1. #95821
    Quote Originally Posted by arandomuser View Post
    this is what i mean i understand the "process" in which you cant jail CEOS but just the threat and possibility trump ignores all of those process got them all in line and the median voter sees that as a strength whereas busines just totally screwed over obama/biden and didnt get punished.
    You can't just threaten CEOs with jail on bullshit charges unless there's a reason for them to expect said charges to stick. That sure as hell wouldn't happen with anyone sane in charge of the country. I'm not even convinced that's what's happening now; he's not threatening them with jail, they just recognize that he is the most transactional president ever and understand that if they do stuff for him, he'll do stuff for them.

  2. #95822
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    What people support is making their lives better. not living their lives in shame and seeing a future for themselves and their children.

    You are so hyper focused on shit that literally does not matter for the vast majority of Americans, it's kind of hilarious. The majority want to be able to put food on the table, roof over their heads and safe and clean neighborhoods, and they sure as hell don't want to finance illegals, or foreign countries, or fucking smelt fish, when their own neighborhoods look like a dump.

    They don't give a fuck about your hyperbole, virtue signaling and windmills fighting. That shit only works online, and even that fad has reached a fatigue moment now given the overwhelming evidence that it is not the actual pressing matter for the living breathing people.
    And so they thought the best way to do that was to vote for a rapist a third time, showing that rape isn't a problem for them, putting in the racist a second time, showing they are okay and absolutely support deporting their friends and family (and themselves), to a failed business man that is responsible for not only killing over 600,000 Americans on purpose, but is responsible for a good portion of the inflation?

    That's not to mention they chose a guy who literally had no economic policy past "enrich the oligarchs with another tax cut," and "I will crash the economy," so you're going to have to shut the hell up about "they just want to buy food." Yeah, 'cause Trump talked about all of his plans to help the American people like "deport everyone darker than tan and fuck over the economy" and "tariff the shit out of the economy."

    Again, if they're going to ignore the rape, pedophilia, sex crimes, federal crimes, document stealing, terrorism leading, racism, then all they're saying is "it's okay if he visited pedophile island and was offered a 12, 13, and 14 year old girl, so long as he kills some trans people and reduces the price of eggs," and guess which one of those will actually happen? Hint, it's not the eggs thing.

    If eggs is more important than wanting your gay daughter to have her rights taken away, in more than one way, then you're a shit person.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  3. #95823
    Quote Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl View Post
    The only question that remains for me is whether the Republicans will act when (and it is when rather than if) Trump does something so heinous, so stupid, so damaging that it can't be ignored.
    hm i'm not sure on this, i think your thinking is mistaken in two vital ways:

    1. trump is republicans, and republicans is trump - the two are synonymous, and i don't mean that as in "he took over the party" and i don't mean that as in "omg the GOP has changed in the last 10 years" because i'm not an idiot with the memory of a goldfish and i can look at history and understand what US conservatism has always been.
    trump is simply what the GOP has always been, except he doesn't having the moldering skinsuit that ghouls like mcconnel have been wearing for the last 60 years.
    trump isn't an aberration, he's a culmination: this is what US conservative politics has been leading up to, this is what it was all for.
    there's nothing trump could do that republicans would disagree with or disapprove of because trump is republicans, and republicans is trump.
    everything he does is the embodiment of their ideology, so there's simply no line to be crossed like you imagine there is.

    2. there is nothing that the US can't ignore at this point, the notion there is a bridge too far is absurd.
    there's nothing that trump will ever do that republicans won't approve of, and there's nothing that trump will ever do that democrats wouldn't make a pinchy over and then do nothing about.

    lol, man... i'm picturing all the republican senators going on fox news and screeching about how democrats are the real racists for trying to suggest that a horse is unqualified for the senate, and the posts by tehdang going on and on and on and on and on about how gabby giffords was allowed to be an elected representative after being shot in the head and how that's way worse than being a horse anyways.
    and then like two token democrats would go on CNN and be like "omg jake tapper the american people aren't going to stand for this they're too smart to think it's OK to have a horse in the senate!" and then the first vote they poke the horse with a stick to vote 'neigh' on a bill to ban animals from being in the senate and the bill fails and we get 97 posts from somewhat concerned about how the horse spells the end of the democratic party.

    .... fuck now that i work that all out that actually sounds kind of awesome.
    Last edited by Malkiah; 2025-01-22 at 11:32 AM.

  4. #95824
    The Unstoppable Force Mayhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arandomuser View Post
    this is what i mean i understand the "process" in which you cant jail CEOS but just the threat and possibility trump ignores all of those process got them all in line and the median voter sees that as a strength whereas busines just totally screwed over obama/biden and didnt get punished.
    You are so unbelievable close to getting it. You have me on the edge of my seat.
    Quote Originally Posted by ash
    So, look um, I'm not a grief counselor, but if it's any consolation, I have had to kill and bury loved ones before. A bunch of times actually.
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    I never said I was knowledge-able and I wouldn't even care if I was the least knowledge-able person and the biggest dumb-ass out of all 7.8 billion people on the planet.

  5. #95825
    Quote Originally Posted by Doomcookie View Post
    At best, we are all female, as default.
    Je suis Charlene.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    And the first "unionized labor vs. Donald and Republicans" lawsuit...or probably not the first at this point, begins!
    Andn Trump does not even need to lift a finger to fight that lawsuit. He just needs Trump-appointed judges to draw it out.

  6. #95826
    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    Andn Trump does not even need to lift a finger to fight that lawsuit. He just needs Trump-appointed judges to draw it out.
    Surely he can just say "presidential action" and that's it?

