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  1. #41
    World of warcraft.
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  2. #42
    I'm at work

    But I plan on playing some tonight.
    You're not allowed to discuss conspiracy theories on mmo-champion, which makes me wonder what they're trying to hide.

  3. #43
    I don't want to buy the new expansion so I have no motivation to update the game and log in. Previously I would occasionally do so but no more from here on out.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Theprejudice View Post
    It's all psychological. If you never hard reset the progression, whether it's gear or simply cosmetics/events then you will feel like you're behind everyone else. I feel this and even my GF mentioned the same thing.
    I can understand that for cosmetic/events, but the gear treadmill is so ridiculously short that I don't see gear progression as an impediment.
    You're not allowed to discuss conspiracy theories on mmo-champion, which makes me wonder what they're trying to hide.

  5. #45
    Personally speaking, my biggest hang up for being able to jump in is the combat system and the systems supporting them. The combat in game itself feels really clunky and I have such a hard time enjoying. Then it's supported by a weapons system that is personally frustrating to deal with (I personally like the idea of gameplay being changed as you change weapons, just not in this way) and a very harsh set of restrictions on abilities you're allowed to keep on your bar. Then there's the masteries systems, and the attunement (I think that's what they're called, it's that system that allows you to pick an element or a discipline and slightly modify your combat abilities) system which seems all over the place.

    I could tolerate the clunky combat system if there was a streamlining of the other systems in place.

  6. #46
    I had a lot of fun with the game in the beginning, leveling characters quickly with crafting, and exploring all the zones for rewards, but all that was gutted so people would spend more money on gems. I think what burnt me out was the craptastic dungeons.. Pillar-humping pulls and shitty mechanics all for garbage rewards. The limited based on weapons skills got boring fast and felt clunky.

    Last time I played, there were these plant things you had to kill in a desert, and the highlight of the event was digging up boxes in a zerg /it was so fucking stupid/
    Disarm now correctly removes the targets’ arms.

  7. #47
    World of Warcraft mostly.

    The thing about MMOs is it takes a huge investment if you play them the way I play them. I'm the type of player who likes to achievement hunt, collect everything and really delve into the lore - so it's extremely time consuming to dive deep on multiple games like this.

    GW2 is still a great game. I get an occasional itch to go back and check it out, but I'm almost immediately confronted by what feels like a total lack of polish compared to my main game.

    Also I feel like I have to delete a character if I REALLY want to give it another shot because I'm so far removed from the storyline, mechanics, classes and systems that hopping right onto an old mid-level character is just too confusing for me. And it would probably be best just to start from level 1 and re-experience the game, then once I get back into it, use one of those level boosts they shower you with.

    One of the strengths of GW2 that originally tugged me away from WoW was the open world events and level scaling. These systems have been applied to WoW recently so now the only main itch I get for GW2 is to replay a particular class or explore a zone I haven't seen yet.

  8. #48
    Herald of the Titans Lotus Victoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pickynerd View Post
    I had a lot of fun with the game in the beginning, leveling characters quickly with crafting, and exploring all the zones for rewards, but all that was gutted so people would spend more money on gems. I think what burnt me out was the craptastic dungeons.. Pillar-humping pulls and shitty mechanics all for garbage rewards. The limited based on weapons skills got boring fast and felt clunky.

    Last time I played, there were these plant things you had to kill in a desert, and the highlight of the event was digging up boxes in a zerg /it was so fucking stupid/
    If I understand correctly, you're talking about the Silverwastes. I'm a big GW2 fan and I hate hate hate that place.

    The new areas are way sweeter. Thanks god!

  9. #49
    I don't have my PC anymore so... did they ever make it Mac compatible? Last time I played it, it wasn't.

