The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
I mean I do remember they had made him a member of the silver hand, but after players pointed out how little sense it made, they changed where he stood:
So like, he is most likely still a Blood Knight regardless of how he dresses, since the Blood Elven order of Paladins are the Blood Knights, and even if he isn't a Blood Knight, there's really no way of knowing if he as a paladin before the Fall, or became one one by the time of Legion? Hard to know, and IMO it is kinda moot. All this might tell us is that, at most, he is a BE paladin that doesn't consider himself a Blood Knight, but not much about his origin beyond speculation.
Honestly? For me is just an issue created by making the class trainers members of the Class Orders, so they look like class order NPC's -I can't remember their names, but some Silver Hand BE npcs that help you in Stratholme use this armor if I'm remembering correctly-
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Ah! are you counting
Nonetheless, I think the first one and the ponytail are my favorites.
I actually preferred him having an Argent Crusade at least a non-Alliance Silver Hand offshoot banner, at least it actually reinforces the idea of neutral Silver Hand Paladins that aren't Blood Knights like Arator (he's Alliance actually but you get the point) going back to Quel'thalas
but yes I do agree on the last part you said
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
I just gotta drop in to say that the new Blood Elf options should have all been given to the Alliance. It's just High Elf/Silver Covenant aesthetic stuff. Blizzard: true High Elf fans will never enjoy playing Horde. Just stop trying to subvert the good story Metzen told.
Thank you! But as far as new hairstyles go, Don't have beta so I cant!!
But if someone could export the new hairstyles as .obj with initial pose only in WMV I could work with that!
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Yeh, tbh I think they dropped the ball a bit by making The Silver Hand go so readily back to the Alliance during BfA. I do like the idea of class organizations being neutral, so maybe it should have never been the Silver Hand on the first place :/
Indeed; be it as Void Elves or High Elves, either is closer to humans culturally -but tbh it works perfectly for NB and Belves
Also most certainly agree. Honestly? Hairstyles should work like a separate geoset and much like 3D helms do -with physics-like Lor'themar and Valeera's hair.That being said... I think all hairstyles should be available to every race.
That way every hairstyle is literally just a "helm" that's made to fit each race.
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Thank you! ! Fingers crossed hehe!
Lol. Thanks! Im tempted to post his other outfits...
I freaking love that velfs will have a bunch of skin tones to chose from. I still like the purple skin tones, even thought its over represented on Alliance.
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Then you lucid dream the ending where you strut around like it was a purposely done fashion statement.
Hi guys,
I'm new here. I really love the Queldorei.
I did this hair, I would like an opinion on it.
I think the idea of dreads is really cool, but with the elegance of Quel'dorei.
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.