1. #96261
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    how dare you actually like, spend 10 seconds thinking about the consequences of something like that and not just write a bunch of bullshit out
    That is the thing here.

    As far as elections go, the federal government has very little to do with any facet of it. Outside of just recording the outcome of the election results of each state for federal position, they literally have no say in the elections at all. They literally do not make the rules(the states do) outside of how many electors each state gets or representatives in the House or when the day of the election is. And that is enshrined in the US Constitution, not by any actual law Congress has passed.

    The states decide on how districts are setup, who gets to be their representatives, their senators, who their electors are and how they vote, whether they can have a split amount or all votes go towards a candidate, the deadlines of when the primaries within their state are, when people can actually register to vote, the requirements for said registration and pretty much everything else outside of what I stated above.

    So no, a national voter ID law wouldn't have any teeth on it because it would be immediately challenged on the grounds that states are the final arbiters of the elections within their state borders. And I can already see at least 5 of the SC Justices vote to keep it that way.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaydin View Post
    So apparently DonOld had a snitch email account set up to root out 'DEI' hires and predictably, the internet is responding by flooding it with spam and troll emails.
    The best part about Donalds DEI erasure initiative is that it is also targeting accessibility initiatives. Which is ironic when it comes to the VA because outside of Medicare and Medicaid, it literally has the highest need of accessibility of any federal agency. So to remove that initiative is once again showing veterans how much the GOP, Trump and the rest of the gaggle of ghouls hate veterans and anyone else with any form of disability.

  2. #96262
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SunspotAnims View Post
    It kinda was the moment the election ended. People that were paying attention knew nearly every part of what you could call his platform would be actively harmful to the country. For the people that weren't paying attention, or just denying the reality of what he (and the Heritage Foundation and Co.) were pitching, welcome to the "Find Out" half of the equation.
    That's why it's so funny that certain concerned posters are convinced that the shift in the last election was just the start of a larger shift.

    Like, who's really going to watch the absolute shitstorm the US is set to become for the next two years and say "I want more of that, please!"

    I'm thoroughly disappointed that voters were collectively unable to see this coming enough to avert it, but now everyone's going to have a front row seat to the disastrous Finding Out Era, and there's going to be a major backlash in a couple of years.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  3. #96263
    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    The best part about Donalds DEI erasure initiative is that it is also targeting accessibility initiatives. Which is ironic when it comes to the VA because outside of Medicare and Medicaid, it literally has the highest need of accessibility of any federal agency. So to remove that initiative is once again showing veterans how much the GOP, Trump and the rest of the gaggle of ghouls hate veterans and anyone else with any form of disability.
    Wonder how many of them will be reporting a man in the oval office as a DEI hire, being an overweight man of color rife with physical and mental issues who was hired for anything but his merits or some such line of snark.
    confirmed by my uncle nitnendo and masahiro samurai

  4. #96264
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bwgmon View Post
    Wonder how many of them will be reporting a man in the oval office as a DEI hire, being an overweight man of color rife with physical and mental issues who was hired for anything but his merits or some such line of snark.
    As much as I'm sure it would upset Trump to hear this, and as much as I'm sure people are doing it, you know it's some poor fucking intern who has to check this shit.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  5. #96265
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    As much as I'm sure it would upset Trump to hear this, and as much as I'm sure people are doing it, you know it's some poor fucking intern who has to check this shit.
    And to them I say… Whatever they’re trying to do with their career field, doing that shit ain’t it.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  6. #96266
    Reuters: Trump fires 17 independent inspectors general at federal agencies

    Ah yes, getting rid of oversight. What could go wrong...

    Also how are they independent when the president can fire them on a whim?

  7. #96267
    Over 9000! ringpriest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    Reuters: Trump fires 17 independent inspectors general at federal agencies

    Ah yes, getting rid of oversight. What could go wrong...

    Also how are they independent when the president can fire them on a whim?
    He can't. This is illegal. Arguably moreso than anything he did in first term, including the things he was impeached for.

