1. #85841
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odinfrost View Post
    Only thing I feel like this article is missing is confirming Trump's claim of wide spread voter fraud
    Well I mean, even I was getting tired of it towards the end. But the author seems to have chosen specific claims for a reason, probably involving the timeline of acts and the charges filed based on those acts.

    I'd also like to point out that, in some of those, Trump was playing the "I heard that, everyone's saying it" game. One, he uses that to lie. Two, even if someone else said it, if he publicly spreads something he knows to be a lie, that's on him, if he publicly spreads something that he should have known was a lie, that's still on him. He's still spreading hoaxes, the only difference is if he's being malicious or incompetent. Neither are sound qualities for a chosen leader. And, yet, here we are.

  2. #85842

    DeSantis' media strategy is basically being as spineless as Ted Cruz.

  3. #85843
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Cannon pushes back Aug 25 hearing, and while stalling is a gift to Trump it seems to be about evidence under seal and is probably actually important.

    So since that's not funny or negative enough, here's Mary Trump about her famous family's recent social media posts:

    There’s been a really interesting shift over the last few months, or couple of years.

    The way in which he is presenting himself in social media, the attacking nature, the aggressiveness. That used to be strategy for him, you know, [he] used to throw temper tantrums strategically to get his way.

    It’s not strategy anymore.

    He is literally doing what he’s done in other contexts, which is pushing the envelope to see how much he can get away with, which obviously, until this time, has been everything.

    But the unconscious fear, terror, and especially fear of humiliation is so strong that he cannot course-correct and realize that doing what he’s always done is this time not going to get him what he wants. In fact, quite the opposite.
    This is a description of a person who is insane. No really, this is Vaas levels of warning here.

  4. #85844

  5. #85845
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Trump's lawye...ROFL

    Wait, seriously, Trump's lawyers...LMAO.

    They said - guess what they said!?

    They said they want to delay his federal case until 2026. Yup, 2-0-2-6!

    I thought all the writers were on strike because thats comedic gold right there.


  6. #85846
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    They said they want to delay his federal case until [expletive deleted]
    The reason given was that Trump should receive a fair, not speedy, trial.

    You know what, if he withdraws from the race, like not him saying it actual judge's injunction that he signs, then yeah, I'll back that. Hell, make it 2035. 2077. In the year 3535.

  7. #85847
    So, you know that news conference next week with Trump showing proof that something that didn't happen actually happened? Well, it has been cancelled.


    Trump cancels news conference to release report on 2020 election

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he had canceled a press conference scheduled for next week to release a report into the 2020 election in Georgia, saying his attorneys would put his arguments in court filings instead.

    Trump said earlier this week that he would hold the press conference on Monday to release a detailed, 100-page report into what he described as "election fraud" in the state of Georgia during the 2020 election he lost to Democrat Joe Biden.

    He has been charged in Georgia and in federal court with attempting to overturn those election results.

    "Rather than releasing the Report on the Rigged & Stolen Georgia 2020 Presidential Election on Monday, my lawyers would prefer putting this, I believe, Irrefutable & Overwhelming evidence of Election Fraud & Irregularities in formal Legal Filings," Trump said on Truth Social.

    Therefore, he added, the news conference was no longer necessary.

    Since his defeat in 2020, Trump has repeatedly claimed that the election was marred by widespread fraud. Those claims have been rejected by courts, state reviews and members of his own administration.

  8. #85848
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Rigging your election
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    The reason given was that Trump should receive a fair, not speedy, trial.

    You know what, if he withdraws from the race, like not him saying it actual judge's injunction that he signs, then yeah, I'll back that. Hell, make it 2035. 2077. In the year 3535.
    If I were the judge and wanting to troll, I'd definitely say something along the lines of "The judge shall take serious consideration of defendant's request to delay the trial if and only if defendant withdraws from any and all elections for public office. Considering that this is a case against the defendant is defrauding the people of the united states, there is serious concern for what would happen if defendant were to hold public office again."
    2014 Gamergate: "If you want games without hyper sexualized female characters and representation, then learn to code!"
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  9. #85849
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    So, you know that news conference next week with Trump showing proof that something that didn't happen actually happened? Well, it has been cancelled.

