1. #92061
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Oh, snap.
    Guess what I saw?

    Trump etc. claim that they aren't selling has questionable legal grounds. It's paywalled, but the short answer is "yes, he can sell, and someone might wag their finger at best". He will still have to file "I sold my shares" and that information will become public.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    I'm betting it'll drop below 10 by the end of the week.
    I would love to see that, because I'm still not sure if it's possible. I think the $10 buyback period has ended when it went public?

  2. #92062
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Guess what I saw?

    Trump etc. claim that they aren't selling has questionable legal grounds. It's paywalled, but the short answer is "yes, he can sell, and someone might wag their finger at best". He will still have to file "I sold my shares" and that information will become public.

    You mean the very same article I linked and quoted in the very same post to which you just responded?

    Get some coffee, man.
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  3. #92063
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Get some coffee, man.
    You're right, that's a copy/paste fail. Ah, fuck it, your article was better anyhow.

  4. #92064
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Will it dip below $12 by day's end?

  5. #92065
    So, to tell you absolutely nuts on how much value Trump is losing, just last Monday, it was $17.27/share. He literally lost $563.2 million in value. The only one that I can remember that had something similar is when Elon took Twitter private and pretty much tanked its value outright.

    Best part is, this isn't the bottom. I figure it will bottom out at around $3 - 4 range and just hover there for a long while and then drop again when Trump stops posting there and then get delisted when it becomes a penny stock.

  6. #92066
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Best part is, this isn't the bottom.
    Well, no, but the best part is, this isn't the bottom and he hasn't dumped all his shares yet. If he had,

    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    Will it dip below $12 by day's end?
    It would have hit $7 or lower. Trump is the majority holder. I'm not sure what he's doing, but it's not a massive selloff all at once. Maybe he's just trying to lose all his money slower.

    - - - Updated - - -

    In the ongoing effort to lose even more votes, Trump specifically and directly threatens John Deere.

    I just noticed behind me John Deere tractors. I know a lot about John Deere, I love the company.

    But as you know, they’ve announced a few days ago that they’re going to move a lot of their manufacturing business to Mexico. I’m just notifying John Deere right now, if you do that, we’re putting a 200 percent tariff on everything you want to sell into the United States, so that if I win John Deere is going to be paying a 200 percent — they haven’t started it yet. Maybe they haven’t even made the final decision yet. But I think they have.
    "Does the rest of his party agree?"

    Probably not, no.

    I don’t need them. I don’t need Congress, but they’ll approve it. I’ll have the right to impose them myself if they don’t. I’d rather get their support.
    "Two hundred percent? Won't that, you know, raise food prices? He was speaking to farmers."


    - - - Updated - - -

    So, $12.15 is the lowest Trump's stock has ever closed. Near as I can tell, the only lower value it's ever been (not counting $12.12 briefly today) was the $10 opening price.

    I think it's effectively impossible for this drop to happen, without the major investors shaving off shares.

    Multiple articles I've read are trying to suggest the drop happened because Trump refused to debate Harris. While yes, the stock is tied to the name Trump and his chance at being re-elected, I think this is more correllation and not causation. I think the drop happened because the company is worthless.

    Did you know there are several subReddits dedicated to the stock? For the love of all that's holy, don't go there, it'll mess your suggested posts/pages right the fuck up. But there's not a ton of hardcore Trump cultists there. The posts seem to be a mix of
    • Who will Trump blame?
    • That article @PhaelixWW posted
    • Online screengrabs of investment firms posting "buy" offers (such as "buy at $12.50") and questions about who would do that (the answers are mostly "the Saudis" "Putin" and "meth heads")
    • A discussion that DJT has a price-to-share ratio of 750, and anything over 3 is considered risky
    • One person saying "there's no point in selling anymore, I'm losing $10,000 a day" and the top response being "cheer up buddy, that will become harder and harder to do"
    • A poster who claimed to have put their entire pension into this and tomorrow is the last straw
    • People saying the above post is fake
    • etc

    But two stood out.

    1)1the suggestion of a 10:1 reverse split.

    "What would that do?"

    Trump could say that shares went from $12 to $120 overnight and his followers would be stupid enough to buy in, temporarily inflating the value as they cash out.

    2) The Alternative Uptick Rule, also known as "short-selling rules are in effect"

    The 2010 alternative uptick rule (Rule 201) allows investors to exit long positions before short selling occurs. The rule is triggered when a stock price falls at least 10% in one day. At that point, short selling is permitted if the price is above the current best bid. This aims to preserve investor confidence and promote market stability during periods of stress and volatility.
    "What stability issues? The market is better than ever! Thanks, Biden!"

