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  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    HoT masteries are a damn clownshow, though. They're not "character progression", they're "Hey, we designed the map to be impossible to traverse, but here are some new abilities that you can grind for to finally be able to do so!"
    Isnt gear progression games like "Hey we designed the last boss to be improssible to die, but here are some new gear that you can grind for to finally be able to kill it"

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    Pretty big gap between stronger bosses in vertical progression games and needing to grind XP just to navigate the damn map and calling it "content".
    Besides, if you're playing GW2 you probably already don't really like the vertical progression idea to begin with, so it's strange to point to it and say, "It's the same as that!" as a defense of a mechanic.
    My main game is WoW and im so sick of the gear grind there! But GW2 has also gear grind. Just of a different kind. And im not talking about "fashion" but of different stats!

  3. #203
    The complete lack of any sort of "endgame" if you aren't much into pvp/wvw (pve endgame so to speak).
    I've completed the world and i've done each of the boss events plenty of times, which just gets boring cause it's a zergfest and nothing more.
    I understand for a lot of people this is a perfect game where they can just do some stuff in small chunks but i'm at the point where everything in the game for me is pretty much "been there, done that".
    Sure i'll come back for the next expansion and do the new zones etc. though, but once done i will probably be gone again just as fast, unless they add some (better) form of endgame pve this time around

  4. #204
    I have just come back after missing three years.

    It was funny to find that since there is no vertical progression, I was able to pick it up where I left it and my main (yellows and greens with one exotic weapon) was still viable. Alright, I get clobbered in PoF content, so I got the mount and left, but all the rest is still fine.

    The masteries are a bit annoying, but it appears the PoF ones need a whole lot less experience (hundreds of thousands, not millions).

    Still hate jump puzzles (and that includes some vistas and hero point challenges).

  5. #205
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voidmaster View Post
    The complete lack of any sort of "endgame" if you aren't much into pvp/wvw (pve endgame so to speak).
    I've completed the world and i've done each of the boss events plenty of times, which just gets boring cause it's a zergfest and nothing more.
    I understand for a lot of people this is a perfect game where they can just do some stuff in small chunks but i'm at the point where everything in the game for me is pretty much "been there, done that".
    Sure i'll come back for the next expansion and do the new zones etc. though, but once done i will probably be gone again just as fast, unless they add some (better) form of endgame pve this time around
    Have you tried raids?

  6. #206
    All the disdain for masteries yet clamoring for ye ol' vertical progression grind baffles me. The latter is offered by dozens of other games on the market.

    No, the mastery system isn't perfect (I'd call it's original form at the start of HoT horrendous). Have not played PoF as of yet, so can't really comment on the new masteries via my own experience. I'd rather see some dev (Arenanet or otherwise) do something a little different rather than become "WoW Clone #56793628" out there. In this game's case, I'd rather see them flesh out the whole mastery system concept further.

    The day they add gear that is beyond ascended (in terms of stats) is the day GW2 is forever uninstalled from my PC and would also guarantee that I give any future installment of GW a pass instead of a day 1 purchase.

  7. #207
    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    I didn't see anyone saying they disliked masteries but wanted gear progression.

    I don't think they're foolish enough to add another tier on top of ascended (Not yet, at least) but what they will do is keep slowly power creeping with prefixes, runes, infusions, and so on. And frankly, the gold grind to afford just another stat set on a class that you want to try a new build on (or improve your old build) often feels worse than any "true vertical" grind in other games. ><
    I see the yearning for gear progression in GW2 here (on occasion), reddit, the game's official forum; pretty much anywhere people discuss the game.

    Hell, I quit playing the game for almost a year when they announced ascended gear. That was handled horribly; there we were, a couple months after the game came out, and after being told countless times and seeing that old "dev manifesto" video passed around about what they were going to do and not do (one such "not gonna happen" was gear progression), there we were, staring at new gear with better stats.

    Having there being new prefixes/runes/etc. somewhat pushes into some very grey territory, especially since (from what I recall in HoT, at least) you have to buy the expacs to obtain those stat prefixes, like Viper's or whatever the condi builds use. I'll just continue to zerk my way around any time I happen to play, because I don't care to farm gold for days on end just to get a gear set that's considered meta. I suppose that's one driving force for going after the legendary armor, but I've not read a thing about how to obtain that, and given my complete lack of attempts to get even the old legendary weapons, the armor will likely be the same thing for me (aka cba to fuck with all that farming).