  10. #50
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witchblade77 View Post
    it has everything to do with groups. I used to be able to contribute plates and food to the picnic, to use your analogy by earning them via solo activity. I cannot do so anymore, the only way to EARN those plates and food is to complete guild activities - specific guild activities which i cannot complete solo, those have to be done with a group.
    not sure why you keep bring up guild activities because not what i said. in fact your first sentence is exactly what i described...

    and there is a huge difference between wanting to play with the guild and being forced into specific activities with the guild. some times I just want to run around the world, while still chatting in guild chat. i know... its an odd concept and all for you in seems, but I have played this way in every MMO. its possible to want to be social without being forced to group all the time. especially when its limited to specific few activities, in a way GW2 has been doing it with everything. including daily Meta. I used to be able to play in any zone that I wanted to, do whatever I felt like and still be able to work towards the meta, but nowadays? I have to go to specific zones and do specific limited things and hope for the best that there are enough non fractal things for me to do to complete the meta. so don't complete the meta, you say? yeah, I stopped doing it after realizing how much I hated trying to get a hit or two in during event that ends in 30 seconds becasue of all the zerging people. and then I just lost interest in completing the map all together.
    you're talking about the dailies that give you 2 gold when you complete them. fractals arent part of those at all. you only need to complete 3 out of 16 possible task to get whats a negligible reward anyway. 3.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Straamibuu View Post
    I don't have my PC anymore so... did they ever make it Mac compatible? Last time I played it, it wasn't.
    they have a mac client now

  11. #51
    i can't afford heart of thorns/path of fire
    "Remember when trade conversation had to do with bartering goods and services? Pepperidge Farm remembers..."

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Lotus Victoria View Post
    If I understand correctly, you're talking about the Silverwastes. I'm a big GW2 fan and I hate hate hate that place.

    The new areas are way sweeter. Thanks god!
    Yup, that's the place, prime example of lazy design.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by pacox View Post
    not sure why you keep bring up guild activities because not what i said. in fact your first sentence is exactly what i described...

    you're talking about the dailies that give you 2 gold when you complete them. fractals arent part of those at all. you only need to complete 3 out of 16 possible task to get whats a negligible reward anyway. 3.

    - - - Updated - - -

    they have a mac client now

    Let people explain how they feel, and why they don't play, stop badgering them ffs.
    Disarm now correctly removes the targets’ arms.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Lotus Victoria View Post
    This is something that I hear frequently against Guild Wars 2, and I really really don't understand. Guild Wars 2 has as much endgame as many other MMO's nowadays - When it launched, the game lacked endgame, okay, but now we have Raids, Fractals and Masteries, same as WoW, for example. We also have the Living Story, a lot of fun activities, Bounty Hunting, etc etc etc.
    But are there new raids every 6 months and 8+ new dungeons every 2 years?

    I don't find it a problem, personally, but suggesting it has as much fresh endgame content as WoW is a lil disingenuous.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Nah nah, see... I live by one simple creed: You might catch more flies with honey, but to catch honeys you gotta be fly.

  14. #54
    nothing, since there's content droughts in every MMO.

    I'm back, still playing WoW but there's currently not much new in WoW so I play GW2. It's quite cheap, the expansion was a one time purchase and there's so much new stuff since I left after HoT.

    Mounts are fun, flying feels like actually flying with momentum and speed and the world gets bigger and bigger every 2 months.

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by pacox View Post
    not sure why you keep bring up guild activities because not what i said. in fact your first sentence is exactly what i described...

    you're talking about the dailies that give you 2 gold when you complete them. fractals arent part of those at all. you only need to complete 3 out of 16 possible task to get whats a negligible reward anyway. 3.

    - - - Updated - - -

    they have a mac client now
    uh. again, last I checked, i can no longer contribute to the guild solo. there is no longer a vendor i can buy those "plates" and "food" from. the only way to get them is to complete specific guild activities. that's why i keep bringing it up. I'm currently in a tiny guild for example. at any given time, there might be 3 people active, if we coordinate being online. this is not enough for anything other then guild pvp activity. i don't like pvp. so... we cannot level our guild unless we bring in more people. before the change? at one point another guild I was in (friend's guild) I would be the only person online for days. and I was still. able. to level. a guild. by myself. alone. THIS IS NO LONGER POSSIBLE. you can no longer earn guild influence. and guild favor is ONLY earned while completing guild activities which are not possible solo.

