1. #86201
    Quote Originally Posted by Milchshake View Post
    Sorry, but you got scammed by Charlie Kirk of all people. He's spreading rumors that NH GOP wanted to remove Trump's ballot access.
    It's not the govenor, but some random like Corky Romano that wanted to take Trump off the ballot.

    Thank you for your concern, butr please dont fall for Charlie Kirk scams.

    Just to say in my defence, I was NOT scammed by Charlie Kirk, and I resent the implication that I was. But I was apparently scammed by David Pakman, who released this video.

    I will hold my hands up to not checking into the source of this story more closely. But Pakman is, generally speaking, a pretty good journalist. I'd assumed that he had done his due diligence on this.

    It just goes to show how dangerous disinformation is. All it needs is one respected source to fall for it, and suddenly it could be all over the place.
    When challenging a Kzin, a simple scream of rage is sufficient. You scream and you leap.
    Quote Originally Posted by George Carlin
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Douglas Adams
    It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.

  2. #86202
    Quote Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl View Post
    Just to say in my defence, I was NOT scammed by Charlie Kirk, and I resent the implication that I was. But I was apparently scammed by David Pakman, who released this video.

    I will hold my hands up to not checking into the source of this story more closely. But Pakman is, generally speaking, a pretty good journalist. I'd assumed that he had done his due diligence on this.

    It just goes to show how dangerous disinformation is. All it needs is one respected source to fall for it, and suddenly it could be all over the place.
    Huh. Someone that straight up owns the fact they got duped good and proper... I didn't know that's something that actually happens on the internet.

    But jokes aside I very much agree, source checking is extremely tiring work but it only takes that one time to get duped. Ofc it's mitigated by a willingness to entertain the notion you were like you did unlike... Others.

  3. #86203
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantique View Post
    But jokes aside I very much agree, source checking is extremely tiring work but it only takes that one time to get duped. Ofc it's mitigated by a willingness to entertain the notion you were like you did unlike... Others.
    Today on FB I woke up to see two completely unrelated Trump cultists on my feed both posting the same thing: that COVID never shut down the border. Which it did, by the way, they just grabbed a meme that fed their conspiracies and didn't do a 30-second Google search to find it had been closed for 20 months. Also, why a Trump supporter would complain that COVID never shut the border down is beyond me, unless we're back in "Obama failed Katrina" territory.

    Enough about that, let's talk about Trump skipping his Sept 6 Georgia arraignment hearing.

    "Wait, he can do that?"

    It's not a great idea in my opinion in general, but sources tell CBS he's leaning that way. You can tell when Trump is leaning because the building shakes and groans. He hasn't filed a waiver yet, so this could just be Trump ranting and raving and people telling CBS that he's ranting and raving. And let's be honest, Trump routinely has bad ideas. Remember his COVID response?

    Trump is legally allowed to enter a "not guilty" plea via lawyer, but it might sound strange considering (a) he showed up at the other three arraignments, even bragging about it on the increasingly inaccurately named Truth Social, and (b) he fund-raised off his mug shot. But Trump may have found the problem in projecting an image of him being defiantly arrested and in court, which is that's the image of a criminal. Chris Christie has already released an attack ad against Trump using Trump's mug shot.

    "It's time for conservatives to win again" is just subtle enough that goldfish memory Trump supporters will miss it, by the way. Remember that time they said the border wasn't shut down for COVID and forgot Trump was in charge?

    While the ad shows Christie embracing Sununu -- so you know already where the ad is airing -- Trump has picked a different approach to working with Republican leaders.

    Governor Kemp of Georgia is fighting hard against the impeachment of the crooked, incompetent & highly partisan D.A. of Fulton County, Fani Willis, who has allowed murder and other violent crime to MASSIVELY ESCALATE.

    Crime in Atlanta is WORST IN NATION. She should be impeached for many reasons, not just the Witch Hunt (I did nothing wrong!)
    "What? Crime in Atlanta is the worst in the nation?"


    "But...but Trump said it was!"

    And you believed him? It's not even in the top 20.

    South Fulton is 22nd but that's as close as he can get.

    Atlanta hasn't been in the highest crime rate range for some time.

    "But...surely it's rising?"

