1. #95801
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    This about sums it up. The last four years and the previous election were a gamble that you can simply tell Americans that their legitimate concerns about the economy, immigration, crime, and foreign policy were actually unfounded and everything was being handled just fine by Biden. Then you could tell Americans that what they actually should be concerned about was that Democracy itself was kaput if they didn't vote as their betters voted. Their concerns were also one step behind the real threat: creeping fascism and christofascism and bigotry.
    Here's the thing: They did not have legitimate concerns about the economy, immigration, or crime. They had lies, lies and more lies that they had been fed for years, tailor made by Republicans to prey on their fears, and they convinced themselves that those lies made their "concerns" legitimate. So yes, they were very much unfounded. Crime was down nation wide, immigration is 1000% not the horror show republicans have been fearmongering about, and given that we'd just come out of a global upheaval due to an international pandemic, the economy was doing pretty fucking well. Inflation was under control, things were in general starting to come back to normalcy, and almost every major problem people were legitimately "concerned" about were things that the President has very little direct control over (like the price of eggs), so yes, Biden and his administration were actually handling shit just fine, for the most part.

    But the vast majority of the American electorate are easily manipulated knee jerk reactionaries completely unable to see beyond their own noses, so they voted to literally skullfuck democracy because a known pathological liar told them what they wanted to hear.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    Nobody was ready for COVID, anywhere in the world. Same thing would have happened to Hilary if she had been president, IMO.
    Yeah, not even close.

    For one, Hillary wouldn't have been stupid enough to shitcan the only people keeping tabs on the Chinese, so there would have been significantly more likelyhood of a much earlier warning being sounded.

    For two, The Obama administration LITERALLY left Trump a wargamed scenario playbook for handling an nation wide pandemic when they left office, as well as a group of trained professionals who's job was to make sure the country was prepared for a pandemic. Trump took that entire thing and junked it. Hillary would have had it available and ready to act on.

    The Trump administration catastrophically mismanaged the pandemic because he did stupid shit like give important duties to people completely unqualified to handle them, or his constant undercutting of the actual experts in the room. None of that shit would likely have happened under a different administration.

    Literally any other administration would have handled the pandemic orders of magnitude better than the Orange Dumpster Fire's administration did.

  2. #95802
    22 states have already launched legal challenges over the birthright changes.

    And not only did Trump pardon 1600 terrorists, he ordered all investigations end and had the FBI scrub all mentions of it from their website.

  3. #95803
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    and had the FBI scrub all mentions of it from their website.
    He figured, he got away with obstructing justice already, why not just keep doing it?

  4. #95804
    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    Here's the thing: They did not have legitimate concerns about the economy, immigration, or crime. They had lies, lies and more lies that they had been fed for years, tailor made by Republicans to prey on their fears, and they convinced themselves that those lies made their "concerns" legitimate. So yes, they were very much unfounded. Crime was down nation wide, immigration is 1000% not the horror show republicans have been fearmongering about, and given that we'd just come out of a global upheaval due to an international pandemic, the economy was doing pretty fucking well. Inflation was under control, things were in general starting to come back to normalcy, and almost every major problem people were legitimately "concerned" about were things that the President has very little direct control over (like the price of eggs), so yes, Biden and his administration were actually handling shit just fine, for the most part.

    But the vast majority of the American electorate are easily manipulated knee jerk reactionaries completely unable to see beyond their own noses, so they voted to literally skullfuck democracy because a known pathological liar told them what they wanted to hear.
    I think how they vilified the trans community was a good example of this. They took a community of such a low % of the population and made it like the third of fourth biggest issue in the MAGA campaign. Most of these would people would go through life and never meet a trans person, and yet after years of exaggerating misinformation you end up with trump talking on national tv about how schools take your kids and alter their genders without permission and senators asking nominees how many genders there are as a sign of MAGA loyalty.

    And even though the issues with immigrants with blown out of proportion to astronomical levels, full of wild and ridiculous conspiracy theories, if you look hard enough, you might find some truth, maybe there was a couple violent immigrants and drug mules, I don't think the trans community did anything to deserve the hate or attention from MAGA it has ended up with. I really feel for though people, who have spent years just trying to have the same rights as others, only to be targetting like that. Same for all the current marginalized groups.
    I know the majority of americans don't agree with the way they are about to be treated, but they let him in, and should burden the shame.
    It's not a problem if you don't look up.

