1. #1

    JC: Crowns vs Gems

    Hi all.

    I recently lvled JC in one of my alts to dump in Primal Sargerite for epic gems. I saw a post on wowhead from wow economy that crowns sell pretty good too at the moment so i wanted your opinion. Is it worth saving up materials and making Crowns or just make epic gems? On my low pop server gems seem to be an easy market with ~1k per gem. Haven't checked for crowns though.

  2. #2
    You need to check the crown prices of course and if you like what you see, make one and see if it sells. Don't go mad making half a dozen of each. I'd personally make one of what ever is the highest price and see how I get on. For a low pop realm you may have to wait a bit.

  3. #3
    Crowns are better by far, but have a longer time to sell. And there's just so many different crowns that can be made from each Armor type, I believe theres 10 or 15 of each? Some Sell extremely well, and others will not sell at all.

    I make on average 80 crowns a week, but i generally only sell 40ish in a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. But this all depends on your server. And the only people who are buying these crowns are fresh, rich level 110 Alts. So I personally don't see these crowns being very profitable on a Dead server.

    So I'd say focus on Gems if you're not getting very many of them, but if you're bringing in a lot of gems a Week, turn em into crowns.

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