1. #96361
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain N View Post
    Well it didn't take long for that to be taken down. -_-
    ezgif automatically deletes things after an hour. So less "taken down" and more "expired."

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    What in the "DEI hire" is this bullshit? Secretary of Homeland Security?? Jesus Christ. I guess when a cult has power, it really pays to be a devout follower...

  2. #96362
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    To be fair and I hate to be Biden was trying to negotiate the same thing at the start of the war, this view is bipartisan sadly and he is just saying the quiet part out loud.
    Biden gets way too much of a pass for the exact same thing and the Blue MAGA marks only defence is "Trump would be worse" which I fail to see how that works when they do the exact same god damn thing.

    Maybe the countries should start accepting refugees by a ratio of how much money they spend to continue a occupation and murdering people. So, I'm guessing US, UK and handfull of European countries should be got between themselves a few million Palestinian refugees. Jordan has a lot, and I'm sure they would gladly work with other countries that are so keen in helping Israel with its century long ethnic cleansing campaign.

  3. #96363
    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    yeah. "It's a technology". Just remind yourself that Nuclear Fission was "just a technology" too, and that 99.99% of the use cases and standards set around it's use came AFTER the technology was used to vaporize two cities.
    Id argue that nuclear is the perfect counter to naysayers. Fears of nuclear energy prevented many countries in switching to zero emissions technologies like nuclear power plants. In the 70s and 80s by people like yourself and others that believed the industry could be regulated and continue normally are what killed its progress. Instead we continue to rely on carbon and gas for power and it took 30 years for renewables to catch up.

    We wasted 30 years of environmental progress bc of regulators and statists. I do not want that same fate for AI

  4. #96364
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    Id argue that nuclear is the perfect counter to naysayers. Fears of nuclear energy prevented many countries in switching to zero emissions technologies like nuclear power plants. In the 70s and 80s by people like yourself and others that believed the industry could be regulated and continue normally are what killed its progress. Instead we continue to rely on carbon and gas for power and it took 30 years for renewables to catch up.

    We wasted 30 years of environmental progress bc of regulators and statists. I do not want that same fate for AI
    That's an insane take lack of regulation is what doomed nuclear power because most of the major incidents that are seared in the public consciousness were due to major failures in following safety protocols. Now you want to YOLO with technology which main goal is to replace most jobs in our society and control all aspects of our lives.

  5. #96365
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    The middle class taxpayer is so screwed;

    According to the document, some ideas for funding those tax breaks include eliminating the mortgage home deduction, a popular break for homeowners, and the deductibility of student loan interest. Other methods to drum up more money include an across-the-board 10% import tariff — essentially, a universal tax on U.S. imports that would be paid by consumers.

    The plan also outlines ideas for cutting federal spending, primarily by trimming outlays for social safety net programs such as Medicaid and food stamps. Overall, the document points to a potential tax overhaul that could put more money in the pockets of wealthier Americans while cutting assistance for low- and middle-class taxpayers, experts say.

    "If you are extending the tax cuts and enacting tariffs and cutting Medicaid, that will deliver benefits more among higher-income households, and more of a cost will be born by lower-income households," Joseph Rosenberg, a senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, a tax-focused think tank, told CBS MoneyWatch.

    Adding a blanket 10% tariff could raise $1.9 trillion over the next decade, according to the document shared with Republican lawmakers. But tariffs are largely paid by consumers because companies tend to raise their prices to cover the extra import duties. Mr. Trump's tariffs could add $2,600 a year in costs for the typical U.S. family, according to an August analysis from the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a nonpartisan think tank focused on economic issues.
    $2600/year is really not that much...again, most, if not all of it offset by tax cuts and lower energy prices.

    Tariffs can be useful to protect certain domestic industries. I think the threat of blanket tariffs are just a negotiating tactic. Even Biden continued many of Trump's first term tariffs.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    2026 is shaping up to be a bloodbath.

    You'll see plenty of clips like this in 2026. As long as Trump follows through in immigration/safety, which he already has, I think the voters will largely reward them. Dems are leaderless without direction, without a message. Simply being "not Trump" and calling everyone names doesn't work anymore.

    I think you're in for a good 12+ year stretch of Dems being irrelevant. They're done.