  7. #95827
    Quote Originally Posted by En Sabah Nur View Post
    Surely he can just say "presidential action" and that's it?
    The point is that he does not need to. The machine is in place. Trump-appointed judges at every level of the judiciary will just sink it. Just like Cannon sank Jack Smith.

  8. #95828
    The Unstoppable Force Kathandira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    By his own words, he's an Uncle Tom performin for the white man.

    I was blown away that video of him talkin mad shit wasn't from 2016 like I thought, but was from like literal days before he accepted that paycheck.
    Known murderer, drug dealer, and gang banger performs at the presidential inaugeration. I was already appalled that he was allowed to represent the US at the Olympics. The US deserves every bit of criticism in gets in regards to our morals and ethics.
    RIP Genn Greymane, Permabanned on 8.22.18

    Your name will carry on through generations, and will never be forgotten.

  9. #95829
    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    The point is that he does not need to. The machine is in place. Trump-appointed judges at every level of the judiciary will just sink it. Just like Cannon sank Jack Smith.
    A fair point.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For such a large guy, he truly is just so gosh darn small a man...

  10. #95830
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by En Sabah Nur View Post
    For such a large guy, he truly is just so gosh darn small a man...
    Wow. A priest not mentioning murder? Has Trump ever been to church?

    Trump is lying, of course, but it seems like he's pushing the "all the numbers are bad" lies because he knows he has no realistic plan to fix them. Obviously he can't back it up with evidence (no, there isn't a crime wave other than 1500 terrorists escaping prison) but he wants his cult to say "Trump brought crime down, Trump fixed the economy" by telling them things are bad now and good later.

    They know he's lying. But they'll say it anyway. Or, they're insane. There is no redeeming answer.

  11. #95831
    Trump is right. There's a giant crime wave taking place in USA, and he's leading it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jtbrig7390 View Post
    True, I was just bored and tired but you are correct.

    Last edited by Thwart; Today at 05:21 PM. Reason: Infracted for flaming
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    millennials were the kids of the 9/11 survivors.

  12. #95832
    Something that will for sure get under the skin of the baby-in-charge.

    TV viewing figures fall for Trump’s inauguration
    Nine million fewer viewers tuned in for Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony than for Joe Biden’s in 2021. According to audience measurement company Nielsen, 24.6 million people watched the former reality TV personality take office, compared with 33.8 million who saw Joe Biden’s 2021 inauguration.
    Oooh thats got to hurt. If you care about that sort of thing, which he does, because he is an old, stupid, petty, man.

    And since Im here, heres some more stuff!
    Exclusive: Trump starts new term wit...sos poll finds

    WASHINGTON, Jan 21 (Reuters) - Some 47% of Americans approved of Donald Trump's presidency as he returned to the White House this week, a sign of a polarized nation following the Republican's victory in November, a Reuters/Ipsos poll that closed on Tuesday found.
    The survey, conducted on Monday and Tuesday following President Trump's inauguration, showed his popularity higher than it was throughout most of his 2017-2021 term.
    But the poll also showed that Americans were already sour on some of his first moves. Some 58% of respondents said that Trump should not pardon all people convicted of crimes during the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol.
    So, day one, sign an executive order that 2/3rds of the people don't agree with.
    Day two, get into a public spat with a Bishop of a local church.
    Going swimmingly.
    Last edited by alach; 2025-01-22 at 04:15 PM.
    It's not a problem if you don't look up.

  13. #95833
    Quote Originally Posted by En Sabah Nur View Post
    A fair point.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For such a large guy, he truly is just so gosh darn small a man...

    Why should she apologize, he just said he wanted to protect free speech with an EO didnt he? Surely trying to repress the religious freedom of this person is not something republicans can support, right?

  14. #95834
    So Trump's big idea for ending the war in Ukraine is... tariffs, taxes and sanctions for Russia. There's fuck all to slap tariffs on, and sanctions have been mostly useless. Putin must be having a good old laugh right about now.


  15. #95835
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    So Trump's big idea for ending the war in Ukraine is... tariffs, taxes and sanctions for Russia. There's fuck all to slap tariffs on, and sanctions have been mostly useless. Putin must be having a good old laugh right about now.

    The silver lining is someone somewhere convinced his peanut brain to not just sell out Ukraine day one, so I guess that's nice...

  16. #95836
    Twitter is the new Red Phone now?

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    So Trump's big idea for ending the war in Ukraine is... tariffs, taxes and sanctions for Russia. There's fuck all to slap tariffs on, and sanctions have been mostly useless. Putin must be having a good old laugh right about now.

    Actually, this opens a new can of worms. Somehow, in his senile mind, Trump built the idea that he will be the "Architect of Peace" (example, ceasefire in Gaza) and his ego will get more uninged if the war continues.
    Last edited by Timester; 2025-01-22 at 04:49 PM.

  17. #95837
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    So Trump's big idea for ending the war in Ukraine is... tariffs, taxes and sanctions for Russia. There's fuck all to slap tariffs on, and sanctions have been mostly useless. Putin must be having a good old laugh right about now.

    lets be real, so long as he continues military support of Ukraine its a win and way better then we feared
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  18. #95838
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Trump's economy sucks <****>. Eggs just aint more expensive, they just gone.

    With tariffs on Mexico and Canada, this year's Superbowl party will be 50% more expensive!
    Government Affiliated Snark

  19. #95839
    Quote Originally Posted by AntiFascistVoter View Post
    Trump's economy sucks <****>. Eggs just aint more expensive, they just gone.

    With tariffs on Mexico and Canada, this year's Superbowl party will be 50% more expensive!
    You know it's weird I have noticed that a lot lately eggs are sold out in a lot of places.

  20. #95840
    This Stargate announcement is getting me really excited ngl. Barely 2 days in office and we're already seeing real change.
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