    Well, the stocks individually form the market collectively. Anyhow the Alternative Uptick Rule was adopted in 2010 after the original Uptick Rule was abolished in 2007.

    "Wasn't there a massive cr-"

    Yes, it's possible that the 2008 financial crisis was, in part, caused by people forcing a crash in CitiGroup while the rule wasn't in effect.

    Anyhow when the stock does drop 10% in one trading session, which yes it just did as shown above, short selling to drive the price down faster is artificially restricted by limits on prices you can bid. It lasts the rest of that day, and all of the following.

    So, holders like Trump can sell tomorrow, but people who are counting on Trump selling tomorrow can't use that to their advantage. I think. I've read up in several sources and still am not 100% sure.

    Long story short, I don't know that we'll see the same level of crushing defeat tomorrow, but if we do, it's the legitimate investors like Trump dumping their shares. I think we might see Trump and the other major investors playing chicken with each other, and either collectively decide to hold out and let the price stabilize...or we'll see a massive flaming wreck.

  7. #92067
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    1)1the suggestion of a 10:1 reverse split.

    "What would that do?"

    Trump could say that shares went from $12 to $120 overnight and his followers would be stupid enough to buy in, temporarily inflating the value as they cash out.
    For Trump himself, this would be a smart move as it would make it far easier to sell the stock outright. Biggest problem is he would have to be willing to basically eliminate 90% of his shares without any form of compensation seeing as he wouldn't be compensated for them. The other problem is that it would cause a major sell off from all other investors as that is one of the major signs that a company is pretty much bankrupt and looking to boost their stock value any way possible since the normal means, like having a viable product or showing it has real value, aren't going to work.

    While he doesn't own all of the shares, his vote is the only one that would count seeing as he owns a super majority of the shares. And knowing his business acumen, he would balk at it since it takes away something from him and cause his stock to drop even further.

    Like the WHOPR from WarGames said, at least for Trump, "The only move is not to play.".

  8. #92068
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    So, $12.15 is the lowest Trump's stock has ever closed. Near as I can tell, the only lower value it's ever been (not counting $12.12 briefly today) was the $10 opening price.

    I think it's effectively impossible for this drop to happen, without the major investors shaving off shares.
    Disagree. Volume today was lower than Friday. Lower than the day he announced he wasn't selling. Just based on everything else going on, I would expect this kind of volume, regardless. At most, you'd be able to squeeze in a few million shares sold. Even assuming that all those shares were from Trump, it would take him literally months to "cash out" at that rate, making it somewhat pointless.

    It slightly more likely that one of the other major investors is bleeding off stock. I still think they'd be foolish to do so this slowly, since we're already seeing the long-term affect on the stock price; it would be better to try and get out fast because, like Trump, they'll have to disclose the truth in a few days anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    the suggestion of a 10:1 reverse split.

    "What would that do?"

    Trump could say that shares went from $12 to $120 overnight and his followers would be stupid enough to buy in, temporarily inflating the value as they cash out.
    Boy, that sure does sound like securities fraud to me. Intentionally misleading stock manipulation to affect share price before cashing out is a bad look. And the SEC doesn't have a sense of humor. This would be easier to prove than going after him for selling after saying he wasn't going to. Take the two together and... whammo.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  9. #92069
    I'd like to know Friday's lottery numbers the way I knew this price before checking the link.

  10. #92070
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    In the ongoing effort to lose even more votes, Trump specifically and directly threatens John Deere.
    UPDATE: He can't do it.

    "Yes he could, the WH has unilateral control over tariffs."

    He wrote and signed the USMCA which says he can't do it. The person preventing Donald Trump from taking his own actions is Donald Trump.

    The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) signed by Trump in January 2020, a replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), prohibits the leverage of tariffs on a range of goods, allowing companies to manufacture in Mexico and Canada and export back to the U.S. without high costs.
    He would need Congress to let him leave the USMCA that he wrote and signed. Or, he would have to accept that what John Deere is doing is exactly what he allowed them to do when he wrote and signed the USMCA.

    So, yeah. He was either lying again, or had a senile/retarded moment and forgot one of his biggest achievements.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The people waiting for Trump's stock to dip below $12 before buying finally got their day. Truth Social hit its new record low, $11.84, minutes after opening, but since then recovered some of its losses.

    Today will be special and we all knew it. Short-selling rules are in effect because of the nosedive yesterday. It's risky, but the larger shareholders could fuck with the market by buying up a few lost shares, just to keep their larger investment from making a Yamcha crater when it hits the ground.

  11. #92071
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Lmao Judge Cannon got the Trump assassination case. Unparalleled.