  6. #96366
    Bloodsail Admiral
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    To be fair and I hate to be Biden was trying to negotiate the same thing at the start of the war, this view is bipartisan sadly and he is just saying the quiet part out loud.
    It actually was Jared Kushner who proposed this in 2018 before Biden took office (not Biden), when he was assigned to negotiate the Israeli-Palestinian peace deal during the 45 administration. Needless to say that proposal failed to garner any support and talks later collapsed. That's why this suggestion is coming up again now all of sudden.

  7. #96367
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    That's an insane take lack of regulation is what doomed nuclear power because most of the major incidents that are seared in the public consciousness were due to major failures in following safety protocols. Now you want to YOLO with technology which main goal is to replace most jobs in our society and control all aspects of our lives.
    Gotta agree here. If a private company can cut corners for profit, the last place I want that to happen is a nuclear power plant.

    Unless we get regulations, with teeth, and enough people to enforce said regulations, yeah, pass.
    We've played this game before. We know how it ends.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  8. #96368
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    $2600/year is really not that much
    Between 1/3 to 1/2 of Americans already live paycheck to paycheck. A sizable amount of the population doesn't have 2600$ to just fork out.

    ...again, most, if not all of it offset by tax cuts and lower energy prices.
    I'm sure those will materialize just like Infrastructure Week did the first go around.

  9. #96369
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    $2600/year is really not that much...again, most, if not all of it offset by tax cuts and lower energy prices.
    Can we see those "potential" tax cuts? I especially wanna see the government forcing lower energy prices in this instance. Not just "we'll do it" but the actual nuts and bolts of it. Not a concept of an idea.

    Until then it's actually happened, the math says that it's about $2600/year more we will have to pay.
    "Offest" by thoughts and prayers at this point since that's all they have shown.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  10. #96370
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    Id argue that nuclear is the perfect counter to naysayers. Fears of nuclear energy prevented many countries in switching to zero emissions technologies like nuclear power plants. In the 70s and 80s by people like yourself and others that believed the industry could be regulated and continue normally are what killed its progress. Instead we continue to rely on carbon and gas for power and it took 30 years for renewables to catch up.

    We wasted 30 years of environmental progress bc of regulators and statists. I do not want that same fate for AI
    I've seen some dumb takes on this site before but this has to be one of the top ones.

    It is because of the regulations around safety that nuclear power is as safe as it is. It wasn't regulations that caused people to not want nuclear power, it was the news media and the like doing scare tactics because of events like Chernobyl or Three Mile Island. They had those 2 events and pretty much everyone became afraid that if they built nuclear power plants everywhere that meltdowns would happen everywhere.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    $2600/year is really not that much...again, most, if not all of it offset by tax cuts and lower energy prices.

    Tariffs can be useful to protect certain domestic industries. I think the threat of blanket tariffs are just a negotiating tactic. Even Biden continued many of Trump's first term tariffs.

    - - - Updated - - -


    You'll see plenty of clips like this in 2026. As long as Trump follows through in immigration/safety, which he already has, I think the voters will largely reward them. Dems are leaderless without direction, without a message. Simply being "not Trump" and calling everyone names doesn't work anymore.

    I think you're in for a good 12+ year stretch of Dems being irrelevant. They're done.

    I thought it was $2000/year, now it is $2600/year. So, that is a pretty big jump.

    What is it going to be tomorrow? $3500/year?

  11. #96371
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    That's an insane take lack of regulation is what doomed nuclear power because most of the major incidents that are seared in the public consciousness were due to major failures in following safety protocols. Now you want to YOLO with technology which main goal is to replace most jobs in our society and control all aspects of our lives.
    A NEPA review takes roughly 5 or 6 years on average to complete. 5 to 6 b4 even starting to build.

  12. #96372
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    A NEPA review takes roughly 5 or 6 years on average to complete. 5 to 6 b4 even starting to build.
    That's an argument for efficient regulation not a removal of it unless you want to say that there should be no standards for nuclear or any other sector. I hate this frame of mind because it's the same bullshit republicans use to justify letting companies dump toxic waste in waters.

  13. #96373
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    Id argue that nuclear is the perfect counter to naysayers. Fears of nuclear energy prevented many countries in switching to zero emissions technologies like nuclear power plants. In the 70s and 80s by people like yourself and others that believed the industry could be regulated and continue normally are what killed its progress. Instead we continue to rely on carbon and gas for power and it took 30 years for renewables to catch up.

    We wasted 30 years of environmental progress bc of regulators and statists. I do not want that same fate for AI
    Nuclear power plants actually produce power. Regulations making them safe are why modern nuclear plants are safe, in places like Ontario. Fearmongering is regional, not universal.