    Damnit man, nobody could have seen this coming. Surely he has the bulletproof evidence but has just been sitting on it for years, right? I guess he finally listened to someone on his legal team.

  10. #85850
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Damnit man, nobody could have seen this coming. Surely he has the bulletproof evidence but has just been sitting on it for years, right? I guess he finally listened to someone on his legal team.
    Best part is that he will be putting them in front of a judge as legal filings. I can't wait until they are dismissed away.

  11. #85851
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Best part is that he will be putting them in front of a judge as legal filings. I can't wait until they are dismissed away.
    @cubby does it matter if court filings have been ruled on in previous cases elsewhere? Is there some sort of punishment for filing that? Or is it like other bullshit where you can keep submitting it until someone decides to agree with it?

  12. #85852
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Best part is that he will be putting them in front of a judge as legal filings. I can't wait until they are dismissed away.
    Do you think he’s actually gonna do that?

    Or did he say he had proof, just like all the other times, without having any proof, just to make some point to his base and keep the “the election was a lie” narrative in the collective perception?

    I also fully believe that his lawyers realized that him putting out that info and whatever bald-faced lies it contained would be even more ammo for the prosecution and said “no no no, Mr. Trump, it would be better to attack them with it in court!” knowing both the above and that he’d probably forget anything was ever said about it.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  13. #85853
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Trump's lawye...ROFL

    Wait, seriously, Trump's lawyers...LMAO.

    They said - guess what they said!?

    They said they want to delay his federal case until 2026. Yup, 2-0-2-6!

    I thought all the writers were on strike because thats comedic gold right there.

    I love how they're redefining what 'a speedy trial' means

  14. #85854
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    As expected:

    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Therefore, he added, the news conference was no longer necessary.
    I swear, Trump is auditioning for "I Know But I'm Not Telling" the musical. It was written by Rodgers and Hammershit.

    Besides the usual "if Trump says it but he's not under oath, it means nothing" let's throw in two more things.

    One, Trump could be 100% telling the truth about election fraud but his actions would still be illegal. If I think someone stole my car, so I sneak into his hospital room and poison his IV, it stops mattering if I was right. The only difference is motive between whether I'm a vigilante or homicidal maniac.

    And two, there is no reason to conceal what Trump claims is Irrefutable and Overwhelming evidence of Election Fraud. It's not witness intimidation. If it's evidence in his case, I'm pretty sure it's covered by Brady Law and prosecution can't bury it if they know it's true and they know it's exculpatory. Everyone already knows Trump thinks the election was rigged, so evidence that he was right would not hurt his court case. And there'd be a massive swing in poll numbers.

    Barring legal technicalities which, let's be fair, Trump supporters, you don't know either, but which I admit may exist...there is only one reasonable option here.

    I had already posted his lawyers were trying to pull him back. Trump despises people telling him what to do. They have to trick him, or put a figurative gun to his head. See also: the firing of Chris Wray. That's about the only two options. Either one takes significant effort and holds risk, because if Trump finds out you tricked him and his very stable IQ (it's easy to be stable when you're on the floor), or if you tell Trump something he doesn't like, he fires you, and you don't get all that sweet PAC money.

    So it had to be important.

    If the report is true, and Trump thinks it is true, there is no reason to suppress it.

    If the report is true, and Trump thinks it is false, he never would have brought it up.

    So the report is false. Again, I think we're all agreed there, even people too cowardly to show up anymore.

    Which is worse:
    a) the report is false, but Trump thinks it is true, and tells people it is true, or
    b) the report is false, and Trump thinks it is false, but tells people it is true?

    For years now, we have seen plenty of evidence there was no election fraud. Every court case Trump brought, failed. They broke into voting machines themselves and found none. No reasonable person could possibly have believed the election was rigged. And yet, because Trump is Trump, his lawyers could probably swing "he was tricked by people he believed". We already know that's the defense they're going for. Fraud requires deceit. If you were lied to and pass that along, you did not commit fraud. This also feeds heavily into the "Free Speech Lol" argument that is completely false but they're going for it anyhow.

    So, if the report was false, and Trump believed it to be true, he would be admitting he was duped (or insane, but let's go with the first one). Admitting you were tricked is not something Trump would do lightly, and yet, it's seemingly their defense. Admitting it would change nothing.

