1. #91381
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    So...interesting consequence if Judge Cannon's ruling that "special counsel are unconstitutional unless appointed by the legislature" (which, again, is bullshit).

    Does that mean Hunter Bidens conviction gets tossed? He was investigated by a non-Legislature-appointed special counsel.
    She's using Thomas's opinion on special counsels in the ruling that gave Trump absolute immunity, she's a good stooge and jumped at the implication of the ruling.

  2. #91382
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    She's using Thomas's opinion on special counsels in the ruling that gave Trump absolute immunity, she's a good stooge and jumped at the implication of the ruling.
    Which, again, is still fucking stupid. Trump wasn't in the WH starting Jan 21, 2021, and still had those stolen items and still lied about it. Even if the President had absolute immunity, which he doesn't, and even if stealing those documents was a core Constitutional duty, which it wasn't, he was a private citizen when he obstructed justice.

  3. #91383
    Kind of annoying that Democrats will now refuse to go negative. Honestly should double fown. "Look even this guys own party hates him". Refusing to run in the same race as Republicans just makes Democrats look naive.
    Dragonflight Summary, "Because friendship is magic"

  4. #91384
    Quote Originally Posted by tikcol View Post
    Donald Trump continues the fight for the American People. Even a bullet to the head doesn't make him relent.

    A true Warrior for his people and his great country.

    He will be an inspiration for generations to come.
    Yeah, we don't need more white nationalist terrorists.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Midnight Bomber View Post
    That's the definition of "alleged"
    His own neighbors saw the Trump signs in his yard.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Drutt View Post
    I wonder if the timing of Cannon's dismissal is a coincidence or deliberate?

    No better time to try and bury that kind of thing than after the media is focused on a literal assassination attempt, after all.
    Deliberate, she has had this written for a long time, 93 pages don't come out of thin air.

  5. #91385
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Which, again, is still fucking stupid. Trump wasn't in the WH starting Jan 21, 2021, and still had those stolen items and still lied about it. Even if the President had absolute immunity, which he doesn't, and even if stealing those documents was a core Constitutional duty, which it wasn't, he was a private citizen when he obstructed justice.
    It doesn't need to make sense, follow precedence or have any logic the right wing supreme court rulings these days are basically because they can.

  6. #91386
    Quote Originally Posted by tikcol View Post
    Donald Trump continues the fight for the American People. Even a bullet to the head doesn't make him relent.

    A true Warrior for his people and his great country.

    He will be an inspiration for generations to come.
    First off, it isn't a bullet to the head. He had his ear grazed.

    Second, there is only 2 Presidents in history that have been shot and lived to tell about it. One was Teddy Roosevelt. He got shot right in the chest and continued his speech and went for help after that was done. Second was Ronald Reagan and he got shot multiple times.

    However, if you consider someone who conned a bunch of people and potentially raped a preteen as inspiration, you really need to see someone because only other pedophiles look up to each other.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Which, again, is still fucking stupid. Trump wasn't in the WH starting Jan 21, 2021, and still had those stolen items and still lied about it. Even if the President had absolute immunity, which he doesn't, and even if stealing those documents was a core Constitutional duty, which it wasn't, he was a private citizen when he obstructed justice.
    Funny thing is, she didn't rule on the case itself. Just that Smith wasn't appointed correctly. Which will get overturned in appeals and get her removed.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    J. D. Vance has successfully gotten Trump's attention and is his VP pick.

    I guess he sucked up the hardest. Also, I think we knew that, I think the other high on the list names weren't at his shooting.

    Well, that's the Republican party for you. Their idea of diversity is "our two straight white rich dudes are a few years apart in age".
    Well, one thing good will come of that is that he will no longer be a Senator of Ohio. He is required to step down as no member of Congress can also be a VP. Especially since the VP is the Head of the Senate to begin with.

  7. #91387
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Which, again, is still fucking stupid. Trump wasn't in the WH starting Jan 21, 2021, and still had those stolen items and still lied about it. Even if the President had absolute immunity, which he doesn't, and even if stealing those documents was a core Constitutional duty, which it wasn't, he was a private citizen when he obstructed justice.
    Oh no, its even dumber then that, this throwing out has nothing do with do immunity. Thomas just added random shit to it, about special councels, which even in the thing he remark has nothing to do with any of this. That's just there to signal that if this makes it to the Supreme court, this is what they would say. These people are actively working to undermine the United states. The whole point was to force this to be after the election.

  8. #91388
    Quote Originally Posted by minteK917 View Post
    Oh no, its even dumber then that, this throwing out has nothing do with do immunity. Thomas just added random shit to it, about special councels, which even in the thing he remark has nothing to do with any of this. That's just there to signal that if this makes it to the Supreme court, this is what they would say. These people are actively working to undermine the United states. The whole point was to force this to be after the election.
    Yep, it has been a precedent since like 1875, and every special counsel from every thing for the last 10 years has been challenged on this and the cases were thrown out. And if this is allowed to stand, then the Hunter Biden case can be thrown out.

  9. #91389
    Here is an Australian 4 Corners Documentary on what a Donald Trump Presidency could involve. This was released yesterday.