    moreover. out of those 16 possible activities, for daily meta (that btw also adds to overall achievement points, or used to - points that at specific intervals award chests with goodies in them, like a skin you cannot get anywhere else, so to me, being able to have a secondary source of achievement points was part of the draw) which are not even actualy 16 - right now I'm looking at 12 options for me. (yes I logged in to check)

    so out of those 12 options - 8 are pvp only. so that's out. today I'm lucky since out of 4 options left, only one is a minidungeon, the rest i can actualy do. event completer, miner, vista viewer. but they are still limited. i will give them that much, at least you now have an option of 2-3 zones in a region, rather then one specific zone like it was when they just changed it. there are still days though where out of those 4 options - one is a public boss and the other is a fractal or a jumping puzzle (which i'm awful at). unless they changed it recently in that case - good for them, but from looking at the page, fractals and world bosses in regular daily meta rotation are still possible.

    its very limiting. it used to be, that i had a LOT of different options, like events anywhere, gathering ANYWHERE, deconstructing scraps, etc etc. I didn't have to change what I was doing to complete meta. yes its just 10 achievement points, but I can still see 5 reward chests ahead of me, and it would have been nice to get some extra options to get closer to them. not. anymore. and that leaves me bitter enough so that I derive almost no enjoyment from activities that I did enjoy in GW2 before all the changes. coupled with awkward combat and... yeah.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Pickynerd View Post
    Yup, that's the place, prime example of lazy design.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Let people explain how they feel, and why they don't play, stop badgering them ffs.
    he's just convinced that I'm factually wrong about things that are bothering me. I'm not.

  16. #56
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    @Witchblade77 im going to assume you dont have a guild hall.

    NE Lions Arch is the Guild Initiative building. Inside the building are various npcs for upgrading/leveling/whatever your guild.

    - - - Updated - - -
    @Witchblade77 im going to assume you dont have a guild hall.

    NE Lions Arch is the Guild Initiative building. Inside the building are various npcs for upgrading/leveling/whatever your guild.

    Easy Guild trek and bounties and be soloed. You can piggyback off other guilds to get the races done.
    Last edited by PACOX; 2017-10-11 at 07:59 PM.

  17. #57
    Pit Lord RH92's Avatar
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    I still play the game, but I just can't get 'addicted' to spend a lot of time in it.

    My personal theory why that is, the game is rather solitary and calm. When I have a time to play games I usually want to get into some action quickly and be done with it in an hour and half. I turn on Guild Wars when I want to chill and explore the world while listening to some music, but then you have all the annoying masteries to do and it can quickly turn into chore.

  18. #58
    Their stat system is extremely difficult to understand at first glance. I honestly think more than anything, that is what pushes people away. Do I need condition damage, do I need power? Why can't I have a balance of both? Why don't my skills explain which one I need? Why is this spec frowned upon? Why do I get declined from every Fractal I apply to? GW2 players are some of the most elitist I've ever seen, but mainly because the disparity between a person w ho has played for 2 months vs a person who has played for 2 years is astronomical. It is not easy to pick up and play well.

    I just started playing again, my necro is 80, I've cleared 3 zones to 100% in PoF, and I still do not have a clue if I'm building my character correctly, if my dps is good. I only die occasionally, but I just feel so lost after playing this for months, and still just dont get it. WoW is very easy and straightforward. You can figure out everything with just the in game stuff. I suck at wow, but can pull orange parses fairly often. GW2 just lacks a way for new players to join and learn.

  19. #59
    Herald of the Titans Lotus Victoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oplawlz View Post
    But are there new raids every 6 months and 8+ new dungeons every 2 years?

    I don't find it a problem, personally, but suggesting it has as much fresh endgame content as WoW is a lil disingenuous.
    The endgame of WoW has always been the raiding scene, and that's great, the raids there are very very fun and challenging, while GW2's endgame is focused on the Living World, exploring new areas, completing map metas and etc. Having new dungeons every xpac is also cool, but most of them became invalidated by new patches and gear, making them a bit redundant, which is a shame. GW2 also nerfed its dungeons to the point of most of them becoming abandoned, which is also a big shame.

    I find WoW's endgame formula very repetitive, you always gear up for raids to get better gear to raid more, and most people come to GW2 with that in mind - reaching max level and wanting to go to the raiding scene immediatly. There is a lot of content in the open world which is very fun and sometimes even addicting to do. They are different games with different playerbases in mind, but I think that both have great amounts of endgame. It's a matter of opinion if you want to do the endgame content or not!

  20. #60
    The graphics are....meh.

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