1. #95621
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    A shame MMO-C doesn't have a "missing the point" leaderboard.

    To spell it out, Republicans/Conservatives in the U.S. aren't interested in the least to be doing things like "keeping neighborhoods safe" and "making necessities affordable". They haven't since at least Reagan, and Conservatives before him were really only interested in make the *correct* parts of America safe and affordable.
    Then they will be voted out again.

    It's that simple. If you do not do the job you're being sent to do, you get fired.

    Dems failed at their job, got fired. Need to do better job next time, instead of blaming the employers.
    Last edited by Gaidax; 2025-01-21 at 01:12 PM.

  2. #95622
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Surely the leopards won't be eating my face!
    The funniest one was this old immigrant lady who was dumbfounded that her family disowned her because she voted for Trump. She said and I quote "he will only deport the bad ones", there must be some kind of magical translator Trump supporters have so that when he says something they hear what they want.

  3. #95623

    Spanish Whitehouse.gov website says 404 not found with a "Go Home" button. When you click the button, it goes to a literal fucking Nazi propaganda video for Trump.

  4. #95624
    The Unstoppable Force Mayhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post

    Spanish Whitehouse.gov website says 404 not found with a "Go Home" button. When you click the button, it goes to a literal fucking Nazi propaganda video for Trump.
    Well, that video plays when you open whitehouse.gov

    I guess we'll have to wait for not so subtle changes before the average american realizes that the country is turning into a dictatorship. Having disregard for the constitution and pardoning insurectionists isn't obvious enough, let's see if they are able to come up with a new symbol or use the ones known around the world.
    Quote Originally Posted by ash
    So, look um, I'm not a grief counselor, but if it's any consolation, I have had to kill and bury loved ones before. A bunch of times actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    I never said I was knowledge-able and I wouldn't even care if I was the least knowledge-able person and the biggest dumb-ass out of all 7.8 billion people on the planet.

  5. #95625
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post

    Spanish Whitehouse.gov website says 404 not found with a "Go Home" button. When you click the button, it goes to a literal fucking Nazi propaganda video for Trump.
    This is what happens when we stopped shooting Nazis.

  6. #95626
    Elemental Lord Templar 331's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    Does the country do its part for the people?
    When you have one party actively sabotaging the workings of the government and a third of the population that keeps voting them into power "the country" is unable to "do it's part for the people."

    It's up to the government to ensure the neighborhoods are clean and safe - it's what they are literally getting paid for in taxes by the American people. If this does not happen - then don't be surprised people vote you out.
    HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH! There isn't a government operation that keeps the streets "clean and safe." Sure the police do arrest criminal offenders but everything else? Codes enforcement officers only go around and give out fines. How are you supposed to clean your neighborhood when you're to poor to fix your house? Trash services are all privatized. There's nothing to "clean" the neighborhoods.

    Same goes for workforce, it's up to the government to make sure basic necessities are affordable for an average working citizen,
    Socialism. Conservatives would rather starve to death than go with this. One of Trump's first EO's was to remove the price fixing for insulin and you know how out of shape the U.S. is.

    before they go ahead and bus in millions of aliens paid for by taxes that should benefit said citizens first and foremost. The priorities are not there, and the taxpayers vote you out.
    It's funny how your very next sentence is the best rebuttal I can think of.

    not your boogeyman hyperboles.

  7. #95627
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post

    Spanish Whitehouse.gov website says 404 not found with a "Go Home" button. When you click the button, it goes to a literal fucking Nazi propaganda video for Trump.
    Does this site usually exist?
    what other languages are there, because none work, it seems (at least none I tried) other than the standard one.
    So obviulsy, they'd all be "illegals" no matter where from, but I wonder if other languages even exist.

    edit: googled a bit, seems like Trump always remove is?
    Last edited by KrayZ33; 2025-01-21 at 01:42 PM.

  8. #95628
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Does this site usually exist?
    what other languages are there, because none work, it seems (at least none I tried) other than the standard one.
    So obviulsy, they'd all be "illegals" no matter where from, but I wonder if other languages even exist.

    edit: googled a bit, seems like Trump always remove is?
    The Spanish one? Yes.

  9. #95629
    This feels very accurate to how Trumps going to rule America, yes I said rule because he wont give up this power this time unless hes dead.

    Republicans later once it all begins

    Last edited by Kiria; 2025-01-21 at 02:19 PM.

  10. #95630
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiria View Post
    This feels very accurate to how Trumps going to rule America, yes I said rule because he wont give up this power this time unless hes dead.

    Republicans later once it all begins

    Bold of you to assume the republicans were not in on it from the start.

  11. #95631
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    This is what happens when we stopped shooting Nazis.
    A practise we should resume as soon as possible.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jtbrig7390 View Post
    True, I was just bored and tired but you are correct.