    The homicide rate was cut in half last year. So, no, it's not.

    Trump lies all the time about everything, and Christie's ads call that out, too. Remember that time he said "It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine."? Yeah, he lied about that, too. From claiming that everything he did was part of his job and therefore he's covered by executive immunity to literally claiming in court he's the target of a lynch mob, Trump's only defense for being caught objectively guilty to a hundred crimes is to lie, and lie, and lie, and hope that it works.

    It will for his base. Remember how Trump praised the vaccine he said he created, then all his supporters said it was poison but still followed Trump anyway? He can't shake them, even when by their own logic he's trying to murder them with poison. But other conservatives? Christie is rising in the polls. He's tied with DeSantis, to give you some Idalia of how that's going. What Trump is trying shouldn't work. Hopefully, it doesn't.

  4. #86204

    A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Rudy Giuliani is legally liable for defaming two Georgia election workers who became the subject of conspiracy theories related to the 2020 election that were amplified by Donald Trump in the final weeks of his presidency.

    In an unsparing, 57-page ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell said Giuliani had flagrantly violated her orders to preserve and produce relevant evidence to the election workers, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, resulting in a “default” judgment against him. She also ordered him to pay Freeman and Moss “punitive” damages for failing to fulfill his obligations. A jury will determine the amount of those damages.

    “Just as taking shortcuts to win an election carries risks — even potential criminal liability — bypassing the discovery process carries serious sanctions,” Howell ruled.
    America's Mayor Getting Fucked by the Consequences of his own Actions.

  5. #86205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Giuliani admits that he lied about the Fulton County election workers who went on to face months of harassment and death threats.

    But he pwomises he has good legal defenses for why this isn't defamation and why he shouldn't pay any damages because don't you know who the fuck he is?
    UPDATE: Giuliani attempted the bold legal move of not turning over the items required by law. The judge summarily ruled in the favor of the election workers and demands Giuliani pay $133,000

    The linked judge's ruling is fifty-seven pages. I haven't read it all, but I did skim it, and it's basically "you fucking idiot" over and over like a remake of the Shining.

    Defendant Rudolph W. Giuliani is taken at his word that he understands these obligations.
    He assured this Court directly that he “understand[s] the obligations” because he has “been doing
    this for 50 years[.]” In this case, however, Giuliani has given only lip service to compliance with his
    discovery obligations and this Court’s orders by failing to take reasonable steps to preserve or
    produce his ESI. Instead, Giuliani has submitted declarations with concessions turned slippery on
    scrutiny and excuses designed to shroud the insufficiency of his discovery compliance.
    bottom line is that Giuliani has refused to comply with his discovery obligations and thwarted
    plaintiffs Ruby Freeman and Wandrea’ ArShaye Moss’s procedural rights to obtain any
    meaningful discovery in this case.
    That's the second paragraph. Of fifty-seven pages.

    Remember, Giuliani has been claiming in public that he's broke. He's selling his house.

    In Manhattan, Giuliani’s penthouse apartment on East 66th Street, on the Upper East Side, went on the market in July. That same month, in a court hearing involving Smartmatic, a voting machines company suing Giuliani and Fox News for defamation, a lawyer for Giuliani said the former mayor was “close to broke”.

    “There are a lot of bills that he’s not paying,” the lawyer added. “From a $57,000 phone bill to significantly more. I think that this is very humbling for Mr Giuliani.”

    The lawyer, Adam Katz, did not comment to the Times for its report on the apartment sale.

    Nor did Serena Boardman, the “broker to the fallen stars” who has sold properties owned by notorious figures including the fraudster Bernie Madoff and who is now listing Casa Giuliani as a “splendid residence” within a “monumentally exuberant edifice … boast[ing] bright, high-floor outlooks and an abundance of sunshine, high ceilings, and beautiful hardwood floors”.

    But Judith Giuliani, the ex-mayor’s third ex-wife, did speak to the Times.

    Describing how the pair bought the apartment for $4.77m shortly after he left office as mayor, she said: “It was home for us. He was my husband, and he loved coming home. It was a place where he went for … respite.”

    Saying “Rudy had prostate cancer, when we first met, which we also lived through in that apartment”, Judith Giuliani remembered how he loved the wood-paneled library, “where he could smoke cigars and relax and watch his Yankee games”.