    This leaves only that the report is false (duh) Trump knows it is false, but Trump is telling people that it is true.

    Okay, but why would his lawyers stop him? Because the difference between those two is what the prosecution can prove. Yes, "I was duped" is an affirmative defense, and in the absence of anything else, it would be he said/Trump said.

    So...Trump's lawyers must be concerned that prosecutors can prove Trump is lying. Considering how much evidence was turned over, a treasure trove where X literally marks the spot, this is a reasonable concern for them.

    Okay, but he's been doing this for years. Why stop him now? Well, he wasn't arrested before, so there's that. Trump's other lawyers may or may not have tried to stop him before he was arrested, but there's been a legion of turnover, so it hardly matters. Anyone that did tell him before wouldn't have mattered before Trump made this Lindell-style announcement. And regardless, the stakes are higher now. Trump is desperate.A

    As everyone and their @Edge- has said, if Trump could prove election fraud, he'd have done so by now. He could not be found guilty of lying to Kemp that there was fraud, if there was fraud. Well I guess he could if he found out later, but it would be reasonable doubt in at least one juror.

    At this point, I think Trump could be facing a defamation suit. I don't know if a state can sue, but I am fairly sure the people who work in elections can. Considering some are getting death threats, they can show damages. Georgia was one of the most heavily watched, heavily recounted 2020 states. They have enough evidence to show that no reasonable person would believe there was election fraud in Georgia, and as such, Trump either lied or was negligent enough that he's fucked either way. We all know how defamation works at this point, and the remaining two parts are trivial.

    Or, the judge could step in because he's making inflammatory statements and/or disclosing evidence. Maybe.

    So that's my take: Trump's lawyers are concerned because they know Trump is lying.

    Just like everyone else.

    Including his supporters.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Best part is that he will be putting them in front of a judge as legal filings

    He won't.

    He said he would. That means nothing. Come on, son.

  15. #85855
    Quote Originally Posted by Odinfrost View Post
    Illigitimate people voting
    Oh, right. I forgot about the dead people voting thing. Especially the part where some of his goons said that someone was dead because they had the same name as an actual dead person. Fun times.
    It also fails to mention that out of all the actual factual instances of REAL voter fraud found while investigating the election, the vast, VAST majority of them were all Republicans doing the deed. Like, 9 out of every 10 instances of discovered fraud were Trump voters.

    Also, lets not forget the fact that there were several times Trump literally told people via social media to vote twice in certain areas. Which, you know, is 100% illegal.

  16. #85856
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Trump's lawye...ROFL

    Wait, seriously, Trump's lawyers...LMAO.

    They said - guess what they said!?

    They said they want to delay his federal case until 2026. Yup, 2-0-2-6!

    I thought all the writers were on strike because thats comedic gold right there.

    Thing is...they know they aren't going to be getting a 2026 trial. By Suggesting 2026 they're hoping that the judge will "split the difference" between Smith's proposed start date and theirs. Which would put the trial somewhere after January 20, 2025... after, if things go well for Trump, he gets sworn in as President.

  17. #85857
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    "Rather than releasing the Report on the Rigged & Stolen Georgia 2020 Presidential Election on Monday, my lawyers would prefer putting this, I believe, Irrefutable & Overwhelming evidence of Election Fraud & Irregularities in formal Legal Filings," Trump said on Truth Social."
    Jesus Christ is it infuriating how this cunt is so sure of himself with the way he repeats affirming words.

  18. #85858
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egomaniac View Post
    Thing is...they know they aren't going to be getting a 2026 trial. By Suggesting 2026 they're hoping that the judge will "split the difference" between Smith's proposed start date and theirs. Which would put the trial somewhere after January 20, 2025... after, if things go well for Trump, he gets sworn in as President.
    I hope instead they... move up the trial date with prejudice.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  19. #85859
    Hey, can we move the trial date on the account of our client not wanting to go to jail?
    -Trump's lawyers, probably.

  20. #85860
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Trump's lawye...ROFL

    Wait, seriously, Trump's lawyers...LMAO.

    They said - guess what they said!?

    They said they want to delay his federal case until 2026. Yup, 2-0-2-6!

    I thought all the writers were on strike because thats comedic gold right there.

    Either trying to postpone it until after he's elected, to which then he can postpone it further, or postpone it long after he's dead.

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