Idk if this mentioned.
Trump Bibles are made in Hangzhou, China. They shipped 120,000 of them this year to US. Cost to wholesaler is $3 each. Trump is selling them for $60. Are his new China tariffs going to be slapped on these since they cost American jobs, or will these get one of his famous waivers.
AP News article in Link.
It's pointless but this is exactly what trump is selling them on. Getting made in China and then having a serious markup so he can make a profit. Selling the idiots on maga and then grifting them. Nobody deserves better them trump supporters.
"Buh dah DEMS"
I don't know which part of this is funnier:
1) Yet another Trump item made in China, or
2) That Trump's tariffs would have no effect on the grift, since the markup he applied last time was a percentage of the import price, which is far far lower than the price he's charging.
This also feeds into that one school board that, hopefully, didn't buy any Trump Bibles before they had the rules shoved back up their ass where they came from because
it would be a state government handing Trump money directly.
Tim Walz: "We just found out Trump had his branded Bibles printed in China. This dude will even outsource God. But hey, I don't blame Trump for not noticing the 'Made in China' sticker. They put them on the inside, a part of the Bible that he's never looked at."
It is on par with Trump. Nearly everything that is made for him is foreign made. His MAGA merch? Made in China/Taiwan/Philippines or some other South East Asia country.
Even his liquor brand was made in Germany. The only thing that I know of is his Trump steaks which are pretty much no longer sold.
Update on this, the judge ruled that brief will be unsealed, but granted Trump's lawyers a week's delay for them to "explore their legal options" (of which they basically have none).
So the second half of this not-so-surprising October surprise is likely to be released less than three weeks before the election.
R.I.P. Democracy
"The difference between stupidity
and genius is that genius has its limits."
--Alexandre Dumas-fils
In addition, if women's rights, trans rights, Project 2025/Agenda 47 or the fact that he'll immediately hand Ukraine to Russia and help Israel pound Palestine to dust aren't enough to get people to vote for Harris, those people are already beyond saving and more of Trump's crimes coming to light isn't going to change that. "But Harris' messaging!" Nah, if anyone is hung up on that they can *redacted* with a *redacted* until the handle falls off. Those protest votes/abstentions worked wonders (/s) in 2016 and they'll work equally as well now.
Inconsolable progressives aren't keeping Democrats out of office. They're largely in blue states anyway, which is partly why the DNC doesn't give a fuck about them. It's the fact that most Democrats are white and middle to middle-upper class. They're not significantly impacted by Republican social bullshittery. Until the Republicans start really fucking around and America is left to find out, they're unmotivated to vote.
Notably, this is the same socio-economic slice of the Republicans who tend to switch sides, who while actively supporting Republicans on social issues, get pissed when Republican bullshittery starts impacting their wallets.
It's why every goddamn election cycle after a Democrat has been in office, Democrat turnout plummets. Then after 4 years (if the Republicans are really putting their backs into fucking over America) or 8 years (when the sheer incompetence of their inability to govern can't be mitigated anymore) you see HUGE spiked in Democrat turnout.
Democrats could probably stay in office forever if they started, by-and-large, giving a shit. Progressives could help by dragging the party left in left-leaning areas, which will ripple out to the rest of the country over time. But ultimately they're not voting in large enough numbers in decisive-enough areas to really make or break Democrat elections.
Last edited by Sunseeker; 2024-10-12 at 04:08 PM.
Human progress isn't measured by industry. It's measured by the value you place on a life.
Just, be kind.
And it's the most self-involved, privileged, lack-of-empathy bullshit you can imagine.
As much as we condemn Republicans for parroting Nazi rhetoric these days (and we should; this isn't an argument against that), the Democrats are increasingly the Weimar citizen types who couldn't be arsed to show up to block the Nazis, and post-1933, would gladly point out their Jewish neighbours to the SS because it keeps themselves safe.
In other words; Nazis. Passive acceptance is not meaningfully "better" than full-throated support. If you don't get driven out of your seats to go ensure fascist hatemongering never gets a foothold in society, you're not a very good person, and you deserve to be condemned for that lack of personal character.
