1. #93961
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D Luniz View Post
    why would Musk need to
    its the money and the abilty to mobilize an angry mob that rules the GOP
    and Musk has more money, and his "summon mob" abilty while in question, likely aint weak
    This is true. Kind of.

    I think trump has more of the crazies in his side. Crazies who might currently applaud musk because orange man told them to, but who have no actual allegiance or really, understanding, of what musk does.

    If musk starts verbally boasting that he’s the real man in charge Trump’s ego will not allow that. Beyond any notions of personal enrichment. And if it comes down to who the cult… at least, the actual ones nuts enough to get off their butts and do something… will follow, it’s trump.

    I’ll give musk the dubious credit of being smarter than Trump. we’ll see if his obviously colossal ego stops him from boasting so much as to anger Trump. He’s got four years to piss off a man known for being petty and vengeful
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  2. #93962
    The next few years are going to be so dysfunctional.

  3. #93963
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    Then clean up the bill.

    DOGE already having an impact.
    No, its not.

  4. #93964
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    Pretty sure certifying the election would still happen given that it's constitutionally mandated, but it's quite possible the big public televised inauguration ceremony would have to be scrapped and Trump would just get sworn in in private. I'm sure he'd love that.
    By whom, though? A lot of the people involved in that process get paychecks from the federal government and I don't know if they can be compelled to work without pay.

  5. #93965
    Titan Captain N's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    By whom, though? A lot of the people involved in that process get paychecks from the federal government and I don't know if they can be compelled to work without pay.
    Well the people who so frequently say that we should all just be happy to have a job even if it doesn't pay shit should totally do what they tell everyone else to do. I mean Congress wouldn't ever say or do anything hypocritical, right?
    “You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.”― Malcolm X

    I watch them fight and die in the name of freedom. They speak of liberty and justice, but for whom? -Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway)

  6. #93966
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain N View Post
    Well the people who so frequently say that we should all just be happy to have a job even if it doesn't pay shit should totally do what they tell everyone else to do. I mean Congress wouldn't ever say or do anything hypocritical, right?
    While I see and appreciate the snark, I mean like...seriously/practically though.

    You can't just bring in random temps, there are a lot of rules and procedures and things that are involved. So like...what happens?

  7. #93967
    A funny aspect of Trump tanking the spending bill is that it opens the opportunities for people within the GOP to use this as a bargaining chip to introduce their personal pet projects into it. They have opened the doors for even more last-minute changes as the pressure mounts.


    How long will they be willing to play chicken until air traffic controllers decide they've had enough?

    The GOP is a cult of personality but this doesn't remove their own self interests.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also JDVance and the Trump cult blaming democrats when they control the house lol

    Its a game of chicken. You have allowed people within your own party to play it.
    Last edited by NED funded; 2024-12-20 at 02:00 AM.

  8. #93968
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    While I see and appreciate the snark, I mean like...seriously/practically though.

    You can't just bring in random temps, there are a lot of rules and procedures and things that are involved. So like...what happens?
    Ideally, anyone who's not actively being paid just doesn't show up to work and doesn't answer phone calls from the office until their paychecks come in.

    If that means the wheels of goverment in the USA grind to a halt and fall off the wagon, so be it. "Oh, we just need you to hold things together for a month or two and the paychecks will kick back in and you'll get your backpay!" "Cool, let me know in a month or two when that happens and I'll come back in. Until then, you can handle it by yourselves. Sure hope you know where the keys are and so forth. And no, you can't ask me about any of that until those paychecks start flowing again."

    The reality is you can't compel people to work. You can have the police arrest them and drop them in chains at the Capitol, and then you can poke them with sticks and tasers until they get to work, I guess, but there's no other real tools other than to stop fucking around.

    "But think of the harm it'll cause . . ." YOU think of the harm, and do what's needed to get them paid properly. If you won't, you are the problem. If that means giving the Dems a whole bunch of concessions, you can either do that, or start doing the work your own selves. You don't get to moralize when you're the ones causing the problem.

  9. #93969
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    This is true. Kind of.

