1. #91341
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Let's not try to get logic into this

  2. #91342
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Those hussies were distracting and temping the proper manly menly mans Secret Service who would have throw their bodies, their families bodies, and any PITAIBs in arms reach to save Donald.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  3. #91343
    The shooting was not surprising, the rethoric was this insane for the last 8 years and no I am not talking about the media, the democrats. I am talking about all the trumpet retards and Trump. You have been running and talking your mouth about everyone being evil and how you want to straight up kill or deport people. How did you think it was going to end? If anything you ass clowns were lucky it took this long. No sympathy, reaping what you sow.

    If Trump gets reelected, this will go up x5. You had it coming for a while now, play stupid games with anti democracy, you will reap what you sowed.

    I know what too civil cowards or fake worry warts are going to say. Wow you don't condone all violence! You are right, all you guys other dream systems, communism, theocracy, dictatorship, monarchy, etc they only exist via force. Only liberal democracy allows all of your clown show ideology to run freely...... but there needs to be a limit and the limit is when you want to turn the system into your pet dream non liberal democracy. Then liberal democracy can do as all those other system and purge your ass.
    Last edited by minteK917; 2024-07-15 at 12:16 AM.

  4. #91344
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by minteK917 View Post
    How did you think it was going to end?
    They thought it would end by them shooting first.

    Oh. Wait. They did.

  5. #91345
    I know I'm late to the whole "attempted unaliving of Trump" discussion, but here's what I wanna say about it.

    1) Don't fucking try and kill people. Period. Even if the person you try to kill keeps spouting shit that encourages murder and assassination and it would be karmic the person would die due to their own violent words

    2) Assassinating him would make him a martyr, and he doesn't deserve that legacy. If Trump is to face an untimely demise, it should be by choking on a McD cheese burger

    3) Good lord, can the 2024 election get any worse? Because I feel this event will make it worse and I hope to any and all higher powers that I'm wrong

  6. #91346
    FUCK EILEEN CANNON. She just fucking dismissed the documents case. She should be removed as a fucking judge. It will be appealed and she should be fucking removed. She dismissed it because she thinks that Jack Smith had to be appointed by the Senate. He doesn't need to be.

    If he needed to be, then the Hunter Biden case needs to be overturned.
    Last edited by postman1782; 2024-07-15 at 02:03 PM.

  7. #91347
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    FUCK EILEEN CANNON. She just fucking dismissed the documents case. She should be removed as a fucking judge. It will be appealed and she should be fucking removed. She dismissed it because she thinks that Jack Smith had to be appointed by the Senate. He doesn't need to be.

    If he needed to be, then the Hunter Biden case needs to be overturned.
    I'm just ready for fascism and just fuck our court system.

    I still have beef with Garland but eff it. Idc anymore.

    Edit. Alright my quick over reaction. But is this possibility to file in DC now. I guess so?
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2024-07-15 at 02:15 PM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  8. #91348
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    I'm just ready for fascism and just fuck our court system.

    I still have beef with Garland but eff it. Idc anymore.

    Edit. Alright my quick over reaction. But is this possibility to file in DC now. I guess so?
    It will go to the 11th Circuit, and they have already smacked this thunderkunt down, and she will lose. Simply because all every other special counsels that have been appointed, including the Hunter Biden one, Robert Mueller, Hurr, Durham, have all had this same argument attempted by Republicans and Democrats alike, and they have all fucking lost, til this bitch was appointed by Trump.

    And 2 circuits have already ruled against something like this before. This should get her ass thrown in jail at best for obstruction of justice.

  9. #91349
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post
    It will go to the 11th Circuit, and they have already smacked this thunderkunt down, and she will lose. Simply because all every other special counsels that have been appointed, including the Hunter Biden one, Robert Mueller, Hurr, Durham, have all had this same argument attempted by Republicans and Democrats alike, and they have all fucking lost, til this bitch was appointed by Trump.

    And 2 circuits have already ruled against something like this before. This should get her ass thrown in jail at best for obstruction of justice.
    Not a legal mind but I would think refilling would be easier. 11th circuit is Trump heavy, lean conservative. I know they went against Cannon before cause well she is an effin moron. Of course here she is an effin moron. Then this would go back to that district so a new judge. All this my mere small brain does not know.

    Alright I'm going more cynical here.

    The Lib take of just let 11th Circuit or let our great judicial system is once more why we will just keep getting our teeth kicked in. I have no faith in 11th and Gawd forbid if it appeals up. Actually idk if they can appeal to Supreme Court, but the point is, no confidence.

    Oh! This over unless Trump loses cause his DOJ will dismiss it. Umm if Biden wins I still might give odds with the courts this might go away.
    Last edited by Paranoid Android; 2024-07-15 at 02:44 PM.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  10. #91350
    Merely a Setback Sunseeker's Avatar
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    Christ on a fuckin cracker, all this dog an pony show for her to just tell Smith to fuck off.

