel. His more than a dozen mentions of ethanol never got more than the tiniest applause. Specifically, he attacked Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for opposing the Renewable Fuel Standard, a federal law that forces refineries to blend ethanol with their gasoline.

    “Every Iowan needs to know that Ron 'DeSanctis' totally despises Iowa ethanol, and ethanol generally.

    He was a congressman, and he was fighting for years to kill every single job supported by this very important industry. Ending the Renewable Fuel Standard was one of his top priorities — as a member of Congress, he wanted to end it.”

    “And if he had his way, the entire economy of Iowa would absolutely collapse because it would collapse if he did that, to say, just slandered the ethanol mandate as, quote, socialism.”

    This scripted line was supposed to draw boos, but it drew only silence.

    "That is damning."

    Oh wait, it gets worse.

    After the rally, Leslie McPeck, an Omaha woman in her 60s, was leaving the rally with a John Deere-colored “Farmers for Trump” cap. “Oh, I’m not a farmer," she explained to me. "They were just giving out the hats.”

    What did she think of Trump’s promises to subsidize Iowa farmers because they vote for him? “I wasn’t really here to hear about that.”
    I guess it could be worse. It could be coal.

  9. #85109
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    So, Trump was in Iowa and spent the day lying to a sizeable chunk of his 2016 base: farmers.

    "Yeah! Biden did all that...um...what's he talking about? Which regulations?"

    Well, there's one. Biden lowered the amount of ethanol the EPA would require in 2024 and 2025 fuels...

    "That's an outrage! How dare he attack our farmers!"

    ...but the reduced levels are still higher than anything Trump successfully approved. Trump's suggestion that Biden was cutting things is, of course, a lie. He's just not increasing them as much as his employees said they wanted to. And his suggestion that this was bad, again, is pure hypocrisy.

    "I...seem to remember something about Trump increasing ethanol? Did that actually happen?"

    Kind of. Let me quote the NYTimes from 2019.

    "Yeah! MAGA!"


    Who was waging the nonstop war on American agriculture, again?

    "...fuck! Well, at least he raised some ethanol levels. That's still good, right?"

    For a short time. Turns out what Trump did was unConstitutional. The ban was an actual law, and Trump can't just ignore it. His move was reversed in 2021.

    Would you like to read this 2020 Reuters article? It's about how farmers were upset that Trump's moves were damaging and/or inconsistent.


    Okay, fine. Here's a 2020 Forbes article about Trump's claims versus reality.

    Trump's claims about making the US into an energy exporter are something we've discussed before. It's as genuine as claiming he brought unemployment down further than Obama. Incidentally, both claims only have a hint of truth when you add "...until 2020 of course" which broke them both.

    Donald Trump does not tell the truth. He tells objective lies in public about everything. Even the Washington Examiner isn't having it with their headline "Trump tries to sell himself as the farm-subsidy champion".

    "You're going to quote that too, aren't you."


    "That is damning."

    Oh wait, it gets worse.

    I guess it could be worse. It could be coal.
    Last I saw E15 would also cause damage to existing engines that are only rated for E10. They would prematurely wear down.

  10. #85110
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Yes, and one assumes they've learned from their mistakes.
    Vegas exists because people don't learn from their mistakes.

  11. #85111
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    Quote Originally Posted by draynay View Post
    Vegas exists because people don't learn from their mistakes.
    Yeah, I'm still going to assume the casinos know more about odds than the gamblers who lose all their savings.

    But you know who else isn't betting on Vegas? Trump. Low-energy Trump went to Vegas and nobody cared, including him.

    Donald Trump’s 2024 Nevada debut in Las Vegas came with little of the former president’s trademark showmanship.

    Trump’s return to the city that boasts a gleaming Trump hotel comes exactly one year after he held a campaign rally for then-GOP Senate candidate Adam Laxalt, who went on to lose to Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto in the 2022 midterms.

    Now, a year later, as Trump vies for a nonconsecutive return to the White House and to maintain his stronghold on the Silver State’s GOP, he spoke for a mere 40 minutes at the Clark County volunteer recruitment drive in a church 15 miles from the city’s famous strip.

    “We have a big job to do. This has been a hard state. I really believe it’s a Republican state,” Trump said. “This is the most important election in the history of our country.”

    There were a few theatrics from Trump, who from the outset stressed the purpose of the relatively small event. As usual when speaking at smaller gatherings, he made note of a “large crowd” outside, and pointed to media coverage of crowd sizes at recent rallies.

    Trump drew cheers when he rattled off names of Nevada GOP power brokers, including state party chair Michael McDonald, who served as a so-called “fake elector” in 2020. McDonald testified last month before a Washington federal grand jury investigating Jan. 6 and the former president’s efforts to stay in office.

    “Michael McDonald has been my friend for a long time,” Trump said.

    As he wrapped his short address, Trump hinted at bigger things to come as campaign season progresses.

