1. #20181
    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    I hope they will get new Quel'dorei jewelry in gold/silver with blue or purple crystals.
    So far it seems it doesn't seem to be in yet texture wise -the old jewelry was on the skin, now it's a separate file- it might mean that VE's will continue to use BE skin tones rather than have their own versions of it -meaning literally sharing the texture file-

    - - - Updated - - -

    So for anyone on beta now, does the VE jewelry load correctly on the new skin tones now?

  2. #20182
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    So far it seems it doesn't seem to be in yet texture wise -the old jewelry was on the skin, now it's a separate file- it might mean that VE's will continue to use BE skin tones rather than have their own versions of it -meaning literally sharing the texture file-

    - - - Updated - - -

    So for anyone on beta now, does the VE jewelry load correctly on the new skin tones now?
    I don't have beta but it seems to be loading properly on the dressing room now.

  3. #20183
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    So for anyone on beta now, does the VE jewelry load correctly on the new skin tones now?
    Yes, it's working correctly now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Changes I noticed for now:

    - Void elf jewelry was fixed for the new skins
    - Void elf underwear wasn't fixed yet.
    - The new human beards are AWESOME!
    - Orc options were fixed. Sideburns split from beards mean you can have a total of 6 braids at once, lol.
    - Orc scars were split into scars and grime. Grime is a kind of makeup for orcs, allowing you to make your chin and eyes darker.
    - Female blood elf armbands are now working properly.
    - Mag'har orcs got eye colors, sideburns split from facial hair and inherited tusks, piercings and earrings from baseline orcs.
    - Dark Iron Dwarves are disabled. They are under work!
    - Still no Nightborne news.
    - Zandalari got eye color options: blue, green, light blue, silver, blind and blue/blind combinations.

  4. #20184
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I don't have beta but it seems to be loading properly on the dressing room now.
    Sweet! Hopefully we will be seeing new colors as per the strings (i'd love a silver with blue jewels color heh! who wouldn't tho XD)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    Yes, it's working correctly now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Changes I noticed for now:

    - Void elf jewelry was fixed for the new skins
    - Void elf underwear wasn't fixed yet.
    - The new human beards are AWESOME!
    - Orc options were fixed. Sideburns split from beards mean you can have a total of 6 braids at once, lol.
    - Orc scars were split into scars and grime. Grime is a kind of makeup for orcs, allowing you to make your chin and eyes darker.
    - Female blood elf armbands are now working properly.
    - Mag'har orcs got eye colors, sideburns split from facial hair and inherited tusks, piercings and earrings from baseline orcs.
    - Dark Iron Dwarves are disabled. They are under work!
    - Still no Nightborne news.
    - Zandalari got eye color options: blue, green, light blue, silver, blind and blue/blind combinations.
    Nice! So for VE I think they are just gonna use the BE skin tone ID without duplicating and editing the textures. One weird thing about the Underwear is that each skin tone has its own underwear texture, despite being the same for each skin tone; maybe they will re-path that so each skin tone shares the same unique underwear file (or who knows, maybe we will be able to choose underwear color lol)

  5. #20185
    Quote Originally Posted by Thalassian Bob View Post
    I certainly agree that ITSOTS is a great and well written story! I just don't like how she is pretty much single-handedly responsible for starting this stupid idea that one of the main reasons for the blood/high elf schism is that the high elves were horrified by the blood elves draining mana from living creatures when presumably almost all of them eat meat. I think it's such a weak position to build the tension from.
    That idea had been around for years before that, presented primarily in the Warcraft RPG (which was canon at the time). It certainly wasn't something she made up.

  6. #20186
    Quote Originally Posted by Thalassian Bob View Post
    I certainly agree that ITSOTS is a great and well written story! I just don't like how she is pretty much single-handedly responsible for starting this stupid idea that one of the main reasons for the blood/high elf schism is that the high elves were horrified by the blood elves draining mana from living creatures when presumably almost all of them eat meat. I think it's such a weak position to build the tension from.
    Can't agree more, and I can't even blame the ItSotS for it, because it really just tells us the Quel'lithien hold those beliefs, beliefs we haven't seen reflected on any other High Elven group.

    The whole ethics of mana siphoning as a core of HE/BE schism is just so flimsy and unnecessary when we already have sociopolitical reasons why both groups emerged on the first place; honestly for me it always came across the need of some HE fans to feel like the morally superior group of elf. Sadly, there are still a lot of those people on both HE and BE sides and I doubt they will ever go away.

  7. #20187
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Can't agree more, and I can't even blame the ItSotS for it, because it really just tells us the Quel'lithien hold those beliefs, beliefs we haven't seen reflected on any other High Elven group.

    The whole ethics of mana siphoning as a core of HE/BE schism is just so flimsy and unnecessary when we already have sociopolitical reasons why both groups emerged on the first place; honestly for me it always came across the need of some HE fans to feel like the morally superior group of elf. Sadly, there are still a lot of those people on both HE and BE sides and I doubt they will ever go away.
    It made a lot of sense when this idea was first introduced (five or more years before that short story), but the blood elves have been heavily retconned since. At the time, blood elves were psycho vampire-mana elves that both Horde and Alliance would kill on sight. Blood elves were reviled and feared by all.

    Later, when Blizzard decided to make blood elves a player race (instead of high elves) many of these ideas were reflected in the mana tap racial ability, blood elf paladins torturing Naru for their power, and all the wretched running around. Blizzard didn't just retcon the blood elves all at once. It was inched over through several years, and by the time ItSotS was written, these ideas had only half been removed from cannon.