  8. #208
    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Part of the reason I haven't bought PoF. Because of Masteries.
    PoF masteries are way better in terms of accessibility, I've skipped almost all content while doing story and only felt gated by Raptor 3 (which took about couple of hours to get and if you actually spend some time in first map, you'll easily get it). Springer 3 is also very useful and you can safely skip Skimmer and Jackal until later. Mastery points are easy to come by, you get shitton of them doing story and with insights you can max out all of the basic mounts.
    Quote Originally Posted by anaxie View Post
    Looking for Raid.
    They never found one though

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by Kazela View Post
    Having there being new prefixes/runes/etc. somewhat pushes into some very grey territory, especially since (from what I recall in HoT, at least) you have to buy the expacs to obtain those stat prefixes, like Viper's or whatever the condi builds use. I'll just continue to zerk my way around any time I happen to play, because I don't care to farm gold for days on end just to get a gear set that's considered meta. I suppose that's one driving force for going after the legendary armor, but I've not read a thing about how to obtain that, and given my complete lack of attempts to get even the old legendary weapons, the armor will likely be the same thing for me (aka cba to fuck with all that farming).
    Interesting argument. MMOs have always been all about grinding in PvE. What else would you be doing in such a game if not grind to access gated content? Sure they cannot provide endless amount of fresh and interesting story, so at some point you arrive to the grind mine and start digging. Regardless of that being for gear, masteries,vanity items, skins, achievements. It always come down to this.
    Imagine there is no grind whatsoever, you have your 5-10 hours gameplay to finish the storyline, then everything you want from the game you can get with little effort, no grinding. What would you be doing next if you are not into PvP?

  10. #210
    my main reason to stop was the limit on characters once done leveling up 3 chars there was no challenge for me

  11. #211
    The expansions with all the trees really threw me off, a truly HORRIBLE map to traverse, which is crazy since the original game does that so well, add to that the silly grindy new levels they made. Also find the group content to be very very MEH. Think the game should have had the holy trinity from the getgo.

  12. #212
    World of Warcraft... and the fact that MMOs are too much of an investment for no reward.

  13. #213
    Quote Originally Posted by Requimortem View Post
    World of Warcraft... and the fact that MMOs are too much of an investment for no reward.
    Whatever happened to the reward of simply having fun (whether that's with this game or any other MMO, or game in general).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Eleccybubb View Post
    Yeah I don't think it's fair that in order to have every class on one account you need to shell out for slots.

    Should just be 9 by default and more slots should be for alts.
    Or be like me, having all the classes at 80, only to have HoT come out and not be able to play Revenant at all due to no slots available (which they rectified before that xpac came out). Pretty sure I wouldn't have picked it up had they not done that.

  14. #214
    I liked Guild Wars 2 well enough, but the story never completely hooked me, so I never got a character higher than the 40s. My problem is that every piece of additional content they've put out seems to be for max level play. So while I like the idea of the new specializations, and some look really cool, the idea of having to level all the way just to enjoy it is off putting to me.

  15. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by Kazela View Post
    Whatever happened to the reward of simply having fun (whether that's with this game or any other MMO, or game in general).
    I don't know, when did MMO developers forget what fun is?

  16. #216
    The game just never sticks with me over the long term, though there's an almost absurd amount of 'stuff' to do if you want to invest the time.

    I will tend to pick it up, play my face off for a week or 2, and then just stop for no apparent reason. It's nice that the game allows for that I suppose, but the bones of the game just don't have what I'm looking for I suppose. Combat tends to feel pretty generic, the lack of really defined roles has its downside as well. I will give credit where it's due... even though this isn't a truly open world game, the zones are some of the best I've seen in an MMO.

  17. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by Kazela View Post
    Whatever happened to the reward of simply having fun (whether that's with this game or any other MMO, or game in general).
    It was always an illusion. After 2 months of classic, every one figured it out...

  18. #218
    Because it's just not Guild Wars to me. It has the name but they fundamentally changed the game from the ground up. Guild Wars 1 with the mission style dungeons/questing was amazing and fun to play. I use to love watching pvp matches in the hall of champions or whatever or participating myself. I don't know the game just doesn't feel the same to me. I've tried so hard to make it a main mmo but it's just better off being something you log into once in a while and log off for months.
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  19. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bennett View Post
    I bought it and realised that WoW was better in every aspect and haven't touched it since
    Even though WoW has been adopting elements from GW2 since GW2 was launched?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by melodramocracy View Post
    The game just never sticks with me over the long term, though there's an almost absurd amount of 'stuff' to do if you want to invest the time.

    I will tend to pick it up, play my face off for a week or 2, and then just stop for no apparent reason. It's nice that the game allows for that I suppose, but the bones of the game just don't have what I'm looking for I suppose. Combat tends to feel pretty generic, the lack of really defined roles has its downside as well. I will give credit where it's due... even though this isn't a truly open world game, the zones are some of the best I've seen in an MMO.
    The games blessing and curse. There is so much to do that many lose focus and lose interest. Theres no pressure to get anything done , not to what you should be doing, no current tier to really catch up to.

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bennett View Post
    First I've heard of it - are you sure? WoW would be getting shit if that were true
    Because people either like the adaptions, hate them (see reasons why people like Legion), or pretend that Blizzard has come with the ideas on their own. Not really worth listing all the adaptions but open world WoW becomes more and GW2 like every feature patch.

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