1. #91241
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Giuliani disbarred in New York.

    The 31-page order banning Mr. Giuliani from practicing law in New York focused on his work as the personal lawyer for Mr. Trump and his failed effort at re-election in 2020. It said Mr. Giuliani was being disciplined for lies he told in numerous forums that were “designed to create distrust of the elective system of our country in the minds of the citizens and to destroy their confidence in the legitimacy of our government.”
    Being a friend of Donald Trump does not pay. Bannon's in jail and Giuliani's in the poorhouse.

  2. #91242
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I agree, as do most reasonable people.

    Team Trump will claim that anyhow.

    - - - Updated - - -

    In theory, it should not. Impeachment is not part of the judicial branch. But, yes, GOP members will defend their own criminal allies by pointing to this.
    He already is claiming that the NY case should be thrown out because he had immunity, even though the crime happened before he was president and is not an official act for anything that happened during his presidency.

  3. #91243
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    is not an official act for anything that happened during his presidency
    That will be the new claim for literally every single crime he has committed.

  4. #91244
    Quote Originally Posted by Marfrilau View Post
    There's a reason why they included the part about not being able to use evidence that are from official acts. In this case the Hope Hicks testimony.
    The crime happened before he was president. The Hope Hicks testimony means nothing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    That will be the new claim for literally every single crime he has committed.
    He can try, but the courts shouldn't uphold it, but knowing the SCOTUS, they will make some shit up to pigeonhole it into immunity.

  5. #91245
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Some of you voted for this person:

    At a campaign rally in Virginia last week, former President Donald Trump expressed concern that battery-powered airplanes wouldn’t fly in cloudy conditions. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, apparently believes that batteries of the sort that could power airplanes would be dependent on solar energy. Aviation experts agree that no airplane would be, or could be, flown that relied solely on solar power to stay airborne.

    In an extended, extemporaneous aside during a speech in which he falsely claimed that the U.S. inflation rate exceeds 30 percent (it stands at 3 percent)
    Bear in mind, I could stop there. Claiming we have 30% inflation is not a minor mistake. Claiming we have 30% inflation is a flat-out lie.

    In fact, I'll go one step further: @tehdang what's the inflation rate? You have proven you view things Trump says positively and this is a fast-moving thread. Surely an honest, genuine poster such as yourself can find the inflation rate, and if it is 30%, can explain how you found this value?

    While he refuses to answer, I'll let Trump keep talking.

    and falsely asserted that rioters in Portland, Oregon; Minneapolis; and Seattle had been “ripping people apart and killing people” after the murder of George Floyd, Trump said, of green-energy advocates, “All they know is electric. They want electric army tanks. They want electric planes.” Trump then looked up to the sky.

    “What happens if the sun isn’t shining while you’re up in the air?”

    “Well, sir,” he said, in the voice of (presumably) a Biden-administration battery expert, “those—I told you there’d be problems, sir.”
    "Does Trump know that not every electric vehicle is solar?"

    Maybe, maybe not. Not the issue. Trump, apparently, doesn't know about batteries.

    Some of you, including tehdang, are going to vote for someone who demonstrated they do not know batteries exist. Considering the man uses a portable phone, he must either be retarded, senile, or think these small hand-held devices that don't have cords are somehow magic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    The crime happened before he was president. The Hope Hicks testimony means nothing.
    I don't have it in front of me, but if Hicks testified that Trump knew he'd committed a crime before he was elected, the fact that she was his WH employee later does not refute her testimony.

  6. #91246
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Giuliani disbarred in New York.

    Being a friend of Donald Trump does not pay. Bannon's in jail and Giuliani's in the poorhouse.
    But is he still going to heaven?

  7. #91247
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    But is he still going to heaven?
    I dunno, after all those jokes I make about fucking Graham's wife, someone else'll have to check.

  8. #91248
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    wtf does that have to do with the immunity verdict?
    paying off a hooker before he became President cannot be a Presidential act.
    That is what he is arguing in court right now. That since he was President, any and all things he did was considered an official act of the Presidency, even if it happened before he became president or after he was out of office.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    That will be the new claim for literally every single crime he has committed.
    I wonder if he will try and overturn the Trump University thing where he found out that he scammed a bunch of people. Or how about the verdict on him stealing from his charity.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Some of you voted for this person:

    Bear in mind, I could stop there. Claiming we have 30% inflation is not a minor mistake. Claiming we have 30% inflation is a flat-out lie.

