1. #20201
    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    Did I miss an episode?
    Will Blizzard add NPCs named High Elf to the horde?

    I have not seen anything that would suggest it.
    They haven't yet to my knowledge and I am unsure if they will even bother. They don't seem interested in specifically confirming or denying what exactly High Elves are doing. They haven't touched Telogrus on the alpha/beta at all, so right now it seems like they are leaving things up to our headcanon.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    devs said in an interview that they are making the high elves npc a playable race and that when players use the new customizations they are playing with a high elf who chose to join either the blood elves or the void elves
    ion said they would add npcs in capital cities with new customizations
    Ion said they plan to make generic npc's use the new customization options. They are not going to change Auric's faction from Alliance to Horde. I am pretty sure Ion specifically said they weren't going to change established NPC's much if at all.
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-07-16 at 02:32 PM.

  2. #20202
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    quelthalas was part of the alliance when they were locked up in outland

    I'm sorry Sir but you're wrong.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  3. #20203
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    devs said in an interview that they are making the high elves npc a playable race and that when players use the new customizations they are playing with a high elf who chose to join either the blood elves or the void elves
    ion said they would add npcs in capital cities with new customizations
    Yes, for the players and only for the players, so that they can finally be able to make a high elf.

  4. #20204
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    They haven't yet to my knowledge and I am unsure if they will even bother. They don't seem interested in specifically confirming or denying what exactly High Elves are doing. They haven't touched Telogrus on the alpha/beta at all, so right now it seems like they are leaving things up to our headcanon.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yes, they plan to add generic npc's They are not going to change Auric's faction from Alliance to Horde.
    If I play with a high elf in the horde, that means that I change my faction, therefore if the player's character in the Lore changes faction, why can't someone who we saw in Queldanas change their faction and who says that the children of silvermoon should we be united and avenge the sunwell?

    They are going to add npcs I think they can add an npc that we already know is not so difficult.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    Yes, for the players and only for the players, so that they can finally be able to make a high elf.
    Ion said they are going to add NPCs high elves in silvermoon! therefore i would like to see auric as an npc in silvermoon!

  5. #20205
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    Ion said they are going to add NPCs high elves in silvermoon! therefore i would like to see auric as an npc in silvermoon!
    I haven't seen anything, you invent ...

    They said that nothing will be added in the game to explain some of these new customization options and that there will also be an update for existing NPCs, like the Alliance High Elves for example.

  6. #20206
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    If I play with a high elf in the horde, that means that I change my faction, therefore if the player's character in the Lore changes faction, why can't someone who we saw in Queldanas change their faction and who says that the children of silvermoon should we be united and avenge the sunwell?

    They are going to add npcs I think they can add an npc that we already know is not so difficult.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ion said they are going to add NPCs high elves in silvermoon! therefore i would like to see auric as an npc in silvermoon!
    You playing a Blood Elf as what you perceive as a High Elf is headcanon, just like Alliance players playing a Void Elf as what they perceive as a High Elf is headcanon. Blizzard is not going to change an established Alliance character to Horde.

    Ion's words exactly:

    In response to the question "will World of Warcraft: Shadowlands introduce any quests to explain their new presence among the Horde and Alliance?"

    Ion said:
    There no specific plans around those lines in Shadowlands
    He also said:
    we're not going to change existing named established characters
    That flat out kills your request for Auric to jump the fence.

    He then said:

    But walking around Stormwind or around other parts of the world, you will see guards and random civilians that have these looks as if they've been there all along.
    That's about all you can expect.
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-07-16 at 02:51 PM.

  7. #20207
    Dreadlord Thalassian Bob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    That idea had been around for years before that, presented primarily in the Warcraft RPG (which was canon at the time). It certainly wasn't something she made up.
    I hadn't seen it discussed before that story came out but I'll defer to your understanding there.

    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Can't agree more, and I can't even blame the ItSotS for it, because it really just tells us the Quel'lithien hold those beliefs, beliefs we haven't seen reflected on any other High Elven group.

    The whole ethics of mana siphoning as a core of HE/BE schism is just so flimsy and unnecessary when we already have sociopolitical reasons why both groups emerged on the first place; honestly for me it always came across the need of some HE fans to feel like the morally superior group of elf. Sadly, there are still a lot of those people on both HE and BE sides and I doubt they will ever go away.
    I think just the fact that the blood elves joined the Horde, with it's former Scourge, orcs and trolls, should have been ample ground to build the division from (I like to think that's the main reason for a lot of non-Quel'Lithien elves to lean Alliance).

    Yeah, I've seen plenty of people using the mana-siphoning schtick to paint the Quel'dorei as superior in this thread. The reality is, though, that there's plenty of elves who are complete arseholes who have both green and blue eyes.

