1. #86801
    Quote Originally Posted by Bakis View Post
    Was something with his golf courses near New York as well. Some kind of scheme of (I dont remember the technical term) "looking after the land" kinda.
    Planting trees whatnot, basically labeling it as a national park in terms of reductions.
    That's kind of tame in comparison to some of his other shit:

    For example, he had his first ex-wife buried on the property of his Bedminster Golf Club in New Jersey in a sad little hidden away memorial plot that's currently being shown all the love and attention Trump always shows to things he cares about, in this case, none.. This was done almost certainly as part of a scheme to avoid taxes, as part of the NJ tax code makes any property designated as a graveyard free from almost all forms of tax.

    Even in death he will find a way to abuse your corpse for his personal benefit....

  2. #86802
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C) slammed the New York fraud case against former President Trump, calling it a “friggin’ joke.”

    No, me having sex with your wife is a joke. Trump Org has already been found to commit fraud.

    “Let’s look at the AG. She started attacking Trump in 2018 and she promised if she got to be the attorney general of New York, she would make this guy’s life miserable, that she would go after him, look under every rock,” Graham said.

    “So she has used Donald Trump to elevate herself politically. She is trying to get ahead at Donald Trump’s expense,” he continued. “The judge has ruled that Trump committed fraud and nobody got defrauded. The judge believes that Mar-a-Lago is worth $18 billion. What a friggin’ joke!”
    I see Graham has conveniently forgotten that Trump promised to investigate Clinton, to her face, to thunderous applause, at the debates. Two years earlier. I don't believe he said anything at the time. Hold on, I'll check.

    (time-restricted Google search)

    Some vague comments about not wanting to vote for Trump, which of course, didn't last very long. Did not call out Trump for promising to prosecute Clinton. Therefore, his entire argument is hypocrisy and handwaved.

  3. #86803

    A New York judge on Tuesday took the air out of the win that former President Donald Trump claimed he scored in the first hours of his civil business fraud trial.

    With Trump voluntarily in court for a second day, Judge Arthur Engoron set the record straight about a comment that the ex-president had touted as an important victory.

    The issue: Engoron had suggested on Monday that testimony about Trump’s 2011 financial statement might be beyond the legal time limit applicable to New York Attorney General Letitia James’ lawsuit. It alleges that Trump and his business chronically lied about his wealth on financial statements given to banks, insurers and others.

    The relevant statute of limitations rules out claims related to activities before a date in 2014, and Trump’s legal team has argued that the time limit cuts off most of the case.

    Engoron said Tuesday that “statutes of limitations bar claims, not evidence” and that at the trial’s early stage, he’s inclined to give both sides considerably leeway to connect older evidence to claims in the lawsuit.

    “I want to emphasize: This trial is not an opportunity to relitigate what I have already decided,” Engoron said. He ruled last week that all the claims were allowable under the statute of limitations.

    Womp womp indeed.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Do you know what's a winning strategy?

    Attacking a clerk for the judge who is presiding over your civil fraud case on social media.

    Do you know what's a winninger strategy?

    Doing that while in court in front of said judge.

    The post has since been deleted, but I do wonder if this will trigger some actual consequences for once.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Do you know what's a winning strategy?

    Attacking a clerk for the judge who is presiding over your civil fraud case on social media.

    Do you know what's a winninger strategy?

    Doing that while in court in front of said judge.

    The post has since been deleted, but I do wonder if this will trigger some actual consequences for once.

    New York judge imposed a limited gag order on defendant Donald Trump Tuesday after the former president disparaged a key court staffer during his civil business fraud trial.

    Judge Arthur Engoron issued the order, which applies to all parties in the case and pertains only to verbal attacks on court staff. It came after Trump recirculated a disparaging social media post about Engoron’s principal law clerk, Allison Greenfield.

    “Personal attacks on members of my court staff are unacceptable, not appropriate” and not tolerated, Engonon said.
    One day there will be consequences for rich folk. One day. Until then they'll keep being told, "You shouldn't do that!" with a wag of the finger.

  4. #86804
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Womp womp indeed.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Do you know what's a winning strategy?

    Attacking a clerk for the judge who is presiding over your civil fraud case on social media.

    Do you know what's a winninger strategy?

    Doing that while in court in front of said judge.