    I think trump has more of the crazies in his side. Crazies who might currently applaud musk because orange man told them to, but who have no actual allegiance or really, understanding, of what musk does.

    If musk starts verbally boasting that he’s the real man in charge Trump’s ego will not allow that. Beyond any notions of personal enrichment. And if it comes down to who the cult… at least, the actual ones nuts enough to get off their butts and do something… will follow, it’s trump.

    I’ll give musk the dubious credit of being smarter than Trump. we’ll see if his obviously colossal ego stops him from boasting so much as to anger Trump. He’s got four years to piss off a man known for being petty and vengeful
    Musk is claiming it's victory for the "people", I think he is going to go with that from now on. But it's so obvious now that Musk is in charge and I don't know if people are looking at other news, he wants to buy the UK government as well buying their election for 100 million dollars via reform UK. One oligarch controlling two countries oh what a time to be alive.

  10. #93970
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Ideally, anyone who's not actively being paid just doesn't show up to work and doesn't answer phone calls from the office until their paychecks come in.

    If that means the wheels of goverment in the USA grind to a halt and fall off the wagon, so be it. "Oh, we just need you to hold things together for a month or two and the paychecks will kick back in and you'll get your backpay!" "Cool, let me know in a month or two when that happens and I'll come back in. Until then, you can handle it by yourselves. Sure hope you know where the keys are and so forth. And no, you can't ask me about any of that until those paychecks start flowing again."

    The reality is you can't compel people to work. You can have the police arrest them and drop them in chains at the Capitol, and then you can poke them with sticks and tasers until they get to work, I guess, but there's no other real tools other than to stop fucking around.

    "But think of the harm it'll cause . . ." YOU think of the harm, and do what's needed to get them paid properly. If you won't, you are the problem. If that means giving the Dems a whole bunch of concessions, you can either do that, or start doing the work your own selves. You don't get to moralize when you're the ones causing the problem.
    A bit of a side on this. But imagine choosing not to pay air traffic controllers during christmas. Literally the busiest season for air travel.

    I am loving this.

  11. #93971
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    While I see and appreciate the snark, I mean like...seriously/practically though.

    You can't just bring in random temps, there are a lot of rules and procedures and things that are involved. So like...what happens?
    How much is really involved in the certification process that Congress - who does still get paid - doesn't, or can't, do themselves? I don't see any reason they can't still receive the electors' votes, vote to certify them, and then give them to Kamala Hariss to sign off on.

  12. #93972
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    Musk is claiming it's victory for the "people", I think he is going to go with that from now on. But it's so obvious now that Musk is in charge and I don't know if people are looking at other news, he wants to buy the UK government as well buying their election for 100 million dollars via reform UK. One oligarch controlling two countries oh what a time to be alive.
    The media buzz around musk’s “kingmaker” status will still certainly reach Trump’s cauliflowered ears.

    As far as the UK… I would hope any opposition to musk and whomever he’s trying to puppet would come in the form of “this moron supports trump in the states. Is that the guy you want here?” I know the UK has their own brand of idiot right wing loons but I’m hoping that Trump should have enough ick factor… everywhere else… to make such a thing a major turnoff.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  13. #93973
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    Also JDVance and the Trump cult blaming democrats when they control the house lol

    Its a game of chicken. You have allowed people within your own party to play it.
    Same thing they've done every time they fail to get their own caucus in order. It's always Democrats fault the Republican majority can't get something passed, not the Republican majority's fault that they can't get everyone on the same page and have too many unserious contrarians and losers in their ranks.

  14. #93974
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Same thing they've done every time they fail to get their own caucus in order. It's always Democrats fault the Republican majority can't get something passed, not the Republican majority's fault that they can't get everyone on the same page and have too many unserious contrarians and losers in their ranks.
    I am actually on the side of the republicans that voted no. It would be stupid of them not to play the game and get the most of it.