    ‘‘If an Inspector General is removed from
    office or is transferred to another position or location within an
    establishment, the President shall communicate in writing the rea-
    sons for any such removal or transfer to both Houses of Congress,
    not later than 30 days before the removal or transfer. Nothing
    in this subsection shall prohibit a personnel action otherwise
    authorized by law, other than transfer or removal.’’
    If the American Congress had the spine of an osteoarthritic gerbil, the members would be impeaching President Trump tomorrow morning.
    "For the present this country is headed in directions which can only carry ruin to it and will create a situation here dangerous to world peace. With few exceptions, the men who are running this Government are of a mentality that you and I cannot understand. Some of them are psychopathic cases and would ordinarily be receiving treatment somewhere. Others are exalted and in a frame of mind that knows no reason."
    - U.S. Ambassador to Germany, George Messersmith, June 1933

  8. #96268
    Quote Originally Posted by ringpriest View Post
    He can't. This is illegal. Arguably moreso than anything he did in first term, including the things he was impeached for.


    If the American Congress had the spine of an osteoarthritic gerbil, the members would be impeaching President Trump tomorrow morning.
    Who's going to stop him? the reich wing supreme court? top kek

  9. #96269
    The middle class taxpayer is so screwed;

    According to the document, some ideas for funding those tax breaks include eliminating the mortgage home deduction, a popular break for homeowners, and the deductibility of student loan interest. Other methods to drum up more money include an across-the-board 10% import tariff — essentially, a universal tax on U.S. imports that would be paid by consumers.

    The plan also outlines ideas for cutting federal spending, primarily by trimming outlays for social safety net programs such as Medicaid and food stamps. Overall, the document points to a potential tax overhaul that could put more money in the pockets of wealthier Americans while cutting assistance for low- and middle-class taxpayers, experts say.

    "If you are extending the tax cuts and enacting tariffs and cutting Medicaid, that will deliver benefits more among higher-income households, and more of a cost will be born by lower-income households," Joseph Rosenberg, a senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, a tax-focused think tank, told CBS MoneyWatch.

    Adding a blanket 10% tariff could raise $1.9 trillion over the next decade, according to the document shared with Republican lawmakers. But tariffs are largely paid by consumers because companies tend to raise their prices to cover the extra import duties. Mr. Trump's tariffs could add $2,600 a year in costs for the typical U.S. family, according to an August analysis from the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a nonpartisan think tank focused on economic issues.
    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

  10. #96270
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    Quote Originally Posted by gondrin View Post
    Oh Vivek, hate to break it to you but if you were black, you were absolutely subjugated. If you were Arab, you were subjugated. Only people born in Rome and were from a wealthy house could ever be in a political role. That is until it was overthrown.

    - - - Updated - - -
    This is not true. Several emperors and important political figures were not born in Rome. Even in republican times.

  11. #96271
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    The middle class taxpayer is so screwed;

    According to the document
    Holy shit, just look at that list of targets for the chopping block. Basically just straight up telling single parents and anyone trying to better themselves with higher education to bend over and bite the pillow. Meanwhile, they want to give tax breaks on overtime and tips? Bet corporate America is literally salivating at the idea of being able to crush the desperate masses even more with the promise of a few extra cents in the bank if you just agree to work yourself to death for them through crazy long hours or for a pittance in the hopes that the customer, rather than the employer will pay you a livable wage......

    Also very, VERY telling that they want to REMOVE the ability to claim student loan interest on your taxes, but are looking at Adding the ability to deduct Auto-loans. Wonder which lobby stooge from the Auto industry got that one pushed through. Gotta give people more reasons to own a car they can't really afford.

  12. #96272
    I'll never understand why these fuckers always want to squeeze out more from lower income brackets. Minimum wage slaves will spend all their money directly back into the economy, if they had more they'd spend more. Spend more = more tax money.

  13. #96273
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    I'll never understand why these fuckers always want to squeeze out more from lower income brackets. Minimum wage slaves will spend all their money directly back into the economy, if they had more they'd spend more. Spend more = more tax money.
    That was evident during COVID when people could pay off a little more debt and had a little extra money to spend, when there was tax credits for the lower brackets. But that gives people financial freedom. They become less reliant on entire markets that make money off the poor, ie the debt market is huge. It means people have a buffer to take time off work to take care of themselves. It means they can pay off debts so some guy isn't making money off them drowning in interest. It means people are less beholden to whatever wages and conditions their employers throw at them because they aren't living paycheck-to-paycheck.

  14. #96274
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    I'll never understand why these fuckers always want to squeeze out more from lower income brackets. Minimum wage slaves will spend all their money directly back into the economy, if they had more they'd spend more. Spend more = more tax money.
    It's not about them spending ALL their money, its about spending ALL their money + on top. This on top, e.g. maxing out credit cards each months and put the debt on the credit card for next month, leads to everybody staying in their station/their job and keeps them busy to not think too much about a system that fucks most people over.