    "AI" companies have produced nothing of actual value despite the massive investment and constant energy demands. Their entire business model is largely predicated on illegal activity, to boot.

    This is not a reasonable comparison.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    $2600/year is really not that much...again, most, if not all of it offset by tax cuts and lower energy prices.
    Except their taxes will be higher if their household income is under $360,000;

    You're just openly lying about things at this point.

  14. #96374
    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post

    You'll see plenty of clips like this in 2026. As long as Trump follows through in immigration/safety, which he already has, I think the voters will largely reward them. Dems are leaderless without direction, without a message. Simply being "not Trump" and calling everyone names doesn't work anymore.

    I think you're in for a good 12+ year stretch of Dems being irrelevant. They're done.

    Oh, I finally understand your name. You are "concerned" that there are other parties. You don't even care what Trump does, as long your colors are the only one. How democratic of you.

    Six months to one year until the Night of the Long Knives Part 2. This is DonOld doesn't have a stroke in the meanwhile.

    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    Id argue that nuclear is the perfect counter to naysayers. Fears of nuclear energy prevented many countries in switching to zero emissions technologies like nuclear power plants. In the 70s and 80s by people like yourself and others that believed the industry could be regulated and continue normally are what killed its progress. Instead we continue to rely on carbon and gas for power and it took 30 years for renewables to catch up.

    We wasted 30 years of environmental progress bc of regulators and statists. I do not want that same fate for AI
    You sounded just like a villain from Captain Planet. Regulations is the reason we still have a planet to live by now.

    And comparing energy to AI is just... wierd...
    Last edited by Timester; 2025-01-26 at 04:41 PM.

  15. #96375
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    That's an argument for efficient regulation not a removal of it unless you want to say that there should be no standards for nuclear or any other sector. I hate this frame of mind because it's the same bullshit republicans use to justify letting companies dump toxic waste in waters.
    You need to add 16 years to that. So 20-21 years to build one power plant. South Korea takes 4-7 years

  16. #96376
    Quote Originally Posted by En Sabah Nur View Post
    What in the "DEI hire" is this bullshit? Secretary of Homeland Security?? Jesus Christ. I guess when a cult has power, it really pays to be a devout follower...
    It's just funny because these people are everything the "DEI is awful!" crowd says they hate yet



  17. #96377
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    That's an insane take lack of regulation is what doomed nuclear power because most of the major incidents that are seared in the public consciousness were due to major failures in following safety protocols.
    I beg to differ. Fukushima was hit by a once-in-1000-years earthquake, stronger than regulations require planning for. And the Japanese do not fuck around when it comes to earthquake-proof construction.

  18. #96378
    Quote Originally Posted by NED funded View Post
    You need to add 16 years to that. So 20-21 years to build one power plant. South Korea takes 4-7 years
    Still doesn't change the point even the current state of affairs is better than your point of view which would be no regulation on nuclear proliferation and technology. We would be an endangered species if the world handled world changing discoveries with your thinking.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    I beg to differ. Fukushima was hit by a once-in-1000-years earthquake, stronger than regulations require planning for. And the Japanese do not fuck around when it comes to earthquake-proof construction.
    I said MOST Fukushima wasn't THE incident that started the souring of the public to nuclear power. I would argue dropping two nukes on civilians was the wrong foot to start.

  19. #96379
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    It's just funny because these people are everything the "DEI is awful!" crowd says they hate yet


    Remember. For them, to be a DEI hire, you have to be either a person of color, lgbtq+ or a woman. Heavens forbid if you're more than one of those things. Then you're a super DEI hire. If you're a white male, then you are obviously qualified for the job regardless of your resume

  20. #96380
    The Unstoppable Force Kathandira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Somewhatconcerned View Post
    calling everyone names doesn't work anymore.
    Yet, calling Dems names has been the modus operandi of conservatives for 20 years. One could say, this nonsense really hit the road running when the word 'snowflake' started being thrown around.

    Perhaps opponents today are all just childish and school yard level arguments is all people want to have/hear anymore.

    Additionally, "Owning the Libs" isn't a term for no reason. Rhetoric and name calling is exactly how Trump gets elected. Your ilk don't like being called Nazis. Our ilk don't like being called Liberal cucks. Sounds like we all need to thicken up a bit, eh?
    Last edited by Kathandira; 2025-01-26 at 05:47 PM.
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