    But she also said he had now tarnished her memories of the apartment, “gobsmacking” her by filming a pro-Trump podcast in the library, then seeing the whole abode searched by the FBI, in connection with his work in Ukraine.
    As of the posting of that cited article, nobody has bought the house yet. Why would they? Giuliani is desperate, the price will drop, likely dramatically. I suppose someone could buy it higher to help Giuliani out, but the sale will be public and a social stigma, so have fun with that.

    "Well, $133,000 is not all that bad considering the lawsuit involved. Damages could be much higher."

    Um...that wasn't the result of the lawsuit. That was just sanctions. He still goes to trial for damages, and yes, he still has to provide those records. The ones he hasn't provided yet. Giuliani cost himself $133,000 he doesn't have and still has to comply.

    "What if he doesn't comply?"

    I assume more sanctions, but he might also be thrown in jail. When a judge says "this was your only warning" and you don't listen, you get what you deserve. Basically, the judge just ruled that Giuliani threw himself the most expensive pity party on record.

    Smartmatic is still suing, last I checked, and Giuliani hasn't provided discovery there either, last I checked. The judge cited above did call out Giuliani as possibly refusing to turn over records, because default was better than how bad they were. And the judge also said "not my problem".

    Giuliani’s preference may be due to the fact, about which he has made no secret, that he
    faces liability, both civil and criminal, in other investigations and civil lawsuits.
    Perhaps, he has made the calculation that his overall litigation risks are minimized by not complying with his discovery
    obligations in this case. Whatever the reason, obligations are case specific and withholding
    required discovery in this case has consequences.

    Giuliani’s willful discovery misconduct has now led, inexorably, to plaintiffs’ pending
    motion for sanctions due to his “Failure To Preserve Electronic Evidence".
    Giuliani has also not complied with two other court orders
    requiring him both to produce certain requested, routine financial documents relevant to plaintiffs’
    claims for punitive damages, and to reimburse plaintiffs for attorneys’ fees and costs associated
    with their first motion to compel, failures for which plaintiffs request additional sanctions.
    Additionally, plaintiffs’ have sought sanctions due to noncompliance by Giuliani’s eponymous businesses with document and
    deposition requests, after their motion to compel compliance was granted as conceded.
    Yeah that's pages 3 and 4. Of fifty-seven.

    Holy shit, yesterday I posted that Agent Smith was looking into whether Giuliani was drunk during the insurrection. Now I'm wondering if he was just drunk all the time. You don't file a 57-page opinion on a simple mistake. That's a textbook chapter on how much of a dumbass you are.

    @cubby may have more to say, but I suspect it'll be mostly laughing hysterically.

    EDIT: Oh goddammit @Edge-

  6. #86206

    "If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest. Then you go to impeachment. Now you go to indictment and none of them work. What’s next? I mean, you know, graph it out, man," Carlson said. "We're speeding toward assassination, obviously, and no one will say that."

    He didn't specify who would be behind such an assassination attempt beyond "permanent Washington," blasting both political parties and claiming President Joe Biden is "senile" and "not running the government."

    "I don't know how you can’t reach that conclusion. You know what it been like. They have decided, permanent Washington," he said. "Both parties have decided that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it."
    Republicans/conservatives, still unclear just why everyone isn't as eager to murder their fellow Americans as they are.

    Carlson's chat with Carolla also included the pundit predicting a "hot war" with Russia in the next year and accusing nameless cable news reporters of knowingly spreading lies for intelligence agencies.

    Granted Tucker isn't as important as he once was, but still telling that one of the biggest conservative media figures keeps talking about how he's worried that libs will assassinate conservatives because apparently that's what he'd do.

  7. #86207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Republicans/conservatives, still unclear just why everyone isn't as eager to murder their fellow Americans as they are.
    What the fuck does complaining about "permanent Washington" even mean? Is he angry that the federal government, like, exists?

  8. #86208
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    What the fuck does complaining about "permanent Washington" even mean? Is he angry that the federal government, like, exists?

    And the general conservative war against expertise.

    And general braindead "gub'mint bad" shit.