  5. #95805
    Brewmaster diller's Avatar
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    Minor news but Snoop Dog played at a Trump party after the inauguration, what a piece of shit.

  6. #95806
    Quote Originally Posted by diller View Post
    Minor news but Snoop Dog played at a Trump party after the inauguration, what a piece of shit.
    Genuinely heartbreaking to see Snoop fall from grace.
    confirmed by my uncle nitnendo and masahiro samurai

  7. #95807
    Quote Originally Posted by diller View Post
    Minor news but Snoop Dog played at a Trump party after the inauguration, what a piece of shit.

    By his own words, he's an Uncle Tom performin for the white man.

    I was blown away that video of him talkin mad shit wasn't from 2016 like I thought, but was from like literal days before he accepted that paycheck.

  8. #95808
    Quote Originally Posted by Doomcookie View Post
    At best, we are all female, as default.
    No one is anything with that EO. No one has reproductive cells at conception. And even if they went by at birth, there would be no boys since sperm doesn't develop until puberty.

  9. #95809
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    By his own words, he's an Uncle Tom performin for the white man.

    I was blown away that video of him talkin mad shit wasn't from 2016 like I thought, but was from like literal days before he accepted that paycheck.
    Trump pardoned one of Snoop's friends.


  10. #95810
    Snoop is a capitalist first and foremost. This isn't exactly hard since it's so easy to buyout the left. Just look at Bernie Sanders.

    I wonder what cryptocurrency he got paid in.

  11. #95811
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Trump pardoned one of Snoop's friends.

    In 2021. Snoop made the video like a week ago, yeah? Did he like, totally forget when he posted that shit?

  12. #95812
    The Unstoppable Force Mayhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrt View Post
    No one is anything with that EO. No one has reproductive cells at conception. And even if they went by at birth, there would be no boys since sperm doesn't develop until puberty.
    Exactly, either there are no genders in the US now or everyone's female, anyway under no circumstance are there any male us-americans left anymore. Everyone's either nothing or a woman.

    That's impressively progressive.
    Last edited by Mayhem; 2025-01-22 at 07:53 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by ash
    So, look um, I'm not a grief counselor, but if it's any consolation, I have had to kill and bury loved ones before. A bunch of times actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    I never said I was knowledge-able and I wouldn't even care if I was the least knowledge-able person and the biggest dumb-ass out of all 7.8 billion people on the planet.

  13. #95813
    Quote Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
    Exactly, either there are no genders in the US now or everyone's female, anyway under no circumstance are there any male us-americans left anymore. Everyone's either nothing or a woman.
    By a strict reading of the executive order, everyone is non-binary, since no one has a sex at conception. Even the "everyone starts out as female" bits don't develop until later.

  14. #95814
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Rigging your election
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathranis View Post
    This is cope.
    Yawn, there's numerous experts in the field of election security who said it was only a matter of time before our election machines were just straight up hacked for one purpose or another. Ever read Kamala's memoire she wrote in 2019? I believe it's chapter 9 where she mentioned that in security briefings they were repeatedly told that the machines had vulnerabilities and their exploitation was inevitable, and that was 2019.

    But Democrats have failed us, they rolled over and didn't do anything to stop the Trump take over. But they're definitely sitting back and smirking. Whether the American people chose this, or Elon's lessons from the Kremlin in electronic ballot stuffing chose this, it's our fate for the next 4 years.

    Did you know that in addition to the Spanish version of the whitehouse.gov website being deleted, the US constitution pages on the whitehouse.gov site also no longer exist? Bets on if they're going to be replaced with something else, or ever come back. Not that I expect Trump cares about following the constitution. I imagine this administration will be the most flagrant in absolutely ignoring the constitution at every turn, because who's going to stop them? DC Democrats? Feckless cowards bending the knee to fascism rather than fighting back, because it's simply the path of least resistance for them and theirs. But it's not like the armchair lefties/internet communists are going to be of any more help either, they're likewise cowards who sit comfy behind their screens and do nothing but whine.