    Last edited by Thwart; Today at 05:21 PM. Reason: Infracted for flaming
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    millennials were the kids of the 9/11 survivors.

  12. #95632
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    Dems failed at their job, got fired. Need to do better job next time, instead of blaming the employers.
    Dems didn't fail at their job. The GOP are demonstrating again why they got fired the last time.

  13. #95633
    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    Three people. Biden communted 37 death sentences and left three. Trump should enjoy those three executions while they last, we all know how long it takes for a case to run out of appeals.
    Frankly, that is one of the fundamental weakness of the US justice system. It might be a good thing when talking about death sentences specifically but anything can be drawn out to any length as long as one can throw money at it and stave off the administration of justice entirely.

  14. #95634
    Quote Originally Posted by Roneth View Post
    Mine is Adam Schiff. Here is his views on pardons:
    Again, completely unserious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Specialka View Post
    Like he thinks that anyone voting for a far right party is a racist/xenophobe, etc... He is part of the problem without even realizing it. He feeds those parties.
    We're capable of calling people who vote for racist nativists racist xenophobes based on their actions and rhetoric, yes. If you would like to engage with the topic, rad, otherwise I see conservatives still love nothing more than to clutch pearls.

    Anyways - https://www.whitehouse.gov/president...s-and-actions/


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Bold of you to assume the republicans were not in on it from the start.
    For reals. Most voters won't know 90% of this shit is going on because they pay zero attention, the rest will think this is a job well fucking done rofl.

  15. #95635
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malkiah View Post
    i'd prefer to not need to get into a whole thing where i have to quote the last 2 years of your posts on this forum, but you have absolutely repeatedly said that "not voting for democrats" is explicitly equivalent to "voting for republicans" and that anyone who votes for a republican is a nazi* - therefor, you are saying not voting for democrats makes you a nazi*. that's the end point of your arguments here for the last several years my friend, i hope this isn't news to you.
    maybe you've changed your thinking a bit over the last few years and i'm not going to insist that you must now feel the way you did then, but there is a plethora of your posts from '23 and '24 drawing a 1:1 inference that failure to vote democrats is causally identical to voting republican so please don't try and worm your way out of your own post history.

    *or, excuse me, "the same kind of fascists as nazis"
    I've said that passivity towards a Republican-run government is an acceptance of fascism on your behalf, which makes you at least fascist-curious. I've generally used "fascist" way more often than "Nazi", because "Nazi" is a specific flavor of fascism and getting caught up in the specifics ignores the root danger of fascistic ideologies in general. But yes, Nazis were also fascists. Maybe this feels like fine distinctions, but if you're gonna make personal attacks, be accurate about what you're taking someone to task for.

    But here's the problem, I've also said "here's my academic definition of fascism, and here's a point-by-point explanation of how Republican rhetoric fits completely within that definition." I've asked "if anyone has a rational way to contradict this claim, use this or literally any other academic definition of fascism, and explain how I'm wrong. I've done this for years. I have never gotten a single answer on that.

    Instead, as with your post, it's a lot of personal attacks and tone-policing, and never any actual description of how I'm getting anything wrong. Never a contradicting explanation that I am incorrect in my analysis or breakdown, or any particular point even. Not on the "Republicans are fascist" point, not on abortion rights (which I only bring up because I've also posted extensively there with similar point-by-point and requests for literally ANY counterargument to be presented, to never receive anything from pro-lifers. Literally nothing, ever.)

    If you want to claim I'm getting something wrong, explain what and how I'm getting it wrong. I already go through the effort to demonstrate that I'm correct and can justify that position. I'm just asking for the same applied against me. I've been corrected on other points and I've made mistakes before, and I've admitted it. This isn't me claiming I'm an unassailable perfect cliff of "Endus is always right". But don't just hand-wring over my tone. I've made my case. It's held up, and no one here has actually presented an actual challenge to my claims that Republican rhetoric is fascist in nature. Despite me explicitly asking them to. For years.

    So why am I the problem, here? Give me anything but tone policing, dude. I don't care how nasty my tone is if I'm correct, and you shouldn't either. And if I'm not correct, focus on demonstrating that. I've literally asked people to.

    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Everyone that supported the nazis during WW2 was a nazi.
    Everyone that was in the party because they feared to be killed/offed otherwise were probably not.

    Too bad, for your flawed and idiotic logic however (because how would you come to this conclusion otherwise from what I've been saying), we are not in a dictatorship right now, so everyone has a choice to simply not support the nazis.
    I think people just aren't exposed to the shit that happened and the concept of "the banality of evil". Just read the case against Adolf Eichmann, which is where the concept burst into the public sphere; Eichmann was one of the architects of the Holocaust, but his defense boiled down to "I'm just a regular guy, following orders to manage logistics and organization. I didn't murder anyone!" They hanged him. Because he was among the worst of the Nazis. Because he followed those orders to manage those logistics. "Just doing your job" makes you evil if that job is evil. That's what "the banality of evil" is about. That all evil takes is acceptance. Evil people aren't twirling their moustaches while steepling their fingers and giggling about stepping on kittens. They're just going along with what other evil people want, in pursuit of goals that harm others for no good reason. Just going along is all it takes. In Eichmann's case, just going along meant he was a top-level Nazi and he hung from the neck until dead for his crimes. And while I might personally have an issue with the death penalty in broad terms, the fucker was absolutely guilty and a horrible human being; I just disagree on the ethics of his specific sentence.