  9. #86209
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    The NYTimes elaborates on Trump's claim he will appeal the March 4 trial date.

    Before: He can't.
    After: He can't appeal, but he can do other things that won't work instead.

    I'll summarize, then opine.

    A trial date cannot be directly appealed. Team Trump can beg the judge to pick another one, but that doesn't seem likely. Asking for April 2026 set the stage for the judge to view everything else Team Trump does to be as disingenuous as a Trump supporter refusing to post in the Shitshow thread, but backing Joe the Plumber.

    It's not technically an appeal, but you can go to a higher court and beg them to overrule a lower court. It's called a mandamus, and as you'll remember, Dr. Strange needed infinite tries to defeat it.

    With what I assume was sarcasm, the NYTimes cited this SCOTUS case featuring Dick Cheney himself. In that court case, SCOTUS said that mandamus filings in this kind of context are reserved for when there's no other choice. The thing is, the judge in this case already said -- correctly -- that Team Trump could always appeal their upcoming guilty finding, and say "we told the judge we weren't ready" as cause.

    And here's where my untrained, inexpert, opinion comes in: they can't do that, unless their defense of Trump is so bad that it's clear they were not well-prepared. If they make it clear in court that they could, in fact, get to all the material in time, then the judge was right with the court date, and therefore, an appeal cannot be granted on such grounds.

    In other words, to get that issue on appeal, they'll have to throw their own case. You get disbarred for that.

    Oh, and Trump would have a guilty finding until an appeal, an appeal specifically granted on the grounds of "I guess he did need more time" which could be in 2026.

    This is a horrible, horrible idea. For Trump. Team Trump needs to take the L and get to work.

    "What if they're right, and even if they try their best, they can't be ready in time?"

    First of all, boo fuckity hoo, no sympathy. Second of all, okay, it's 11.5 million pages. March 4 is 187 days, one half a year exactly wow I did not plan that, from now. This works out to be 2 pages a second, with some mild rounding, for a single human not working overtime. Granted, if you asked one person to find the proverbial needle in a haystack, they might struggle somewhat.

    But two things.

    One, Trump knows full well what he did and when. Finding the important stuff should not be that big of a hassle. If you handed me, someone who has read it before, the original Jurassic Park book and said "find the page where the hunter dies" I would remember that he didn't, the book was way better than the movie and the movie was good, but if I was then asked "ok fine, find the page where Nedry dies" I would start at the halfway point and cycle back and forth, finding it in five minutes, probably less. The book has 464 pages. And I haven't read that book since well before Trump committed treason.

    Two, there's no law that says it has to be one person. The judge correctly cited that Trump had a legal team stocked with people (did not call them competent). Ten people would need to read one page every five seconds, so unless Trump was conspiring to commit treason on every single page, asking a team to hunt down the parts where he did should be pretty direct.

    "You're assuming his legal team knows what to look for."

    No, I'm assuming they should. If they don't, that's either Trump hiring a team that sucks, or Trump not telling them what to look for. Neither version is my problem.

    In the end, Team Trump has only a slim chance of getting out of this court date with anything other than a new, likely fabricated, issue. The smart move is to start reading those pages starting yesterday.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Is he angry that the federal government, like, exists?
    He's more worried that his demographic is losing their grip on it.

  10. #86210
    Know what's doing the rounds again? Fox News warning how disastrous it would be to have an incoming president plagued by scandal back in 2016. Yes, they were talking about Hillary.


    “We cannot have a country led by a president subject to ongoing criminal investigations, potential indictment, and never-ending hearings,” Pirro said at the time in footage that’s still posted on Fox News’ YouTube channel.

    “We cannot have a president under that level of scrutiny that inevitably leads to even more questions and more investigations,” she continued. “And irrespective of what happens to her, whether she’s indicted or even guilty, it doesn’t matter. Her guilt is a moot point. She cannot take the Oval Office.”
    I wonder of "Judge" Jeanine still stands by this position 8 years later?

  11. #86211
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Granted Tucker isn't as important as he once was, but still telling that one of the biggest conservative media figures keeps talking about how he's worried that libs will assassinate conservatives because apparently that's what he'd do.
    I mean, what would be the point? If J6 is anything to go by then conservatives are boned-up to schlep around poorly-crafted gallows and do it themselves.

