1. #86001
    I'd say the chance of 4a and b being broken is basically 100%.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  2. #86002
    Trump will find out the hard way that this is one judge (and DA) that doesn't vacillate. After he leaves Ga tomorrow, he's going to find himself in handcuffs and back in that courtroom a lot sooner than he thinks.

  3. #86003
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Pence's chief of staff says Meadows was "central" to the plot and that concerns me.

    I think that in your last panel, I think it was it’s fair to say that Mark was the ringleader of much the events that happened around January 6, he was somebody who was — Trump sought to find additional attorneys who gave advice different than White House counsel, and it was very central to the events that happen on that day.

    So there had been a lot of conversations leading up to this and Mark was central to pulling together many of those who were I think whispering falsehoods into the president’s ear
    Pence is not charged and I think it's pretty clear he was not involved. Like, that seems pretty obvious.

    But this guy, and possibly Pence by extension, seems to be pushing "Trump was tricked".

    If I'm wrong, my bad, and I'll happily take that L.

    If I'm right, this is extremely dangerous, as it is an attempt to free Trump of all consequences of his words and actions -- including, yes, backing false electors, lying to Georgia, and spending the last two years and change saying the election was rigged and his actions were valid.

    Not only is this dangerous because it would make the country's biggest, fattest traitor since Nixon "not guilty" the attempt to do so is also "Trump was so gullible, so stupid, so unaware that the yes-men he intentionally hired tricked him into leading a murderous insurrection...and now please re-elect him".

    Let's pretend Trump was tricked. Let's pretend he was misled. What part of Meadows and co. getting him to tell the country, the world, "I won the election and I will fight it beyond all legal limits" makes Trump worthy of returning to the WH? Look at his work with Putin and Kim, that checks out.

    However...it could be worse. This claim isn't "Trump didn't do it". This claim isn't even "Trump did nothing wrong". This is, basically, an admission Trump did something that was wrong. UnConstitutional, even. But the claim is that he did something wrong, but should not be held accountable, and should be given the chance to do it again.

    Does anyone here have a different take? Does anyone have a Tucker Carlson interview bingo card?

  4. #86004
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Pence's chief of staff says Meadows was "central" to the plot and that concerns me.

    Pence is not charged and I think it's pretty clear he was not involved. Like, that seems pretty obvious.

    But this guy, and possibly Pence by extension, seems to be pushing "Trump was tricked".

    If I'm wrong, my bad, and I'll happily take that L.

    If I'm right, this is extremely dangerous, as it is an attempt to free Trump of all consequences of his words and actions -- including, yes, backing false electors, lying to Georgia, and spending the last two years and change saying the election was rigged and his actions were valid.

    Not only is this dangerous because it would make the country's biggest, fattest traitor since Nixon "not guilty" the attempt to do so is also "Trump was so gullible, so stupid, so unaware that the yes-men he intentionally hired tricked him into leading a murderous insurrection...and now please re-elect him".

    Let's pretend Trump was tricked. Let's pretend he was misled. What part of Meadows and co. getting him to tell the country, the world, "I won the election and I will fight it beyond all legal limits" makes Trump worthy of returning to the WH? Look at his work with Putin and Kim, that checks out.

    However...it could be worse. This claim isn't "Trump didn't do it". This claim isn't even "Trump did nothing wrong". This is, basically, an admission Trump did something that was wrong. UnConstitutional, even. But the claim is that he did something wrong, but should not be held accountable, and should be given the chance to do it again.

    Does anyone here have a different take? Does anyone have a Tucker Carlson interview bingo card?
    My interpretation of that is that trump wanted to overturn the election because he refused to believe he lost, and relied on meadow to form a strategy to do so.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  5. #86005
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Okay I've never been arrested, mostly because they haven't found the bodies yet, so I'm not fully aware of how the system works.

    Eastman spent several hours in jail before bond was posted. Hours. He surrendered on purpose on his own schedule. I assumed he brought his checkbook and probably at least one other human being with him. Does it really take hours, even with everything lined up and ready to go? If so, man, Trump is in for a treat.

  6. #86006
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Okay I've never been arrested, mostly because they haven't found the bodies yet, so I'm not fully aware of how the system works.

    Eastman spent several hours in jail before bond was posted. Hours. He surrendered on purpose on his own schedule. I assumed he brought his checkbook and probably at least one other human being with him. Does it really take hours, even with everything lined up and ready to go? If so, man, Trump is in for a treat.
    This way he can share harrowing tales of his time spent in jail for sympathy and maybe write a book about it.

