I've added more ideas to the Lore inclusion of a new generation (Allied Races) of Death Knights and Demon Hunters to a bigger concept of the war of Quel'thalas. Below is how this first post is organized:
- Allied Races & Hero Classes
- Lore concepts to give the second generation of Death Knights and Demon Hunters
- The Allied Races for Death Knights and Demon Hunters
- The War for Quel'thalas
- New Allied Races: High Elves / Elven Rangers VS. San'layn / Dark Rangers (thanks for the High Elves ideas from other players in the thread of the silver convenant concepts)
Allied Races & Hero Classes
I think i have come up with ideas that could make Hero Classes viable for Allied Races, including fitting their existence in Battle of Azeroth’s theme.
Arthas is dead and Bolvar Fordragon maintains the control over the Scourge after becoming the third Lich King (10 years ago). Illidan and Sargeras are now sealed in the Titan’s Pantheon, and the Burning Crusade threat is over. I believe it is time to gain a new generation of Death Knights and Demon Hunters, a version 2.0, not trained by Arthas or Illidan, but by others who can pass on their training. Also the Death Knights and Demon Hunters do not have any more class missions to achieve because both Arthas and Sargeras were defeated, so it is time for them to split and serve their factions once again. And the Allied Races would be perfect to implement this new generation of Hero Classes, also stating at level 20, allowing heritage farming through them as well and removing the server restrictions applied to hero classes for these race – class combos.
This would also be a good time to introduce other facial options than the glowing eyes to all existing Death Knights. I would love that my death knight could have the Thassarian face tattoo instead of the glowing eyes, or other cosmetic options. Amal’thazad could be the NPC in Acherus that could change these Death knight only features.
Introduction of the new generation 2.0 of Death Knights and Demon Hunters: With the events occurred in Battle for Azeroth, both demon hunters and death knights could not stay neutral forever while seeing their people requesting their aid in battle. The missions their classes were required for are complete, so it is time to return to their brethren and aid them in their fight. There should be a special cut scene so explain the faction split in each of the hero class orders, the Illidari and the Ebon Blade. I suggest the introduction of these classes should be in patch 8.1.
Death Knights’ Ebon Blade split:
• Neutral Death Knight Leaders: Lich King, Four Horsemen, Amal’thazad, Rottgut, other Acherus NPCs
• Faction Death Knight Leaders:
o Alliance: Thassarian
o Horde - Koltira Deathweaver (Yes I know, Sylvanas feud, explanation below)
Demon Hunters’ Illidari Split:
• Neutral Demon Hunter Leaders: All non-Elf NPCs in the Fel Hammer, except Akama.
• Faction Demon Hunters:
o Alliance: Altruis the Sufferer, Akama, other Night Elf Demon Hunters
o Horde: Kayn Sunfury, Shade of Akama, other Blood Elf Demon Hunters
The Lore behind the rupture in the Ebon Blade: Sylvanas finds Koltira. Koltira is furious to see her and tries to fight her, but Sylvanas does not wish to fight him. She has come to apologize for what she has done to him and she tells him that what she has done to him was one of her biggest mistakes. She knows that he will never forgive her for what she has done to him, but their personal feud should not be more important than the plea she is about to ask him. The people to whom they both once belonged to, Quelthalas, is in risk of being invaded by the Alliance. Both of them, Sylvanas and Koltira were once Elves and they both died defending their once beloved city. Undercity has already fallen, and it is a matter of time before the same happens to Quelthalas. She cannot allow seeing their beloved city being destroyed by their enemies once again, and for that she has come to ask for his aid. Only both of them can truly understand the plea she is asking him. Sylvanas needs the aid of the Death knights to help her defend Quelthalas and in their fight against the Alliance. After much consideration, Koltira accepts her request. After summoning the Acherus horde death knights to leave to orgrimmar, Thassarian appears in shock, asking him how could he betray him and join Sylvanas, after all that has happened. Koltira replies that he is sad that things have turn out this way, but he needs to defend his old people from the alliance. He tells him he will never forget what Thassarian has done for him, though. Thassarian tells him that this will force him and the Alliance Death Knights to join the Alliance cause as well. At that moment Darion appears. He comes with a message from the Lich King. He says that the Lich King, Acherus and the four horsemen will remain neutral in this war, but they will help both of them bolster the Death Knight ranks in both factions. Koltira leaves with Sylvanas while Thassarian heads to Stormwind.