  15. #93975
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Same thing they've done every time they fail to get their own caucus in order. It's always Democrats fault the Republican majority can't get something passed, not the Republican majority's fault that they can't get everyone on the same page and have too many unserious contrarians and losers in their ranks.
    Voters writ large are going to care a lot less about “…well it’s the democrats!” if the, even if only marginally, GOP controlled house, senate and presidency squabble for the next two years and plunge the country into economic turmoil.

    That tact of buck-passing didn’t work out for the GOP in 2018 or 2020, and with what’s looking to be an already all-time dysfunctional, unserious government around the corner I doubt they’ll fare much better in 2026.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  16. #93976
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    By whom, though? A lot of the people involved in that process get paychecks from the federal government and I don't know if they can be compelled to work without pay.
    Here is a little known fact.

    Regardless of any shutdown, there are certain types of government employees that are required to show up regardless if they are being paid or not. One is elected officials. They get paid regardless. Another is military members that are stationed overseas. They cannot refuse to do their job or they risk being thrown in military jail. Finally, certain staffers and the like. While the only thing is they would outright lose their jobs and whatever benefits come from that, if it caused a bigger issue, they could also be held accountable for the fallout from it. Government employees are exempt from thinks like OSHA, FMLA, normal labor laws and the like. They have their own set of regulations that pertain to this but the actual ones that deal with private sector employees do not apply here.

    In reality however, the votes will be counted and broadcasted, they will be sent to be filed to the National Archive. Either it will be filed at a later date(but still will not matter as Congress itself counted them and there is a record of it) or the person there will file it regardless as all government employees will still get paid for whatever days they work. They just won't get an actual paycheck until there is a budget passed.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Voters writ large are going to care a lot less about “…well it’s the democrats!” if the, even if only marginally, GOP controlled house, senate and presidency squabble for the next two years and plunge the country into economic turmoil.

    That tact of buck-passing didn’t work out for the GOP in 2018 or 2020, and with what’s looking to be an already all-time dysfunctional, unserious government around the corner I doubt they’ll fare much better in 2026.
    This. The GOP tends to get blamed for pretty much every shutdown anymore because they are the ones that typically are the people causing them. Don't want the government to shut down? Stop making outrageous demands.

    They had a bill that all parties wanted. It had a pretty much supermajority vote. But because the Orange Menace and his handler decided they didn't like it, the GOP decided to scrap it instead of bringing up for a vote anyway. All because it had things in it like funding to help with pediatric cancer and disaster relief.

    Because, you know, actual helping of people is a bad thing according to Musk and his orange pet.

  17. #93977
    Just imagine if the first gift the incoming Elon and Donald administration gives the US is a government shutdown in time for Christmas. Boy would there maybe start to be some ragrats.

  18. #93978
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    The media buzz around musk’s “kingmaker” status will still certainly reach Trump’s cauliflowered ears.

    As far as the UK… I would hope any opposition to musk and whomever he’s trying to puppet would come in the form of “this moron supports trump in the states. Is that the guy you want here?” I know the UK has their own brand of idiot right wing loons but I’m hoping that Trump should have enough ick factor… everywhere else… to make such a thing a major turnoff.
    I would guess behind the scene Elon is doing some major kissing up however it's well known that Musk has no social or interpersonal skills on top of being annoying. I doubt aside from money any of the people in congress are too happy to have him in charge.

    Sadly they seem to have a similar situation to the US, a unpopular left wing party that has gone center and full on anti immigrant to compete alongside two extreme right wing parties. All the UK can hope for it that President Elon is too busy looting the US to bother the UK more.

  19. #93979
    So glad they're cutting the fat from all this government spending. We don't neeeeed any money spent on... childhood cancer research... oh. Bravo, Elon. Doing God's work.

    Things Elon removed from the bill
    • anti deepfake porn measures
    • research on premature labor
    • funding to treat sickle cell disease
    • money for breast cancer early detection
    • research on Down syndrome
    • consumer protections for hotel hidden fees
    • research into child cancer

    DOGE hard at work!
    Last edited by En Sabah Nur; 2024-12-20 at 11:23 AM.

  20. #93980
    The deep fake porn measure also covered revenge porn and required social media sites pull it down when alerted to it. No wonder Musk wanted it killed.

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