    The post has since been deleted, but I do wonder if this will trigger some actual consequences for once.

    - - - Updated - - -


    One day there will be consequences for rich folk. One day. Until then they'll keep being told, "You shouldn't do that!" with a wag of the finger.
    The Judge ordered him to delete the post in court. It was deleted in the middle of the court day today.

  5. #86805
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    The Judge ordered him to delete the post in court. It was deleted in the middle of the court day today.
    And then it went downhill from there. I would say "uphill" but Trump can't go uphill.

    Judge Arthur Engoron rebuked Donald Trump after the former president attacked his clerk in a social media post on Tuesday and forbade the parties from making any future comments about his staff.

    “This morning one of the defendants posted on (a) social media account a disparaging untrue and personally identifying post about a member of my staff. Although I have since ordered the post deleted and apparently it was, it was also emailed out to millions of other recipients,” the judge said in court.

    Personal attacks of any member of my court staff are unacceptable, inappropriate and I will not tolerate them,” the judge said.

    The judge then said all parties must not speak publicly about any members of the court staff.

    Consider this statement an order forbidding all parties from posting, emailing or speaking publicly about any members of my staff,” Engoron said. “Failure to abide by this … will result in serious sanctions.”
    As a reminder: Engoron is, himself, court staff. This could be interesting.

    Trump also apparently said he'd testify, but he didn't say that on the stand, so I assume he is either lying, or knows he was subpoena'd and knows he has no choice.

  6. #86806
    Seems appropriate;

  7. #86807

    The proceedings have also given the Trump boys their own on camera costarring turns. In an old deposition that Letitia James’s office released on Monday, both Eric and Donald could be seen not recalling certain aspects of the case or business practices. Similar answers to different questions. But like a couple of jazz guys putting their own stamp on a years-old standard, each had his own specific texture to the tune.

    Asked what he knew about the acronym GAAP, which stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, Donald Trump Jr. offered the following:

    Q: How did you become familiar with that acronym?

    A: Probably in Accounting 101 at Wharton.

    Q: Okay. What do they teach you about generally accepted accounting principles in Wharton?

    A: Well, I’m not an accountant, but that they are generally accepted.

    Q: [Laughing] Anything else?

    A: That’s pretty much what I remember from Accounting 101.

    Q: Have you told me everything you know about GAAP? [Laughing]

    A: Basically. You know, I’m sure I could come up with some creative stuff to kill time, but I’d be doing neither of us a favor in terms of educating ourselves.

    Q: Thank you. So, fair to say you’ve never been employed in a position that required you to apply GAAP to your work?

    A: No, not that I’m aware of.
    Boy, is it time to break out these again?

    - - - Updated - - -



    MAGA asshat/troll goes to prayer vigil looking to troll people and be an asshole.

    MAGA asshat/troll goes towards area where children are and folks are concerned he's gonna do something and block his way.

    MAGA asshat/troll hops a wall to leave, shoots one of the attendees, flashes the gun at others while smiling, and leaves.

    MAGA asshat/troll is charged with attempted murder.

    A state police officer who interviewed him said in the affidavit that Martinez had “a smirk on his face” and “asked if someone who attempted a murder would be allowed to walk out.” The officer informed Martinez the decision would be made by a judge, and Martinez replied that was “crazy and stupid.” The officer then showed Martinez a photo of himself wearing the same clothes and pointing the gun at the prayer vigil. “I showed Ryan the photo and he chuckled,” the officer wrote in the affidavit.
    Yes, 100% a shitty low effort troll in the MAGA vein. Hope he spends a lot of time in prison and has time to reflect on being a shitty human being.

  8. #86808
    I'm curious as to what Martinez thought he would get out of it, other than his five minutes of fame as the "Pray Vigil gunman" and a trip to the slammer.

  9. #86809
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Boy, is it time to break out these again?

    - - - Updated - - -



    MAGA asshat/troll goes to prayer vigil looking to troll people and be an asshole.

    MAGA asshat/troll goes towards area where children are and folks are concerned he's gonna do something and block his way.

    MAGA asshat/troll hops a wall to leave, shoots one of the attendees, flashes the gun at others while smiling, and leaves.

    MAGA asshat/troll is charged with attempted murder.

    Yes, 100% a shitty low effort troll in the MAGA vein. Hope he spends a lot of time in prison and has time to reflect on being a shitty human being.
    My favorite part is him driving a white Tesla.
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  10. #86810
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    Greene says Trump the only candidate for Speaker she is supporting

    Her reasoning was his record and the record turnout of voters.

    Well then what about Biden? He has an even better record and got even more voters.
    -- me

  11. #86811
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Greene says Trump the only candidate for Speaker she is supporting

    Her reasoning was his record and the record turnout of voters.

    -- me
    Requiring trump to be anywhere at any given time for any period of time seems like a pretty losing proposition.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  12. #86812
    Trump wouldn't want to be Speaker. It would actually require him to show up for work and do stuff.

  13. #86813
    Quote Originally Posted by Redwyrm View Post
    Trump wouldn't want to be Speaker. It would actually require him to show up for work and do stuff.
    That, and:

    1) No way Trump’s ego lets him downgrade from PotUS to SotH

    2) I daresay the position wouldn’t afford him the potential get outta jail free cards that he thinks the presidency would

    I definitely think the dog caught the car here, much like with RvW last year. I’m willing to bet Gaetz shit himself when he realized the Democrats voted with him to oust poor old Kevin. The MAGAts have turned the House into such a shitshow with this move that it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if Jeffries wound up with the job.

  14. #86814
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Requiring trump to be anywhere at any given time for any period of time seems like a pretty losing proposition.
    For a reasonable person, yes. I think @Gelannerai is right, I think a judge won't accept "I have to go shut down the government" as a reason to ignore a subpoena.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Trump has bailed on his own trial. After one of his lawyers was chastised by the judge -- basically "who are these theatrics for, there's no jury?" -- Trump left during the break and has not returned. Since the court case is now a court case and not a TV show, Trump is likely no longer interested and might just stop going entirely.

    Incidentally, the "theatrics" was one of Trump's lawyers cross-examining the accountant. It appears Team Trump was trying to get the accountant to say that you could put a value on a building however you wanted, in any way you wanted. The accountant refused to admit that under oath, because it's not true.

  15. #86815
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Incidentally, the "theatrics" was one of Trump's lawyers cross-examining the accountant. It appears Team Trump was trying to get the accountant to say that you could put a value on a building however you wanted, in any way you wanted. The accountant refused to admit that under oath, because it's not true.
    I'm hoping we get a, "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury..." speech because it should be very fun to watch the judge remind them that they didn't ask for a jury and are speaking to him.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Rudy Giuliani plans to sue President Joe Biden for calling him a “Russian pawn” during a 2020 debate.

    “His own national security adviser told him that what is happening with his buddy — I shouldn’t — actually, I will,” Biden said in October 2020, in response Giuliani’s claims about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop and foreign corruption. “His buddy Rudy Giuliani. He’s being used as a Russian pawn. He’s being fed information that is Russian — that is not true.”

    Giuliani, who faces serious criminal exposure and civil liability on multiple fronts, now says he is initiating a legal action against the president of the United States for those remarks.

    “As a result of Joe Biden’s lies people have died,” Giuliani said, before calling the president a “pathological liar.”
    Boy, I'm unsure how Rudy plans to pay for lawyers for this one given his financial troubles. Does anyone know if he has a bloody sock he wore on 9/11 he can sell at auction, or something?

  16. #86816
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    "Rudy Giuliani plans to sue President Joe Biden for calling him a “Russian pawn” during a 2020 debate."
    Rudy Giuliani will not face charges over foreign lobbying, prosecutors say

    Yeah as recently as last year, Giuliani was being considered a foreign agent. It took the special master 18 months to look through his records and decide there wasn't enough evidence to secure a guilty finding.

    There is a zero percent chance Biden knew the allegations were false in 2020...and quite frankly, we don't know they're false now. To add to that, "I wasn't brought to trial for it" is not proof it was false. The effort Giuliani went through to kick out the US ambassador while Trump tried to blackmail the country is public.

    Giuliani has other things he should be worried about.

    - - - Updated - - -

    From TheHill's rolling tracker:

    While arguing with the defense over questions being asked of Donald Bender on cross-examination, Judge Arthur Engoron said that the ex-Trump accountant “is not on trial here.”

    “I would disagree with that,” said Chris Kise, Trump’s attorney.