    The resistance begins, and it's not going to be entirely peaceful.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  15. #95815
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    But this is just another example of the lack of any coherent ideology from Donald, whose only ideology seems to be "Say and do whatever will get me power and make me popular." and that's the only singular note of consistency.
    Close, but not quite correct. He doesn't actually care about power, or popularity, except as a means to an end. Actually, I partially retract that, the narcissistic part of him does want the popularity, but it isn't the most important thing.

    Trump is a transactional person. He only cares about things that benefit him in some way. So he'll happily take money from two different sources, to do things that are diametrically opposed. He doesn't care about outcomes, he has no interest in governing, he isn't following some kind of 5D chess strategy here. If people shove brown envelopes in his pocket in some way, he will do their bidding for that immediate period.

    So the key part of this period is going to be chaos. Maybe some part of the Republican party will try and control that chaos and mitigate some of the worst outcomes of Trump's random actions. But I'm not going to put any money on it.

    The only question that remains for me is whether the Republicans will act when (and it is when rather than if) Trump does something so heinous, so stupid, so damaging that it can't be ignored. When he doesn't just step, but leaps over the line into insanity, are they going to act? Personally I think the only question for this term is whether the Republicans will end up impeaching him themselves, or whether they'll continue to let him do whatever the hell he wants. There's been no sign of a spine developing up until now, but I guess it depends on just how bad it gets. Does he need to appoint a horse to the senate for them to react?

    It's going to be an ugly 4 years.
    When challenging a Kzin, a simple scream of rage is sufficient. You scream and you leap.
    Quote Originally Posted by George Carlin
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Douglas Adams
    It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.

  16. #95816
    Trump has ordered all federal agencies to prepare to lay off all DEIA hires, and wants the government to pressure private businesses to do the same.

  17. #95817
    So trump got a bunch of tech leaders to roll out the red carpet and promise to spend 500 billion dollars, I for a second dont believe this will pan out just like the foxconn winsconsin deal that was fake, but it shows how business leaders take his threats of jailing for not capitulating and giving him political wins, it begs the question why dont liberals jail business leaders raising prices causing inflation? why didnt we jail CEOs laying off workers during the great recession. Trump shows if you ruthlessly use state power you can achieve results and need to just ignore the people talking about norms, rules and processes

  18. #95818
    Quote Originally Posted by arandomuser View Post
    So trump got a bunch of tech leaders to roll out the red carpet and promise to spend 500 billion dollars,
    Promises are easy, like all the tech companies that promised their shareholders they were totally working on NFTs or AI because that's what they wanted to hear, while having no plans to actually do so. Let me know when something actually comes of it.

    it begs the question why dont liberals jail business leaders raising prices causing inflation?
    Because it's hard to prove intentional collusion, and when it is proven, the penalty is a fine.

    why didnt we jail CEOs laying off workers during the great recession.
    Because there's nothing illegal about laying people off unless said layoffs are discriminatory, like if they only lay off black people.

  19. #95819
    Quote Originally Posted by arandomuser View Post
    So trump got a bunch of tech leaders to roll out the red carpet and promise to spend 500 billion dollars, I for a second dont believe this will pan out just like the foxconn winsconsin deal that was fake, but it shows how business leaders take his threats of jailing for not capitulating and giving him political wins, it begs the question why dont liberals jail business leaders raising prices causing inflation? why didnt we jail CEOs laying off workers during the great recession. Trump shows if you ruthlessly use state power you can achieve results and need to just ignore the people talking about norms, rules and processes
    I am going to say the obvious here these guys can easily do 500 billion dollars in stock buy backs which they were probably already planning to do to stuff their own pockets and boost their net worth. These are multi trillion dollar companies that grow slowly stock buybacks is the only way to pump the stock.

  20. #95820
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    Promises are easy, like all the tech companies that promised their shareholders they were totally working on NFTs or AI because that's what they wanted to hear, while having no plans to actually do so. Let me know when something actually comes of it.

    Because it's hard to prove intentional collusion, and when it is proven, the penalty is a fine.

    Because there's nothing illegal about laying people off unless said layoffs are discriminatory, like if they only lay off black people.
    this is what i mean i understand the "process" in which you cant jail CEOS but just the threat and possibility trump ignores all of those process got them all in line and the median voter sees that as a strength whereas busines just totally screwed over obama/biden and didnt get punished.

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