1. #94941
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    I think it's ridiculous for any state to not make obvious necessary changes to improve their disaster preparation. Outright withholding aid is probably too much though, but there should be some incentive for change, no?
    And yet, you support that lazy, incompetence from the GOP.

    You are lying, again.

    Remember, you supported exactly what you just swore was wrong. Were you lying then, or are you lying now? If you were lying then, then apologize for lying, and stop supporting Trump. If you are lying now, then you should just be treated as a constant liar.

  2. #94942
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    I think it's ridiculous for any state to not make obvious necessary changes to improve their disaster preparation.
    Of course you do, because you have no idea what you're talking about as you're fundamentally unserious and just making shit up as you go along.

    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    Outright withholding aid is probably too much though, but there should be some incentive for change, no?
    Reminder: Donald has outright withheld aid.

    Also reminder: Democrats have never made aid conditional as you and Republicans are proposing.

    Because Americans are Americans and when Americans are facing crisis, America should show the fuck up.

    But I guess for Republicans that's a lot more conditional of a statement and a lot less of a general truism, as you're highlighting very excellently.

  3. #94943
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    I think it's ridiculous for any state to not make obvious necessary changes to improve their disaster preparation. Outright withholding aid is probably too much though, but there should be some incentive for change, no?
    So what obvious necessary changes is California refusing to make that necessitate Congress even debating putting strings on normally-strings-free federal disaster relief?

  4. #94944
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    So what obvious necessary changes is California refusing to make that necessitate Congress even debating putting strings on normally-strings-free federal disaster relief?
    I can't wait to hear the conditions he thinks should be placed on TX, AL, LA, and FL when they face their next natural disaster. Very eager to learn more!

  5. #94945
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    I think it's ridiculous for any state to not make obvious necessary changes to improve their disaster preparation. Outright withholding aid is probably too much though, but there should be some incentive for change, no?
    Thing is, what preparation is there for a fire like this? Or a hurricane? Or a tornado? Or what about people who purposefully set things on fire in hope they burn down a lot of houses? What preparation is there to prevent that?

    There is a reason why they are called "freak accidents" or "acts of god" outside of the arson.

    You know how much preparation is there? NONE. Absolutely NONE. You CANNOT stop the weather. Unless you basically salt the land and kill EVERY LIVING PLANT within a 200 mile range, those fires will happen. As that area, for all intents and purposes, is an arid area and is typically dry.

    So tell me, what changes? Because unless you have the ability to basically create a flood out of thin air, there is NO, NONE, ZERO infrastructure on this planet that can do anything about a fire like this. And unless you can predict the future, you cannot stop someone from trying to basically burn down a city in the same area because they just happen to want to see the world burn.

    So, come on, tell me, what changes? Since you want to withhold funds so changes are made, WHAT CHANGES? If you try to misdirect, redirect or not answer, then you have no issue with people suffering. And honestly, I am fine with getting infracted, karma can easily be a bitch when it happens to someone like you.

  6. #94946
    The thing Trumpanzees absolutely refuse to consider when it comes to aid, whether withholding it or attempting to put stipulations on it is that for the vast majority of those affected, they weren't the ones who enacted or put into place the state's crisis solutions (not that I'm questioning nor accusing CA of not having adequate measures in place). These are people who may not even have a roof over their head for however long needing aid, lives have been lost; why would you politick while letting people suffer? You aren't holding aid from CA to hurt CA, you are withholding aid to hurt innocent people IN CA.

    Kind of malevolent isn't it? It's especially egregious when we hear about how things have to be done/kept in America, but when those same Americans need help it's nothing more than a cold shoulder or some finger waggling.
    “World of Warcraft players are some of the smartest players in the world” - Someone who never played with wow players.

    Transgirl (she/her)

  7. #94947
    Quote Originally Posted by Polgara View Post
    The thing Trumpanzees absolutely refuse to consider when it comes to aid, whether withholding it or attempting to put stipulations on it is that for the vast majority of those affected, they weren't the ones who enacted or put into place the state's crisis solutions (not that I'm questioning nor accusing CA of not having adequate measures in place). These are people who may not even have a roof over their head for however long needing aid, lives have been lost; why would you politick while letting people suffer? You aren't holding aid from CA to hurt CA, you are withholding aid to hurt innocent people IN CA.

    Kind of malevolent isn't it? It's especially egregious when we hear about how things have to be done/kept in America, but when those same Americans need help it's nothing more than a cold shoulder or some finger waggling.
    This is a good point.

    Maybe find a way to dock the pay of politicians who put into place bad policies? You could even let the voters decide who bears the brunt of blame.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Thing is, what preparation is there for a fire like this? Or a hurricane? Or a tornado? Or what about people who purposefully set things on fire in hope they burn down a lot of houses? What preparation is there to prevent that?

    There is a reason why they are called "freak accidents" or "acts of god" outside of the arson.