    “His thoroughness, that he got paid millions a year to do — he was a CPA [certified public accountant]. He has certain responsibilities … He seems to recall only what the government wants him to recall,” Kise continued.

    “We need to be allowed to parse the evidence,” he said.

    “You're not allowed to waste time,” Engoran replied. “That is what this is becoming.”

    The defense also suggested that they would keep Bender on the stand for the rest of the day, which would mark three full days of testimony for the government’s first witness.

    “Today?” a lawyer for the New York attorney general’s office exclaimed after hearing the defense’s answer. “There's no jury. I don't know who we're performing for.”
    Besides what we've already covered, "Trump pays lawyers to re-enact courtroom dramas in real life", I'd like to point out Team Trump is going with the famous "everyone Trump hired sucked at their job" defense. I fail to see the benefit of saying your client is not a criminal because he hired criminals to do a crime.

    - - - Updated - - -

    If I have an alcohol problem, I should be in the ‘Guinness Book of World Records.

    79 years old and I’m an alcoholic. You know how much I have accomplished?
    -- Giuliani, responding to NYTimes report about his problem drinking

    This seems like an interesting take for someone being disbarred, sued, facing felony convictions and married his second cousin.

  17. #86817
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    Rigging your election
    Meanwhile, Melania quietly renegotiates her prenup:


    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  18. #86818
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    Meanwhile, Melania quietly renegotiates her prenup:
    This is at least the third time Melania has renegotiated the terms of her marital agreement.
    So, we've covered this topic before, but apparently it bears repeating. Of course, kind of a lot has changed since last year. Trump can't pay what he doesn't have, and both people who loaned him money and also governments he defrauded take first dibs over a divorce filing. Otherwise, every single person would make a prenup saying their partner gets everything, and divorce as soon as they're arrested.

    From a purely monetary perspective, Melania missed her best chance. Forbes had Trump's worth the highest right about the time the "grab them by the pussy" tapes came out, featuring Trump admitting infidelity, and Stormy Daniels would have backed that play. Trump Org is being shut down, Truth Social is not being bought, and she can't take PAC funds. If the will was favorable to her, she'd have killed him by now. I don't know what the conditions are (and neither does anyone else) so I don't know by which conditions she can leave him and still get "her half". I doubt Trump allowed a postnup that includes Melania getting anything special if Trump is found to be a violent terrorist.

  19. #86819
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    Meanwhile, Melania quietly renegotiates her prenup:


    It sounds like she is doing that mainly for Barron. While she wants something out of it, she definitely wants to make sure Barron gets something. Both Donald Jr and Eric are just screwed in that case. Ivanka has nothing to worry about as both her and Jared is wealthy regardless of the status of Daddy Trump.

    I really hope that when Donlad dies that the losing horn from The Price is Right sounds when reading out his will. Really drive home the point on how screwed those 2 are.

  20. #86820
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    As expected, Trump has not returned to the courtroom.

    However, as I cited earlier, Trump's lawyers played TV drama theatrics by claiming the accountant should be on trial for all the crimes Trump committed. So naturally the prosecution called another accountant who flat-out said that accountants are not responsible for hunting down crimes their clients may have caused, nor are they responsible if they don't catch them.

    Camron Harris, an accountant with the firm that represented Trump and his business after Mazars USA cut ties, testified that “responsibility and accountability” fall with the client — not the accounting firm — for the accuracy of financial statements that a firm is hired to compile.

    Prosecutors showed an engagement letter from Harris’s firm, Whitley Penn, which said that the firm is “not required to, and will not, verify the accuracy or completeness” of the financial information turned over by the Trump Organization.

    “Our engagement cannot be relied upon to identify or disclose any misstatements, including those caused by fraud or error,” the letter read.
    In other words, all Trump's lawyers did all day was waste their own time and have their only defense so far smashed to pieces in public. Considering there is no jury, that statement of contractual obligation is going to rest better with the judge than any badgering or flailing about Trump's lawyers conduct.

    "Why didn't you stop my client from committing all those crimes?" seems like a stupid fucking thing for your lawyer to say.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    I really hope that when Donlad dies that the losing horn from The Price is Right sounds when reading out his will. Really drive home the point on how screwed those 2 are.
    "To show my two sons Don Jr and Eric how bigly I love them, I leave them all my businesses."

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