  7. #86007
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Okay I've never been arrested, mostly because they haven't found the bodies yet, so I'm not fully aware of how the system works. Eastman spent several hours in jail before bond was posted. Hours. He surrendered on purpose on his own schedule. I assumed he brought his checkbook and probably at least one other human being with him. Does it really take hours, even with everything lined up and ready to go? If so, man, Trump is in for a treat.
    In PA and NJ, they only accept cash for bail. Although, considering the amount of money in these cases a cashier's check might be acceptable.

  8. #86008
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    In PA and NJ, they only accept cash for bail.
    Yeah but surely Eastman, a lawyer...for now...knew all that when he surrendered? Again, it would not surprise me if regulations and paperwork put everyone in a cell, even if they had a briefcase full of $100s on them at the time, I just don't know if that's the case. I'm just 100% convinced Eastman didn't want to be in a cell and would have taken steps to prevent it.

    So either
    1) it really is impossible to get booked without waiting in a cell for hours, no matter what, and if so have fun Trump
    2) it really is possible to cut that down, and for some reason, Eastman couldn't do that, or
    3) Eastman has a thing about shitting in front of strangers.

  9. #86009
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Pence's chief of staff says Meadows was "central" to the plot and that concerns me.

    Pence is not charged and I think it's pretty clear he was not involved. Like, that seems pretty obvious.

    But this guy, and possibly Pence by extension, seems to be pushing "Trump was tricked".

    If I'm wrong, my bad, and I'll happily take that L.

    If I'm right, this is extremely dangerous, as it is an attempt to free Trump of all consequences of his words and actions -- including, yes, backing false electors, lying to Georgia, and spending the last two years and change saying the election was rigged and his actions were valid.

    Not only is this dangerous because it would make the country's biggest, fattest traitor since Nixon "not guilty" the attempt to do so is also "Trump was so gullible, so stupid, so unaware that the yes-men he intentionally hired tricked him into leading a murderous insurrection...and now please re-elect him".

    Let's pretend Trump was tricked. Let's pretend he was misled. What part of Meadows and co. getting him to tell the country, the world, "I won the election and I will fight it beyond all legal limits" makes Trump worthy of returning to the WH? Look at his work with Putin and Kim, that checks out.

    However...it could be worse. This claim isn't "Trump didn't do it". This claim isn't even "Trump did nothing wrong". This is, basically, an admission Trump did something that was wrong. UnConstitutional, even. But the claim is that he did something wrong, but should not be held accountable, and should be given the chance to do it again.

    Does anyone here have a different take? Does anyone have a Tucker Carlson interview bingo card?
    He'd never admit or claim he was tricked in public. That'd ruin his Bigly Bestest Yuge Image Jobs!
    He might mutter it under oath though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  10. #86010
    Fulton County...no one wants to spend any time there...

    ...not as bad as I thought.

  11. #86011

    The Mar-a-Lago IT employee who, according to a federal court filing, implicated former President Donald Trump and two of his aides in an alleged pressure campaign to delete security camera footage at the Florida resort was advised by special counsel Jack Smith's team that he would not face perjury charges after he amended his testimony, a source familiar with the investigation told CBS News.

    Yuscil Taveras was assured by federal prosecutors in recent weeks that he was no longer the target of a criminal probe into whether he had lied in his grand jury testimony and would not be charged for allegedly lying to investigators by telling them that he had no knowledge of efforts to delete the footage that was of interest to Smith's team, the source said.
    Protip: The feds love a fucking snitch. They really do. So if you end up lying to the feds to protect someone else and find yourself possibly going down with the person you're protecting, flip on them. Because the feds are liable to reduce/drop charges, and won't even add fresh charges for lying to them in the first place.

  12. #86012
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    "he would not face perjury charges after he amended his testimony".
    I mean, otherwise, why would anyone?

    - - - Updated - - -

    So we've been following the issue with Giuliani recently, the story that he's out of money and can no longer support his lifestyle of hiring defense lawyers and staying out of jail.

    Well, of course Trump came to the aid of a long-time friend and co-conspirator, since anything else would just be legal suicide and get him thrown in prison, and handed Giuliani some of his own money, out of the goodness of his heart and/or not wanting to die behind bars.

    Just kidding, it was PAC money.

    Just kidding, it wasn't even that.

    He's hosting a fundraiser, asking Republicans to spend $100,000 of their own money to pay his own disgraced lawyer and co-conspirator, because he cba.

    Guests can expect gifts such as "publicly self-identifying as supporting the insurrection" and "wondering if the money will actually go to Giuliani, this is the man who stole from a children's cancer hospital" and "wait, if Trump and Giuliani are there, can they talk without their lawyers present?" and "if I was going to just hand Giuliani some cash, why wouldn't I have done that by now?"

    Speaking of which, there is no fundraiser scheduled for Ellis, who apparently, has a GoFundYourself that has reached $111,000 also known as "one and one-ninth of one seat at the table with Giuliani, but at least I get to collect it".

