1. #90881
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    The ‘Sentencing’ for not having done anything wrong will be, conveniently for the Fascists, 4 days before the Republican National Convention. A Radical Left Soros backed D.A., who ran on a platform of ‘I will get Trump,’ reporting to an ‘Acting’ Local Judge, appointed by the Democrats, who is HIGHLY CONFLICTED, will make a decision which will determine the future of our Nation?

    The United States Supreme Court MUST DECIDE!
    "Why did Trump capitalize sentencing and put it in quotation marks?"

    I assume because he thinks he won't face consequences, appealing whatever punishment he gets. Any jail, probation, or house arrest is likely going to be stayed pending appeal, because the rules for normal people don't apply to Trump.

    "Does having an election donation from another person make you corrupt or biased?"

    Trump would know. Remember that time Trump asked oil companies for a billion dollars, promising to ban EVs? He's just throwing the name Soros around like he's never backed a pedophile or appointed a rapist.

    "Why did Trump capitalize acting and put it in quotation marks?"

    I assume because he reads my posts, saw I put that word in italics, and wanted to do something different.

    "What's the problem with a local judge for a local case?"

    There isn't one. It'd be strange if the judge he was talking about was from Wyoming.

    "Does being appointed by one political party make you biased?"

    Well Trump is asking SCOTUS to free him, so this is just hypocrisy. If the judge he's talking about is biased because he was appointed by Democrats who aren't Bragg, the justices appointed by Trump are biased too. Both or neither, motherfucker.

    "Will SCOTUS step in before NYState's appeals courts finish?"

    I don't think they do that sort of thing much, and this case is enormous, but doesn't seem like the time to get involved. They'll wait for the election, for Trump to lose, then admit they owe him nothing and refuse to take the case Trump has objectively lost very badly.

    "Does Trump have any other options?"

    Speaker Johnson has said something on the topic.

    We are the rule of law party. Chaos is not a conservative value. We have to fight back, and we will with everything in our arsenal. But we will do that within the confines of the rule of law.
    "What can Congress do, within those confines?"

    Nothing. This is a NYState case. Best they could do is try to pass a law real quick that says "Trump cannot be found guilty of his crimes" and hope Biden signs it. Good luck.

  2. #90882
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    The defeated, half-hearted, empty, reflexive, "Go fuck yourself and your motha" at the end of this is going to live in my head rent free for a long time. Just the New Yorker-ness of it. Even as this mans world is shattered and he's going through extreme grief, he's still reflexively being a New Yorka.
    For me,what makes it even better is that he says "Go fuck yourself and your mother" immediately after saying "I hope we can find a way to love each other"
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    - H. L. Mencken

  3. #90883
    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Midnight Bomber View Post
    For me,what makes it even better is that he says "Go fuck yourself and your mother" immediately after saying "I hope we can find a way to love each other"
    That too is my favorite bit, and highlights how some folks like him manage to thread otherwise contradictory viewpoints with a master's touch.

  4. #90884
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    That too is my favorite bit, and highlights how some folks like him manage to thread otherwise contradictory viewpoints with a master's touch.
    S-Tier cognitive dissonance
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    - H. L. Mencken

  5. #90885
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    I don’t know what their agreement may or may not be, but Melania needs to leave him.

    Not because of what he did with me or other women but because he is a convicted felon.

    It’s been proven he is abusive; he was found liable for sexual assault and tax fraud and is now a criminal. He’s neither Teflon Don nor Teflon Con anymore.
    -- Stormy Daniels

  6. #90886
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    -- Stormy Daniels
    Melania is probably just holding out for him to keel over and hopefully getting something in the will at this point.

  7. #90887
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Melania is probably just holding out for him to keel over and hopefully getting something in the will at this point.
    I've discussed this situation in the past.