  15. #96275
    Quote Originally Posted by Twdft View Post
    I'll never understand why these fuckers always want to squeeze out more from lower income brackets. Minimum wage slaves will spend all their money directly back into the economy, if they had more they'd spend more. Spend more = more tax money.
    Because they want to create a slave caste that will work for pennies in fear of starvation.

  16. #96276
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI has said that there must be "changes to the social contract" as AI advances

    "The whole structure of society will be up for some degree of debate and reconfiguration."


    AI algorithms are programmed and trained by humans, and they can be altered by humans. As more and more tech companies like google and X implement AI technology, it will become more important than ever before for there to be independent sites that report on real events, real history, because there's no doubt that tech billionaires will try to rewrite reality. Humans are terrifyingly susceptible to propaganda, myself included. This is why they're trying to kill wikipedia, because it lets us look up real information with sources required.

    Remember, AI has one goal, it wants to fix one thing: The need to pay human workers, but it can be used for an infinite number of things by those who own it.
    Last edited by Cthulhu 2020; 2025-01-25 at 12:16 PM.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  17. #96277
    Quote Originally Posted by tehdang View Post
    Then in your terms, the best Trump can hope for is "bundling some of his agendas with the aid package."

    I continue to read in wonder at all the things that fall under your conception of "tone policing." Feel free to offer something substantive and constructive if you'd like; I think I've resolved my own misunderstanding about that post.
    You're tone policing, careful.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    The hand washing thing is clearly a joke he uses to continue to troll people with, yet people somehow continue to get upset by it?

    The latest allegations seem like a "she said, he said" kind of thing. Seems like he had some demons in his past, but claims he isn't that kind of person anymore.

    It's weird that your entire argument is that you love Nazis and rapists.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    With Trump, he usually telegraphs his next move. So all this talk of conditional aid to CA for voter ID is likely a precursor to national voting ID or other similar laws. There's majority support for something like this, but Senate Dems would likely filibuster any bill. Unless the GOP can squeeze it into their reconciliation bill.

    But maybe the real question is, does the GOP use this an excuse for them to remove the filibuster? Risky as the other side could use it too, but if they expect to be in power for quite some time, it could be a gamble they take.
    States control their elections. You are fucking lying.

  18. #96278
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu 2020 View Post
    "The whole structure of society will be up for some degree of debate and reconfiguration."



    Remember, AI has one goal, it wants to fix one thing: The need to pay human workers, but it can be used for an infinite number of things by those who own it.
    IMO the answer is Universal Basic Income and it would be nice if people like Sam Altman would mention it, at least as a possible answer that has to be seriously considered.

    One thing that I haven't seen any of the AI tech bros mention so far is how my employer will persuade AGI/ASI to actually do my job once it is capable of. They give me money and I show up, but what's in it for a conscious AI?

  19. #96279

    Good publicity photo for Newsom.

    The awkward meeting came after Trump threatened to withhold federal aid if the state doesn't enact a voter ID law.

    But the internet appeared more concerned with their initial meeting — with some dragging Trump for appearing to "cower" to Newsom.

    In a separate post, Madrid wrote: "Trump goes full beta male cowering to Gavin Newsom on the tarmac. Weak."

    "The asymmetry of our politics - Trump can heap vicious personal abuse on Newsom (“Newscum”) but Newsom has to be the bigger person and welcome Trump to his state with grace and civility," remarked former MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan.

    In response to Hasan, S.V. Dáte, White House correspondent at HuffPost, wrote: "EVERYBODY treats Trump like a toddler."

    "Ouch. I've always thought Trump is sort of alpha-ish but, no. Look at the way Newsom completely takes over the conversation immediately and Trump is just defensive/reacting/listening, instantly in his place. Wow," chided attorney and former senior advisor to the Trump campaign A.J. Delgado.

    "Donald Trump doing his weird lean with Gavin Newsom. Methinks Donald isn't well," jabbed artist Candee Corliss on Bluesky.
    “But this isn’t the end. I promise you, this is not the end, and we have to regroup and we have to continue to fight and continue to work day in and day out to create the better society for our children, for this world, for this country, that we know is possible.” ~~Jon Stewart

  20. #96280
    Elemental Lord Templar 331's Avatar
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    I just love the casual wear of Newsom. Like "bitch, I had a weekend planed out and you fly in to start shit? I ain't dressing up for your monkey leaning ass."

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