Frankly, there have been great Americans. But those great people have always stood against the tides of hatred, self-involvement, and apathy that otherwise define the USA's culture. That's why they stood out. Nobody remembers the black father who just kept his head down and worked hard and got along. They remember the Martin Luther Kings and Malcolm Xs. Nobody thinks about the many who passively accepted that slavery was a fact of life, they remember Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation (and that he invented the chokeslam; we'd be better off if those two factors were more directly connected). The worst thing is how much of the USA has always worked against these figures and what they stood for, even as the nation holds them up as exemplars. You like dead heroes, because once they're dead, they're not causing problems any more. You don't like actually doing heroic things.
I think we're mostly agreeing, but I think it's important to distinguish those who feel powerless (and who very well may be) and those who have power, but don't care. The former knows the system is wrong, but is scared to stand up. They fear for themselves, their family, their livelyhood and just muddle along because they'd rather survive, than roll the dice, dice they understand are usually rigged against them. Noone may remember them, but they don't care, they want to be forgotten, because being forgotten by a system that is largely designed to make them suffer, means less suffering. And I can't get up anyone's case for not wanting to experience more suffering.
The Democrat voters I mentioned are largely not those people. They are aware the system is wrong, but the system isn't wrong in their direction. These people typically have power, social and economic, but since the system is not wrong against them, they're not naturally inclined to use it. They may not actively, or even passively, out their neighbor, but they'll complain about how bright that burning cross in their neighbors yard was, while remaining generally indifferent to the white-clad hooligans who put it there.
Middle-class and upper-middle class voters aren't, generally speaking, trying to keep their head down to avoid attention. They're mostly white, have good educations, and reasonable resources. Any attention they get will rarely be negative and even if it is, it'll usually be short. Frankly, they're worse than people trying to keep their heads down, who are usually operating in a constant state of fight or flight and just want to live; no, these people know it's wrong, they just don't really care since it's not them.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of people DO care. But enough people don't as to create this repeating pattern of "OH SHIT" every 8 years or so. Far more people than so-called progressives or leftists who can't be arsed to vote for "good" over "perfect".
Human progress isn't measured by industry. It's measured by the value you place on a life.
Just, be kind.
The ballot box is blind.
If they're voting Republican, they're actively making the system worse, and if they know it, that's worse than the being legitimately deluded.
Voting isn't about you. Putting your personal interests ahead of society's is just sociopathic evil. You're willing to burn down an orphanage if you get $20 for doing so.
Though I will agree with you the "left wing" voters who won't vote for a Harris or Biden because they're "not progressive enough" are basically just closet Republicans themselves. Actively working against their supposed interests and helping Trump win. They're literally where the expression "cutting off your own nose to spite your face" comes from. That or they're accelerationists, who're actively hoping to bring about the end of modern American (or global) society with the hope they'll be the ones that get to rebuild a better one out of the ashes. You know, people who want to set fire to every orphanage and toast marshmallows on the corpses of those children because a world with fewer orphans is "better". Again, just straight evil. As much as I'll argue that the USA may be a failed experiment and balkanizing it into two or more new countries along red/blue state lines could work, I'm not arguing for burning the country down to get there, just negotiation and Congressional debate, along with essentially an Amendment process.
Because Republicans and their allies (such as Putin's government, the most abusive billionaires and corporations, etc) work very, very hard to push that idea. The Green Party is a collection of useful idiots (many of them very sincere) whose only function in American politics is to siphon votes away potential Democratic votes, generally on the far Left. America's duopoly is a deeply flawed system, but the way to change that is by changing the voting process itself, such as Maine (and I believe, Alaska) have done, not to tilt at windmills (no matter how villainous they are made to sound).
"For the present this country is headed in directions which can only carry ruin to it and will create a situation here dangerous to world peace. With few exceptions, the men who are running this Government are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere. Others are exalted and in a frame of mind that knows no reason."
- U.S. Ambassador to Germany, George Messersmith, June 1933