    In fact, I'll go one step further: @tehdang what's the inflation rate? You have proven you view things Trump says positively and this is a fast-moving thread. Surely an honest, genuine poster such as yourself can find the inflation rate, and if it is 30%, can explain how you found this value?

    While he refuses to answer, I'll let Trump keep talking.

    "Does Trump know that not every electric vehicle is solar?"

    Maybe, maybe not. Not the issue. Trump, apparently, doesn't know about batteries.

    Some of you, including tehdang, are going to vote for someone who demonstrated they do not know batteries exist. Considering the man uses a portable phone, he must either be retarded, senile, or think these small hand-held devices that don't have cords are somehow magic.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I don't have it in front of me, but if Hicks testified that Trump knew he'd committed a crime before he was elected, the fact that she was his WH employee later does not refute her testimony.
    Well, in that one random coal mining town in very rural West Virginia, there might be a 30% unemployment rate. That is what Trump means. Sure.

    I mean, it has to be.

    And where was I when all these people were getting ripped apart. I mean, must have been a bunch of ravenous ghouls out there rampaging around. Only thing I saw was people occasionally blocking intersections and just making the protests a bit uncomfortable for people which is exactly what a protest should be about.

    And on the topic of planes, I am pretty sure that we can go back to zeppelins and power them with all that hot air that comes out of Trumps mouth constantly.

  9. #91249
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    The crime happened before he was president. The Hope Hicks testimony means nothing.
    Are you even aware of how cases are built? Do you think the prosecution just goes "The crime happened, convinct!"? That testimony was used to prove intent as far as I remember. It might not be enough to overturn the conviction if they can't use it due to this new ridiculous ruling but it might.

  10. #91250
    Quote Originally Posted by Marfrilau View Post
    Are you even aware of how cases are built? Do you think the prosecution just goes "The crime happened, convinct!"? That testimony was used to prove intent as far as I remember. It might not be enough to overturn the conviction if they can't use it due to this new ridiculous ruling but it might.
    Not really, and just because she worked with him during his time as president, doesn't negate the fact that the crime happened before he was president.

  11. #91251
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    Not really, and just because she worked with him during his time as president, doesn't negate the fact that the crime happened before he was president.
    But some of the evidence used to prove it was a crime can't be used due to this new ruling... How is that so hard to understand?

  12. #91252
    I don't think this is actually good for Trump electorally though. The fact that he has taken this as an opportunity to say "I did all these criminal things but it doesn't matter because I am immune" is such an amazing motivator to go vote against him and the idea that Democrats will work to create new legislation to hold future Presidents accountable works to invoke people's need for justice which imo is one of the driving forces of any society. The election is entirely about getting voters from either side to show up and demoralizing non-MAGA Republicans and galvanizing Democrats is the best thing you can do and Trump is doing it for free.
    And yes, non-MAGA republicans absolutely exist. We saw that it's at least a good 15% of those willing to show up for a primary.

  13. #91253
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I don't think this is actually good for Trump electorally though. The fact that he has taken this as an opportunity to say "I did all these criminal things but it doesn't matter because I am immune" is such an amazing motivator to go vote against him and the idea that Democrats will work to create new legislation to hold future Presidents accountable works to invoke people's need for justice which imo is one of the driving forces of any society. The election is entirely about getting voters from either side to show up and demoralizing non-MAGA Republicans and galvanizing Democrats is the best thing you can do and Trump is doing it for free.
    And yes, non-MAGA republicans absolutely exist. We saw that it's at least a good 15% of those willing to show up for a primary.
    When it comes to placing their vote, they’ll still vote Trump though. They looked passed his self admitted sex-offenses, his attacks on women’s rights, his support for insurrection, his support for Putin, his cheating on his wife with porn stars and Russian hookers, his stealing of state secrets, his support for literal Nazis … the list of his depravity and contempt for the rule of law goes on and on, it’s irrelevant, it’s baked into what they get and they’re prepared to look passed all of it because the Magas do, the media do, and that makes it all okay. He’s basically Homelander at this point.

