1. #85881
    So, how do we stop the politicization of the Justice Department? By impeaching those we don't agree with. That is the logic the GOP is using in Georgia. Not because the DA is trying to put their "Dear Leader" in jail for being an insurrectionist and trying to overthrow an election.


    Georgia State Senator Initiates Impeachment Proceedings Against DA Fani Willis Over Trump Charges

    A Georgia state senator, Colton Moore, has taken steps towards impeaching Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis due to her involvement in the charges against former President Trump. Moore has accused Willis of wielding her position for political motives and pursuing a personal agenda against Trump.

    Moore announced his intentions on social media, declaring the need for an emergency session to evaluate Willis’ actions. In his statement, Moore voiced concerns about the purported political targeting of opponents by radical left prosecutors and emphasized his commitment to preventing such actions.

    To address these concerns, Moore penned a letter to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, urging the call for a special session to address the situation involving Willis. The letter, co-signed by elected members of both the Georgia House of Representatives and Senate, highlighted the urgency of the matter and invoked a constitutional provision allowing for such sessions.

    Willis recently held a press conference to announce charges brought against Trump and multiple individuals by a Fulton County grand jury. In response, Moore’s actions signal a significant pushback from political quarters, alleging bias and improper motivations in the ongoing legal proceedings.

    The state senator’s move to initiate impeachment proceedings reflects the intense political climate surrounding these charges and underscores the broader debates over prosecutorial impartiality, political agendas, and due process.

    As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how Moore’s efforts will impact the legal proceedings and the broader political landscape in Georgia.

  2. #85882
    Pandaren Monk masterhorus8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    So, how do we stop the politicization of the Justice Department? By impeaching those we don't agree with. That is the logic the GOP is using in Georgia. Not because the DA is trying to put their "Dear Leader" in jail for being an insurrectionist and trying to overthrow an election.

    Ahhh, I love the smell of obstruction of justice in the morning.

  3. #85883
    Quote Originally Posted by masterhorus8 View Post
    Ahhh, I love the smell of obstruction of justice in the morning.
    It's political theater.
    The gop needs the governor to call a special session...which isn't going to happen. The gop needs a 2/3 majority to pull anything off in GA, especially in regarding changing its laws...which isn't going to happen either.

  4. #85884
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    So, how do we stop the politicization of the Justice Department? By impeaching those we don't agree with. That is the logic the GOP is using in Georgia. Not because the DA is trying to put their "Dear Leader" in jail for being an insurrectionist and trying to overthrow an election.

    Remember, if it targets a republican, then it's politically motivated, self serving and corrupt.
    If it targets a democrat, then it's justice and protecting America and the people.

  5. #85885
    In a better world, Kemp would tell that guy to get fucked, to his face, on national television, and then have him promptly removed from his seat on the senate for wasting everyone's time with such an obviously insane bit of pure partisan bad faith bullshit.

  6. #85886
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I mean, if they do that right now, they might not be able to donate to Trump directly, all the links go to "librul leet" recipients.
    A few months of that, and that particular person voting for Trump won't be an issue in the slightest.
    Unless you can vote by Ouija board.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  7. #85887
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Reminder that Trump has been attacking Kemp since 2020 and backed Perdue in 2022 to try and primary him. As recently as four days ago Kemp was calling him out on his bullshit.

    Kemp isn't a Trump ally and can't run for reelection in 2026 anyway. He has nothing to gain politically and seems to dislike the man personally.

  8. #85888
    Thought I'd post this just to see how people would bet. He's definitely near or over 300. I'm 6'3'' and am something like 290 and look nothing like that, and I think I'm an absolute fat ass.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  9. #85889
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontrike View Post
    He's definitely near or over 300
    Just so we're clear:

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    And the punch line, of course, is Trump might not even show up. He knows he has no facts to work with, he knows his opponents have four years worth of objectively grounded criticisms like "you didn't build the wall" or "my god, man, you're over 300 pounds you fat fuck".
    I've been saying this as a joke. I never expected to have a boxing-style weigh-in on this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why Trump might regret passing on the first debate

    Now, I've touched on this topic before, in a general way, and this article backs that. Which is always nice. But the Poltiico article goes into much finer detail, with names and dates.