    “I just want to thank you all for volunteering and being with us, and we love you,” Trump said. “And we’ll be back many times, and we’ve got a couple of really big rallies scheduled over the next couple of months, and we’ll have 60, 70,000 people at these rallies.”
    Yep, Trump spent his short-ass weak-ass rally talking about his crowd sizes. The one thing you never have to tell a crowd is how big that crowd is. They know how big the crowd is. It's them. Yes, he mentioned Jyna and DeSanctimonious, but once again, we see what sociopathic narcisist Trump finds important is Trump.

    Oh, and hanging out with felons. And not just the fake electors, either. Roger Stone went with him, followed him from Iowa.

    So speaking of Vegas and felons, FOX News had an interview with a mafia boss making one of the most difficult articles I've ever tried and failed to segue into. I mean, how am I supposed to transition into "FOX News posts literal hit piece"?

    In the new biography about him, D'Elia says he did business with former President Trump when he owned Atlantic City casinos in the 1980's, and that Trump shaved off $1 million from one real estate deal... by flipping a coin.

    D'Elia says he dealt with Trump when he owned flashy New Jersey shore casinos like the "Trump Taj Mahal," "The Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino," and "The Trump Marina Hotel and Casino."

    "(He's) just like he's on TV now, arrogant. He don't keep his word."

    The revelations about Trump are in the new book about D'Elia, "The Life We Chose, William 'Big Billy' D'Elia and the Last Secrets of America's Most Powerful Mafia Family," by veteran journalist Matt Birkbeck. Birkbeck covered D’Elia and the Buffalino Crime Family for decades in northeast Pennsylvania, and is the author the biography "The Quiet Don," about the crime family’s namesake, Russell Buffalino.

    "Trump, when he did deals, he didn't want his lawyers doing it. He didn't want anyone else doing it, he did it himself, and he did it with gangsters," says Birkbeck.

    "Billy did business with a lot of people, including Donald Trump," he says. "Trump knew exactly who he was, Trump knew exactly what he was doing and exactly what they were negotiating about."
    Guys, I don't think Murdoch likes Trump very much.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You know who else heard Trump's rally in Vegas? Chris Christie. And he has a few thoughts.

    Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) called estimates of tens of thousands of people attending Trump’s campaign rallies “absurd.”

    Fox News’s Shannon Bream asked Christie on “Fox News Sunday” to weigh in on local authorities in South Carolina estimating that one of Trump’s recent rallies there had been attended by around 50,000 people, which Christie labeled “absurd.” He said that Trump’s rallies are meant to serve Trump, not the American people.

    “50,000 is absurd,” Christie told Bream. “But I am not going to get in an argument about that. Here’s why he doesn’t care about the American people. He droned on for an hour and a half yesterday in Iowa.”

    He lied about the farm deal with the Chinese,” Christie continued. “They haven’t even complied with a quarter of what they agreed to Donald Trump to do in terms of buying soybeans and other things from the farmers in Iowa. And he spent the rest of the time talking about his own indictment. This is not somebody who’s fighting for the American people and their future. This is all about his ego.”

    What he cares about the most is trying to undo the loss he had to Joe Biden in 2020,” Christie said. “But since he’s a three-time loser, having lost in 2018 the House of Representatives, lost the White House and the Senate in 2020, and in 2022 he winds up losing two more governorships, another seat in the Senate and we barely won the House by five votes.”
    I wonder if he's reading my posts...

  12. #85112
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I wonder if he's reading my posts...
    He's reading reality. We're just not used to Republicans who can still do that.

  13. #85113
    Did you know that Trump colluded with big tech to bury the Hunter Biden story? That's what Desantis thinks, at least. Nothing like wanting to end the weaponization of government by......weaponizing the government to fire the people you don't like for no reason.

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Sunday accused Trump administration agencies of “colluding” with Big Tech to bury the Hunter Biden story in 2020 and criticized the former president for not firing those involved with the alleged collusion at the time.

    “I look back at the Hunter Biden censorship, which was a huge, huge deal to happen in the 2020 election, and yet those were Donald Trump’s own agencies that were colluding with Big Tech. I would never allow that to happen. I would fire those people immediately,” DeSantis told Maria Bartiromo in an interview on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”

    Republicans have raised concerns about alleged “collusion” between the FBI and social media companies in order to silence conservative viewpoints — which they say is particularly evident in Twitter’s initial decision in 2020 to limit the spread of a story containing contents of a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden. Twitter executives have since said their initial decision may have been flawed, but they adamantly insisted Democrats had no involvement in their decision.

    DeSantis, who frequently touts his war on Big Tech in Florida, is now using the frequent Trump talking point against the former president himself — pointing out that the New York Post story was published during his presidency.

    “We will end the weaponization of government. And that’s, of course, a new FBI director on day one,” DeSantis said, repeating a frequent pledge. “That’s a difference between me and Donald Trump. He says the jury is still out on FBI Director Wray. I think you need a new start on day one. We’re going to clean house at the Department of Justice.”

    DeSantis, who has been trailing Trump in recent primary polls, continued to pitch himself as the more disciplined, results-oriented alternative to Trump, with all the same policy positions.