    It is pretty balanced with people that think hes an idiot to others who admire him .
    It also features people who where high up in the last Trump Administration who give their opinion of him and what plans he has for the future of the United States.

    This is part one. if you like this I will post the second part next week. It is all pretty interesting.

    There is also some Information about "Project 2025" which under a Trump Administration may make changes within the Bureaucracy

    Last edited by Hugo88; 2024-07-16 at 04:03 AM.

  10. #91390
    The Unstoppable Force Mayhem's Avatar
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    soo the current argument from MAGAAts is that roe v wade wasn't overturned by Trump but by Biden because it was during Biden's term.

    how are people this dense?
    Quote Originally Posted by ash
    So, look um, I'm not a grief counselor, but if it's any consolation, I have had to kill and bury loved ones before. A bunch of times actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    I never said I was knowledge-able and I wouldn't even care if I was the least knowledge-able person and the biggest dumb-ass out of all 7.8 billion people on the planet.

  11. #91391
    Quote Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
    how are people this dense?
    i mean, i don't want to get too deep in the woods on a forbidden topic, but...
    the founding principle of the very concept of religious faith is that you start with a conclusion and then twist your perception of reality to justify it.
    when that's the starting point of how you view the world, everything is simply a matter of picking your favorite way for things to be and then acting as if things are in fact that way.

  12. #91392
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Well, one thing good will come of that is that he will no longer be a Senator of Ohio. He is required to step down as no member of Congress can also be a VP. Especially since the VP is the Head of the Senate to begin with.
    Technically, only if he wins.

  13. #91393
    Gaetz basically said the stupid part out loud. Promises to nominate Judge Cannon to Supreme Court.


  14. #91394
    In light of the recent happening, I wonder what kind of legacy Trump will leave behind should he die. After taking in a lot of the mood, it seems like people genuinely wouldn't think positively of him.

    When Shinzo Abe was assassinated not too long ago, at first people were shocked and thought it horrible, but nowadays most commentators say he "deserved it." It's chilling to think that is what people would think of Trump as well.

  15. #91395
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    In light of the recent happening, I wonder what kind of legacy Trump will leave behind should he die. After taking in a lot of the mood, it seems like people genuinely wouldn't think positively of him.

    When Shinzo Abe was assassinated not too long ago, at first people were shocked and thought it horrible, but nowadays most commentators say he "deserved it." It's chilling to think that is what people would think of Trump as well.
    I can guarantee they will have to bury him somewhere private, because his grave will be the biggest toilet of the world.

  16. #91396
    Quote Originally Posted by Redwyrm View Post
    Gaetz basically said the stupid part out loud. Promises to nominate Judge Cannon to Supreme Court.

    For his party, saying the stupid part out loud comes with the R next to their names.

    That said, this is extraordinarily stupid even for Gaetz.

  17. #91397
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    In light of the recent happening, I wonder what kind of legacy Trump will leave behind should he die. After taking in a lot of the mood, it seems like people genuinely wouldn't think positively of him.
    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

  18. #91398
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    First off, it isn't a bullet to the head. He had his ear grazed.

    Second, there is only 2 Presidents in history that have been shot and lived to tell about it. One was Teddy Roosevelt. He got shot right in the chest and continued his speech and went for help after that was done. Second was Ronald Reagan and he got shot multiple times.

    However, if you consider someone who conned a bunch of people and potentially raped a preteen as inspiration, you really need to see someone because only other pedophiles look up to each other.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Funny thing is, she didn't rule on the case itself. Just that Smith wasn't appointed correctly. Which will get overturned in appeals and get her removed.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well, one thing good will come of that is that he will no longer be a Senator of Ohio. He is required to step down as no member of Congress can also be a VP. Especially since the VP is the Head of the Senate to begin with.
    I'm comfortable hearing all about your conspiracy theories regarding Donald Trump.

    Make no mistake, my support for him is unwavering regardless of the hate fulled drivel you write behind your keyboard.

    I wear it as a badge of honor.
    One man's trash is another man's treasure

  19. #91399
    Quote Originally Posted by tikcol View Post
    I wear it as a badge of honor.
    There's no such thing as "honor" in Trump’s world. Only the zealotry such blind loyalty demands.
    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

  20. #91400
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    In light of the recent happening, I wonder what kind of legacy Trump will leave behind should he die. After taking in a lot of the mood, it seems like people genuinely wouldn't think positively of him.

    When Shinzo Abe was assassinated not too long ago, at first people were shocked and thought it horrible, but nowadays most commentators say he "deserved it." It's chilling to think that is what people would think of Trump as well.
    Same as any personality cult, most of what it's built on will fall away without their lord and saviour to keep the lies rolling and distract from the shoddy foundations its built on. Take a look at Brexit over here, there's a hard core who don't want to admit they've been deceived for sure, but more widely, people are exasperated they were taken for such a ride. Over here Trump is seen as very much a part of that same far right cult, indeed Farage has made a big play of his friendship with Trump, and people who you wouldn't expect to wish that on anyone, really aren't afraid to express their disappointment that the guy missed. As time passes, that'll only grow.

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