Gotta wonder at the debates now
Donald has finished ranting to cameras and has been handed back his phone. The ALLCAPS TOTALLY NOT MAD posts area just getting started.
There's just no honesty there. It's like a mass of people all absolutely determined to continue behaving as if the truth is a lie. Reality is of no concern to them. They have a story that they want to be true and they're sticking to it no matter what. Why does the story matter to them so much? It's so insanely frustrating.
Maggat tears are great. I dont think im going to get anymore work done. Time for some wine.
Oh I'm under no delusions it would become law. It would be nice to see Republicans forced to vote in defense of a felon though.
I also keep seeing Trumpists declaring the SCOTUS will save him but, from what I've read, the Supreme Court can't as Trumps convictions were under New York state law which the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over.
"If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers
He would have to have a reason to appeal, and as of right now, he doesn't. He can't say the jury is biased, Trump's lawyer picked them too.
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He can't vote now for himself.
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I can guarantee it won't.
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And they have to have a reason to appeal, he can't appeal the facts of the case.
People really seem to not get that there are clearly a lot of undecided voters in the US. People who are not affected by a candidate being a felon were already voting for him anyway; the verdict changes nothing for them. But it probably does affect a solid number of independent voters and given that the election is at the end of the day decided by a few thousand voters in 5-6 states, that's what matters.
Technically, the states control the election procedure in their own state. So if the NPVIC is enabled and even a few states refuse to allow felons on the ballot...
I mean, that would probably still allow for a write-in campaign, but such a person would have to have massively overwhelming support already for that to be successful.
R.I.P. Democracy
"The difference between stupidity
and genius is that genius has its limits."
--Alexandre Dumas-fils
During the Iowa primaries, 74% of 804 people polled in Iowa said they will not allow a law to change it to allow a felon to be on the ballot to be president.
So they don't want a felon on the ballot in November.
Well, Donald did, I believe, have the option of asking the judge for immediate sentencing. Otherwise the judge will probably want to look at precedents before making his decision. Also I think both the Prosecution and the Defense have options to reccommend sentencing. And there's also looking into extenuating factors that might influence the leniency or severity of the sentence.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
- H. L. Mencken
Oh my fucking god people actually believe the bullshit TV "body language experts" that news channels pointlessly bring out every once in a while.In recent weeks, some on the legal team, including the president himself, convinced themselves that one of the jurors might have actually been on their side.
Body language from the juror throughout the trial, studied closed by the former president’s counselors, led some to believe that the juror was warming to the defense’s views. The warm smiles and tics, they hoped, suggested that there could be a hung jury that would help Trump evade conviction.
According to two people familiar with the matter, Trump’s faith in the amateur body language analysis of the supposedly MAGA-curious juror was so pronounced that at times he took to calling them “my juror” in discussions with close allies.
Even as the jury deliberated, some in Trumpland were still assessing whether or not they had a diehard supporter on the panel. “I think the juror is going to get beat up in the jury room,” one Trump adviser said to Rolling Stone shortly before news of the verdict hit, wondering “how strong” the juror would be.
This is fucking glorious, and also why you should never listen to a "body language expert".
Well I mean, body language is a real thing. But when it comes to what happens in a courtroom, I might side with the many, many lawyers who said things like "the defense Trump is trying will not work" over someone who says "I'm not a lawyer, but Juror #4 is slouching, that means hung jury"
More tears and lies from Republican lawmakers and conservative media. They're so fucking mad.
The level of cope and seethe from Trumpanzees on social media is at astonishing levels.
"You just guaranteed Trump wins in November" appears to be the popular take.
That being the case, why didn't he lose on purpose then?