    Trump can change his will whenever he wants. Melania could try to work something in, power of attorney style, but I don't think sociopathic narcisist Trump would allow that. I think her prenup was recently revised in her favor, or more specifically her and her son's favors, but she can't stop Trump from changing his will one day to "Kushner gets everything". Trump is so chaotic and, again this hasn't been contradicted by a Trump supporter yet I get to keep saying it, mentally retarded that he could do that because Melania looked at him funny one day. He can't change the prenup, that's a contract between two people.

    It's also worth noting that Trump's fortunes can change at any time. The Truth Social deal going through was something I didn't predict. But he's also losing lawsuits and was found guilty of 34 felonies recently. I don't think you buy a house from someone who feloniously falsified documents and also is being sued by the government for lying about those buildings stats and value. I think Trump will sell all his social media stocks and tank their value when he does.

    I think Melania had three options to consider: leaving now with a known set value, staying and hoping her share goes up, or staying and her share going down. Standard game theory, nothing new here. Do you take what's behind Door Number One, Door Number Two, Door Number Three, or take the cash and leave?

    Problem is, and Stormy Daniels is right on this one, there's a fourth option. Trump is angry, violent, mentally retarded, likes fiction about manly strong men doing manly strong man things, and is armed. He could hurt or kill her.

    I don't know what's in the prenup (either form) and I don't know NYState divorce laws, but I'm willing to bet sociopathic narcisist Trump, back when it was signed, made sure that it heavily favored him. "If I hit her, she gets 50%" is not in there. If a prenup is broken, I don't know what happens next, Hollywood says 50/50 but I don't use Hollywood as a legal advisor, who would be that stupid? I think there's probably a lot of ways Melania staying could end up being a net loss for her, yes, including that she might get beaten, raped, or murdered by her violent insane mentally retarded husband, who is much larger than she is and really likes guns.

    Melania really does need to take that into consideration. It's possible she already has. Where even is she?

  8. #90888
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Melania is probably just holding out for him to keel over and hopefully getting something in the will at this point.
    It's too late, now. She'd deal with a lifetime of harassment from MAGA extremists who attack anyone and everyone who doesn't bend the knee to Donald and say he's the biggest bestestest ever.


    Just look at the responses to Cara Mund, Republican candidate for the House in North Dakota. She posted how she cannot support a convicted felon for President and how she wants to bring the party back to law and order with very reasonable responses like -

    You just made an enemy with 90 million of Americans.
    Do you think Donald's wife "abandoning" him in his time of need when the DEEP STATE is the greatest threat it's ever been?

    Well, Donald probably won't care too much, he does have an army of women who look alike that are truly enthralled with him and would be happy to call themselves Mrs. Trump -

  9. #90889
    I would imagine its reasonable to assume Melania got good terms for her son (which I think she cares more about then herself) if she stays with Trump and very little to nothing if she divorces him. (and a lot if he divorces her)

    I think it really is the only reason why she is still technically with him. She clearly wants to be away from him considering the little time they are seen together. She is sticking it our for Barron's part of the Prenup.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  10. #90890
    The Lightbringer zEmini's Avatar
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    Had a big political debate among family members who STILL support the con man. Maybe i am wrong. Mabye they are out to get him... or i am living in some nightmare that I can't escape with all these cultist loonies.

    I lost it when my step mother claimed to be a good christian and trump supporter. I yelled at her back in anger. To her face I called Trump the anti-christ and pointed out she is actually bad christian for supporting him. That didn't go over well, but i meant every single word. I will not apologize.

    I just dont know what else to do anymore. I am seriously considering of shunning certain family members from my life and my kids life.

    I fear i am turning into Frank Grimes from the Simpsons.
    Last edited by zEmini; 2024-06-03 at 04:43 PM.

  11. #90891
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zEmini View Post
    Had a big political debate among family members who STILL support the con man. Maybe i am wrong. Mabye they are out to get him... or i am living in some nightmare that I can't escape with all these cultist loonies.

