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Yes, it's working correctly now.
- - - Updated - - -
Changes I noticed for now:
- Void elf jewelry was fixed for the new skins
- Void elf underwear wasn't fixed yet.
- The new human beards are AWESOME!
- Orc options were fixed. Sideburns split from beards mean you can have a total of 6 braids at once, lol.
- Orc scars were split into scars and grime. Grime is a kind of makeup for orcs, allowing you to make your chin and eyes darker.
- Female blood elf armbands are now working properly.
- Mag'har orcs got eye colors, sideburns split from facial hair and inherited tusks, piercings and earrings from baseline orcs.
- Dark Iron Dwarves are disabled. They are under work!
- Still no Nightborne news.
- Zandalari got eye color options: blue, green, light blue, silver, blind and blue/blind combinations.