49% of independents, 15% of Republicans, and 8% of MAGA won't vote Trump.
This is still too low. I get that Trump is trying to sweep his dismal run up to the murderous insurrection and COVID under his rug (hardee har har) but it should be clear to everyone that there is only one goal for Trump, and that is Trump. Non-cultists should not be playing into his revenge fantasy.
“You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X
I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)
The chance of him going to jail before November is quite low. Right now the penalty is largely irrelevant to me -- he's a convicted felon. What matters is he's a convicted felon that people like the recent Trump cultists rushing here to change the narrative despite being absent for everything else will still vote for, while also demanding Biden go to jail for Something Something Corruption.
“You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X
I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)
You really need to stop using the word "guarantee" so often since you don't seem to know the definition. Given that there's still absolutely no certainty about the outcome in November you've used it incorrectly every single time.
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This has also been my main takeaway from the verdict. For the past year or so it's felt as if the various cases were somewhat stalled because none of them wanted to be the first to make the attempt. Now that the "unprecedented" has happened it should give the other prosecutors a bit more confidence going forward. I'm not saying that means he'll definitely be found guilty in those other cases--though he absolutely should given that in at least two of them he's on record pretty much admitting he did the thing (claiming he was allowed to take those documents and on tape asking people to "find" votes)--but there should be a bit less uncertainty that convicting him is possible going forward.
In the ongoing effort to make @Edge- happy, Trump accuses another Republican of election fraud.
Good backed Trump once DeSantis gave up, but Trump did not forgive him. Good showed images like this one the internet didn't forget including the wordsTrump’s campaign sent a cease-and-desist letter to House Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good’s (R-Va.) reelection campaign to stop producing yard signs and other merchandise that imply his backing of the congressman.
The Trump campaign sent the letter on Friday, a senior Trump campaign official confirmed to The Hill. It was sent after Good’s campaign utilized the former president’s image, name and Trump’s past support of the candidate to boost his reelection chances.
“To be clear, neither you nor your campaign are authorized to use President Trump’s name or the Campaign’s to falsely imply their support of your candidacy,” attorney David Warrington said in a letter obtained by The Hill. “Nor are you or your campaign authorized to claim that you represent or are otherwise associated with President Trump or the Campaign.”
The letter came just days after Trump announced his endorsement of Virginia state Sen. John McGuire, Good’s primary challenger who is looking to beat the House lawmaker in the June 18 primary.
“Producing and displaying materials that give the false impression that President Trump is supportive of your candidacy is a fraud on the voters of Virginia’s 5th Congressional District,” the letter said, which also featured a photo of a campaign sign with Trump’s name placed right above Good’s.
“It is an abuse of the voters’ trust to make such false statements,” Warrington added. “Further, if you are using President Trump’s name, image, or likeness in any of your fundraising materials implying that he supports your campaign—that is a fraud on the donors.”
"Is that true?"President Donald J Trump
45th President of the United States
Congressman Bob Good is doing a wonderful job in Congress for the people of Virginia. A former wrestling champion, coach, and businessman, Bob has been a hard worker all his life. He is a proven conservative in Virginia’s 5th District and fights for Lower Taxes, cuts government spending, supports our Vets, and ensures our First Responders are respected and fully funded. Bob Good has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
Endorsement from 2022 Election
All of it, yes, including the honest and public display that it was a 2022 endorsement. Now, maybe there are yard signs or other images I don't see, but this evidence alone will not win a lawsuit for Trump.
"Wasn't there something about Trump demanding a cut of all donations to people he endorsed?"
Obviously, Good isn't doing that, and instead using older images and hoping Trump supporters are not capable of seeing a trivial con job.
He's right.
I doubt the poll phrased it as "MAGA." But I'm sure that even among ardent Trump supporters, there are those who aren't completely lost in the cult and have some principles to at least tell a convicted criminal to get lost... Whereas previously they might have had plausible deniability about his criminality.
The MAGA idol looks like Hell. One foot in the grave-looking.
His campaign is going beyond that. Now they're straight-up threatening anyone who even asks Trump's donors for money, regardless of whether or not they're implying Trump's support:And that's not an idle or rhetorical threat. Republican politicians live in fear of violence from Trump's supporters, directed at them or their families.“Any Republican elected official, candidate or party committee siphoning money from President Trump’s donors are no better than Judge Merchan’s daughter,” said Trump co-campaign manager Chris LaCivita. “We’re keeping a list, we’ll be checking it twice and we aren’t in the spirit of Christmas.”
It's going to hurt Republicans badly down-ballot, though. Every dollar that goes to the campaign of convicted felon (and criminal organization head) Donald Trump will be used to pay his fines, line his pockets, and maybe even keep his lawyers around. But the one thing he's not going to be doing is spending on getting Republicans nominees get elected.
Last edited by ringpriest; 2024-06-02 at 04:19 PM.
"In today’s America, conservatives who actually want to conserve are as rare as liberals who actually want to liberate. The once-significant language of an earlier era has had the meaning sucked right out of it, the better to serve as camouflage for a kleptocratic feeding frenzy in which both establishment parties participate with equal abandon" (Taking a break from the criminal, incompetent liars at the NSA, to bring you the above political observation, from The Archdruid Report.)
I would love to see this come down to a lawsuit. Not just because the RNCivil War will be a thing of beauty, but I'm honestly curious if you can do that. Not using someone's name or likeness I get, more or less. If Trump supports someone publicly, and you say "Trump supported me publicly" I don't think Trump can demand a cut from a one-sided contract you never signed.