    I lost it when my step mother claimed to be a good christian and trump supporter. I yelled at her back in anger. To her face I called Trump the anti-christ and pointed out she is actually bad christian for supporting him. That didn't go over well, but i meant every single word. I will not apologize.

    I just dont know what else to do anymore. I am seriously considering of shunning certain family members from my life and my kids life.

    I fear i am turning into Frank Grimes from the Simpsons.
    Aggression, radicalisation and contempt goes both ways and peeps are fully entitled to their opinions. Do you really want to cut off ties with family members due to their political views?
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2024-06-03 at 04:53 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  12. #90892
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Aggression, radicalisation and contempt goes both ways and peeps are fully entitled to their opinions. Do you really want to cut off ties with family members due to their political views?
    Its one thing to be have a republican or democrat opinion.

    But it is a a very different thing to be pro dictatorship, pro adultery, pro lying, pro killing democracy, and pro (insert any sin here). Should i just write them off as just ignorant? Or do they deep down want America destroyed?

  13. #90893
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    Quote Originally Posted by zEmini View Post
    Its one thing to be have a republican or democrat opinion.

    But it is a a very different thing to be pro dictatorship, pro adultery, pro lying, pro killing democracy, and pro (insert any sin here). Should i just write them off as just ignorant? Or do they deep down want America destroyed?
    Do you really think any Trump supporter thinks he is supporting USA decline?
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  14. #90894
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Do you really think any Trump supporter thinks he is supporting USA decline?
    One of our heated arguments was "Biden is a dicatator! We are going to be communists because of him!, blah blah blah ..."

    Eventually the rebuttal leads too "I would rather be facists than communists!"

    So maybe they do because they think the other guy is trying to do it. They want THEIR dictator not Biden "who is the actual anti christ".

  15. #90895
    Over 9000! ringpriest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Aggression, radicalisation and contempt goes both ways and peeps are fully entitled to their opinions. Do you really want to cut off ties with family members due to their political views?
    Yeah, better to wait until they rat you out to the Trumpstapo in a couple years because you're not raising your kids to be good little Trumpers. Cult members/victims largely do not recover. Even if the Trump cult never gains more power, its members will remain dangerous for the rest of their lives.
    "For the present this country is headed in directions which can only carry ruin to it and will create a situation here dangerous to world peace. With few exceptions, the men who are running this Government are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere. Others are exalted and in a frame of mind that knows no reason."
    - U.S. Ambassador to Germany, George Messersmith, June 1933

  16. #90896
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Aggression, radicalisation and contempt goes both ways and peeps are fully entitled to their opinions. Do you really want to cut off ties with family members due to their political views?
    If those family members are denying the rights of myself or my loves ones to live happy, healthy lives in peace? Absolutely. My life is vastly improved by never conversing with those kinds of people ever again. The accident of genetic relation is fundamentally meaningless.

    The family you choose to surround yourself with, whether connected by blood or not, is far more important than the family you happen to be genetically related to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Do you really think any Trump supporter thinks he is supporting USA decline?
    This is a question that fundamentally does not matter.

    Racists think they're doing the right thing by ensuring non-whites don't get equal treatment, because they see white people as superior and deserving of that supremacy.

    Misogynists think women need to know their subservient place, which is beneath men.

    And so on. What they think or feel is what makes them objectively bad and evil people. Of course they feel justified in their hateful malice; everyone who shares such malice does. That's a large part of what makes them malicious.

    The USA those Trump supports want to bring about is a white supremacist Handmaid's Tale dystopia. They don't see that as "decline". That's the problem.

    Germans in the Weimar Republic voted to support the Nazi Party, knowing they'd target the Jews and socialists and other "undesirables". The Nazi Reich and the Holocaust was their desired outcome. That's why they were Nazis. It's not a defense of their ideology, it's why they're condemned as evil people.

  17. #90897
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Aggression, radicalisation and contempt goes both ways and peeps are fully entitled to their opinions. Do you really want to cut off ties with family members due to their political views?
    Sure, people are entitled to their opinions. That doesn't mean you have to support those opinions or associate yourself with the people espousing them.