  8. #20188

    My Velf is going to look so cute. The purple eyes are perfect.

  9. #20189
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alixie View Post
    My Velf is going to look so cute. The purple eyes are perfect.
    What are those shoes? Or is that look a pant/shoe combination?

  10. #20190
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alixie View Post
    heh I like me some commando dudes
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  11. #20191
    Quote Originally Posted by Isilrien View Post
    What are those shoes? Or is that look a pant/shoe combination?
    The pants are Barbaric Loincloth and the boots seem to be Suspicious Slippers. In game, however, the loincloth doesn't seem to hide the velf undergarments like they do in the dressing room which is strange.

  12. #20192
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Why should that be a trade in the first place? All of them should join the Alliance. Auric should because he could finally be reunited with his idol, Ennas and Lyria should because they would be rightfully pissed off at Theron for brainwashing them.
    well someone has to represent the blue eyed Blood Elves as @Rhlor said

    perhaps if not Auric then I guess Halduron since he's practically a "High Elf" in himself and he's so much underused, him being a Farstrider would definitely vouch easier for the Allerians
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  13. #20193
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    well someone has to represent the blue eyed Blood Elves as @Rhlor said

    perhaps if not Auric then I guess Halduron since he's practically a "High Elf" in himself and he's so much underused, him being a Farstrider would definitely vouch easier for the Allerians
    I don't understand why anyone "has to" represent High Elves returning to Silvermoon. Auric represents non-Horde aligned Thalassians strictly for purposes of visiting the Sunwell so they can do so safely. Horde aligned Thalassians need no such representation. They can access the Sunwell just like any other citizen of Silvermoon.

    The High Elves presumably joining the Ren'dorei have no such "representative", why do the ones presumably returning to Silvermoon need one? The only High Elves in Telogrus are generic High Elf Wayfarers. Adding some generic High Elf Cititzen NPC's roaming about Silvermoon should be sufficient.
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-07-16 at 12:59 PM.

  14. #20194
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    well someone has to represent the blue eyed Blood Elves as @Rhlor said

    perhaps if not Auric then I guess Halduron since he's practically a "High Elf" in himself and he's so much underused, him being a Farstrider would definitely vouch easier for the Allerians
    No one has to at all. Just like no one will represent sand or dark trolls in the Horde.

    Auric is the leader of the A-L-L-E-R-I-A-N Expedition, ofc he's loyal to A-L-L-E-R-I-A and the Alliance. Why are you people even debating this?

  15. #20195
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    well someone has to represent the blue eyed Blood Elves as @Rhlor said

    perhaps if not Auric then I guess Halduron since he's practically a "High Elf" in himself and he's so much underused, him being a Farstrider would definitely vouch easier for the Allerians
    I nominate Gilveradin Sunchaser. He's already friendly to orcs and thinks faction lines are dumb. You can have him.
    Last edited by DeicideUH; 2020-07-16 at 01:42 PM.

  16. #20196
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    The pants are Barbaric Loincloth and the boots seem to be Suspicious Slippers.
    Correct. The belt is the Silkweave Cinch. The "pants" make a good mock leotard, and I have a couple of outfits that use the two loincloth/thigh high boots combo.

  17. #20197
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    The pants are Barbaric Loincloth and the boots seem to be Suspicious Slippers. In game, however, the loincloth doesn't seem to hide the velf undergarments like they do in the dressing room which is strange.
    Ah, gotcha. Thanks!

  18. #20198
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    well someone has to represent the blue eyed Blood Elves as @Rhlor said

    perhaps if not Auric then I guess Halduron since he's practically a "High Elf" in himself and he's so much underused, him being a Farstrider would definitely vouch easier for the Allerians
    halduron is a blood elf npc who should represent the high elves should be a high elf npc

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I don't understand why anyone "has to" represent High Elves returning to Silvermoon. Auric represents non-Horde aligned Thalassians strictly for purposes of visiting the Sunwell so they can do so safely. Horde aligned Thalassians need no such representation. They can access the Sunwell just like any other citizen of Silvermoon.

    The High Elves presumably joining the Ren'dorei have no such "representative", why do the ones presumably returning to Silvermoon need one? The only High Elves in Telogrus are generic High Elf Wayfarers. Adding some generic High Elf Cititzen NPC's roaming about Silvermoon should be sufficient.
    The high elf in the alliance have characters that represent them as vereesa, in the horde they should also have someone to represent them and auric would be the best option from my point of view, no high elf aligned with the void elves would be allowed to visit the sunwell

  19. #20199
    Did I miss an episode?
    Will Blizzard add NPCs named High Elf to the horde?

    I have not seen anything that would suggest it.

  20. #20200
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    No one has to at all. Just like no one will represent sand or dark trolls in the Horde.

    Auric is the leader of the A-L-L-E-R-I-A-N Expedition, ofc he's loyal to A-L-L-E-R-I-A and the Alliance. Why are you people even debating this?
    the zandalari are actually part of the horde and the other troll tribes joined the zandalari in cata
    the high elves of allerian stronghold were loyal to quelthalas! quelthalas was part of the alliance when they were locked up in outland

    there is even an elf who specifically says she dreams of coming back to quel'thalas

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    Did I miss an episode?
    Will Blizzard add NPCs named High Elf to the horde?

    I have not seen anything that would suggest it.
    devs said in an interview that they are making the high elves npc a playable race and that when players use the new customizations they are playing with a high elf who chose to join either the blood elves or the void elves
    ion said they would add npcs in capital cities with new customizations

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