  16. #95636
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Anyways - https://www.whitehouse.gov/president...s-and-actions/

    Trump specifically and directly raises medical costs for American taxpayers.

    Trump has rescinded former President Joe Biden's executive order 14087, which was put in place to lower the cost of prescription drugs for Americans.

    What To Know
    The key components of executive order 14087 implemented by Biden are as follows:

    Medicare $2 drug list model: This initiative sought to cap certain generic drug prices at $2 for Medicare beneficiaries, enhancing affordability.
    Cell and gene therapy access model: Designed to improve access to high-cost therapies for Medicaid recipients, this model aimed to negotiate pricing and facilitate coverage.
    Accelerating clinical evidence model: Focused on expediting the availability of effective treatments by streamlining the evidence-gathering process for new drugs.

    In the executive order, signed in 2022 by Biden, the then-president said: "Too many Americans face challenges paying for prescription drugs. On average, Americans pay two to three times as much as people in other countries for prescription drugs, and one in four Americans who take prescription drugs struggle to afford their medications. Nearly three in 10 American adults who take prescription drugs say that they have skipped doses, cut pills in half or not filled prescriptions due to cost."

    The potential impact of rescinding executive order 14087 is as follows:

    Halted development of cost-reduction models: The directive for the Department of Health and Human Services to develop and test new models aimed at lowering drug costs through the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation has been withdrawn. This move could slow or halt progress on initiatives that were designed to make prescription medications more affordable.
    Potential increase in out-of-pocket expenses: Without the implementation of new models focused on reducing costs, Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries might continue to face high out-of-pocket expenses for prescription drugs, possibly affecting access to certain medications.
    Uncertainty in future drug pricing policies: The rescission creates uncertainty regarding the federal government's approach to addressing prescription drug costs, which could leave beneficiaries unsure about future measures to control or reduce expenses.

    Trump, in the executive order, said: "The previous administration has embedded deeply unpopular, inflationary, illegal and radical practices within every agency and office of the federal government." He added: "The revocations within this order will be the first of many steps the United States federal government will take to repair our institutions and our economy."
    "What's 'inflationary' about lowering prices? Isn't that something he said he wants to do?"

    Nothing lowering prices is 'inflationary'. Trump is lying.

    "Surely he has the inklings of a plan to bring costs back down?"

    Maybe he should have waited until there was an actual plan before removing the old model. All this does is raise prices for people who need help with medical costs the most. There is no alternative viewpoint to removing the cap without replacing it with something else.

    "How was that Executive Order illegal?"

    It wasn't. Trump is lying. To the best of my knowledge, as well as a Google search just now, Executive Order 14087 was not the subject of a lawsuit, and was never thrown out, hence Trump undoing it personally.

    "How was that Executive Order unpopular?"

    It wasn't. Trump is lying. Even Republicans wanted it, but they did demand it only appy to seniors, not other people afflicted with an incurable disease who had trouble paying for the mandatory life-saving drug's high price. And the general population also viewed it favorably.

    Of course, Trump can't just revoke actual laws, nor can he interfere with states that have followed their own initiatives. Trump is trying to kill people, but thankfully his ability to do so is at least restrained.

  17. #95637
    Quote Originally Posted by postman1782 View Post

    Spanish Whitehouse.gov website says 404 not found with a "Go Home" button. When you click the button, it goes to a literal fucking Nazi propaganda video for Trump.
    Speaking of Spanish things...Trump apparently thinks Spain is part of BRICS? :s

  18. #95638
    So, the Republican Party is gone, the oligarchs bought their seats in the White House and someone like Trump won't leave any heir.

    Question is, how many days until the Night of the Long Knives Part 2 Electric Boogaloo and whom will manage to convince Trump to do it?

  19. #95639
    The "protest vote" and "dems are just as bad" crowd, you are all in for an education now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Timester View Post
    So, the Republican Party is gone, the oligarchs bought their seats in the White House and someone like Trump won't leave any heir.

    Question is, how many days until the Night of the Long Knives Part 2 Electric Boogaloo and whom will manage to convince Trump to do it?
    Give or take 6 months to a year.

  20. #95640
    Stood in the Fire Fixxit the Gnome's Avatar
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    It's still insane to me that a man that spearheaded an insurrection was allowed to run as a presidential candidate. He should be in jail for treason.
    - Dare not to sleep -

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