    “But here’s what it requires, Maria. It requires a president that is disciplined, a president that is focused,” he said. “You can’t get distracted on this. These people are not going to voluntarily give up the power that they have accumulated over many decades of neglect. I have shown in Florida the ability to get the job done.”
    The man who is distracted by a cartoon mouse is telling others he is focused.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  14. #85114
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    He's reading reality. We're just not used to Republicans who can still do that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chonogo View Post
    I think it's why I still have a sliver of respect for Christie. He doesn't tow the party line regarding nonsense, for the most part.
    Fair enough, but let's all remember where his loyalties were in 2016.

    Defeated by Donald J. Trump in the 2016 primaries and derided by fellow Republicans for his subsequent embrace of Mr. Trump, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey has quietly emerged as one of the most influential advisers to his party’s presumptive presidential nominee and one of the leading contenders to be his running mate.

    Four months after endorsing Mr. Trump, Mr. Christie remains one of the few major figures in the Republican establishment to align himself entirely with Mr. Trump’s candidacy. In public, he has defended Mr. Trump’s freewheeling and sometimes offensive pronouncements, vouching for him even after Mr. Trump attacked a federal judge for his Mexican heritage. (Mr. Christie said he knew from personal experience that Mr. Trump was not a racist.)

    Mr. Christie is among those being vetted as Mr. Trump’s possible running mate, according to people briefed on the process, and Mr. Trump has said in interviews that Mr. Christie would have a prominent place in a Trump White House.

    Already, Mr. Christie has begun the task of designing a government on Mr. Trump’s behalf. Chosen to lead Mr. Trump’s transition efforts, Mr. Christie has taken a role that some of his allies liken to that of a White House chief of staff, soliciting views on what a potential administration should look like.
    Christie, of course, was never Trump's running mate. He was also discarded as head of the transition team Nov 11 by Trump's children and Kushner. That's right, Trump's kids were WH employees even before Trump moved in.

    I appreciate that there are Republicans who have turned away from Trump publicly, saying they made a mistake. That's better than being a cultist. But most of us knew Trump was a problem even before he won the RNC primaries. Christie is at least saying "don't back the person in 2024 that I backed in 2016" but I'll wait for a Republican who can say "See, I told you".

    He's begging for forgiveness. And he's not alone.

    Conservative group plans anti-Trump ad blitz in early states

    The group, Win it Back, will on Tuesday begin airing TV commercials in Iowa and South Carolina. The new super PAC is spending $3.6 million on the blitz, which will run through the end of the month.
    Under oath, John Kelly raises serious allegations against Trump

    John F. Kelly, who served as former President Donald J. Trump’s second White House chief of staff, said in a sworn statement that Mr. Trump had discussed having the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies investigate two F.B.I. officials involved in the investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia. Mr. Kelly said that his recollection of Mr. Trump’s comments to him was based on notes that he had taken at the time in 2018. Mr. Kelly provided copies of his notes to lawyers for one of the F.B.I. officials, who made the sworn statement public in a court filing.

    Dozens of witnesses have testified as the Jan. 6-focused grand jury probes Trump

    Smith’s team has investigated areas where there might be a clearer instance of potentially illegal conduct. The witnesses called indicate that the special counsel probe has focused particularly on the “fake electors“ scheme in which false slates of electors from states Trump lost would assert that he won. In total, 84 fake electors in seven swing states signed documents falsely declaring Trump the winner.
    Ukraine President Rejects Trump’s Boast He Could End War in ‘One Day’

    It looks as if Donald Trump already had these 24 hours once in his time. We were at war, not a full-scale war, but we were at war, and as I assume, he had that time at his disposal but he must have had some other priorities.

  15. #85115

    "It's not a cult!"

    A man in a MAGA hat says between mouthfuls of his Trump Tower burger at Trump Burger, where the walls are lined with Trump flags and posters and cutouts and the tops of buns have Trump's name burned into it. They purchased a "Biden sniffs kids" shirt on the way out.

    Really though, I don't think even a small minority of libs built whole-ass identities around Obama in the way that seemingly around 1/4 of the Republican party have built their lives around Donald Trump.

  16. #85116
    I mean the burger looked good but... two 8 oz patties? That's just the ground beef. 16 oz. For one person. I guess I just don't work hard enough to imagine eating that much for lunch.

  17. #85117
    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    I mean the burger looked good but... two 8 oz patties? That's just the ground beef. 16 oz. For one person. I guess I just don't work hard enough to imagine eating that much for lunch.
    Burgers are still in “too much meat” mode, hell most dishes are here. Some places are moving away from doing this but the too hard to eat burger is still pretty standard and fucking stupid.

    I say this as a 6’4” Viking looking chef. It’s too damn much food.

  18. #85118
    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    I mean the burger looked good but... two 8 oz patties? That's just the ground beef. 16 oz. For one person. I guess I just don't work hard enough to imagine eating that much for lunch.
    Gee, how could America possibly be so Obese... oh wait.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  19. #85119
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    Gee, how could America possibly be so Obese... oh wait.
    Portion sizes of burgers is a lot less to do with it than the availability of healthy food or time to prepare one’s own meals due to needing multiple jobs to survive.

  20. #85120
    Elemental Lord Templar 331's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chonogo View Post
    Please tell me this isn't real. Why are so many Americans so desperate to worship this dude?
    They think he's like them because he says what they want to hear.

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