The Lore behind the rupture in the Illidari: Sylvanas tells Koltira that there is still something she must do before returning to Orgrimmar and she asks him to come with her. Koltira sends his Death Knights to Orgrimmar and goes with her. Sylvanas reaches the Fel Hammer’s entrance. Kayn sees her and Koltira and is surprised, especially after knowing about their famous feud. Sylvanas told him that something very important has united both of them, despite their differences, which is he safety of their old home, Quel’thalas, the very reason all three of them became the scarred creatures they have turned themselves into. Kayn was touched by her speech and replied that all he has ever done was to protect his people. He saw Illidan the leader that could aid them to save their world and the sunwell from the Burning Legion. But now the Burning Legion is defeated. And his feud with Altruis is getting bigger and unbearable. Without a mission, all demon hunters are feeling empty and the illidari is falling apart with the differences between them. He asks Sylvanas why he is summoning the Death Knights and now the Demon Hunters for Quel’Thalas, and Sylvanas tells him the same thing she told Koltira. Koltira told him he accepted her request and would also be honoured to have Kayn fight side by side with him once again. Two other blood elf demon hunters joined the conversation and asked Kayn what he was waiting for. Their sacrifice was mainly to save their people, and now they are in danger once again. Kayn agreed to Sylvanas and Koltira’s plea and accepted joining their ranks. He tells them he has seen how Master Illidan has trained the Illidari, and under his command he could train new races to join their cause.
At that moment Altruis and Akama appear and accuse them from breaking up the Illidari. Altruis says Kayn called him a traitor once, but now it is him who is destroying the Illidari. He did not try to break the Illidari when Sylvanas destroyed the Night Elf home of Theldrassil, and now Kayn joins the one who ordered the destruction of the Night Elf home, and this is something the night elf Illidari will never forgive. Kayn replies that they will never understand each other, and that Altruis should have never been allowed in the Illidari. At that moment the Shade of Akama brings the blood elf demon hunters to join Kayn’s side, while the night elf demon hunters join Altruis. Sylvanas tells him it is time to go, and tells them to leave to Orgrimmar. Before they leave, Matron Malevolence appears and tells them that the Fel Hammer will always be a sanctuary for all demon hunters and that it will stay neutral to the cause of the war. All of them would be welcome to return there in peace when needed. Kayn nods to the Matron and the Blood Elf Illidari leave with Sylvanas, Koltira, Kayn and the Shade of Akama. Akama was enraged that his shade wasn’t delivered to him, so he could be complete once again. He told Altruis that Kayn would start training new demon hunters, and they should do the same under his leadership, as he is the best Illidari that could face Kayn and Sylvanas. The night elf demon hunters agree. Altruis tells them that it was time to go to Stormwind and join both King Anduin and Tyrande. The night elf demon hunters leave with Altruis.
These cut scenes should be seen once (and repeatable if requested) to unlock both Death Knights and Demon Hunters in the Allied Races, in the same place where the allied races are unlocked.
Allied Races’ Death Knight and Demon Hunter starting Cut Scene: The allied races starting cut scene for both hero classes should be faction based, and should be seen through the eyes of the character, so the character’s race isn’t relevant for the cut scene. They should be based on their training to become death knights and demon hunters, and after the cut scene their class faction leader (Thassarian or Altrius in the Alliance, Koltira or Kayn in the Horde) would give the character the quest to join the emissaries just like it happens with the other allied race classes. They would all start at level 20.
Death Knight Cut Scene: Under the request of the Death Knight faction leader (Thassarian or Koltira) and the agreement of the allied race character, the Lich King transforms and raises the new character as a death knight, also at the supervision of the four horsemen. The Lich King seems happy to have new Death Knights in Azeroth.
Demon Hunter Cut scene: Under the request of the character, the Demon Hunter Faction leader (Altruis or Kayn) with the aid of Akama (Akama or Shade), they help the character to do the demon hunter training Together with other Illidari (night elves or blood elves). After the training is complete, the Demon Hunter Faction leader tells him that the training is complete and it was time for him to join the Illidari as a new demon hunter.
Allied Races for Death Knights:
• “Death”-Forged Dreanei: Many who failed the test to become Lightforged, they were desolated and decided to hear the voices of other sources of magic instead of the light. Some heard the call of the Lich King and pleaded their service to Thassarian to become Deathforged, as they failed to become Lightforged.
• Void Elves: seem OK for me. They want other sources of magic and power.
• Dark Iron Dwarves: seem OK for me. They want other sources of magic and power.
• Kul Tiras Humans: seem OK for me. They want other sources of magic and power.
• Other future Races: depends on the lore
• Void Elves: Although there are DK Blood Elves, those were forced to become DKs. There are so many elven death knights and they might all seem too similar. Aren't blood and void elf death knights almost visually identical? I would not include them. (Also below i'll propose other two new elf allied races, and this would make them all look extremely similar in death knight class)
• Nightborne: seem OK for me. They want other sources of magic and power.
• Zandalari Trolls: seem OK for me. They want other sources of magic, and they are spiritual Trolls, which would fit the necromancy theme.
• Mag’har orcs: seem OK for me. They want other sources of magic and power.
• Other future Races: depends on the lore
• Highmountain Tauren: Although there are DK Tauren, those were forced to become DKs. Would Highmountain be willing to become Death Knights? I would not include them.
Allied Races for Demon Hunters:
• “Fel”-Forged Draenei: Many who failed the test to become Lightforged, they were desolated and decided to hear the voices of other sources of magic instead of the light. Some felt the call of the fel and pleaded their service to Altruis to become Felforged, as they failed to become Lightforged.
• Void Elves: Angry that DH blood elves joined the horde cause, they also want to become DH.
• Nightborne: Angry that DH night elves joined the alliance cause, they also want to become DH.
• Mag’har orcs: After having the legion almost destroyed their home and they have refused to gain the fel power, they decided that fel could be useful for their cause after all.
**** UPDATE ****
My idea about the War for Quel'thalas:
Humans, Worgen, High Elves, Void Elves and Night Elves TOGETHER on the Alliance front.
Dwarves and gnomes help on the alliance provisions.
Dreanei races possibly also join the war, but maybe in another way (taking care of the wounded?).
Blood Elves, Nightborne, Undead and San'layn / Dark Ranger Elves and Zandalari / Darkspear Trolls TOGETHER on the Horde front.
Orcs and goblins help on the horde provisions.
Tauren races possibly join the war, but maybe in another way (taking care of the wounded?).
Sylvanas asks for new horde Death Knights and Demon Hunters to join her cause. As a counter reaction, Thassarian and Altruis and their alliance DKs + DHs join the forces of the Alliance.
Sylvanas also brings the Valkyr to unite her dead elven brethren: the dark rangers, the San'layn and other undead elves. They make the new allied race of undead, the undead elves. Her actions have the approval of the Blood Elves, as they are desperate to defend their city.
Alleria (and Vereesa?), horrified by the new allies Sylvanas gathered to stop them from conquering Quel'thalas decided to call upon the Silver Convenant to aid them. So the High Elves join the forces of the Alliance as a new allied race.
Here are my ideas for the High Elves (Alliance) vs. Undead Elves (Horde) Classes:
High Elves Classes (Elven Rangers, Sorcerers and Priests):
- Warrior (Swordsman)
- Hunter (Ranger)
- Rogue (Stealthed Ranger)
- Priest (Holy Priest)
- Mage (classic high elf)
- Paladin (some belonged to the Silver Hand order)
- Monk (they became friends with the Pandaren)
NO Death Knights! All Quel'thalas Death Knights are Blood Elf or San'layn / undead elves.
Undead High Elves became San'layn or Blood Elf Death Knights. See: Sylvanas (best example) and dark rangers.
(Also: Void elves originated from living blood elves. Death knight Void Elves would be visually redundant to Blood Elf / Undead Elf Death knights as well)
Undead Elves Classes (Dark Ranger / San'layn / Vampiric ghostly elves):
- Warrior (Swordsman)
- Hunter (Dark Ranger)
- Rogue (Assassin)
- Priest (Shadow Priest)
- Mage (hunger for magic)
- Death Knight (Unholy Paladin... duh!) - Must be different (more rotten / evil?) from Blood Elf Death Knights
- Warlock (Affliction / Destruction Warlocks, drain soul and health)
No Monks... Pandaren do not share the same ideals of Vampire Elves!
Excluded Classes:
- Druid (their druid ancestors remained with the night elves)
- Shaman (no connection to the elements like all the other elves)
- Demon Hunter (well... If they had become friends with Illidan before, maybe ...)
Visual concepts of the new allied races: High Elves and Undead Elves
Concept of the High Elves for the alliance:
Concept of Undead Elves (dark rangers, San'layn):