    You know how much preparation is there? NONE. Absolutely NONE. You CANNOT stop the weather. Unless you basically salt the land and kill EVERY LIVING PLANT within a 200 mile range, those fires will happen. As that area, for all intents and purposes, is an arid area and is typically dry.

    So tell me, what changes? Because unless you have the ability to basically create a flood out of thin air, there is NO, NONE, ZERO infrastructure on this planet that can do anything about a fire like this. And unless you can predict the future, you cannot stop someone from trying to basically burn down a city in the same area because they just happen to want to see the world burn.

    So, come on, tell me, what changes? Since you want to withhold funds so changes are made, WHAT CHANGES? If you try to misdirect, redirect or not answer, then you have no issue with people suffering. And honestly, I am fine with getting infracted, karma can easily be a bitch when it happens to someone like you.
    It's not accurate or fair to just wave your hands in the air and say "there was nothing we could do!"

    This isn't what the first responders on the ground are saying, at all

  8. #94948
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    This is a good point.

    Maybe find a way to dock the pay of politicians who put into place bad policies? You could even let the voters decide who bears the brunt of blame.
    Okay, so none of CA, are you talking about House or Congressional republicans? Because I fully agree with you, probably dock their pay 100% until they learn some morality. Glad you agree.
    “World of Warcraft players are some of the smartest players in the world” - Someone who never played with wow players.

    Transgirl (she/her)

  9. #94949
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    This is a good point.

    Maybe find a way to dock the pay of politicians who put into place bad policies? You could even let the voters decide who bears the brunt of blame.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's not accurate or fair to just wave your hands in the air and say "there was nothing we could do!"

    This isn't what the first responders on the ground are saying, at all
    You haven't stated the bad policies.

    You are lying.

  10. #94950
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    Eventually something has to change, or else CA will continue to have these poor responses to devastating fires

    Think of it as tough love. Can't bail out poor governance time after time, it enforces bad habits. FWIW, I think the political pressure on CA politicians would be immense and they would comply, so don't worry, aid will be delivered.

    But CA has the 5th largest economy in the world, so maybe they can take care of it themselves anyway?
    In case you missed my earlier post. BTW, the conditions were nowhere near as bad as the LA fires. Wind gusts up to 50 mph (100 mph in LA) and relatively level terrain as opposed to the canyons in LA. Texas also got lucky that a cold front arrived at the right time. Otherwise, the fires could have easily exceeded 2 million acres.

    Democrats are way too nice. Report about the Texas Panhandle 2024 fires which nobody seems to care despite being the second largest fire in US history which happened during what was supposed to be the wet season in the Texas panhandle.

    The Smokehouse Creek Fire was ignited by downed power lines from a broken utility pole, flagged for replacement two weeks earlier. High winds on February 26, 2024, caused the line to fall onto dry grass, igniting the fire. Not a one time thing either. In the past two decades, power lines have been a leading cause of wildfires in the Texas Panhandle. Did Democrats made replacement of aging power infrastructure and regulatory gaps a pre-requisite for Federal funding? Nope. Never even came up.

    Some other factors.

    Coordination among local, state, and federal entities during the wildfire response was ineffective, leading to delays in deploying crucial resources, including aviation support.

    Most fire responses in the Panhandle rely on volunteer firefighters, but VFDs are underfunded and lack the necessary equipment and training. Outdated communications systems also inhibit effective wildfire response.

    Texas homeowners’ insurance premiums are significantly higher than the national average and have been rising due to increased weather-related claims and climate change concerns. Governor Greg Abbott noted that many homes in rural Panhandle counties affected by recent fires had no insurance. Likewise, most fencing and cattle losses were uninsured unless landowners had special endorsements.

    Lack of ignition source detection technology. Fires burned unnoticed for hours before being reported.

    Lack of state-owned firefighting air fleet to respond quickly to wildfires.

    Improved fire prediction and modeling.

    Enhanced oversight of oil and gas operators and utilities.

    Better job protection for volunteer firefighters who are often at risk of losing their primary employment due to emergency response duties.

    Any of those sounds familiar?
    Last edited by Rasulis; 2025-01-15 at 12:49 AM.

  11. #94951
    Quote Originally Posted by Polgara View Post
    Kind of malevolent isn't it? It's especially egregious when we hear about how things have to be done/kept in America, but when those same Americans need help it's nothing more than a cold shoulder or some finger waggling.
    Never forget the words of one of the most honest Trump supporters ever.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rasulis View Post
    In case you missed my earlier post. BTW, the conditions were nowhere near as bad as the LA fires. Wind gusts up to 50 mph (100 mph in LA) and relatively level terrain as opposed to the canyons in LA.
    To riff on an old Persian adage - "This too shall be ignored."

  12. #94952
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Never forget the words of one of the most honest Trump supporters ever.
    Oof, I hadn't heard of that. Holy shit just the casual maliciousness of saying it in an interview like it's just a fair observation. It's not surprising, it's just disappointing.
    “World of Warcraft players are some of the smartest players in the world” - Someone who never played with wow players.