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    Trump's going in on Thursday, right?
    I just saw a video on the topic -- Trump may have gone with Thursday because of ratings. Specifically, he wants to stomp on the RNC debate and make it all about him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Protip: The feds love a fucking snitch.
    Yeah I went through this too quickly last time, shame on me. Smith isn't doing this out of the goodness of his heart, he's doing this because Taveras knew he was objectively guilty of perjury, and even if the "stealing government top secret property" charges somehow vanished, that wouldn't.

    - - - Updated - - -

    ‘Dark Brandon’ ads backing abortion rights swarm FoxNews.com ahead of debate

    The “Dark Brandon” ads will be displayed on FoxNews.com beginning midnight Tuesday running through Thursday morning “highlighting President Biden’s commitment to fighting a national abortion ban and codify Roe,” the campaign said.

    “Get real, Jack. I’m bringing Roe back,” the ad reads.

    “Only Dark Brandon knows where he’ll appear,” Biden deputy campaign manager Rob Flaherty told People magazine, which first reported the Fox News ad buy.
    Like...why would FOX News even take this money? Well, you know the rules, if it appears on FOX News I get CNN points. *ding* once for the X article and

    Yep, there they are. *ding* for that one, I'll be checking throughout the debates.

  13. #86013
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Given the way bail conditions work in Georgia, trump only has to fork up 10% of it. 20K is nothing when he has the MAGA grifting fun. However the rest of the conditions are spicy.

    Shall we open a poll on how long before trump starts breaking those conditions?
    The minute he steps out and gets his phone he violates it, I can almost guarantee that.

  14. #86014
    Dibs on Trump's mugshot for my avatar.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  15. #86015
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Dibs on Trump's mugshot for my avatar.
    If it is anything like the last time people used something from him as an avatar, you will get banned for it. Then again, Thwart isn't mod anymore.

  16. #86016
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Dibs on Trump's mugshot for my avatar.
    I mean...if you promise to let @Skroe borrow it, should he ever come back?

    - - - Updated - - -

    The GA DA is not done going upside Clark's head.

    Defendant Jeffrey Bossert Clark has moved this Court for an Emergency Motion to Stay the pending State court criminal proceedings against him based on an apparent misread of the applicable statutes, a misapprehension of the binding caselaw, and a fundamental misunderstanding of criminal procedure—both state and federal.

    Defendant Clark boldly asks this Court for expeditious action when he himself has shown no urgency,” the response continues. “The defendant and his co-defendants were indicted on August 14, 2023, with leave by the District Attorney to voluntarily surrender in lieu of arrest by noon on August 25, 2023. The defendant inexplicably waited seven days, until August 21, to even notify this Court through a notice of removal that he intended to argue removal [to federal court] was appropriate. It took him just as long to file the instant demand that this Court issue a stay of the State court proceedings by 5 pm the following day (August 22, 2023).

    The defendant’s Motion demanded a halt to the State Court proceedings to avert the necessity of his ‘rushed travel arrangements to fly into Atlanta’ to present himself for voluntarily surrender by the August 25 deadline in lieu of the service of an arrest warrant, as numerous of his co-defendants have now done.

    As inconvenient as modern air travel can admittedly be, whatever nuisance involved in the defendant securing a flight to Atlanta within the window provided is self-evidently insufficient justification to invoke this Court’s authority to enjoin a State felony criminal prosecution.

    The defendant seeks to avoid the inconvenience and unpleasantness of being arrested or subject to the mandatory State criminal process, but provides this Court no legal basis to justify those ends. Defendant is wrong on the law, wrong on the facts, and the Motion should be denied.
    Oh, and

    Respectfully submitted
    There is just so much boom, headshot in there. First, note that Willis points out in public that Clark was given the chance to surrender, refuting Clark's claim nobody told him. And second, the fact that he waited a week, and when he filed a response, gave less than a day in return. And third, of course, is "no evidence and no law supports this claim" the Trump 2024 campaign slogan. I'm guessing the first draft included the term "white privilege" and Willis personally had it removed, but it sure reads like it was implied.

    If Clark is having trouble finding a flight to his arrest, I suggest booking dot com.

  17. #86017

    Giuliani mugshot get?

  18. #86018
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Giuliani mugshot get?
    Having lived in NYC while that toad was mayor, this is oh so satisfying.

  19. #86019

    Jenna Ellis, esquire (?), did not listen to the advice of many, many other lawyers and she chose to smile in her mugshot. Don't smile in your mugshot, doesn't look good to juries and all.

  20. #86020
    Seriously, with all these mugshots, I couldn't help but remember a scene from Archer.

    Unsexiest mob of all time indeed.

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