    Time to buy stock in Court-TV. They gonna play the shit outta this for the addict-brained audience that's built in.
    Government Affiliated Snark

  12. #92072
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    Guiliani wins major victory in court. The amount he has to pay GDR for overseeing his bankruptcy, yes the one that was dismissed, reduced by 7.5%

    "In what world is that a major victory?"

    If you're Team Trump, you take what you can get.

    The judge disagreed that Giuliani was overbilled, citing how stupid he was with every single step of the case and forced GDR to do extra work. Giuliani wanted a reduction of $80,000 and instead it was $25,000

    - - - Updated - - -

    The reason I get to keep saying "Donald Trump is retarded" is because nobody is willing to challenge it.

    I went on his show, right? And he goes — ‘The Tonight Show. They’re all dying. Where’s Johnny Carson? Bring back Johnny!

    Johnny Caron hasn't been on the air since 1992.

    "Why not?"

    Well mostly, he died in 2005.

  13. #92073
    Jared Kushner raked in $112 million in fees from his Saudi sugar daddies while returning them zero dollars in profit. I’m sure all the folks who were angry about Hunter Biden will also be outraged by this blatant corruption.

    In this tweet is screenshot of the NY Time article.

    We know the story but damn $112 million for Zero return.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  14. #92074
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post

    In this tweet is screenshot of the NY Time article.

    We know the story but damn $112 million for Zero return.
    That we are aware of.
    I'd almost guarantee they got something they publicly should not have in their possession.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  15. #92075
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    In this tweet is screenshot of the NY Time article.
    You knew you kept me around for something.

    The private equity firm run by Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of former President Donald J. Trump, has been paid at least $112 million in fees since 2021 by Saudi Arabia and other foreign investors, even though as of July it had not yet returned any profits to the governments largely bankrolling the firm.

    Those are among the findings of a Senate Finance Committee inquiry into the operations of Affinity Partners, the Miami-based firm Mr. Kushner set up.

    The committee opened an investigation this spring in response to reporting in The New York Times examining the firm’s first three years of work.

    Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, the committee’s chairman, said the new information had only deepened his concerns that Mr. Kushner’s firm creates conflicts of interest, particularly with his father-in-law running for re-election.

    Mr. Wyden asked why Affinity Partners had not “distributed a penny of earnings back to clients,” and suggested that perhaps it was set up primarily as a way for foreign entities to pay the Kushners rather than a typical fund in which partners reap the returns of deployed capital.

    Point to one person on earth that would pay $112 million for no services rendered. Kushner is not a church or a charity. People with that kind of money did not get that kind of money by giving it away for no benefit. This isn't conjecture, this is evidence.

    The five-year deal with Affinity’s backers gives the firm until August 2026 to find companies it wants to invest in, which would be nearly halfway through Mr. Trump’s second term if he wins in November.

    That would create an obvious conflict of interest, Mr. Wyden wrote in his letter, as Saudi Arabia and the other foreign partners could attempt to pressure the Trump family as they weigh whether to pull their money out or renegotiate the terms of the deal.

    “A potential future Trump administration will have financial motives to make foreign policy decisions that may be counter to the national interest in order to ensure Kushner and Ivanka Trump continue to collect millions of dollars in fees from foreign governments through Affinity,” Mr. Wyden wrote.
    Naturally, Team Trump has not only come up with an excuse...

    Mr. Kushner, in interviews with The Times, acknowledged that his firm had moved slowly at first to invest the $3 billion it had collected from its investors since it formed in 2021. He said that was, in part, because a flood of venture capital moving into markets made it difficult initially to find attractive deals. That meant a delay in generating profits to return money to his investors.
    "Wait, did he say it was hard to find a good deal because everyone was finding good deals?"

    Yes. Then, he said this investigation was purely politics, which is what I would say, if I was caught red-handed.

    "Surely the Saudis are just one of his clients, most of whom are law-abiding taxpaying Americans."


    As The Times has previously reported, at least 99 percent of the roughly $3 billion invested came from overseas sources, including $2 billion from the Saudi government’s Public Investment Fund.

    Most of the rest of the money comes from the sovereign wealth funds of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, as well as a chunk from Terry Gou, the Taiwanese billionaire and founder of Foxconn, the world’s largest electronics contract manufacturer.

    But there is a fifth “mystery foreign investor Affinity has declined to identify,” according to the letter the committee sent this week to Mr. Mizelle.
    "I refuse to tell you who I am doing business with" is a nice way of saying "I work with criminals".

    "If they're being so closed-lips with everything, how do we know Kushner got a hundred million for doing nothing?"

    They are still required to do federal filings. $112 million is the minimum.

    As of the end of 2023 — halfway through the five-year investment commitment that Saudi Arabia and the other foreign governments made to Mr. Kushner — the firm had invested about $535 million of the $3 billion, with that total rising to about $1.1 billion as of July, according to the committee, citing information provided by Affinity.

