MMO-Champ the place where calling out trolls get you into more trouble than trolling.
why the fuck are we arguing about the semantics of gasoline as part of Trump's insane driveling.
You don't always need to be right about stupid nonsense on the internet.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Mybusters agree with me. Gas is very flammable. 50lbs gallons combusted with a spark, no "extra oxygen" needed.
Anyways. You go ahead and thing gas isn't flammable if you want. Didn't think this was actually not known in 2024.
MMO-Champ the place where calling out trolls get you into more trouble than trolling.
At some point, we passed a critical point with Trump.
Trump on Tuesday said an article published by the Washington Post implying he’d consider a mandatory military service rule at the urging of some in his inner circle is "completely untrue" and that he's "never even thought" of instituting a national service requirement.
Trump is referring to this non-OP-ED piece in the Washington Post. Specifically, about a non anonymous person Trump hired on purpose, acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, so this is after Trump fairly and legally lost the election but was still in the act of trying to hold onto power despite fairly and legally losing the election, which cost him Esper.
Miller was apparently one of several Trump hires who were specifically and directly seriously discussing mandatory service.
The WaPo article also points out that J. D. Vance, high on the list of Trump VP picks, has suggested mandatory military service in non-wartimes.
Forbes, TheHill, and other sources tried to contact the Trump campaign and were all told nothing of value. Specifically, they were told only Trump sets policy, not that the story was false, and not that the campaign opposed such a measure.
"Why was this a critical point?"
Imagine in any other year, with any other candidate who had not voiced such an opinion, a source as strong as WaPo flat-out saying "this politician backs mandatory military service". They would either check their sources, or hold back the article until comment was made. Now, WaPo just goes with the craziest things people say about Trump, because they keep getting proven true. The Washington Post is conservative. They don't want Biden elected. And they still ran this.
Trump's word has lost meaning and value. His stance on the issue is being deemed irrelevant. If someone next to Trump says something, and Trump denies it, Trump's denial is handwaved.
Some of you aren't just electing a convicted felon. You're electing someone even you know lies all the time about everything.
@tehdang has 24 hours to comment on, as a known Trump supporter, his stance on mandatory military service and his stance on Trump's discussed private support of it, by virtue of wanting to keep both Miller and pick up Vance who both support it. Failure to do so means I get to quote tehdang as supporting mandatory military service, a reasonable conclusion when he supports a candidate who supports this measure.
Last edited by Breccia; 2024-06-12 at 12:29 PM.
"Beheaded head".... as opposed to a beheaded what, exactly?
Donald's former advisor and pardoned man Steve Bannon has a novel argument for why he shouldn't go to jail for ignoring lawful subpoenas -
Because he has a podcast.In an emergency motion filed Tuesday, Bannon, who was sentenced to time behind bars for contempt of Congress, asked a federal appeals court to let him remain free while he appeals his criminal conviction. Why does he think the court should grant him such a reprieve? Because he’s trying to help reelect Donald Trump, and also because he has a podcast that his listeners simply cannot be deprived of. “The government seeks to imprison Mr. Bannon for the four-month period leading up to the November election, when millions of Americans look to him for information on important campaign issues,” attorney Trent McCotter wrote in the filing. “This would also effectively bar Mr. Bannon from serving as a meaningful advisor in the ongoing national campaign.”
Bannon hosts a show called War Room, where, among other things, he has called for beheading top government officials and famously told listeners, on January 5, 2021, “We’re on the point of attack” and “All hell will break loose tomorrow.” In a text message to NBC News after a judge ordered him to surrender on July 1, he wrote: “Who says I’m reporting! WarRoom can not and will not be silenced.” He added that the show’s regular schedule would continue, saying: “4 hours a day 5 days a week and two on Saturday.… The WarRoom is a military command center for MAGA—can’t stop and won’t until we achieve final victory.”
Truly, the most pathetic people. He might die in the slammer though from the alcohol withdrawals, he should make that argument instead.