Elon Musk is basically the new Jan 6 when it comes to like the influence of money on politics. Republicans can complain about democrat elite capture and whatnot, and all you have to do is point to Musk threatening to use his money to bully politicians if they dont vote for the stuff he wants.
Like its so blatant.
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Musk and Chris Wright off the top of my head.
At this point it's just cyber feudalism
“But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart
It's unbelievable that these...MAGAts don't realize just how irrelevant they are to Trump and even less to Musk.
“But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart
I just want to see how magats spin this as a win for themsevlves. They always have some hilarious hand waving tricks
This does not even pretend to compare and contrast the celebrity and elite endorsements Kamala obtained in her presidential run.
It does not even pretend to acknowledge and incorporate the raising of a billion dollars in 3 months.
So, in fact, it's barely even a reply.
I was unaware that "party of the elites and billionaires" and "pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into politics" had already been dropped. Maybe tell him to edit his post to reflect the fact that we've already moved the goalposts on the same day.
If you want to put the net worth of every endorsement up against each other, I'll welcome it.
They also succeeded with billionaires, which complicates the picture if you want to present Democrats as not the party of billionaires. "Elites and billionaires" in this case. I think any honest person would have to admit that the race is divided.An immense amount pulled in via small-dollar donations. Donald was far more reliant on his billionaire donors, including their PACs, than Kamala was on moneyed billionaires backing the Democratic party. Don't erase the grassroots fundraising success of the Democrats just because they also succeeded with billionaires as well.
I see we're into the meme debates now, so I guess I need to adjust to compensate. If you're going to lose the working class, then kindly be a little less insanely elitist and don't tell them they're too stupid to vote for the party of the working class. That way only lies out of touch elitism (and I hear the "But Trump! cries already) of the very tired variety: Why are the proletariat too dumb to welcome in the marvelous revolution!Freeze Peach Paradise formerly known as Twitter.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia
The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.
Obviously you're not familiar with the new American Nazi talking point:
"GOP Gov. Claims Musk Is Too Rich to Be Corrupted by Conflicts of Interest"
"For the present this country is headed in directions which can only carry ruin to it and will create a situation here dangerous to world peace. With few exceptions, the men who are running this Government are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere. Others are exalted and in a frame of mind that knows no reason."
- U.S. Ambassador to Germany, George Messersmith, June 1933