    Saudi Arabia pays Affinity an annual fee of 1.25 percent of its investment, while the three other known investors pay between 1.25 and 2 percent in fees, though Affinity Partners would not disclose exactly how much.

    This led the committee staff to estimate that through the end of 2024, a total of $157 million in fees will have been paid to Affinity Partners, with $87 million of that from Saudi Arabia. If the total amount is calculated just for three years based on 1.25 percent fee minimum for all investors, that would mean at least $112.5 million in total fees through July and at least $75 million from Saudi Arabia.

    A fixed 2 percent management fee, imposed annually from the start of a private equity firm as it is evaluating the market and making its investment, is relatively common in the industry.

    Affinity, which as of earlier this year had 33 employees, also expects to get a small cut of profits made on its investments if they are successful. Mr. Kushner, who is the sole owner, has not disclosed how much he is being paid directly.
    So add to "I refuse to tell you who I am doing business with" a helping of "and I won't tell you how much they're paying me".

    So a bunch of non-Americans are handing Kushner, a known Trump administrator and family member, a large bag of cash for doing nothing that is magically not a campaign contribution (which would be a real problem from a non-American). It is simply a percentage of the billions they asked Kushner to hold for them until 2026 with no results in any way. And Kushner has publicly admitted he's not even trying, so, he's not even pretending this is a business arrangement.

    "What other countries are involved?"

    Serbia and Albania.

    "Isn't Kushner building luxury hotels in both countries?"


    "And don't the governments of both countries profit from that deal?"

    Yes. But the NYTimes did not spell out more on that issue. Perhaps in another article.

  16. #92076
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    You knew you kept me around for something.


    Point to one person on earth that would pay $112 million for no services rendered. Kushner is not a church or a charity. People with that kind of money did not get that kind of money by giving it away for no benefit. This isn't conjecture, this is evidence.

    Naturally, Team Trump has not only come up with an excuse...

    <snip> for space.
    No time to figure this out but I'm betting $112 million is basically the interest from the $3 billion. Now Saudi Arabia and group is making no money from this. I just believe this was a way to pay Kushner by not really doing anything. Just give him the interest and let it sit in some interest bearing account.

    The "I couldn't find investment" shows how effin stupid this person. But hey people still believe you get your success thru talent and hard work. Kushner has been proven a tool who got bought into Harvard and beyond.

    Then that SA and other countries and entities are part of the $3 billion shows not just one party is corrupting him but multiple great.

    So I don't like the whataboutism or whatever with Hunter Biden. Yet this is probably one of the most corrupt dealings every by a Presidential family that I at least know in my lifetime. This is tiresome but if the Dems played the same game, they could be dining out on this in Hearings for next 10 years. But hey Trump and the Crime Family have different rules. Yes it is being looked into but I'm talking publicity and the influence it has on uniformed voters.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  17. #92077
    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    So I don't like the whataboutism or whatever with Hunter Biden. Yet this is probably one of the most corrupt dealings every by a Presidential family that I at least know in my lifetime. This is tiresome but if the Dems played the same game, they could be dining out on this in Hearings for next 10 years. But hey Trump and the Crime Family have different rules. Yes it is being looked into but I'm talking publicity and the influence it has on uniformed voters.
    Why Senate Democrats haven't made this a major deal is beyond me. I hope House Democrats, if they take the House back, hold some serious investigations on this and ask Mr. Kushner why he's such a terrible, awful, no-good hedgie manager yet continues to manage a hedge that's functionally doing nothing but ensuring he gets a sweet, sweet payday.

  18. #92078
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paranoid Android View Post
    No time to figure this out but I'm betting $112 million is basically the interest from the $3 billion.
    It would be about the same value, yes.

  19. #92079
    Merely a Setback Sunseeker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Why Senate Democrats haven't made this a major deal is beyond me. I hope House Democrats, if they take the House back, hold some serious investigations on this and ask Mr. Kushner why he's such a terrible, awful, no-good hedgie manager yet continues to manage a hedge that's functionally doing nothing but ensuring he gets a sweet, sweet payday.
    Mostly because they are in an unfortunate pickle of confirmation bias, and they'd rather win than get bad press.
    Human progress isn't measured by industry. It's measured by the value you place on a life.

    Just, be kind.

  20. #92080
    Donald Trump’s Incredibly Strange Food Request When He Attends Alabama-Georgia Game On Saturday

    According to Mayers, Trump wants two McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwiches with cheese, pizza from Domino’s, stadium hotdogs and his beloved Diet Coke beverage.

    Saturated fat...check.
    ...diet Coke..okay.
    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

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