you clown ass mother fucker. who do you think was in office in 2020? think real hard about it.
also! really cute saying this when the Dems have done NOTHING to reverse Trump's border policies, even going so far as to cry about how the Dems weren't able to pass Trump's own border bill. are you also not aware of Harris' lil "d-don't come, don't come!" speech she gave to people seeking asylum? clown shoes take.
like oh WOW the Romanian has opinions on brown people fleeing from their homes due to western imperialism fucking up their home countries.. and they're total dog shit, what a surprise!
Last edited by Flarelaine; 2025-01-20 at 12:50 PM. Reason: Flaming
Wait, so we like "socialism" now? Just another reminder that Donald doesn't really actually believe anything because he doesn't understand anything.“I will issue an executive order on Monday to extend the period of time before the law’s prohibitions take effect, so that we can make a deal to protect our national security,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “My initial thought is a joint venture between the current owners and/or new owners whereby the U.S. gets a 50% ownership in a joint venture set up between the U.S. and whichever purchase we so choose.”
I'm confused. I thought we hated "socialism" and the government wasn't good at anything and private companies were the ones who did everything?
Guys, can someone explain?
This is the most stupid, transparently theatrical shit ever and it's blowing my mind it's gonna work because tiktok users genuinely seem brain damaged and conservatives don't care about the truth to begin with.
This is the dumbest timeline.
So hold on, wait a minute. TikTok went dark because ByteDance refused to sell their stake in TikTok to a US company, so Trump is proposing as a solution... That they sell their stake in TikTok to a US company AND the government gets half?
Something something "I make the best deals" something something "Dark Side" something something.
Hey why doesn't Trump just buy it himself? Doesn't he have $25 billion in BribeCoin?
Sorry to piggy back, but 4 more years of the "worst*" being people with whom their mother's told them their finger paintings in the public outhouse walls were inspired and confronting when they should have told them to stop fingering their shit and spreading it telling us they are getting popcorn because this shit is just so funny. I dunno, "we're going to round up so many "illegals" and toss them out" separating families, leaving loved ones stranded, upending potentially smaller areas of workers/participants because "white makes right" sure as fuck doesn't come across as funny to me, or the instant-push straight into the war on transgenders because they can't just come up to us and call us pretty directly, or the potential for an economic collapse because Trump still thinks Tariff is a chocolate bar from the 60s with his knowledge on them really, REALLY doesn't make me feel like I'm about to watch a good time.
Probably requires the kind of mind that oversees the slaughter of innocents as "just and right" to be thinking in such ways.
*I don't think internet fuckwads will be the "worst" of this administration, not even close; but they sure as fuck are trying to make themselves more contemptible than a rapist. That takes some serious levels of "I have no moral compass" to achieve.
“World of Warcraft players are some of the smartest players in the world” - Someone who never played with wow players.
Transgirl (she/her)
Executive pardons count as breaking the law now?
This is why you don't base your legal and political knowledge off ChatGPT, kids.
It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia
The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.
I think the real, unsaid reason is that they know Dems don't respect the law, but (1) they don't care because it's in pursuit of policy goals they agree with and (2) they don't care so long as Trump does it more obnoxiously and worse. Which is totally fine and consistent if you've made Trump the standard instead of respect for the law and all the norms and principles and democracy! Biden's actions (or whoever's directing him to sign and approve) out the door are almost impossible to defend on their own terms.
You're both bad, but maybe you're better compared to the other guy?
"I wish it need not have happened in my time." "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
I'd rather blue-collar underhanded dodgy business that has limits before repercussions are enacted over blue-collar underhanded dodgy business completely divorced from actual repercussions with nazism/rape/felonious behaviour. The fact you see them as equal is a self own most capable people are smart enough to avoid, but when you never need to hold yourself, or your idols, to a moral standard the same as those you despise it's easy to delude oneself.
“World of Warcraft players are some of the smartest players in the world” - Someone who never played with wow players.
Transgirl (she/her)
Canada may be a joke, (obvious sarcasm) but at least we don't have a felon as Prime Minister.
I don't play WoW anymore smh.
Upon hearing this news, every evangelical will drop to their knees in rapture while shopping at the local Publix.
Lee Greenwood says Trump may take the oath of office on a new limited edition Trump bible that is going to be released tomorrow
- The ones who read the LEFT BEHIND series is straight up doing the garfield "i wonder who that's for" meme.
- Bleesed be, they havent complained about the price of eggs since Nov. 6.
- If they win their draft kings parlay, they'll buy three.
Government Affiliated Snark
You voted for a convicted felon. You have negative authority to make this statement.
Speaking of blatant lies: Trump threw out a ton of them at the only public event he's willing to have, presumably, because telling lies is all he knows and his followers don't care.
