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It all depends on what you mean by viable, optimal in a raiding scenario or merely useable, if it's garbage in PvE but fantastic in PvP, is it viable then?
Every single spec WORKED in vanilla raiding, except for Prot paladins maybe, not having a taunt simply meant there were some fights you functionally couldn't do.
But besides that... feral druids could tank and DPS, warriors/rogues did it much better, but it could be done, and in PvP feral was perfectly fine, maybe even OP in 1vs1, oomkins could dps, mages and warlocks did it better, but again... it could be done, and again in PvP oomkins were perfectly fine, against any class that had no self healing they were monsters at kiting, healing and slowly wearing them down.
Prot paladins were FANTASTIC 5 man tanks, especially in the endgame when you were rushing through dungeons, having a good paladin tank was SWEET, you could finally AoE to your hearts content, and their solo AoE farming was kinda crazy, as for Retribution, again a dedicated melee dps could do it better, but no vanilla bosses were tuned for min maxing dps, so like feral and oomkin, the dps didn't really matter, it was fine.
Then we have Shamans, elemental, like oomkin, have mana problems in long fights, but with proper consumables can deal with it and like the other dps hybrids, end up in the lower middle of the pack, and in PvP, elemental was kinda terrifying, their burst was kinda mental, and enhancement? Same deal again, meh dps, but brought good buffs for a melee group, just stick him on nightfall duty and it would be kinda hard to argue that he was a "wasted raid spot", and we all remember how messed up a good enhancement shaman could be in PvP.
So who's left of the "unviable" specs? Shadow priests? Beasts in PvP and after the ZG patch, a critical part of the ranged dps team, not to mention how fantastic they were on Loatheb, one of the hardest fights in Vanilla.
All of these hybrids... sure, they werent topping any meters in long raid fights, but the gulf between "viable" and "optimal" is huge.
IMO, "unviable specs", were simply not a thing in vanilla, they all had their place, their strengths, and their weaknesses, meassuring viability by a raid damage meter is a silly way to go about things.