  8. #20208
    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    I haven't seen anything, you invent ...

    They said that nothing will be added in the game to explain some of these new customization options and that there will also be an update for existing NPCs, like the Alliance High Elves for example.
    With all the diversity now possible in player customization options, we’re curious if the new customization options will also be reflected on Shadowlands NPC appearances? And will existing NPCs around Azeroth (like Stormwind NPCs from Cataclysm) receive new appearances reflecting the new diverse customization options?

    As with any tool we have available with us, designers will make use of it for current or future content. That may include going back to the old world, when new vendors are added, and customizing and updating some of the old NPCs in the world. But it depends on the time involved and what our bandwidth is. Our focus is always on the next expansion and the content coming up to provide the best possible game, but certainly having those available gives our designers a lot more to work with, and I would expect to see more of that diversity and customization represented in the world going forward for sure.

    Well, it was also said that the new options can be added to new npcs.
    what would be the problem with all the information we have now that we have an npc like auric in quelthalas

  9. #20209
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    Well, it was also said that the new options can be added to new npcs.
    what would be the problem with all the information we have now that we have an npc like auric in quelthalas
    Auric is not a new NPC.

    As Ion said:

    we're not going to change existing named established characters

  10. #20210
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    You playing a Blood Elf as what you perceive as a High Elf is headcanon, just like Alliance players playing a Void Elf as what they perceive as a High Elf is headcanon. Blizzard is not going to change an established Alliance character to Horde.

    Ion's words exactly:

    In response to the question "will World of Warcraft: Shadowlands introduce any quests to explain their new presence among the Horde and Alliance?"

    Ion said:

    He also said:

    That flat out kills your request for Auric to jump the fence.

    He then said:

    That's about all you can expect.
    According to a dev interview Ion gave several months ago, Blood Elves were originally unintended to have blue eyes in Shadowlands, but later on that decision was reversed following team discussions. If the art department was involved, what was the reasoning that led to blue eyes being added for Void Elves and Blood Elves?

    This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn't really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we're providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

    is talking specifically about the high elves npcs and that we can choose where to play with those high elves either with the horde or with the alliance

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Auric is not a new NPC.

    As Ion said:
    but if they are going to add new npcs they can also add to auric which is already an npc that we see in quelthalas!

  11. #20211
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    If I play with a high elf in the horde, that means that I change my faction, therefore if the player's character in the Lore changes faction, why can't someone who we saw in Queldanas change their faction and who says that the children of silvermoon should we be united and avenge the sunwell?

    Ion said they are going to add NPCs high elves in silvermoon! therefore i would like to see auric as an npc in silvermoon!
    Avenge the Sunwell against who? The Alliance cleansed the Sunwell over a decade ago, and Arthas is dead and sitting in Hell. Its kind of silly (of any Alliance allied race) to join the Horde this late and after a lot of bloodshed and bonding with their allies.The two elf groups have been pretty adamant about keeping separate identities since the divergence. But they've written worse. I fully expect Calia Menethil aligned Forsaken to join the Alliance eventually. Again, silly, but whatever.

    I guess I can expect Blood Elves to be openly welcomed in Stormwind, along with Hauldron Brightwing as an emissary/representative. He's one of the few Blood Elf leaders who has an amicable relationship with High Elves and the Alliance. Lorthemar also seemed to be getting on friendly terms with the Alliance too after running around with them in Nazjatar. Wouldnt that be the bee's knees if they were serious about reunification and Silvermoon becomes a friendly/neutral city to the Alliance and Horde?

  12. #20212
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    but if they are going to add new npcs they can also add to auric which is already an npc that we see in quelthalas!
    One does not have anything to do with the other and Auric is not a new npc.

    is talking specifically about the high elves npcs and that we can choose where to play with those high elves either with the horde or with the alliance
    That quote has nothing to do with NPC's. It is explaining why they decided to give us these customization options.

    Again Ion said:

    we're not going to change existing named established characters

    If I play with a high elf in the horde, that means that I change my faction,
    This quote from Ion implies otherwise:

    I think in some ways, frankly, it's a bit of a retcon. Like we're not going to change existing named established characters and make them look different. But walking around Stormwind or around other parts of the world, you will see guards and random civilians that have these looks as if they've been there all along.
    Your High Elf was always there in Silvermoon. They didn't switch factions.
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-07-16 at 03:01 PM.

  13. #20213
    Quote Originally Posted by Alixie View Post
    Avenge the Sunwell against who? The Alliance cleansed the Sunwell over a decade ago, and Arthas is dead and sitting in Hell. Its kind of silly (of any Alliance allied race) to join the Horde this late and after a lot of bloodshed and bonding with their allies.The two elf groups have been pretty adamant about keeping separate identities since the divergence. But they've written worse. I fully expect Calia Menethil aligned Forsaken to join the Alliance eventually. Again, silly, but whatever.