Trump’s victory in Florida: Trump correctly said he won Florida by 13 percentage points in the 2024 election. But then he added, “Nobody’s done that ever.” That’s false; Republican presidential candidates Richard Nixon (1972), Ronald Reagan (1980 and 1984) and George H.W. Bush (1988), in addition to various Republican and Democratic candidates in prior decades, won Florida by more than 13 percentage points. Nixon, for example, won it by 44 percentage points.
The 2020 election: Trump lamented what could have happened if only the 2020 election “weren’t rigged,” then added, “But it was.” And he said later in the speech that “they rigged the election.” This is his usual lie; Trump legitimately lost a free and fair election to Joe Biden.
The youth vote: Trump falsely claimed that “we won the youth vote by 36 points” in the 2024 election. He didn’t say how he was defining “the youth vote” — CNN has asked his transition team to clarify — but there’s no basis for his claim by any reasonable definition. While young voters, particularly young men, did shift toward Trump compared with the 2020 election, exit poll data published by CNN found that Vice President Kamala Harris beat Trump 54% to 43% among voters ages 18-24, 53% to 45% among voters ages 25-29, and 51% to 45% among voters ages 30-39. Even if Harris’ actual margins were smaller — exit poll data is often flawed — there is simply no sign that Trump dominated Harris with young voters.
Pennsylvania in 2024: After crediting billionaire supporter Elon Musk for his campaign efforts in Pennsylvania, Trump claimed, “We ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide.” The phrase “like in a landslide” is too vague for us to offer a definitive fact check verdict, but it’s worth noting Trump beat Harris in Pennsylvania by under 2 percentage points.
Small-business optimism: Trump claimed that since the 2024 election, “small-business optimism has soared a record 41 points to a 39-year high.” It’s true that small-business optimism has jumped since Trump’s victory, but the “39-year high” part of the claim is not true if Trump was referring to the commonly cited NFIB Small Business Optimism Index. (CNN has asked his transition team to clarify.) That index has jumped to its highest level since October 2018, less than seven years ago.
Trump’s claim about a 41-point increase appears to be a reference to one component of the optimism index — the percentage of small-business owners expecting the economy to improve. That measure did soar a net 41 percentage points from pre-election October to post-election November.
Trump’s favorite immigration chart: Trump displayed a long-debunked chart about migration numbers at the US southern border, calling attention to a red arrow at the bottom — which the chart claims is pointed at a historically low level of illegal immigration at the time Trump left office in 2021.
But the arrow doesn’t actually point to the time Trump left office. In reality, it points to April 2020, when Trump still had more than eight months left in his first term and when global migration had slowed to a trickle because of the Covid-19 pandemic. After hitting a roughly three-year low (not an all-time low) in April 2020, migration numbers at the southern border increased each month through the end of Trump’s term.
“The Congo” and migration: Trump repeated his unsubstantiated claim that foreign countries have deliberately emptied their prisons to somehow have criminals enter the US as migrants, and he added, “The Congo’s big on emptying their prisons.” Experts on both the Democratic Republic of Congo and the neighboring Republic of Congo have told CNN there is no evidence for these claims, which Trump’s own presidential campaign was unable to corroborate, and each country’s government has told CNN the claims are baseless.
Venezuela, prisons and migration: Trump repeated his claim that Venezuela “emptied their prisons into our country.” Trump has never corroborated the claim, and experts have told CNN, PolitiFact and that they are aware of no evidence for it.
“We have no evidence that the Venezuelan government is emptying its prisons or mental health institutions to send them outside the country, in other words, to the U.S. or any other country,” Roberto Briceño-León, founder and director of the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence, an independent organization that tracks violence in the country, said in an email to CNN in June, after Trump made similar claims.
Trump and the military: Trump, talking about military equipment, repeated his false claim that “we rebuilt our entire military” during his first term. “This claim is not even close to being true. The military has tens of thousands of pieces of equipment, and the vast majority of it predates the Trump administration,” Todd Harrison, an expert on the defense budget and a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, told CNN in November 2023, after Trump made a version of the claim.
Iran and terror groups: Trump repeated his false claim that during his first term, Iran “had no money for Hezbollah, they had no money for Hamas.” Iran’s funding for these groups did decline in the second half of his presidency, in large part because his sanctions on Iran had a major negative impact on its economy, but the funding never stopped entirely, as four experts told CNN in 2024. In fact, Trump’s own administration said in 2020 that Iran was continuing to fund terror groups including Hezbollah. You can read a longer fact check here.
Harrison said in an email at the time: “Moreover, the process of acquiring new equipment for the military is slow and takes many years. It’s not remotely possible to replace even half of the military’s inventory of equipment in one presidential term.”
So the Felon-in-Chief is planning to sign up to 200 EOs on the first day.
really not sure why libs think pointing out how Trump is a felon means anything... like it clearly doesn't matter as to weather you're allowed to run for president. I wish it did! kinda wish this system we're so beholden to did anything to protect itself from bad actors! which it clearly can't!