    If former President Donald Trump is serious about skipping next week’s debate in Milwaukee, he risks being upstaged. | Brandon Bell/Getty Images


    08/19/2023 07:00 AM EDT

    Donald Trump wants to deprive his competitors of any oxygen. That’s why the former president is likely skipping next week’s debate in Milwaukee.

    But it probably won’t work.

    As presidential primaries have become more national in scope, debates have arguably been all that’s really mattered in the run-up to the early states. Candidates like Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Ben Carson and Pete Buttigieg surged in the polls after strong showings.

    And Fred Thompson, Rick Perry and Beto O’Rourke stand as cautionary tales of hyped-up candidates who bombed on stage and saw their campaigns crumble months before voting even began.

    The proof is in the numbers: Much of the movement in recent primary fights has been marked in time by the nationally televised debates. Candidates sink or swim based on their debate performances — and the first debate has often been the catalyst for the first real changes in those races.
    After the RNC hosts the debates, the winner doesn't debate again for a full six months, and then, it'll be against Dark Brandon.

    Trump is a horrible debater. It's a tough call which is worse, someone who has no responses except lying and insults...or someone who can't respond at all, based on him not being there.

    If you like, read over the timeline of debates vs. results. I mostly remember those election cycles, and nothing about their depiction seems wrong to my confirmation bias.

    Speaking of debates, it's time for Guess the Speaker!

    You know, every time Donald thinks things are not going in his direction he claims, whatever it is, is rigged against him. The FBI conducted a year-long investigation into my emails, they concluded there was no case. He said the FBI was rigged. He lost the Iowa caucus, he lost the Wisconsin primary. He said the Republican primary was rigged against him.

    This is how Donald thinks. And it’s funny, but it’s also really troubling. That is not the way our democracy works. We’ve been around for 240 years, we’ve had free and fair elections, we’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election.
    Clinton said that, in public, in 2016. And she's been right ever since. Y'all didn't vote for her because But Her Emails, how's the obstruction of justice charges working for you? Still relevant?

    Big GOP donors push for Trump alternative

    Axios has been getting some interesting exclusives. I thought they were mostly a meta-site. Anyhow, again, a topic raised before, again, clarified with details.

    The details are "it's Youngkin". Who has been watched by Murdoch for some time. I'll leave you to read the details, but it's yet establishment of a pattern.

    And there's a reason the money is leaving.

    On Trump indictments, polls tell GOP what it doesn’t want to hear

    This Maddows blog is written by Steve Benen...man, he must be regretting that name...and while it may be considered an OP ED, like many not written by Trump supporters, facts and evidence are brought up.

    By a 57%-to-37% margin, Quinnipiac found independent voters agreeing that Trump should be prosecuted.

    The top-line results do not appear to be an outlier: The latest poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, which was conducted shortly before this week’s Fulton County indictment, also found that 53% of Americans “approve of the Justice Department indicting Trump over his efforts to remain in office after losing the 2020 election.”

    This comes on the heels of related polling from June, which also found a narrow majority of Americans supporting the criminal charges against Trump in his classified documents case.
    Just making it clear: Biden's approval rating is not great, but higher than 37%. Making it far far worse, that's not even an approval rating for Trump. That's a "well at least don't send him to jail".

    There is no good news for Donald Trump out there.

  10. #85890
    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    In a better world, Kemp would tell that guy to get fucked, to his face, on national television, and then have him promptly removed from his seat on the senate for wasting everyone's time with such an obviously insane bit of pure partisan bad faith bullshit.
    In a perfect world he would be the minority in any state, and he would be asked to fucking resign when he made this bullshit claim.

  11. #85891
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    I easily won the Great State of Georgia in 2016, did a fantastic job, as President, for Georgia and the entire USA, received 10 Million more votes than I got, nationwide, in 2016, got by far the most votes in history for a sitting President, but shockingly, “LOST” Georgia. All this despite winning nearby Alabama and South Carolina in Record Setting Landslides. Why did Georgia officials agree to, and sign, the one sided Consent Decree? Does anybody really believe I lost Georgia? I DON’T!
    -- Trump

    Well, it was good while it lasted.
    -- his lawyers

  12. #85892
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    -- Trump

    -- his lawyers
    Well, at least he's stil phrasing it as his belief that he never lost Georgia. His lawyers can take small comfort in that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post

    Trump is a horrible debater.
    This is true except for one thing...his people love everything he says. They love that he won't follow the rules of debate. They love that he fights with the moderators. According to them... he "won" all the debates he took part in in both the 2016 and 2020 campaigns.