    If a family member's "political views" include bigotry and fascism...i'll cut them off in a heartbeat.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Do you really think any Trump supporter thinks he is supporting USA decline?
    They seem to believe that Biden Supporters are supporting the USA Decline. One of Trump's biggest talking points is that "they hate our country".
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    - H. L. Mencken

  18. #90898
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    he does have an army of women who look alike that are truly enthralled with him and would be happy to call themselves Mrs. Trump
    I like how they're holding pink signs that say "Women for Trump" because he might not know, being old, senile, and of course man woman TV camera.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Midnight Bomber View Post
    One of Trump's biggest talking points is that "they hate our country".
    And the evidence of hatred is "they want more people to become Americans". Bro, if I hate cheddar cheese, I'm not going to offer it to people saying "try this cheddar cheese, I hate it".

    Oh, and a bunch of made-up bullshit about wanting violent crime, yes, coming from the party that launched a terrorist attack.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Dr. Fauci walks out of a COVID hearing held by GOP members.

    "Why did he walk out?"

    Because he answered all the questions and the hearing ended. It'd be strange if he'd stayed.

    "Well then why did you phrase it like that?"

    Because most of the GOP walked out early. They made wild, unsubstantiated allegations, and when their allotted time was up, they walked out, leaving Fauci, the Democrats, the reporters, and like one or two GOP members to make sure Democrats followed the rules they themselves didn't follow.

    Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) demanded Fauci answer about the alleged suppression of information and pressure on tech companies to downplay that the coronavirus came from a Chinese lab.

    “Why was it so important the virus not have started in a lab?” Jordan demanded.

    When Fauci tried to say they still don’t know the origin, Jordan cut him off.

    “It was important to someone in the Biden administration so much so that the top people at Meta, at Facebook are asking why we’re getting all this pressure to downplay the lab leak theory. … It’s certainly important to somebody,” Jordan said.
    It was an intentional circus, complete with clowns. Dr. Fauci is a motherfucking lion tamer.

    Anyhow, the highlights include Trump supporters heckling and Greene refusing to call him Doctor.

    "What were the highlights of his testimony?"

    I mean, more of the same? We did what we could, no there wasn't a cover up, yes masks saved lives, etc. Stuff we already knew.

    “This might be the most insane hearing I’ve actually attended,” Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) said. He told Fauci, “I’ve only been in Congress a year and a half, but I’m so sorry that you were subjected to those level of attacks and insanity.”
    "Why even have this hearing?"

    Because Trump was convicted and the GOP wants to change the narrative. Why they started with Dr. Fauci is beyond me. They've fired their best shots at him for years and he's never even been scracthed.

  19. #90899

    Judge Cannon gives Donald's legal team two weeks to prove there was an FBI plot to assassinate him as they've claimed, without evidence.

    Judge Cannon gives zero fucks how obviously she's working for the defense team.

    There will be no consequences if Donald and his legal team made up a FBI plot to assassinate Donald Trump in an effort to continue delaying his classified records case because if that one goes to trial it's really really bad for him, worse than the hush money case.

    This is a novel new strategy, and I hope defendants across the nation can similarly employ the, "Make unsupported, nonsensical, irrational claims to delay their trial." strategy as Donald has.

    Because like, the FBI also specifically searched Maralago while Donald was not there so it's hard to assassinate a guy if he's not around, yaknow?

    Fuck this bitch, Democrats need to go hard on removing Republican-appointed judges whenever they get the chance.

  20. #90900
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    There will be no consequences if Donald and his legal team made up a FBI plot to assassinate Donald Trump
    At this point, I think there would be no consequences if Donald Trump assassinated Judge Cannon. You should not be able to say, under oath, "Biden was going to have Trump assassinated" with literally nothing to back that. Bare minimum, this is contempt.

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