  12. #86212
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Peter Navarro apparently is also in trouble even though I don't think he's been indicted recently.
    UPDATE: He is, indeed, in trouble. The affirmative defense that he is covered by Executive Time did not work, on the grounds of "that's stupid and you shouldn't have tried it". Trial starts next week.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Fox News warning how disastrous it would be to have an incoming president plagued by scandal back in 2016. Yes, they were talking about Hillary.
    I want to say "what a coincidence, Giuliani was just fined for deleting his emails". But we all know it's not a coincidence. Not only are Trump supporters known to project all their deplorable traits onto others, the rulings against them are coming so rapidly it'd be strange if there wasn't a ruling coinciding with that kind of irony.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yep, we found more voter fraud!

    The arrest report says Charge Description: FRAUD-VOTING AT MULTIPLE OR UNAUTHORIZED LOCATIONS

    "Clearly some Hilary-lovin' commie librul elite!"

    He is the state representative of Huntsville AL and he is not just a Republican, but also, shares a name with an ACLU member that makes it really hard to find anything useful on the guy. So I'm just going to say he's a Trump supporter and y'all can prove me wrong if you want.

    This afternoon, the Speaker’s Office became aware of David Cole’s arrest on the charge of fraud—voting at an unauthorized location. As this is an ongoing investigation, we are still waiting to learn more details as they become available.

    In recent years, the Alabama House has prioritized legislation that promotes election integrity, and we believe that any allegation of fraud must be addressed regardless of the party, public official, or candidate involved.

    Alabamians may remain confident that their elections are conducted honestly, their votes are cast and counted fairly, and their ballot boxes are secure. Now, it is up to a court of law to determine the validity of the allegations Cole is facing, and I anticipate Alabama’s election laws will withstand their true intent.
    If convicted, Cole could get ten years. I hope he finds a good rights lawyer. Man, there should be an organization for that.

  13. #86213
    So has anyone been keeping track of all this voter/registration fraud over the years?

    Because it seems to overwhelmingly come from Republicans, at least the intentional fraud. Most of the time Democratic voters get caught it's because they made an honest mistake and weren't acting with intent to commit fraud or malice in any way, like in FL with the former felons who thought they could vote because the state said they could until the state sent the cops to arrest them and then mostly release them later.

    - - - Updated - - -


    onald Trump inflated his net worth by as much as $2.2 billion in one year, lawyers for the New York attorney general’s office alleged as part of their civil fraud lawsuit against the former president, his adult sons and the Trump Organization.

    Over a 10-year period, the attorney general’s office said that when it corrects the Trump financial statements for alleged misvaluations it “reduces Mr. Trump’s net worth by between 17-39% in each year, or between $812 million to $2.2 billion, depending on the year.” The $2.2 billion disparity came in 2014, the state said.

    The new allegations were made in a partial summary judgment motion made public Wednesday by New York Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat.

    “Based on the undisputed evidence, no trial is required for the court to determine that defendants presented grossly and materially inflated asset values in the (statements of financial condition) and then used those SFCs repeatedly in business transactions to defraud banks and insurers,” the attorney general’s office wrote. “Notwithstanding defendants’ horde of 13 experts, at the end of the day, this is a documents case, and the documents leave no shred of doubt that Mr. Trump’s SFCs do not even remotely reflect the ‘estimated current value’ of his assets as they would trade between well-informed market participants.”

    The attorney general’s office said their valuation and accounting experts determined that “Mr. Trump’s net worth in any year between 2011 and 2021 would be no more than $2.6 billion, rather than the stated net worth of up to $6.1 billion, and likely considerably less if his properties were actually valued in full blown professional appraisals.”
    Yowza, that's more than just a few minor mistakes.

  14. #86214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Yowza, that's more than just a few minor mistakes.
    Oh, it's worse than that. Trump stated his net worth was up to $6.1 billion, and yes, that was inflated.

    As everyone here remembers, even those who will pretend not to, Trump filed with the FEC that he was worth TEN BILLION DOLLARS. Then, he hid his taxes, claiming the fiscal disclosure form was better.

    The form on which even he admits he lied on.

