Some of you voted for this person:
Bear in mind, I could stop there. Claiming we have 30% inflation is not a minor mistake. Claiming we have 30% inflation is a flat-out lie.
In fact, I'll go one step further: @
tehdang what's the inflation rate? You have proven you view things Trump says positively and this is a fast-moving thread. Surely an honest, genuine poster such as yourself can find the inflation rate, and if it is 30%, can explain how you found this value?
While he refuses to answer, I'll let Trump keep talking.
"Does Trump know that not every electric vehicle is solar?"
Maybe, maybe not. Not the issue. Trump, apparently, doesn't know about
Some of you, including tehdang, are going to vote for someone who demonstrated
they do not know batteries exist. Considering the man uses a portable phone, he must either be retarded, senile, or think these small hand-held devices that don't have cords are somehow magic.
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I don't have it in front of me, but if Hicks testified that Trump knew he'd committed a crime before he was elected, the fact that she was his WH employee later does not refute her testimony.