    The idea that he should have immunity is a result of all of that things, for them it’s not about the sanctity of the rule of law and pillars of democracy that he shouldn’t have immunity, but that he keeps getting called out on all these things that they think he should.
    Last edited by Jessicka; 2024-07-03 at 08:50 AM.

  14. #91254
    Quote Originally Posted by Marfrilau View Post
    But some of the evidence used to prove it was a crime can't be used due to this new ruling... How is that so hard to understand?
    That isn't how it works, there is no evidence that can be classified as an official act by a president.

  15. #91255
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    When it comes to placing their vote, they’ll still vote Trump though. They looked passed his self admitted sex-offenses, his attacks on women’s rights, his support for insurrection, his support for Putin, his cheating on his wife with porn stars and Russian hookers, his stealing of state secrets, his support for literal Nazis … the list of his depravity and contempt for the rule of law goes on and on, it’s irrelevant, it’s baked into what they get and they’re prepared to look passed all of it because the Magas do, the media do, and that makes it all okay. He’s basically Homelander at this point.

    The idea that he should have immunity is a result of all of that things, for them it’s not about the sanctity of the rule of law and pillars of democracy that he shouldn’t have immunity, but that he keeps getting called out on all these things that they think he should.
    A non-insignificant number of former Republicans have voted Democrat and an unknown number have just chosen not to vote at all. Given the reality of US elections and how few votes can decide things, I don't think its irrelevant.

  16. #91256
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    A non-insignificant number of former Republicans have voted Democrat and an unknown number have just chosen not to vote at all. Given the reality of US elections and how few votes can decide things, I don't think its irrelevant.
    Conversely you have people saying they’re not turning out for Biden because of Gaza and his age.

    And in both cases they then see the alternative isn’t close to their guy.

    These things aren’t going to make landslide differences, though ultimately it might decide it and I hope it does, with the incumbent having the usual advantage as well. It’s nowhere near the 10-15% that was claimed though.

  17. #91257
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    Conversely you have people saying they’re not turning out for Biden because of Gaza and his age.

    And in both cases they then see the alternative isn’t close to their guy.

    These things aren’t going to make landslide differences, though ultimately it might decide it and I hope it does, with the incumbent having the usual advantage as well. It’s nowhere near the 10-15% that was claimed though.
    You cannot be expecting landslide differences. The 10-15% is not out of my head. Halley reached 19,7% and that is after withdrawing. There are plenty of Republican voters who are not MAGA and would prefer someone else. All you need is enough of them to stay at home. Heck over 4 million people voted for Haley over Trump in the primaries; if those alone stay at home it would probably be enough.

  18. #91258
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    You cannot be expecting landslide differences. The 10-15% is not out of my head. Halley reached 19,7% and that is after withdrawing. There are plenty of Republican voters who are not MAGA and would prefer someone else. All you need is enough of them to stay at home. Heck over 4 million people voted for Haley over Trump in the primaries; if those alone stay at home it would probably be enough.
    They might prefer someone else, but that someone would need an R next to their name. So when it comes to voting day, the overwhelming majority of those 4m will vote for Trump because he's the party line they're given. It's something you see pretty much universally the world over, where results are normally closer than polls ever suggest. People might not like the choice they're given by their own party, but they'll still vote for it over the other guys. Especially true in American politics where 3rd parties and tactical voting are virtually non-existent.

    Given how Biden managed to lose one area in his primaries while virtually uncontested, and millions didn't bother to show up there, there's little reason to think disenchanted Republicans would switch or fail to show up, when the Democrats don't even like their own guy.

  19. #91259
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    That isn't how it works, there is no evidence that can be classified as an official act by a president.
    Why do you think that Barrett only concurred in part? It's not the evidence that is classified as an official act but whether evidence from an official act can be used. It doesn't matter whether that meeting includes juicy evidence. It can't be used under this ruling. Trump having a meeting with his cabinet or aides could easily be classified as an official act. Especially with the vague language in this ruling and with biased courts.

    I hope I'm wrong but there's a reason why the Trump team is jumping on this.

  20. #91260
    Quote Originally Posted by Marfrilau View Post
    I hope I'm wrong but there's a reason why the Trump team is jumping on this.
    Trump's team jumps on everything for their Dear Leader. And all of it are lies.

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