UPDATE: Actual experts are discussing this in public and said what you expected them to say.
Shit, that was the judge. Hold on, this was the experts.I have compared the language of the Attorney General’s proposed judgment to the language of my February 16, 2024 Decision and Order, and the former exactly tracks the latter (except for the addition of defendants’ addresses and blanks for interest amounts)
"What does that last part even mean?"According to legal news site Law & Crime, James' proposal was mostly a formality and "constructed out of legal boilerplate" as "[p]roposed orders are frequently filed by the parties in legal cases as a matter of course."
"Trump's lawyers, angry that Judge Engoron is apparently not going to allow motion practice on reducing his opinion to a formal judgment, demands a 30-day stay of any entered judgment instead," MSNBC legal analyst Lisa Rubin wrote on X/Twitter. "Shocked."
Okay, not a lawyer, but...I think it means this: Engoron said he how he was going to rule based on the case, Team Trump wanted to file a bunch of useless-ass motions to stop/delay it, Engoron said he would not allow that, and now Team Trump is instead just flat-out asking for a delay -- which filing a bunch of useless-ass motions would have done.
In other words, I don't see a pressing reason why Engoron, thoroughly sick of this shit, would give Team Trump, who has done nothing but disrespect him since day one, any unfair, undue, unwarranted advantages based on literally nothing, when what NYState has done is a standard form fitting the standard time table. Even I found the 30 day limit. Plus, see that opening statement I quoted "by mistake".
Team Trump's reasoning behind the extension is that the AG, who won, filed standard paperwork the judge asked for, but didn't give Team Trump the chance to do any edits or change anything.
"Wait, can they do that?"[T]he Attorney General has now taken it upon herself to submit a proposed judgment to the Clerk of the Court without notice to the Defendants and without conferring with Defendants’ counsel, clearly hoping that the Clerk will issue the Proposed Judgment before Defendants even have a chance to review it, let alone submit a proposed counter-judgment. This conduct not only violates the February 16 Decision, but it is clearly designed and intended to prejudice the Defendants.
Well, no, that's what losing in court does for you. You don't get to decide how much you actually lost.
"What about offering another number, and hoping they take it?"
That's called "settling out of court" and Trump didn't do that.
"Okay, but what about review?"
For what purpose? Seriously, what does looking it over do if you can't change anything?
"Could Engoron grant the extension, just to prove to the appeals courts that Trump had literally every chance available? You know, making sure there's no possible overturning here?"
The 30-day deadline is built into NY law. There is no mandate for an extension. Plus, Habba was on the news the very next day saying how easy it would be for Trump with his many much cashes to get bond. Yes, that was 24 hours before begging for an extension. Yes, Engoron might do it, giving Trump every inch of rope he needs to hang himself, but there's no pressing need to.
In fact, there's a pressing need not to: the election. Engoron has proven he's not an idiot, by far. Anyone following Team Trump's court actions as closely as he has surely expects Trump to run out the 30-day extension also, then file yet more motions -- with the sole intent to drag things out as long as possible and hide in the election.
I'll be honest, before this and the Carroll judgement, I didn't know what happened if you lost a civil case very well. This whole "he has to put the money aside" makes sense now that I know about it. But, well, I have a good excuse. I'm just some math teacher in the middle of nowhere that's never run a business that refused to pay people, never cheated on my taxes, never defrauded any banks or insurers, and let's be honest, I've gone through entire decades of my life without raping anyone. Trump has had lawyers keeping him out of the poorhouse and jail since the 1980's. He and his legal team should have seen this coming, including, yes, the 30-day time line.
Actually you know what? Here's the NYTimes six days ago:
They had that shit ready to go the second the damage number was announced. And now Team Trump seems to be the only one who, somehow, magically, didn't know that?Mr. Trump will appeal the financial penalty but will have to either come up with the money or secure a bond within 30 days.
If I'm reading these articles correctly, Engoron is, in fact, giving them till 5:00 today to explain how, exactly, what NYState did that is against what specific rules/laws. Engoron heard them yell "objection" and is asking "on what grounds?" likely expecting the answer "it's devastating to our case!"
And based on official entries, such as this one
-- also the judgeTheir complete lack of contrition and remorse borders on pathologica
I don't see them getting a lot of leeway. If, somehow, this was illegal, by all means stop it. But, again, 30 days seems pretty standard to me, and the judge gave NYState the forms to fill out. I really don't think Team Trump, as inadequate as they've proven to be, to find something in the next three hours.
So once again, I raise the option that Trump doesn't have the money, or at least, can't get it in time. Rather raised the question if Trump knows what "liquid" assets means if they can't flow to his wallet in four weeks. Based purely on what we've seen in public, I don't think Trump has the money to put aside that he claims he does, and I don't think he'll get bond as easily as he said he will. It's a tough call, but my vote is shakily "will sell something off" which is just barely beating out "will take loan from shadowy figure in dark alley".