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  1. #1
    Herald of the Titans Lotus Victoria's Avatar
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    What's preventing you from coming back to/playing Guild Wars 2?

    Greetings champions, good to see you, as always.

    This is a question for those who do not play Guild Wars 2 - either people that have already played it, or those who didn't try the game yet and lack something to try it.

    What's preventing you from coming back or playing this game?

  2. #2
    Too much I don't understand, too much to learn now. I don't have the time or patience to switch from 1 MMO I play frequently back to Guild Wars 2. My highest level character was 45. The levelling is dross. Can't bring myself to do it.

  3. #3
    The Lightbringer Nurvus's Avatar
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    Seriously, though, I'd play it if it felt like Guild Wars. It doesn't.
    Last edited by Nurvus; 2017-10-10 at 02:41 PM.
    Why did you create a new thread? Use the search function and post in existing threads!
    Why did you necro a thread?

  4. #4
    Really can't be arsed to try and engage myself into it. It feels like i have no sort of power progression in the game.
    I know there's stuff like masteries and all that, but since levels always stay the same it basically gives you a gut feeling of being 4 years behind everyone else

  5. #5
    because im a healthy male

  6. #6
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theprejudice View Post
    Really can't be arsed to try and engage myself into it. It feels like i have no sort of power progression in the game.
    I know there's stuff like masteries and all that, but since levels always stay the same it basically gives you a gut feeling of being 4 years behind everyone else
    How do you feel 4 years behind if the stats are the same.

    The stat progression the same as any game if your always doing the current tier of tend. The difference is that in GW2 you can never outgear end game content. Raid Wing 1 will always feel like Wing 1, it gets easier as you master the mechanics and your class, not because you waiting for the latest batch of welfare epics to come out.

    Some people like grinding the next tier x should feel like tier y should feel like tier z (disregarding actual mechanics) when each respective tier is considered the "progression tier" anyway. So why no just get rid of the middle man and make every thing one tier?

  7. #7
    As a completionist I missed stuff that is now unobtainable. This makes the game unplayable to me. If every single item was somehow still obtainable, I would play.

  8. #8
    The Patient Blackspiral's Avatar
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    I played the original Guild Wars, and liked the style, but the main issue for me is time constraints. MMO's are very time intensive, as such I tend to stick with one, sometimes two at a time.
    Currently I have WOW and SWTOR on deck. This may change, seeing as I don't play either anywhere near as much as I used to, but given my wacky work schedule, I doubt it.

  9. #9
    First I'd need to relearn how to play my engineer, it seems heavily modified from the last time I regularly played and I haven't found the time to do so. It seems like the engineer debuff spreader is no longer an option, so I'd need to regear completely. Then I'd need to buy the expansion, and probably the previous expansion, and would eventually want to unlock the story that I missed. All of that is required for me to start making progress again and I could just spend that money and time on tons of new things rather than one old thing that I liked but may not be able to get back in to.

  10. #10
    lack of meaningfull endgame

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by pacox View Post
    How do you feel 4 years behind if the stats are the same.

    The stat progression the same as any game if your always doing the current tier of tend. The difference is that in GW2 you can never outgear end game content. Raid Wing 1 will always feel like Wing 1, it gets easier as you master the mechanics and your class, not because you waiting for the latest batch of welfare epics to come out.

    Some people like grinding the next tier x should feel like tier y should feel like tier z (disregarding actual mechanics) when each respective tier is considered the "progression tier" anyway. So why no just get rid of the middle man and make every thing one tier?
    Because there's no "reset" in terms of expansion like in WoW, so you are literally 4 years behind everyone else.

  12. #12
    multiple things and most of them are changes that HoT brought (well to be fair, few patches prior to that but still)

    1. changes to daily meta. I used to be able to just play wherever, doing whatever i felt like and still be able to complete daily meta achievements. now - its a few specific tasks only, with solo pve being extremely limited (I have no interest in fractals or pvp)
    2. changes to guild system, specifically contributing to guild leveling. I used to be able to contribute in my own small ways while solo playing. nowadays, its guild activities only, and the smallest number of players required is 3 (for pvp - which I have no interest in)
    3. general shift in focus from casual solo player friendly to end game raiding and just general more hardcore, spontaneous zone groups need not apply style of play

    now. all of the above may or may not be better for overall health of the game. i don't know. all I know is that all of the above changed it from the game I played daily to the game I randomly once in a blue moon log into, pick up daily login reward, try to play, realize that i'm not really enjoying myself anymore aside from just looking at pretty environments, and log out again.