    Transgirl (she/her)

  13. #94953
    Quote Originally Posted by thesilentmajority View Post
    Trump says he’ll create ‘External Revenue Service’ to collect tariffs, foreign revenue

    All this will do is cause prices to go up.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by thesilentmajority View Post
    Make it in America problem solved, Stop importing every damn thing
    That will never happen.

  14. #94954
    Quote Originally Posted by Polgara View Post
    Oof, I hadn't heard of that. Holy shit just the casual maliciousness of saying it in an interview like it's just a fair observation. It's not surprising, it's just disappointing.
    Well, it is the old facade finally coming down and the racist/bigot in them coming out. You saw it when gun control laws were passed because the Black Panther Party decided that they wanted to use their 2nd Amendment rights and the GOP didn't like that.

    They have no issue harming others, they just forget that laws apply to everyone.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    This is a good point.

    Maybe find a way to dock the pay of politicians who put into place bad policies? You could even let the voters decide who bears the brunt of blame.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's not accurate or fair to just wave your hands in the air and say "there was nothing we could do!"

    This isn't what the first responders on the ground are saying, at all
    At no point in time did I say there was nothing that could be done in and of itself. However, there is NOTHING that could have done outside of pretty much either tearing down and removing huge amounts of wooded areas or tear down every building and just build underground, nothing could have been done to actually prevent a fire from like this happening. The only thing you can do is pretty much deal with it as it is happening.

    And, as I brought up, you also have people PURPOSEFULLY SETTING FIRES. At least one of the fires is DUE TO THIS. Another of the fires is assumed to be because of someone deciding to not put out a fire that they set in their yard. Once again, HOW DO YOU PREPARE FOR THIS? Answer the question.

    And, as I said, I guess you have no issue with harming others based on who they vote for. Because, as I said, if you try to misdirect, redirect or not answer(which you just did), that is what you have told everyone here. Congrats, you are the literal definition of a terrible person.

    Don't come crying to anyone if your house catches on fire. Because, according to your words, there is something you could have done to prevent it.

  15. #94955
    The way republicans behave about disasters is insanely vile. Nothing about this is helpful. Trump and republicans are purposely using tragedy to further enrage and divide the country. The amount of damage Trump has done and republicans have helped him do won't be repaired for decades, if ever.

    I am truly disgusted by anyone going along with this.

  16. #94956
    Well. I can honestly and in good conscience say that all of those rat bastards even debating this idea should be tarred, feather and exiled to an island somewhere. They are horrific monsters who make me ashamed to have ever been an R.

    Each and every one of them deserves to be sent to the front lines and put in forced labor helping all the victims, along with most of their assets taken and used to help rebuild/fight the fires.

  17. #94957
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    Whenever Trump does something its either he is trolling or he is being poorly advised. It is never his fault.

    It really is a cult. Things are funny like that

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Just for some fun - MAGA family apparently making a prigrimage to the DC jail or whatever crash on the way. While doing the YMCA but to replacing that part with MAGA, because of course they rip off something and just change it slightly and can't come up with anything original.

    Anyways, I love how apparently the passenger thinks god has cleared them a path moments before they appear to total their vehicle by driving too quickly in snowy, icy weather.

    Average MAGA.
    The above confirms it too.
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  18. #94958
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blur4stuff View Post
    The way republicans behave about disasters is insanely vile. Nothing about this is helpful. Trump and republicans are purposely using tragedy to further enrage and divide the country. The amount of damage Trump has done and republicans have helped him do won't be repaired for decades, if ever.

    I am truly disgusted by anyone going along with this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Moose Fandango View Post
    Well. I can honestly and in good conscience say that all of those rat bastards even debating this idea should be tarred, feather and exiled to an island somewhere. They are horrific monsters who make me ashamed to have ever been an R.

    Each and every one of them deserves to be sent to the front lines and put in forced labor helping all the victims, along with most of their assets taken and used to help rebuild/fight the fires.
    It should be clear...

    They don't want someone to govern for them. They want someone to punish for them.

    California. Liberal state. Even worse, liberal state with money. More money than proper, Trump-fearing states like Texas and Alabama. Not fair. Rich liberal state Say bad words about Trump. Must punish for lack of allegiance to orange man.
    Last edited by Kaleredar; 2025-01-15 at 03:44 AM.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  19. #94959
    Quote Originally Posted by thesilentmajority View Post
    Trump says he’ll create ‘External Revenue Service’ to collect tariffs, foreign revenue

    Tariffs are paid by American importers, not foreign governments.

  20. #94960
    Quote Originally Posted by thesilentmajority View Post
    Trump says he’ll create ‘External Revenue Service’ to collect tariffs, foreign revenue

    Tariffs aren't foreign revenue. Trump doesn't understand what tariffs are or who pays them.

    I thought Trump wanted to cut government, not make new and completely useless services.

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