    I guess I can expect Blood Elves to be openly welcomed in Stormwind, along with Hauldron Brightwing as an emissary/representative. He's one of the few Blood Elf leaders who has an amicable relationship with High Elves and the Alliance. Lorthemar also seemed to be getting on friendly terms with the Alliance too after running around with them in Nazjatar. Wouldnt that be the bee's knees if they were serious about reunification and Silvermoon becomes a friendly/neutral city to the Alliance and Horde?
    Auric said that in WOTLK guess spoke of the scourge! the high elves in terokkar forest did not have a problem with quelthalas blood elves.

  14. #20214
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    With all the diversity now possible in player customization options, we’re curious if the new customization options will also be reflected on Shadowlands NPC appearances? And will existing NPCs around Azeroth (like Stormwind NPCs from Cataclysm) receive new appearances reflecting the new diverse customization options?

    As with any tool we have available with us, designers will make use of it for current or future content. That may include going back to the old world, when new vendors are added, and customizing and updating some of the old NPCs in the world. But it depends on the time involved and what our bandwidth is. Our focus is always on the next expansion and the content coming up to provide the best possible game, but certainly having those available gives our designers a lot more to work with, and I would expect to see more of that diversity and customization represented in the world going forward for sure.

    Well, it was also said that the new options can be added to new npcs.
    what would be the problem with all the information we have now that we have an npc like auric in quelthalas

    He did not say that there will be new high elf NPCs added to the horde.

    And, your desire to see Auric in the horde becomes obsessive.
    I think you will be disappointed, I had to tell you.

  15. #20215
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    One does not have anything to do with the other and Auric is not a new npc.

    That quote has nothing to do with NPC's. It is explaining why they decided to give us these customization options.

    Again Ion said:


    This quote from Ion implies otherwise:

    Your High Elf was always there in Silvermoon. They didn't switch factions.
    You were saying that being a high elf is a headcanon and it isn't! even danuser already said that if you play with a blue eyed blood elf you are a high elf and Ely Cannon says they are adding the HIGH ELVES that were in the GAME! as a playable race and that players choose which faction to play!

    so yes! in lore if i use the new customizations i'm a high elf that change faction!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    He did not say that there will be new high elf NPCs added to the horde.

    And, your desire to see Auric in the horde becomes obsessive.
    I think you will be disappointed, I had to tell you.
    actually any new npcs will be a high elf if uses the new customizations!

  16. #20216
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    You were saying that being a high elf is a headcanon and it isn't! even danuser already said that if you play with a blue eyed blood elf you are a high elf and Ely Cannon says they are adding the HIGH ELVES that were in the GAME! as a playable race and that players choose which faction to play!

    so yes! in lore if i use the new customizations i'm a high elf that change faction!
    In the sense that Blood Elves & Void Elves using High Elf customization will still be displayed as Blood Elves/Void Elves in game (unless a new system is added), then yes our Horde and Alliance High Elves are headcanon. Just like Dwarves using Wildhammer customization options are headcanon Wildhammer Dwarves.

    If you use the new customizations you can definitely RP as a High Elf that changed faction, but the game lore and the NPC's are not going to validate your RP choices, nor is Auric going to be have his faction changed.
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-07-16 at 03:15 PM.

  17. #20217
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    In the sense that Blood Elves & Void Elves using High Elf customization will still be displayed as Blood Elves/Void Elves in game (unless a new system is added), then yes our Horde and Alliance High Elves are headcanon. Just like Dwarves using Wildhammer customization options are headcanon Wildhammer Dwarves.

    If you use the new customizations you can definitely RP as a High Elf that changed faction, but the game and the NPC's are not going to validate your RP choices, nor is Auric going to be have his faction changed.
    danuser said customizations are canon! if you play a sand furry customization you are a sand furry!

  18. #20218
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    danuser said customizations are canon! if you play a sand furry customization you are a sand furry!
    He said no such thing. He said:

    letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out
    I think you need to stop reading things that aren't actually there. And you certainly should stop claiming things are being said that aren't actually being said.

  19. #20219
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    He said no such thing. He said:

    I think you need to stop reading things that aren't actually there. And you certainly should stop claiming things are being said that aren't actually being said.
    yes, it says exactly what i say. allows players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play ! this is a fantasy game!
    Last edited by Rhlor; 2020-07-16 at 03:30 PM.

  20. #20220
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    yes, it says exactly what i say. allows players what a fantasy to play! this is a fantasy game!
    No it does not say what you said. You claimed he said it was canon. He did not. No one is saying you can't play out your fantasy in a fantasy game. You're free to enjoy your fantasy in game once these options go live, but don't expect Auric to change factions. He's going to remain an Alliance NPC.

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