    If any other candidate backed out of the debates...they'd be seen as cowards...but those rules don't apply to Trump. He's going
    to go on his safe space with Tucker and attack the other candidates without having to open himself up to any attacks at all... not that anyone but Chris Christie would actually attack him at all. This would also be seen as a sign of weakness...from anyone else.
    Last edited by Egomaniac; 2023-08-19 at 07:44 PM.

  13. #85893
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egomaniac View Post
    his people love everything he says.
    That's not the same. If the RNC hosts an actual debate, and not an episode of Jerry Springer, Trump loses. He never beat Clinton once, he never beat Biden once.

  14. #85894
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    That's not the same. If the RNC hosts an actual debate, and not an episode of Jerry Springer, Trump loses. He never beat Clinton once, he never beat Biden once.
    The RNC is not known for their ability to "rein in the crazy," nor would any single one of them have spine enough dare to be the one to tell Trump that his time was up or to let others speak.

    Trump not attending is probably the best possible thing for the other candidates there. Hell, it might even give them chutzpah enough to talk negatively about him, especially if Christie is up there. It would be refreshing, as spineless and cowardly as they are otherwise, the see the GOP writ large start having to off-the-cuff say negative things about Trump.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  15. #85895
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    That's not the same. If the RNC hosts an actual debate, and not an episode of Jerry Springer, Trump loses. He never beat Clinton once, he never beat Biden once.
    It doesn't matter if it doesn't change voters minds. He's already won the debate...by not taking part. Instead he can go on Tucker Carlson and take swipes at him without any chance of a rebuttal.

    He never beat Clinton in a debate. He won the Election.
    Last edited by Egomaniac; 2023-08-19 at 08:33 PM.

  16. #85896
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egomaniac View Post
    He never beat Clinton in a debate. He won the Election.
    Valid, but there are some caveats.

    One, his lead dropped. Leave out the laptop, and the debates hand Clinton 2016.

    Two, these debates are another story entirely. Trump went to the 2016 RNC debates and picked up steam for exactly the reason you suggested. He built the rabid fanbase from those. He...already has that, he can't do that twice. What he can do, is lose the 2016/2020 voters who said "Well I guess we better vote Trump or else we get the sane, competent, experienced Clinton" and held their noses. If someone in the 2024 RNC debates can get them back, they can spend months and months pushing Trump down in the polls between their performance and Trump's trial disclosures. Also, Trump can't run on a hypothetical record anymore, only his real one, which the other candidates will surely point out every 30 seconds, whether he's there or not.

    As that article I cited strongly says, debates can change minds. The cult is a lost cause. They're insane. But that's not even 40% of Republcians. And the RNC knows it. The only question is, do they think they'll do better with the growing 60 or shrinking 40.

    Also, when I read it I thought you meant the audience, which I no longer think is the case, and if so my bad.

  17. #85897
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Valid, but there are some caveats.

    One, his lead dropped. Leave out the laptop, and the debates hand Clinton 2016.

    As that article I cited strongly says, debates can change minds. The cult is a lost cause. They're insane. But that's not even 40% of Republcians. And the RNC knows it. The only question is, do they think they'll do better with the growing 60 or shrinking 40.
    It doesn't matter if he doesn't have the entire GOP. He's got enough enough that most of the other candidates won't dare to attack him directly. The only person really willing to go after him is Chris Christie...and his poll numbers aren't so hot.

  18. #85898
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egomaniac View Post
    The only person really willing to go after him is Chris Christie...and his poll numbers aren't so hot.
    Christie is gaining. And the RNC motto seems to be "we need to look forward, not back" these days.

    Anyhow, it'll be interesting to see his choice. He's chum either way. He brings only baggage to the table and can't defend any of it.

  19. #85899
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Christie is gaining. And the RNC motto seems to be "we need to look forward, not back" these days.

    Anyhow, it'll be interesting to see his choice. He's chum either way. He brings only baggage to the table and can't defend any of it.
    Yeah, he's gaining... but that's mostly at the expense of DeSantis...not Trump.

  20. #85900
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egomaniac View Post
    Yeah, he's gaining... but that's mostly at the expense of DeSantis...not Trump.
    Trump had a similiar experience, eating smaller candidates one at a time. Christie could be doing the same, except Trump might have done so more literally. I mean, has anyone seen Fiorina?

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