"If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers
DeVos is invested in both student loan debt collectors and companies that have big holdings in for profit schools. She should never have been allowed inside a Dept of Education building, let alone leading the department.
The US will absolutely be a third world dictatorship within a couple decades at most.
These numbers are so bad it's hard to believe they aren't an outlier.
Its pretty obvious that there is a significant part of the Republican party that hates the man but sees him as a useful idiot. Now I know some will say that's not true because "HES THE MOST POPULAR REPUBLICAN EVER" its just Republicans learned something that Democrats haven't, purity tests don't work but being ruthless and changing the game as its is convenient is what works and to stay lock step to exert power. I promise you the person who hates Trump in Washington is Treason Turtle.
If there was a viable path for Kasich they would take it but for now since Trump has indoctrinated the crazies the Republican base fed raw red meat to since 2010 they have to deal with Trump for now. Essentially Republicans created this monster just to oust Obama and his goals around 2009 but they lost control of the monster they created and now have to be its slave.
Watch here in 2026. Trump wont be be venerated like Reagan, he won't be 'Meh we made a mistake it happens" like Bush but he will be forgotten, well for people who voted for him. Skroe said it best there will be a "Great Retcon" of you wont find anyone who will openly admit they voted for Trump and if they do they will make an excuse that "they were caught up in the moment", "They did it because he was entertaining (A living meme), ect. The only people that will proudly say they voted for the man are those in middle America that are already treating him like the second coming of Jesus, which is a thing ironically.
Don't believe me...this crowd already did it with W....
Last edited by akris15; 2019-03-28 at 02:25 AM.
So, did anyone else see the ghost of Steve Bannon appear on Anderson Cooper to talk about how the people can vote Trump out in 2020? Spookiest couple of minutes I've ever experienced. #Believe #WillDemiMooreLoveMe
He wasn't wrong.
He had a good point: the Dems are focused on beating Trump, not policy. This will backfire on them, ultimately as voters get tired of the same "hey, vote for us, we're not Trump" rhetoric.
- - - Updated - - -
A CNN poll....c'mon...
Last edited by Somewhatconcerned; 2019-03-28 at 08:13 AM.
Pfft. He sounds just like Ann Coulter.
To be fair, Coulter is having...issues...these days. For example:Hey liberals! Hot tip for you: You want to go after Trump? Point out he hasn’t kept any of his promises.
Yeah...No collusion and no wall. I’d prefer collusion and a wall.
Also, she's spent a LOT of the last few days running the following two items:
A) Barr did not press charges, therefore Trump was 100% exonorated and it was all a great big hoax and the MSM is evil for pushing this great big hoax
B) The charges against Jussie Smollett were dropped but he's still guilty as shit.
You'll see others do it here, I'm guessing.
Why am I not surprised to see all of those QAnon people on that Ann Coulter Twitter feed? I recently had one that I talked to on a Facebook post, and I asked them to post just 1 thing that QAnon has been right about, and so far, all they did was post me a propaganda video that looked like a teaser to some shitty documentary. They also wanted me to go to some random Youtube personality, but I didn't feel like polluting my Youtube feed with bullshit conspiracy videos.
"When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown