1. #1981
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    But then there's the consequences of the Blood Elves actions which the High Elves found distasteful and outright treacherous like allying with the Horde the Horde with trolls and Undead who killed their kin in the past and High Elves cannot forgive the the Blood Elves for their past transgressions of draining the life from living beings in fact the High elves at every turn have gone out of their way to be a nuisance for the Blood Elves so I'm pretty sure along with that that the Blood Elves also hate the High Elves for it.
    Kaira, this isnt a personal attack or w/e the hell you want to call it, this is a correction, Thalassian elves hate AMANI trolls, amani trolls arent part of Thrall's horde, darkspear(who never attacked them) are, revantusk are simply neutral with the horde, just because revantusk are forest trolls doesnt mean they're amani, and with the zandarali joining the horde, not all of the other tribes will fall in line (farraki general refuses on the grounds that the horde wiped out his tribe, gurubashi and amani refusing for other reasons)

  2. #1982
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    I'm not accusing you of attacking me but you see I also mentioned the undead the High Elves see them as no better than the scourge as the undead are an abomination.
    i wasnt talking about what the lich king made the undead do while they were under his will(1 mind, many bodies, not right to hold them accountable for actions they couldnt fight against however), i was pointing out that you were generalizing the elves hate of 1 troll tribe as them hating all trolls, when the current horde isnt allied with said troll tribe(which someone needs to tell Alleria.....)

  3. #1983
    Your hair options are catastrophic, even worse than the atrocity that the void elf hair options are.

  4. #1984
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    Well to be fair the Armani were allowed into the Horde at one point and that was alongside the Darkspear Trolls so they could be seen as a one and the same enemy by the High Elves.
    Warcraft Chronicles volume 3 page 150

    "Despite the elves's history of bitter warfare with the orcs, Lor'themar was receptive to the idea. He knew this Horde was different than the one that had ravaged Quel'thalas in years past."

    So, the Elves understand full well that the Horde they joined, which included Darkspear Trolls, is not the same as the one they fought against, which included Amani.

    Individuals are capable of nuance, and not lumping whole groups together for no reason.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Garfurion View Post
    Half-Elves and Half-Ogres are Half-breeds and according to word of god there are probably not enough of them to make them playable and they also lack lore.

    Half-races are so rare in Warcraft that we don't really have any established lore. (That I'm aware of). -- Dave Kosak

    “We don't have that many cross-breeds in the universe." -- Dave Kosak

    in other words: There are so few half breeds of any kind on Azeroth today that they cannot be considered a race. Half breeds of any kind do not gather in any significant numbers, nor do they act as a coordinated whole. They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals. Indeed, half breeds of any kind cannot even truly be said to have a culture.
    Hmm, pity. Half Elves in WoW 2 once they've had a chance to bump up the population then.

  5. #1985
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    But you know as well as I do when the Blood Elves joined the Horde the High Elves had already abandoned the Blood Elves because they found the life essence draining distasteful so they would not be privvy to all BE and Horde activity as they were effectively exiled.
    Yet Blood Elves are the High Elves and they live right next door to the Amani. Their opinion on this matter trumps a few exiles, and the people of Quel'thalas were able to discriminate between an an enemy and a potential friend.

  6. #1986
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Warcraft Chronicles volume 3 page 150

    "Despite the elves's history of bitter warfare with the orcs, Lor'themar was receptive to the idea. He knew this Horde was different than the one that had ravaged Quel'thalas in years past."

    So, the Elves understand full well that the Horde they joined, which included Darkspear Trolls, is not the same as the one they fought against, which included Amani.

    Individuals are capable of nuance, and not lumping whole groups together for no reason.
    This also underscores the fact that Garithos' treatment of the Blood Elves was so bad, and afterwards how the Alliance treated Silvermoon instead of sending help, even the old rivalry with the Orcs and the Trolls paled in comparison in Lor'themar's mind, and it made him "receptive" to the New Horde.

    I play Alliance even I think the treatment the Alliance displayed towards the High Elves/Blood Elves that made turn to the Horde was absolutely despicable.
    When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw the height civilization can attain.
    When we looked at their ruins, we marked the danger of that height.
    - Keeper Annals

  7. #1987
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    Those Exiles are still High Elves and like it or not they are Alliance aligned. Stop trying to make it seem as if the Blood Elves are the only thalassian elves in existance because I got news for you, They aint!
    No, there also the Void Elves. I just give the Blood Elves priority because they have

    -The Sunwell, the source of life for almost all Thalassian Elves (Void Elves probably excluded)
    -The Kingdom of Quel'thalas, the state of the High and now the Blood Elves that has been in existence for thousands of years in an unbroken line from Dath'Remar Sunstrider to Kael'thas, who appointed Lor'themar as Regent in his stead. I.E. An actual independent government.
    -The City of Silvermoon, the wondrous architectural achievement of the High/Blood Elves.
    -The Eversong Woods, Ghostlands and the Isle of Quel'Danas, the traditional territory of the High/Blood Elves.
    -The Farstriders, the famous rangers and hunters of the High/Blood Elves led by the official Ranger-General, Halduron Brightwing, and not someone who has co-opted the title.
    -The Magisters, the mages who taught the first humans to use magic, the most powerful force within Blood/High Elven civilization and led by Grand Magister Rommath, the man whom everyone should really listen to when he says something the first time as he has been proven right on almost every occasion.
    -The High/Blood Elven Navy and their famous destroyers, as seen in Warcraft 2.
    -And the vast, vast majority of the Thalassian population.


    -One hut. It's a nice hut, but still a hut.
    -A Quarter in Dalaran. Scratch that, the quarter was handed over to the Worgen. Some private quarters in Dalaran.

    There is absolutely no equivalence.

  8. #1988
    Quote Originally Posted by corebit View Post
    You say morals a lot, but what is moral about their decision to stick with a faction whose leader wanted them to be slaves, and after they disobeyed wanted them rounded up and executed? Like I said, they have no self-dignity if they valued humans lives over their own.
    The people whose leader was that guy are now part of the Horde.

  9. #1989
    This is a message for all Alliance High Elf non-lovers.

    SoonTM we, the true and original arcane-blue-eyed high elves , will get our base at Quel'Danil Lodge.

    After that, it won't take long until we march over Silvermoon! We just want the city, the lower bluish elves can have the sunwell for their shadowy playground.

    There is nothing you can do to stop our movement. "We will persevere!"

    Boy, i just can't wait to see a civil elven war ingame.

    High Elves, Void Elves, Night Elves and Worgen in one side preparing for the attack upon Silvermoon, and Blood Elves, Undead Elves, Nightborne and Forsaken preparing for the defense of the city.

    That's going to be epic!
    Last edited by RangerDaz; 2018-04-24 at 06:34 PM.

  10. #1990
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    This is a message for all Alliance High Elf non-lovers.

    SoonTM we, the true and original arcane-blue-eyed high elves , will get our base at Quel'Danil Lodge.

    After that, it won't take long until we march over Silvermoon! We just want the city, the lower bluish elves can have the sunwell for their shadowy playground.

    There is nothing you can do to stop our movement. "We will persevere!"

    Boy, i just can't wait to see a civil elven war ingame.

    High Elves, Void Elves, Night Elves and Worgen in one side preparing for the attack upon Silvermoon, and Blood Elves, Undead Elves, Nightborne and Forsaken preparing for the defense of the city.

    That's going to be epic!
    A perfect example of why some people hate High Elf fans.

  11. #1991
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    No, there also the Void Elves. I just give the Blood Elves priority because they have

    -The Sunwell, the source of life for almost all Thalassian Elves (Void Elves probably excluded)
    -The Kingdom of Quel'thalas, the state of the High and now the Blood Elves that has been in existence for thousands of years in an unbroken line from Dath'Remar Sunstrider to Kael'thas, who appointed Lor'themar as Regent in his stead. I.E. An actual independent government.
    -The City of Silvermoon, the wondrous architectural achievement of the High/Blood Elves.
    -The Eversong Woods, Ghostlands and the Isle of Quel'Danas, the traditional territory of the High/Blood Elves.
    -The Farstriders, the famous rangers and hunters of the High/Blood Elves led by the official Ranger-General, Halduron Brightwing, and not someone who has co-opted the title.
    -The Magisters, the mages who taught the first humans to use magic, the most powerful force within Blood/High Elven civilization and led by Grand Magister Rommath, the man whom everyone should really listen to when he says something the first time as he has been proven right on almost every occasion.
    -The High/Blood Elven Navy and their famous destroyers, as seen in Warcraft 2.
    -And the vast, vast majority of the Thalassian population.


    -One hut. It's a nice hut, but still a hut.
    -A Quarter in Dalaran. Scratch that, the quarter was handed over to the Worgen. Some private quarters in Dalaran.

    There is absolutely no equivalence.
    Oh come on Obelisk Kai. You're getting more and more ridiculeous. Try being objective for once. This wall of text with some rp vibe does not serve you, nor it serves the debate.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  12. #1992
    Quote Originally Posted by Deno View Post
    A perfect example of why some people hate High Elf fans.
    Where is your sense of humor, man?
    Relax this is just a game.

    Besides im tired of repeating my pro high elf arguments over.. and over... and over.. over the past 2 months
    Last edited by RangerDaz; 2018-04-24 at 07:02 PM.

  13. #1993
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    This is a message for all Alliance High Elf non-lovers.

    SoonTM we, the true and original arcane-blue-eyed high elves , will get our base at Quel'Danil Lodge.

    After that, it won't take long until we march over Silvermoon! We just want the city, the lower bluish elves can have the sunwell for their shadowy playground.

    There is nothing you can do to stop our movement. "We will persevere!"


    Boy, i just can't wait to see a civil elven war ingame.

    High Elves, Void Elves, Night Elves and Worgen in one side preparing for the attack upon Silvermoon, and Blood Elves, Undead Elves, Nightborne and Forsaken preparing for the defense of the city.

    That's going to be epic!
    Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it does. I thought Ren'dorei was cringe with his forum RP, but I must say hello to the new reigning champion -- RangerDaz.

    Not only are you convinced you will get them, when Blizzard hasn't budged an inch on their stance, you also think you'd get Silvermoon?! HA-HA-HA. Even when Lordaeron falls, Silvermoon and its Sunwell would never fall into the Alliance hands. The Lich King was able to siege the city, but only because of the nature of his Scourge army. The Alliance would fail miserably.

    And what is this nonsense about "Undead Elves"? WTF?

  14. #1994
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post
    Where is your sense of humor, man?
    Relax this is just a game.

    Besides im tired of repeating my pro high elf arguments over.. and over... and over.. over the past 2 months
    Agreed that the Anti side is taking this way too seriously.

    Personally, I don't have a horse in this race, but now that Blizzard have shown they were perfectly willing to sell white Draenei, moose Tauren and blue Blood Elves as Allied Races, anything goes. Why not give the Alliance a race that has been part of them since WC2 ? Just give them unique hair cuts, tattoos and face paint, since apparently a few unique features are all it takes to make a whole new playable character race. I have no idea why some people are so vehemently opposed to this. Did High Elves murder their entire family ? idek at this point.

    Likewise, I'd love the Horde to get Revantusk Trolls, or Ogres, but Ogres have a unique model and that might be a little much to ask for, admittedly.

  15. #1995
    Quote Originally Posted by Enkrypt View Post
    Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it does. I thought Ren'dorei was cringe with his forum RP, but I must say hello to the new reigning champion -- RangerDaz.

    Not only are you convinced you will get them, when Blizzard hasn't budged an inch on their stance, you also think you'd get Silvermoon?! HA-HA-HA. Even when Lordaeron falls, Silvermoon and its Sunwell would never fall into the Alliance hands. The Lich King was able to siege the city, but only because of the nature of his Scourge army. The Alliance would fail miserably.

    And what is this nonsense about "Undead Elves"? WTF?
    Why thank you for electing me the reigning champion. Ill take that as a compliment!

    And the non-sense is related to what i believe will eventually happen: high elves will be released together with sylvanas kin, the undead elves, the dark rangers and sanlayn. She is an undead high elf and the leader of human undead, and she doesnt have any playable characters like her.

    That is why i believe blizzard might release the pair high elves and undead elves together.

  16. #1996
    Daily reminder that it's never going to happen.

  17. #1997
    I don't tend to get involved with these sort of debates, I always keep a neutral stance on thus subject. If high elves happen, they happen, if they don't happen, they don't.

    I read a joke someone made on here about a civil war between the elves, and call me crazy, but it actually makes sense. The Alliance have night elves, void elves and high elves, the Horde have blood elves, nightborne and undead elves. Has there ever really been a time when they're not butting heads? Battle for Azeroth is all about faction conflict... it all makes sense now. Blizzard will more than likely add two more elf allied races, due to how vocal some of the players can be: quel'dorei (high elves; Alliance) and san'layn (undead elves; Horde). Then you have every elf race tied to a faction playable and don't need anymore elves.

    Please remember, I have always stayed neutral on this subject, this just merely popped into my head. And whether people like it or not, it makes sense from a lore standpoint. If more elves happen, I'll be content, if more elves don't happen, I'll be content.

  18. #1998
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Oh come on Obelisk Kai. You're getting more and more ridiculeous. Try being objective for once. This wall of text with some rp vibe does not serve you, nor it serves the debate.
    Everything I stated was fact and you cannot get more objective than that.

    And when some of the contributions to this debate rely on magically finding a missing High Elf population that is immediately loyal to the Alliance, I think a 'wall of text' that lays out exactly what the two sides have serves a damn timely purpose.

    Namely that everything that defines the 'high elf' fantasy in Warcraft belongs to the Blood Elves and therefore the Horde.

    And that the High Elves have a hut.

    Which they share with Draenei and Wildhammer Dwarves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Hallowseve17 View Post
    I don't tend to get involved with these sort of debates, I always keep a neutral stance on thus subject. If high elves happen, they happen, if they don't happen, they don't.

    I read a joke someone made on here about a civil war between the elves, and call me crazy, but it actually makes sense. The Alliance have night elves, void elves and high elves, the Horde have blood elves, nightborne and undead elves. Has there ever really been a time when they're not butting heads? Battle for Azeroth is all about faction conflict... it all makes sense now. Blizzard will more than likely add two more elf allied races, due to how vocal some of the players can be: quel'dorei (high elves; Alliance) and san'layn (undead elves; Horde). Then you have every elf race tied to a faction playable and don't need anymore elves.

    Please remember, I have always stayed neutral on this subject, this just merely popped into my head. And whether people like it or not, it makes sense from a lore standpoint. If more elves happen, I'll be content, if more elves don't happen, I'll be content.
    Possible, but there is no requirement for High Elves OR Undead Elves to be made playable for it to happen. Besides, trying to redefine the coming conflict as an Elven civil war is going to miss the point. It's a war between the Alliance and the Horde, the Nightborne and the Night Elves will participate the same as the Orcs, the Humans, the Gnomes or the Trolls.

    If there is going to be a 'thalassian civil war' angle in the coming conflict, it will be driven by the two relevant groups, the Blood Elves and the Void Elves. The High Elves may be permitted to tag along in their usual role of faction background.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaexion Ramza Beoulve View Post
    Daily reminder that it's never going to happen.
    Even I won't say that. It's just immensely unlikely. But never say never.

  19. #1999
    Quote Originally Posted by Hallowseve17 View Post
    I don't tend to get involved with these sort of debates, I always keep a neutral stance on thus subject. If high elves happen, they happen, if they don't happen, they don't.

    I read a joke someone made on here about a civil war between the elves, and call me crazy, but it actually makes sense. The Alliance have night elves, void elves and high elves, the Horde have blood elves, nightborne and undead elves. Has there ever really been a time when they're not butting heads? Battle for Azeroth is all about faction conflict... it all makes sense now. Blizzard will more than likely add two more elf allied races, due to how vocal some of the players can be: quel'dorei (high elves; Alliance) and san'layn (undead elves; Horde). Then you have every elf race tied to a faction playable and don't need anymore elves.

    Please remember, I have always stayed neutral on this subject, this just merely popped into my head. And whether people like it or not, it makes sense from a lore standpoint. If more elves happen, I'll be content, if more elves don't happen, I'll be content.
    Thanks for posting.
    Yes, elven civil war would be great.
    Adding high elves and undead elves brings many cool possibilities for the game, and makes players that want them happy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seahnjin View Post
    Agreed that the Anti side is taking this way too seriously.

    Personally, I don't have a horse in this race, but now that Blizzard have shown they were perfectly willing to sell white Draenei, moose Tauren and blue Blood Elves as Allied Races, anything goes. Why not give the Alliance a race that has been part of them since WC2 ? Just give them unique hair cuts, tattoos and face paint, since apparently a few unique features are all it takes to make a whole new playable character race. I have no idea why some people are so vehemently opposed to this. Did High Elves murder their entire family ? idek at this point.

    Likewise, I'd love the Horde to get Revantusk Trolls, or Ogres, but Ogres have a unique model and that might be a little much to ask for, admittedly.
    Thanks for your suport!
    I also agree ogres and jungle trolls should come as well.
    As i said in other posts, i would pair them like this:

    Raventusk trolls vs. Wildhammer dwarves
    Ogres vs. Saberons

    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post

    Even I won't say that. It's just immensely likely. But never say never.
    Hey Kai,

    I almost agreed with you this time! Check above how i fixed your sentence
    Last edited by RangerDaz; 2018-04-24 at 09:48 PM.

  20. #2000
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDaz View Post

    Hey Kai,

    I almost agreed with you this time! Check above how i fixed your sentence
    I acknowledge the possibility because to rule it out completely is silly.

    But based on everything in game and out of game, the chances of it actually happening are vanishingly low.

    Remember, you are asking Blizzard to reconsider a standing decision to reject High Elves and create Void Elves in their stead. Yet the existence of Void Elves makes playable High Elves on the Alliance even more unlikely as a corollary.

    And the issues that led them to reject playable High Elves the first time, namely that they are already playable, still stand.

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