    Trump lies about everything all the time. No wonder his coward supporters never come here.

  15. #86215
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Know what's doing the rounds again? Fox News warning how disastrous it would be to have an incoming president plagued by scandal back in 2016. Yes, they were talking about Hillary.


    I wonder of "Judge" Jeanine still stands by this position 8 years later?
    I love these things, its hilarious to anyone that pays attention but also sad because of the followers of their ideology not paying attention. It just screams of a video I watched lately of trump supporters actually having no idea that January 6th even happened, and when confronted with the facts and their own political football team agreeing with the facts of... well... reality... they just wanted to stop talking and go listen to Trump whisper sweet bullshit into their ears instead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    So has anyone been keeping track of all this voter/registration fraud over the years?

    Because it seems to overwhelmingly come from Republicans, at least the intentional fraud. Most of the time Democratic voters get caught it's because they made an honest mistake and weren't acting with intent to commit fraud or malice in any way, like in FL with the former felons who thought they could vote because the state said they could until the state sent the cops to arrest them and then mostly release them later.
    It is overwhelmingly and almost exclusively republicans that commit intentional voter fraud simply because their cult leaders preach how "unfair the system is to them" so hard that the followers think they have to cheat to keep up with the cheating.

  16. #86216
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Yowza, that's more than just a few minor mistakes.
    So, apparently, this is actually downplaying the situation.

    The NY AG is asking for an immediate finding in her favor.

    "Wait, prosectution can do that?"

    I...guess? Look, we all know the evidence against Trump is public and objective, but I honestly didn't know the prosecution could just skip to the end. I thought that was more of a defense-only thing.

    New York’s attorney general says a judge doesn’t need to wait until an October trial in her civil lawsuit against Trump to rule that he committed fraud while building his real estate empire.

    In court papers made public Wednesday, Attorney General Letitia James urged Judge Arthur Engoron to issue an immediate verdict endorsing her claim that Trump and his company defrauded banks and business associates by lying on financial statements about his wealth and the value of his assets.

    Engoron has scheduled a Sept. 22 hearing on James’ request. Her lawsuit, which seeks $250 million in penalties and a ban on Trump doing business in New York, is scheduled to go to trial Oct. 2 in state court in Manhattan. Even if Engoron rules on the fraud claim, he would still preside over a non-jury trial on other claims in the lawsuit if it is not settled.
    So, this is the part that I did not think existed:

    To rule, Engoron needs only to answer two questions, James’ office argued: whether Trump’s annual financial statements were false or misleading, and whether he and the Trump Organization used those statements while conducting business transactions.

    “The answer to both questions is a resounding ‘yes’ based on the mountain of undisputed evidence” in the case, James’ special litigation counsel Andrew Amer said in a 100-page summary judgment motion.

    Based on that, Amer argued, no trial is required to determine that Trump, the Trump Organization, and other defendants, “presented grossly and materially inflated asset values” in the financial statements and then used those statements “repeatedly in business transactions to defraud banks and insurers.”

    “At the end of the day this is a documents case, and the documents leave no shred of doubt that Mr. Trump’s (statements of financial condition) do not even remotely reflect the ‘estimated current value’ of his assets as they would trade between well-informed market participants,” Amer wrote.
    So this isn't a criminal trial, this is a civil lawsuit. My confusion likely stems from that. Still, I was under the impression that a trial was there so the defense had every opportunity to show they were not the problem. Yes, Trump is objectively guilty, I keep saying that, but I didn't know there was a "skip cutscene" button in lawsuits.

  17. #86217
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fucker Carlson
    no one will say that
    One of the things I hate most about that man is his reliance on this bullshit. Mostly because the things "no one will say" are either 1) something fucking obvious that he's pretending is profound, 2) something every other delusional propagandist is already saying anyway, or 3) something so absolutely stupid that no one else is dumb/irresponsible enough to say it.

    But he is right about one thing: most people who are paying attention (on both sides of the aisle) think that Trump is a threat. As much as Republicans might want to implement their very own fascistic theocracy, even they understand that completely dismantling democracy can (and most likely will) blow up in their faces.