  13. #13
    Stood in the Fire
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    I've got the first one but don't feel like buying the expansions to keep up and WoW has taken what little free time I want to dedicate to it. Being a parent I only have about 2-3 hours a night to play. Me and the Misses don't play while our son is awake, he's 5. Don't want him to know his parents as being ALWAYS on the computer.

  14. #14
    Herald of the Titans Lotus Victoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaykay View Post
    lack of meaningfull endgame
    This is something that I hear frequently against Guild Wars 2, and I really really don't understand. Guild Wars 2 has as much endgame as many other MMO's nowadays - When it launched, the game lacked endgame, okay, but now we have Raids, Fractals and Masteries, same as WoW, for example. We also have the Living Story, a lot of fun activities, Bounty Hunting, etc etc etc.

  15. #15
    Almost everything'a a skillshot, and the control scheme added with dodging feels extremely awkward when paired with it.

    I love the crafting system, I can appreciate the game's depth, and the exploration the world offers. Never hit endgame, so can't comment on that.

  16. #16
    Field of view motion sickness. Don't know what it is, but it's a problem for me.
    - My setup ain't all that strong, can't play GW2 at graphics settings that'd do the game justice
    - I don't care about the story of the game
    - The progression portion of the game is just too different from what I'm used to.

    I will return for a time in the future when my setup is upgraded, just to soak in the atmosphere, music and a bit of gameplay.

  17. #17
    Bloodsail Admiral Cinnamohn's Avatar
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    Too expensive and time-consuming to consider returning. 125g to my name and barely any inventory or bank space. Don't even know where I'd begin, as I quit long before HoT came out. $100 wouldn't even get me out of the ditch, nor would I pay that sort of price to see if I'd even like to return.

  18. #18
    I loved the vanilla style of GW2.. It was super friendly for someone like me who likes to explore on my own. Doing everything every zone had to offer was super amazing for me. At max level I actually enjoyed farming world bosses, even if it ment checking websites when certain boss will be up.

    What I dont like in the previous expansion (well actually by the end of vanilla too), I kind of felt like I was forced to group up in order to farm / grind the contents and that was a big turn off for me. I know what you will be saying, "its an MMO, you arent supposed to play alone". But having that option from vanilla was the biggest thing for me to even play GW2. Much like WOW where you can easily solo yourself up to max level without being in a group (aside from dungeon / bg runs).

    Being a WOW player for so many years, raiding and running dungeon isnt the top of my agenda. It was the feeling of explore a new game, a new open world. get to know a new storyline. And thoose are the things I prefer doing solo.

  19. #19
    Brewmaster Evaddon's Avatar
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    I come back to it often and I just can't get into it no matter how many attempts. The game has HUGE glaring problems that fans just ignore or choose to live with from my perspective...the classes are honestly dull yet unique, they sound cool on paper and in tooltips but actually playing these classes is downright BORING...There's alot of things that keep me away from it. MAYBE it gets better around endgame but I haven't been able to stomach the leveling of it to reach that far and If I can't reach the base game end game I have no interest buying an expansion for a boost.

    Also the game tries to have this depth and complexity that just doesn't work for me, its not hard by any means. Its just unnecessary, could be done better and with more creatively
    Last edited by Evaddon; 2017-10-10 at 11:20 PM.

  20. #20
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theprejudice View Post
    Because there's no "reset" in terms of expansion like in WoW, so you are literally 4 years behind everyone else.
    I still dont get it. What do other players have that you dont? If its masteries, you dont need HoT masteries for PoF, in fact I almost never glide on PoF maps.

    The few masteries needed for raiding take 2 days if that to get.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Witchblade77 View Post
    2. Not sure what you mean by that one. Guilds level through upgrades. Anyone can contribute to said upgrades by donating to the guild. Guild missions have always been part of the equation.

    3. Huh? The game is as casual or hardcore as you want its always been.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sederath View Post
    Almost everything'a a skillshot, and the control scheme added with dodging feels extremely awkward when paired with it.

    I love the crafting system, I can appreciate the game's depth, and the exploration the world offers. Never hit endgame, so can't comment on that.
    Most stuff isnt a."skill shot" (i know what youre referring to" and theres auto targeting even for AOE skills that you have to place.

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