    Someone get this bitch off the bench.
    Human progress isn't measured by industry. It's measured by the value you place on a life.

    Just, be kind.

  11. #91351
    She filed a 93-page motion. Seems to me that one would’ve sufficed if she just wanted to handwave the case.

    The psychology of being anti-Trump got slightly more complicated after the failed attempt on his life, but…JFC, he can’t keep getting away with this. The courts tell us he’s immune for official acts, then they dismiss outrageously obvious charges for felonies, and then clutch at pearls when individuals take certain things into their own hands.

    Yes, attempted assassin was a Republican (allegedly), not an outraged progressive. Yes, killing people and terrorism are awful.

    But let’s not pretend for a second that we don’t understand at least one reason why it could happen.

  12. #91352
    This is the worst timeline.


  13. #91353
    Quote Originally Posted by Skjaldborg View Post
    She filed a 93-page motion. Seems to me that one would’ve sufficed if she just wanted to handwave the case.

    The psychology of being anti-Trump got slightly more complicated after the failed attempt on his life, but…JFC, he can’t keep getting away with this. The courts tell us he’s immune for official acts, then they dismiss outrageously obvious charges for felonies, and then clutch at pearls when individuals take certain things into their own hands.

    Yes, attempted assassin was a Republican (allegedly), not an outraged progressive. Yes, killing people and terrorism are awful.

    But let’s not pretend for a second that we don’t understand at least one reason why it could happen.
    It isn't alleged, his own classmates confirmed he is a die hard conservative.

  14. #91354
    Justice Thomas's "Cannon-currence" worked.

    (In the Trump immunity case, Justice Thomas wrote separately to suggest the special counsel was unlawfully appointed; the reasoning laid out the roadmap for this (wrong) result/decision.)

    Yes some account I don't know who this person is but this person get's it right.

    So Thomas oversees the 11th Circuit; Cannon's district. This sure clearly seems to be that both worked together on this ruling. Crazy that a Supreme Court Justice now rules that Special Counsel are unlawful. No special counsels to check power anymore.

    Damn sucks for Bill Clinton.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  15. #91355
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    Justice Thomas's "Cannon-currence" worked.

    (In the Trump immunity case, Justice Thomas wrote separately to suggest the special counsel was unlawfully appointed; the reasoning laid out the roadmap for this (wrong) result/decision.)

    Yes some account I don't know who this person is but this person get's it right.

    So Thomas oversees the 11th Circuit; Cannon's district. This sure clearly seems to be that both worked together on this ruling. Crazy that a Supreme Court Justice now rules that Special Counsel are unlawful. No special counsels to check power anymore.

    Damn sucks for Bill Clinton.
    which could also signal that an appeal will fail...
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  16. #91356
    Bet you anything she gets nominated for the supreme court if trump wins.

  17. #91357
    Quote Originally Posted by Canpinter View Post
    Bet you anything she gets nominated for the supreme court if trump wins.
    certainly wouldn't bet against that at this point...
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  18. #91358
    Canon's likely gonna get slapped down by the 11th and cry about it or something. It's just another delay and in any functioning government she'd have been impeached for gross incompetence long ago, but she gives Republicans what they want (endless delays and taking ever batshit insane theory of the defense uber-seriously, treating everything as if it's new and novel even if it's not) she's protected for as long as Republicans have at least 38 Senators, I imagine.

  19. #91359
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Canon's likely gonna get slapped down by the 11th and cry about it or something. It's just another delay and in any functioning government she'd have been impeached for gross incompetence long ago, but she gives Republicans what they want (endless delays and taking ever batshit insane theory of the defense uber-seriously, treating everything as if it's new and novel even if it's not) she's protected for as long as Republicans have at least 38 Senators, I imagine.
    Unfortunately this seems to be based on a very recent ruling/opinion from Clarence Thomas on the proper appointments of special counsels. So that is new ammo for this compromised judge and 11th Circuit might opt to acquiesce now.

  20. #91360
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Cannon's decision seems to be "it's illegal to appoint a Special Counsel".

    The bottom line is this: The Appointments Clause is a critical constitutional restriction stemming from the separation of powers, and it gives to Congress a considered role in determining the propriety of vesting appointment power for inferior officers.

    The Special Counsel’s position effectively usurps that important legislative authority, transferring it to a Head of Department, and in the process threatening the structural liberty inherent in the separation of powers.
    In a related story, remember the Trump/Clinton debates when Trump said he would appoint Special Counsel to prosecute Clinton? That's right, the time he promised to jail a political opponent, and got thunderous applause? Turns out, that's only okay when Trump does it.

    I agree with @Edge- this seems like just a delay move. "It's illegal to appoint Special Counsel" flies in the face of history. If it was unConstitutional, it would have come up before. It didn't. Except for Trump.

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