  18. #86218

    “Fox News and the Wall Street Journal fight me because Murdoch is a globalist,” Trump said in a short video posted to his Truth Social website Wednesday afternoon. “And I am America First. It’s very simple, and it will always be that way, so get used to it.”
    The love affair with Murdoch is well and truly over.

    Also, it's so hilarious how desperately they want to say JEW but know how poorly that plays outside their core audience so find all kinds of totally not obvious ways of replacing that word.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Peter Navarro has not had a particularly good day.

    I love her energy so much.

    Bro is already facing charges.

  19. #86219
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    The love affair with Murdoch is well and truly over.

    Also, it's so hilarious how desperately they want to say JEW but know how poorly that plays outside their core audience so find all kinds of totally not obvious ways of replacing that word.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Peter Navarro has not had a particularly good day.

    I love her energy so much.

    Bro is already facing charges.
    Honestly, the best part of the whole Navarro thing is the judge calling his claim of privilege "pretty weak sauce". I mean, when a judge says something like that out loud in a courtroom and not actual legal speak, yeah, you have no case.

  20. #86220
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    The NYTimes got ahold of some of Trump's NY deposition and...oh boy, is it exactly what you think it is.

    KEVIN WALLACE: Mr. Trump, are you currently the person with ultimate decision-making authority for the Trump Organization?


    MR. WALLACE: Who would that be?

    MR. TRUMP: My son Eric is much more involved with it than I am. I’ve been doing other things.
    Under oath. I don't know what those "other things" Trump said he was doing in April, but it wasn't running the country. He had one rally April 4 and one April 27.

    MR. TRUMP: I was very busy. I was — I considered this the most important job in the world, saving millions of lives. I think you would have nuclear holocaust, if I didn’t deal with North Korea. I think you would have a nuclear war, if I weren’t elected. And I think you might have a nuclear war now, if you want to know the truth.
    Under oath.

    MR. TRUMP: The biggest thing that is not included is my brand. My lawyers never bring it up, but the brand is the biggest, and cause you can, maybe you can double or triple my statement. But my brand is — if I wanted to create a good statement, I would put — I’d start off with Sentence 1, my brand is worth billions and billions of dollars.
    Under oath.

    MR. TRUMP: And friends of mine have said, you are the most honest person in the world. So we’ve done a good job. Don’t get credit for it. That’s OK.
    "Okay, you have to give him that one. His friends probably do say that."

    I fail to see how it's relevant when he's caught filing fraudulent reports. Also, "don't get credit for it" is a stupid thing to say when you're being dragged into court for breaking the law to do it.

    MR. TRUMP: I’ve had people say, if you ever sell Mar-a-Lago, please call me. That’s not for sale. [EDITOR: Looks like that has changed]

    MR. WALLACE: Who, for example, has told you that?

    MR. TRUMP: Well, I rather not say because I don’t want to embarrass them, and I may be putting some of these people on the stand.
    Trump then later admitted he didn't know who they were, but

    I know they’re very rich people.
    Trump was asked about the disclaimers, namely, that his own accountants and staff did not review his statements and could not verify them.

    MR. TRUMP: I never felt that these statements would be taken very seriously, because you open it up and right at the beginning of the statement, you read a page and a half of stuff saying, go get your own accounting, go get your own this, go get your own that.

    MR. WALLACE: So why did you get these statements prepared?

    MR. TRUMP: I would say more for maybe myself just to see the list of properties. I think more for myself than anything else. Sometimes an institution would like to see.
    This seems like a very good way to make sure you go to jail instead of your accountants. Seems out of character.

    CHRISTOPHER M. KISE: We’re going to be here until midnight if you keep asking questions that are all over the map.

    MR. WALLACE: Chris, we’re going to be here until midnight if your client answers every question with an eight-minute speech. So let’s get down to business.
    You can read the full transcript here, I am only quoting what the NYTimes did, but I'm willing to bet more is on the way.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I am browsing the transcript. Trump's lawyers seemed to object to every single form, yes the forms Trump signed and admitted under oath he was the only one responsible for, multiple times. I am nowhere near done with it and already I've seen it once, maybe twice, per page.

    And then, Trump just answers over the objections of his own lawyers.

    I am increasingly convinced Trump either admitted to a criminal offense, or perjured himself.

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